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Don't be angry Kendall
Lol too late
I'm not, just baffled.
Have an upvote
hopeForHumanity = minimal;
variable is undefined. (it never existed)
Where does Windows get its back button from?
that image must be stored somewhere I mean?
What I'd really like is to see him delete the answer. :/
@DemCodeLines Which back button?
I think he means IE
I guess there is back buttons on explorer and file open, etc.
the one in the explorer
It may not even be a bitmap image. It could be generated using vector graphics at runtime.
or even IE one
I need this exact back button
is there a way to access it in a file open form?
@DemCodeLines Why that exact one?
that must be windows 8.
styling :D
@DemCodeLines But whyyy?
Just make it yourself.
only better
I can't
If I try to draw a circle, its so bad and chippy
Use antialiasing.
use powerpoint lol
Use paint
Draw a circle with what?
code? Paint?
pencil and paper?
Your mouth?
If I try to draw that back button using graphics
snipping tool?
@DemCodeLines Enable antialiasing.
it makes an awful circle
@DemCodeLines Winforms or WPF?
I've never made vector objects for a form. Is there a way to use EPS or WMF files to make buttons?
@RyanJMcGowan You can create an Image from a WMF file I think.
I never have.
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Black))
            e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, 0, 0, 50, 50);
You can draw the arrow easily enough as well.
yeah but images don't scale and antialiasing isn't so great.
@eve that works
but arrow is the pain
It's three lines or two lines and a triangle, is that so hard?
The ends of the arrows aren't 90­°
OK, you can use WMF files... I can make that in about 15 seconds on Illustrator
and it would be vector
Can you make that arrow?
I need to make that one
Just freakin make it in paint or gimp or something
Here's a genius idea. You have the picture. I know you do. You posted it twice. So crop the picture and use it as-is.
But think of modularity!
just what i was thinking
vector > bitmaps
BTW, I did some vector drawing today. I designed a not-very-ugly back for some playing cards.
I'm so proud.
Show us.
I'm so proud also (of me)
interesting note: that back button is subpixel antialiased like fonts are.
the arrow is, but not the circle
The arrow must be a font
@RyanJMcGowan In fact it is.
@Eve Bah, can't upload a svg, so here's the render:
Do you want it with a background or without?
For these:
I think it's pretty good.
There should be 5 aces. ;)
You don't play poker much, do you?
Funny, funny.
@DemCodeLines Do you want it with a background or without?
BTW, that's what I plan to do with these cards.
Will my accept rate drop to 0 even if I make my first question into a bounty tomorrow?
@Eve bounties have nothing to do with accept rate.
I believe they should.
If you're opening a bounty it's explicitly because the given answers, if any, didn't solve your problem.
I've never done a bounty yet. I just came back on here linked it when more people are on
Say that I ask a question and someone posts something completely unrelated which doesn't even help. The current system implies that I a) erase the question b) accept it c) look like a prick.
Your accept rate won't be visible until you get answers to at least 4 questions.
Oh, really? Ok, I guess that's not bad.
But regardless, is my thought wrong? I think that bounties and accept rate should be related.
I don't see any possible correlation.
I wrote it two messages above.
Are you saying that bounties should increase your accept rate?
BTW, I think what I should have said was: Your accept rate won't be visible until you get upvoted answers to at least 4 questions.
No, I'm saying that the accept rate changes after three days that your question was opened, while I believe that, in case you open a bounty, it should change only after the bounty is over.
Bounties might lead to increased accept rate as they will attract more answers, especially if there already is an "answer" to a question.
You know why razor's great? Because this works: data-callback="@[email protected]"
@Eve Oh.
I don't think it makes much of a difference, but feel free to post on meta.
Glad to see the same faces are still here. You're my favorite people on a Saturday night.
@Billdr Is it just me, or injection?
I was told that peopl-- Er, meta users aren't really open to discussion.
@KendallFrey You see an injection there?
@Eve I think your point is valid, and if you present your idea well, you at least won't get flamed.
@Billdr Uh, no sir.
I'm confused.
Well, not really sir.
Not a big one sir.
Why are you calling me sir?
@KendallFrey did you do Euler 22?
