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@LewsTherin rudi, actionhank, maverik (although he could be "working" from home), andre, cylen, ragavan, samy and the rest I don't know
@LewsTherin Actually ragavan might not be..
5th coffee on route
@Sean Best multi taskers ever.
Haha, you're like my mum but with coffee instead of tea
She drinks a cup of tea before I get through a third of mine
The guys I used to work with were the same. Coffee every 5 minutes
@LewsTherin I am R&D'in on StackOverflow. I don't see what the problem is lmao
I hate coffee
Sorry, not good at multitasking
Coffee FTW
lol the other one was better
I hate [arbitrary unit of time]
@JamieTownsend Really? Then you are excused.
Well, not really but if any1 asks. That's what I am doing
@Sean xD I am watching tv, chatting and studying. Excusei moi! :D
@JamieTownsend Your secret is safe with me.
@LewsTherin I'm chatting on here and occasionally writing a few lines of code
Not a .net question even, but anybody knows how to return multi dimensional array from a function in VBA?
@Sean Yeah I'm used to doing that. Probably most here :)
nvm, ignore!
Anyways, back to reading your chats and studying. Entertain me...
@Maverik #ignored
Forgot to say @Sean. I finally got my car back. I picked it up at one. Took it for an MOT and tyres at two. I drove off at 5:30 !!!!!!!!!!
I was sat waiting all day :((
@JamieTownsend Aww man =\
Idiots I tell you, I told them it would fail MOT on tyres. They ignored me. Took it for an MOT. Then came back and did tyres then took it back for mot papers.
I'm dreading tyres for mine
Mine were 120 each
Ah that's cheap enough
Not when I had to pay 500 excess as well lol
I am fucking skint now :(
I needed 4 tyres
plus MOT
I felt that way with my glasses
I need glasses, I should really wear mine. Never do though
I only bought them to pass my driving test, never touched them since
Well my eyes got progressively worse over the past year due to me focussing on a blur, all the coating that let me see had actually scratched off so couldn't see shit but my brain adjusted my eyes for it
Now my lenses are even thicker than before so had to pay extra for "reduced thickness" lenses wttttf
I got charged an extra 50 quid cause i work on computers lol
Anti-glare or some shit
Yeah the anti-glare was only £25 here
But reduced thickness '50% thinner!' was £100 aaaaaaargh
bad times
On top of the ridiculously priced frames
So you have one of those 100MM thick goggles then haha
my boss is a fucking retard...
Would've been cheaper! :D
"I'm stuck with this Access DB issue.. It's giving me some shit about needing an updateable query." 'That's out of scope, tell him he needs to pay to get it to work with IIS 7.'
Update using a join ? thats how I got around it before, sometimes a permissions issue too
Yeah I tried givine IIS_WPG and IUSR full control on the folder but it hasn't made a difference
This is where we should be saying "This technology is 10 years out of date, we refuse to support it."
temp give 'Everyone' access. See if it works. If not then you know it's something else
Yeah I have to wait for the engineer to go and try it
@ActionHank Your music is being overridden by my hate for this company and shitty classic ASP. Sorry bro =\
What music is this ?
Anyway my boss says we're not doing anything more on it til he pays anyway so I'm off the hook until the account manager comes a-raging
@Sean it's okay, music should soothe a bit but it doesn't solve real world problems :P
@JamieTownsend It's an electronica playlist @ActionHank sent me on Spotify
I'm gonna have to recreate this in Xbox Music
@rudi_visser software idea: a TRULY UNIVERSAL share my playlist alternative
Thanks @ActionHank
'you want this in XBox Music, SEN Music or Spotify format?'
'how about XML?'
oh wait
"I want it in my ears. Right now." should be a valid response
That's an option @Sean will get if he gets the Premium subscription
I get called out to lunch guys
Oh shit, I just added Siriusmo's album to the playlist
@ActionHank Go go gadget fingers!
ok I'm now listening to your playlist @ActionHank let's see if this is good
This first song is freaking me out
Give it a minute =P
Ah there we go
This guy is starting to piss me off...
Terribly sorry @AndréSilva
@AndréSilva Knife -> throat.
I ask him "Anyone in the company has any 64bits windows?"
He says in the worse accent ever, talking fast as hell
"I guess the other dude over there has."
"I dunno.... Last time I checked all the PCs were in one piece.."
And after 1 minute he says
"The dude over there has a 64bit I guess."
