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Why not?
My point was that if you have to inline something, then at least put the element first.
Because if the script knows anything about the page then it would be too coupled. It should be dynamic and setup at runtime.
Oh okay I suppose so. I only use partial views so while it technically is inline it doesn't look like it so to me it still makes sense to put it at the top.
Like this:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $("#btnCancel").click(function () { Navigate("home/login"); });
        $("#btnReset").click(function () {
            AJAXLoadData("/Method/ResetPassword/", { username: $("#txtUsername").val() }, function (msg) {
                if (msg.Success) {
                } else {
I think I have a book on that :P
Nice, that looks good. But what I am saying is that there could be a script which renders the meat of that table
And then it would be inside of there
instead of the trs and tds
What like a list of records?
I just use templating for that.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function loadCompanies() {
        $("#tblCompanies tr").not("tr.obj_rwCompany").not("tr.obj_rwHeader").remove();

        AdminLoadData("/Method/GetCompanies/", null, function (msg) {
            $(".obj_btnCreateCompany").click(function () {
                    autoOpen: true,
                    modal: true,
                    buttons: {
                        "Yes": function () {
Mostly for inputs
Especially if you are inputting a set of inputs which can have multiple nested sets of multiple nested sets
So, for example, I have an view for a WorkList form. The WorkList has a set of Work and the Work has a set of Tasks which is all dynamically composed by a script after a div tag marked "contentZone".
You can choose to add a set of tasks or works by clicking a button.
I don't want to spam a ton of .js at you as an example but it is a tiny piece of html with a bunch of script after it
Well even then though if you use live (which I think the scenario you mentioned is a more appropriate use for it) you shouldn't need any inline code at all should you?
The inline code is what spells out the view because I have a .js script which is loaded (at the top) that dynamically builds the page. I do use live in the .js script referenced to ensure that the handlers stay in place if there are dynamic buttons. But this is mostly for constructing complex input forms.
Here is a snippet of the button at the bottom:

        //add a footer
        var addPhaseBtnArea = pf.BuildPanel({parent: Schedule, style: "text-align: right;"});
        var addPhaseBtn = document.createElement("input");
        addPhaseBtn.setAttribute("value","Add A Phase");
        addPhaseBtn.setAttribute("type", "Button");
        $(addPhaseBtn).click(function () {
        pf.Render("contentZone", Schedule);
@SpencerRuport Hi. I like the partial view approach but I don't really know any different :P
@TravisJ - I still like my way better. ;) I don't have to write out html using OO methods. I used to do that back in VB and it gets out of hand quickly.
Partial Views are pretty awesome, I am not trying to put them down.
Just saying, sometimes js is inline and usually when that is the case it should come after the related dom element :P
@SpencerRuport - I agree, using OO to write HTML is kind of ridiculous. However, my html started to get out of hand so I had to write a js script to manage it. I wrote a 300 line js library that lets me make a partial view which would have taken 600 lines to write in only 75.
I came in here because of a design crossroads I had reached, but trying to explain it I think has helped me figure it out.
hey guys
Hey hans :)
I take all credit for reading intently :P
so java is a procedural object oriented programming language
in the sense that it is poop
I love javascript.
javascript is not procedural and it's very loosely object oriented
so it's not very poopy
so its gassy?
I'd say fluid.
I'd say it's halfway between poop and something else
a shart?
Javascript is procedural, as well as functional, and OO.
procedurally efficient excellence
yeah it's half p
and it's stringly oop
c# is also procedural among other things
c# is also poop
as well as c++
how about F?
well, f#
f# is oop
back to vb6 we go!
VB = V.ery B.ad
and I'm pretty sure it's pp?
F# is OP
c is pp but not oop
c is pp and c++ is poop
so you got number 1 and number 2 right there
I actually like Java when I want things to run slow and have logic errors.
This is why mommy said to never become a developer
@TravisJ Maybe Java would be a good language to teach beginners about bugs.
but what if I want things to run randomly slow and speed up other times?
@Hans Web pages.
@KendallFrey - That is probably why it is the first OOP language most CS students learn.
the garbage collector knows all
so I googled comp sci poop
@KTDannyCZ Unless it's a reference counter.
and it came up with Perl Object Oriented Persistance
Perl huh? so Perl is poop?