You seemed slightly condescending. :)
@JohanLarsson Yup.
I'm condescending because I called you my favorite people on a Saturday night?
I was being ernest. The C# room is way better than the pub I just came from.
@Billdr What if @User.Identity.Name contains, say, "foo&bar=baz"
Does that automatically encode it, or is that an injection vulnerability?
@KendallFrey did you use equivalent of strings.OrderBy(s=>s).ToList();?
@JohanLarsson Lemme look.
Good question. I'm not sure & is a valid username character, but I can check.
@KendallFrey I'm starting to think it is something with my sorting, should be trivial, but am tired :)
@JohanLarsson Very, very similar.
actually, on the return trip the username in that field must match a username in the table. Sooo
@JohanLarsson What's the whole line of code you used there?
private List<string> Names
        string replace = Properties.Resources.Problem22.Replace("\"", "").ToLower();
        string[] strings = replace.Split(',');
        return strings.OrderBy(s=>s).ToList();
for (int index = 0; index < names.Count; index++)
    int i = index;
    Task<int> startNew = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                                                  var name = names[i];
                                                  return name.Sum(c => c - 'a' + 1)*(1 + i);
in Teenage Programmers Chatroom, 48 secs ago, by Conner Douglass
@CCInc is over there hating on Java. Its pretty funny
@Billdr Good news. I will sign up as jonskeet first, then jonskeet&admin=true
Good luck with that.
my controller will have to parse that as something
People are hating on me for hating on Java.
@JohanLarsson Tasks? ew.
At least you took care of the captured variable. Well done, sir!
@KendallFrey get the same with & without, got fed up with waiting :)
Why should I hate on java?
10:00: I'm going to bed in 5 minutes.
10:15: I'm going to bed in 5 minutes.
10:30: I'm going to bed in 5 minutes.
@JohanLarsson Just wondering, what result do you get?
@JohanLarsson You can use the static Array.Sort instead of that OrderBy.
Or doesn't it finish?
@Eve I used OrderBy.
@KendallFrey I get 871207122
I don't know what the whole thing is about, I just know that that s => s made me frown a little.
I get correct for COLIN (938 x 53 = 49714)
5163 elements in list
@KendallFrey This is enough I think, I want to find the dumb myself, just wanted some sanity checks
I draw a vector button for the guy and then he goes to sleep!
And that's why I always wait for an acknowledgment before getting to work.
meh... I wanted to see how wmfs look on forms anyway
which isn't great
but I didn't add antialias to the code.
@RyanJMcGowan I will give it to him tomorrow
@DemCodeLines ping
What is the way you should add graphics on a form? There's no graphics in the toolbox
Hey guys, I got it work
@DemCodeLines ...
Special thanks to @Eve for helping me get started
@DemCodeLines lets see
Also to others!
see what?
the final thing
@DemCodeLines Nice & nice @Eve!
My asp site says, "Hello, bad;actor&!"
I hope that that was an autogenerated class name.
looks just like mine. haha
@DemCodeLines How did you finally do it?
Drew the circle and cropped the arrow image out
Did you see the Travis script?
@JohanLarsson yes
It neeeds some revision
minor things, are you runnning the latest from bookmarklet?
@CCInc and everyone else I asked for help, I got that MDI forms problem figured out
I ended up using usercontrols instead of the form
@JohanLarsson Yes, but if I want to hide something, I don't want to look in a menu to find it.
@DemCodeLines FINALLY!
lol YES!!!!!
That antialiasing code wouldn't work on WMF objects.
define: WMF
If it's in a picture box, anyway
Windows Media File I think?
It's just a vector object
Like a SVG file sorta
data-callback="@Request.Url.AbsoluteUri/[email protected](User.Identity.‌​Name)" injection averted. Thanks @KendallFrey.
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 3))
            e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, 0, 0, 50, 50);
            using (var font = new Font("Segoe UI Symbol", 20))
                e.Graphics.DrawString("\uE0D5", font, Brushes.Black, 5, 8);
You don't need images for that.
I just hardcoded some values in there, adapt them in the way it's most convenient for you.
well, it's still going to be client code, so they can do whatever the hell they want to it, but at least I'll be able to interpret the value correctly if they don't mung it too badly.