Perl Object-Oriented Persistence (POOP) is the term given to refer to object-relational mapping mechanisms written in the Perl programming language to provide object persistence. Dave Rolsky divides POOP mechanisms into two categories: * RDBMS-OO Mappers: These tools attempt to map RDBMS data structures (tables, columns, rows) onto Perl objects. * OO-Persistence Tools: These tools attempt to map Perl objects into an arbitrary format, often an RDBMS. External links * [http://poop.sourceforge.net Perl Object-Oriented Persistence Web Site] * [http://search.cpan.org/~jeteve/SLOOPS-0.01/lib/...
no perl has poop
perl has poop to make your shit stay around
persistent POOP
Poop is part of Perl. I'll never wear that necklace again...
that POOP will be back
@TravisJ The worst kind.
what did I come back from lunch to?
or when you dont know if its POOP or not
I remember in a design class when we learned about CRAP
we called it CRUD
@Hans That's all we learned.
Oh, I thought you meant db design lol
"Elements that aren't the same should be very different so they stand out."
I like that
We are all making clever comments hoping to get stars. A.k.a. STAR WARS!
@KendallFrey no.
No star wars fans :(
what's the thing that SE uses to generate default avatars called?
cause I swear I've seen it tons of places
also every time I look at our new room description and I see }; on a separate line I keep thinking it's a very sad ghost about to disappear
they use the identicon option for the default avatar
@KendallFrey - If that is the case I suggest you look at my div array that goes in a table heading.

From the most recent ones visible I still have the trophy since it has 6!
Ok, 1 star wars fan.
@Hans Or if you look at it from the other side its a guy flinching
or a guy's face in profile as he juggles a ball and a bowling pin
No star wars fans. :(
private bool BecomeJedi() { return FaceVaderAlone(); }
I don't care anyway. I don't know the next thing about star wars.
:( aww. I was having fun messing with you.
That could just as easily his nose isntead of his arms.. andhes about to get hit in the face with a ball and a bowling pin
my favorite thing about the topic message is that it's funny.
====[} PIE FIGHT!
@KyleTrauberman That semicolon, right?
oh man i just hit myself
@KyleTrauberman yeah because it's in italics ... you can't compile italics
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
private class DeathStarFactory<Episode> where Episode : class
  internal DeathStar;
  public DeathStarFactory()
  DeathStar = new DeathStar<Episode>();
is he crossing a bridge?
you need to be an optimist kendall.. glass is half full now
@TravisJ You forgot DeathStar.ForgetToCoverAllWeakSpots();
@CBarlow - That was implicit :D
"Ehhhhhhhh, get estimates, get estimates..." =D
100 hours for that task.. estimations complete
ok. I have work to do. You guys are distracting.
codeiscompiling cough
Feels like Friday afternoon
dont say that.. that causes me emotional pain because i know the truth
@KTDannyCZ Switch to an interpreted language.
Like Mathenese!
you mean Java?
Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays
@KendallFrey any language that I don't speak is an interpreted language
Oh, wait, that's compiled, thanks to me. :)
uninterpreted language?
For a productive day, try Malbolge.
don't need an interpretor
Ever hear of receptive aphasia? Weirdest thing ever.
Screw this im going back to Assembly Language
@KendallFrey Or it's messed up cousin Schizophasia
What if somebody with Schizophasia was trying to talk to somebody with receptive aphasia... Worst. Day. Ever.
Or best day ever
Tom Cruise witnesses the exchange. Later he decides to be in a movie production of Rock of Ages and bases his character upon it.
The world weeps.
I sorta wish I could see all Locals after Building my code.. and not have to go to debug for it :(
ha - me and 7 other people responded to this in the same 60 second period stackoverflow.com/questions/11090988/…
you have to be too damn fast here
lol wow.. you can tell he didnt do any research im sure the answer is a 10 second find on google
well he may have googled his way to SO
If I was an interviewer, I would make Google part of the interview.
make them google something and tell you the answer.. not a bad technique
if they bing, then they fail the interview
what the fuck is google ?
would that be a good answer?
if they open up IE to bing the question then you fire them without hiring them first so they need to find a job just to be unemployed
IE is the best browser to download other browsers
@KTDannyCZ no chrome is better
I had them interrogate me in an interview because I said chrome is better then firefox
@ScottSelby I told my microsoft interviewer that IE was terrible
The FIRST thing I do when I get a new copy of Windows... DOWNLOAD A NEW BROWSER
I switched over to chrone recently.. from Firefox :/
I've heard Opera is really good.