Seems like you should be able to insert vector art as graphics like that
and then you could access SmoothingMode
Just pointing it out, Win8 modern interface actually does use a glyph from Segoe UI Symbol for the back button.
Same for most other standard ones.
yeah, I could tell by the pixels. haha
subsampled antialiasing
the circle had gray antialiasing. The arrow had red and blue.
Can I have some of you ping blockchain.info for me? The IP I get is different from what they say it should be.
Sure @Billdr
I'm getting
One time I deleted a font, and a ton of icons in windows were squares.
Pinging blockchain.info [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=170ms TTL=43
Reply from bytes=32 time=166ms TTL=43
Reply from bytes=32 time=168ms TTL=43
Reply from bytes=32 time=162ms TTL=43

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 162ms, Maximum = 170ms, Average = 166ms
Same ^
sonovabitch, yours is different than both of the CC and Eve.
Could it be locational?
"verify the request comes from our ip..." their sample code says the ip is Am I going to have to permit the entire class c network?
is it a shared host? Not an IT guy, but I know they have ways of having two servers run one app.
Could be distributed hosting or something.
Still, I don't want to trust more addresses than I have to.
@Billdr Strange thing.
I think most hosts charge extra for a dedicated IP
I can visit, but 2 and 3 are not avalible for me
In fact, I can't ping them
Probably geographic distribution or something
seriously what?
Are you in the US Eve/CC?
and Eve is also I think
I can get to both 203 and 204 on mine.
Actually, you are right.
I hope they reserved 202 for outbound... but still, I'd rather have some way to verify it if the IP should change.
I can ping 203 but not 202
That makes more sense.
You probably want a dedicated IP
yesterday, by Eve
Currently in Massachussets, but will go back to Europe in a few days.
@RyanJMcGowan I really want a dedicated IP, but I don't want to deal with the headache of rebuilding my code if they get assigned a new IP sometime down the line. Or say, IPv6 rolls out.
Is it critical that you work with the IP address?
Maybe you can create a method that checks the IP address and saves it to a variable.
Here is another question
Can I add a click event for a gdi rectangle?
idk, but you can add an invisible button over something else.
@DemCodeLines Just derive from UserControl or from another control.
Should have the MouseDown event already.
Also look up, if you haven't, I've posted an example using the actual arrow instead of an image.
Why do you people hate java so much?
@CCInc Verbosity?
And no anonymous functions.
@CCInc Posted a few blocks ago, but still, javadoc.bugaco.com/com/sun/java/swing/plaf/nimbus/…
But I don't hate Java, just agree that it's a bit too verbose.
Compared to C# at least.
@RyanJMcGowan I need to verify this request came from where I think it came from. If it's not, it's a duder stealing muh monies!
*mah monies. Sorry.
@Mechanicalsnail At least it isn't in the public API.
What are you doing? Simulating forex?
@Eve I tried the example you posted
it showed a rectangular box
27 mins ago, by Eve
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 3))
            e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, 0, 0, 50, 50);
            using (var font = new Font("Segoe UI Symbol", 20))
                e.Graphics.DrawString("\uE0D5", font, Brushes.Black, 5, 8);
Uh, you don't have Segoe UI Symbol?
You need to make sure it's a default font
I am not even sure about that, running W8 here but I thought that it was in there before too. Maybe take a look in Segoe UI.
Hmm.. I have Segoe UI Symbol and Segoe UI. Disregard what I said
night all
is the question "Does storing passport photos on a webserver require extra security considerations" appropriate for SO
probably not
well, passport photo copies
ok, any recommendations as to where it might go?
Think of SO as a resource for other people with programming questions. I would imagine common sense says to keep them secure.
are there any good .NET SVG libraries?
I know they are just XML files, so XElement and such would work
was hoping there was something a little more specific out there though
yeah, I've seen that, it's 10 years old thoug
No... 9 years and 10 months!
I feel like at that point you can round it =)
"The Metafile class provides methods for Microsoft's vector grahics specification. The .NET has extensive support for XML which is the basis for svg files. SVG files can be displayed in IE9 and later."
maybe through metafiles then?
Hmm I just opened a wmf file and it looks nothing like xml
well, it appears I can accept bitcoins. I can't acknowledge that I've accepted them, but they can be sent to me.
Are you designing the client side or is that some third party request?
I just need to generate some SVG files
don't need to render them
I put a prototype together that just used razorengine to generate markup
and saved it to files
but now I need to port it to .NET 3.5
I never messed with SVG but if it's simple enough to do with XML namespaces, then maybe that's faster than trying to find a library, learn it, implement, etc...
I suppose the code is only temporary anyway
my templated solution is so clean
I wish it wasn't throw away code
You know what would really great for this chat? Webex-style sharing so we could just share what we are looking at.
would be cool
how would you control who gets to share?
On webex you send it to thier email. You theoretically could do it through webex, but it's limited to 3 unless you go the paid subscription
You can also control who does what on the meeting itself. You can pass files around, mute people, etc.
It works great while I teach my cousin what (little) I know about C#. I'm watching his desktop and telling him where to go, what to type, etc.
yeah....I used to do that with lync
or whatever that MS corporate chat program is
it's free for up to 3 people?
good to know
any experience with flash or emf?
flash kind of. not so much the asctionscript, but definitely the graphins part of it.
I think expersion bliend is our alternative for flash?
for a project I need to generate some graphics into SVG, EMF, and Flash
generate it from your .net code?
sort of
I mean, yeah, using .NET
basically take an AutoCAD drawing, grab some information from it
and turn it into SVG, EMF, and Flash
I know that there is componant to show flash files in .net forms but to create it this is big
we already have an implementation that does it
check if flash dlls
but the code is garbage
wooooow nice then where is the problem
it's probably around three thousand lines of code split among 3 files
maybe more
Guys do you know how can I check if reminder of double/double is a whole integer? I mean it shouldnt have any decimal points
round it to zero
there is method called round I guess
math.round maybe
no thats not gona work I guess
it return double again
it wouldn't be a whole double.
doesn't the % operand give you the remainder?
can you give an example of what you want?
something like 4.0 % 1.5 = 1?
== I suppose
Is there a direct way to find if your project have any (of T) generic classes?
if I do (double%double) the result is always double even if its 1...it will be 1.0
I might cast it to int after all
just wanted to see if there is a way without casting
I mean parse as int
You can't convert a double to an int by just dividing them. Of course it will still be a double.
If you want to know if it will be a whole number (aka an integer), you can test if it has a remainder of 0.
Could anyone tell me how to bind a property on an object to a textbox for an example?
textBox.Text = property;
That's not really binding it, though =)
write this code in a textchange event for example so it stay uptodate
"You've earned the "Outspoken" badge. See your profile" Now there's something no one's ever said about me.
1 hour later…
@amrosama Try: Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().Where(t => t.ContainsGenericParameters)
2 am. Code is still broken. The API I'm trying to connect to refuses to send to me any more, with no explanation why. I can only assume it's because I've been failing for several hours. I need sleep. And beer. Good night room.
any ASP.NET developers?
I made a question in stackoverflow.. and got 2 vote to close it as it is not constructive and scoped. NOw I have edited. stackoverflow.com/questions/14180477/…
can any body help on it?
That's beyond my skill level.
ok. :)
Maybe @KyleTrauberman can look at it when he's back on.
any help needed from myside?
Maybe. Thanks. I'm doing an MVC site for the first time. I've done a webforms site. Security is important. Should I use the default Membership provider and override it with my own properties and use the same tables, or would it be better to create one from scratch?
It is good Idea to use the membership provider
It has all the feature integrated well with MVC
and use the same tables?
if you plan to use different database other than MSSQL then you have think about another idea
if you use MSSQL, go with the same tables.
you can merge the db once you've done the proj.
ok. Now let me ask this: When the default provider authenticates a new view, doesn't it query the database each time?
it queries.
is there a way to keep it from doing that?
why you need to do so?
can u ask ur question again
I'm thinking I'll have peak demands at very short times of the day. It won't be spread out.
All the users will be using it at the same time, and a lot what they are doing is working with the database.

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