@KTDannyCZ Chrone.. lol that sounded too much like"Crone"
every plugin for firefox is in chrome , except easier to use in chrome
Safari all the way?
opera is faster than a potato
no - youtube "speed of google chrome" its a cool video google put together
yeah but chrome barely beat the potato
opera won by a mile
I mean Google Chrome Speed Test
that is what that oprea video is trying to make fun of
On the day the Bionic came out I got it with verizon.. Then walked into a Sprint store.. said show me your best phone.. Then i opened Speedtest.net app and pressed Go.. I got 25 Mbits and Sprints HTC somethingsomething got about 4-5 Mbits.. I laughed and walked away.. TL:DR Verizon>Sprint
I like chrome because of the "sandbox". It was the only browser not to get hacked in the hack-a-thon last year. I have never got a virus while browsing in chrome.
@TravisJ sure I bet the "sandbox" is very useful when "browing" to avoid "viruses" ;)
Firefox has made me spend hours of time facepalming from a virus, and IE I am pretty sure lead to the demise of several third world countries.
wait viruses don't have quotes around them
@Hans - Yes, my scooper is already full from IE and ff.
IE caused the Great Depression.
My eyes burn...
IE is the great depression.
Sigh, I need to refactor two tables in my database which is going to cascade into a lot of work :(
When i was in IT my COO came to me and said my compuutah broke can you fix it? I opened up his IE and it looked about half of that.. After Uninstalling it worked great.. I wonder
No one at our work computers is allowed to use IE. It is banned and I explicitly told the firewalls to block it.
Im sorry guys.. I've betrayed us all I'm on IE right now
I test with IE for compatibility
IE is the definition of incompatibility.
Our clickonce web apps only work in IE.. or firefox if we get some plugin :/
But why would you use software that has write access to your registry and execute access to the whole internet?
so you're saying
if I need to fix someone's computer
I can just do it by gaining access to them through IE
If you were so inclined and had a lot of extra time.
You could have them browse to fixmycomp.com/?hackSolution=12ASAdaer5asdddd3 which would gain access to their registry with a suicidal virus, fix the issue, and then self remove itself.
IE was first implemented in NT as a way to remotely update the operating system
So you would really just be using a facet of that functionality.
If you are on IE and navigate to a hostile site you don't have to do anything but load it to have it manipulate your registry.
possibly the most dangerous thing ever
Yup, it has screwed me in the past.
you know it wouldn't be that hard to write a virus that installs ff/chrome, sets it to the default browser, installs malware bytes, and then runs it
and the idea is if your computer can stop viruses then it won't be able to do these things
Some invasive viruses will stop that process. Once you can have control of the process tree you can usually fix whatever was going wrong.
For me, that usually involves like 50 tries of logging in and ctrl alt deleting the source process before it spawns its handlers.
Malware bytes is amazing though, I really like that software. Those guys know whats up.
I have a friend who does freelance computer repair
basically anybody has any computer problem, they can take it to him and he'll fix it
most computer repair is simple
which means 99% of the time, he runs malwarebytes, installs chrome, and lets it defrag
first thnigs first though
Check the connectinos on the back then the inside
sadly.. you gotta start stupid simple.. then work your way into viruses :)
though sometimes he has to excavate the hard drive because some hipster wanted to turn his desktop into a garden
literally by packing the case with dirt
and growing plants
this is a thing that has happened in real life with actual people
i....i dont know what to think
once my friend found 2 grams of coke in a baggie jammed in the cd tray
the guy gave him a tip for finding it
I like running my Cup holder VBScript
it opens your CD tray so you can put your cup in there
there's also this guy who sometimes walks into the shop where he works and tries to shit on the floor
his name is frank and he is no longer welcome in their store
they are losing customers if they restrict them like that though!
you lose Frank you lose business!
you lose frank, you lose shit ;)
refactoring sucks =/
I have to add temporal functionality to a part of my database
Refucktoring is the process of taking a well-designed piece of code and, through a series of small, reversible changes, making it completely unmaintainable by anyone except yourself.
Hello all.
Its my first time on C# room.
I needed an advice regarding my career.
I am a php developer now turning into a .net developer. I want to master the cloud technology. Any ideas where to start from and is C# necessary to learn about cloud?
@StartupCrazy the "cloud" is a buzz word meaning internet.
one cannot master cloud technology
@KyleTrauberman: I meant cloud computing.
how the hell do you get such a high rep?
I am here from a very long time dude.
I keep answering questions , even if im first other people answer and theirs go right on top of mine and they get all the out votes
"cloud computing" is a buzz word meaning "internet computing"

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