After I put the ear plugs he says "I guess the dude has windows with 64bits.. Talk to him"
@AndréSilva I think you need to calm down, start breathing and then bitch slap him haha
@JamieTownsend rofl
I'm so mad today that I'm listening to skrillex.. just to do enough noise so I don't hear others voices..
Once this playlist finishes I'm thinking drowning pool or disturbed...
There is no wifi here and my iphone has a broken jailbreak.. can't open youtube :(
Or maybe the other 8 hour long playlist my mate put together, which I must try and put together if I can find the tracks on youtube or something...
I wish I could listen to Spiderbait - Black Betty
It's actually all in MP3 format so I guess I could stick it on my server but that would make me a blatant pirate...
I don't need to do any of that, I have a parrot in my car, I can stream spotify over the bluetooth. :D
@JamieTownsend WHAA ?
@AndréSilva yeah baby !
Yeah I can stream spotify through my phone but I can't stream MP3s to Holland =\
Why the fuck not ?
How can a parrot have bluetooth and streaming device ?
Not a real parrot lmao
@AndréSilva A parrot is not a bird in this case
That explain some things..
@JamieTownsend I dunno... Why can't I?
Time space continuum ?
I have no idea how to work with SAP, and no internet documentation matches what this company uses. :(
The MP3s are on my phone
@JamieTownsend If you had a good car it would be built in
Just sayin'
@rudi_visser touché
@JamieTownsend That looks more like tooshie (tushie?) than touché
Like when people say "PUSSAAAY!!"
Dunno what your on about @Sean
oh you sneaky fookin prawn
shark bait hoo ha ha !
@JamieTownsend Ok I'm confused. What's that from? Mine was from District 9
You've not seen finding nemo ? GTFO!
district 9 is awesome
No I've never seen finding Nemo..
completely unrelated to district 13 and its AMAZING sequel
Finding nemo is epic
Cannot tell if joking or little girl...
database related question: if I've a DELET FROM myTable WHERE $foreignKey IN (subselect) statement...would it be faster than DELETE FROM myTable WHERE $primaryKey IN (subselect ) or vice versa?
I've seen all of the kids films @Sean lol
 switch (Tipo)
                            case enuTipoParametro.Entrada:
                                //TODO Não sei o que fazer.
Nah I've just never seen it
Let me translate the TODO comment.
My little one is obsessed with Paul at the moment.
I shouldn't really let her watch it, but fuck it
//TODO I don't know what to do here.
Paul? The stoner alien?
how old is she?
She just sits there and says 'Big eyeess'
she's two
you might be safe
and it's a 1:n relation between myTable and foreignKey (each entry in the foreign table has multiple entries in 'myTable')
maybe she's looking at you from behind
No I'm not, she is copying words now :(
if you find her in the toilet with a massive doobie in her mouth at the age of 7, you know why
and is saying something different
@Cylen LOL
@Sean Is Digitalism - Technorama a good track worth listening to? I can't find it to add to the playlist!!!!!
I just want her to go back to her mums house and call her a 'FUCK FACE' lmao
@rudi_visser I can't remember, it was a bit slow to start out with but probably worth it
@JamieTownsend Nooooo you don't xD that's how court cases and "HE'S A TERRIBLE FATHER!" happen =P
@Sean I have more money so I can afford a better barrister. It's all good lmao
hai rudi...good evening...owww OMG its there may be 12 or1pm @rudi_visser
Oooooh hahaha =P
@ragavan 11:44 AM
She's a bitch anyways.
Bloody women
@JamieTownsend who?
The mother of my child
Women get very bitchy over children, my mum turns into a monster when talking about custody of my little brothers and sister
Yup, all mine is interested in, is pay day
owww...it's your wife...dude...
But their dad hung himself anyway, he laid into my brother in the middle of a street.
i have to say i'm hugely against the marriage institution
I text her all the time asking how the baby is. I never hear from her unless it's pay day
Yay Röyksopp
alimony, make sure you know your rights
you can make call her@JamieTownsend
ragavan, EX wife
I have the baby 3 or 4 times a week and pay maintenance but I am still a shit father in her eyes
Ma friend can i ask onething@JamieTownsend
@JamieTownsend Same thing with my minis dad, he never tells my mum anything unless it's "They're not coming over this weekend." or "OMG YOU'VE DONE IT THIS TIME, SEE YOU IN COURT!!!!"
JT, its a defence mecahnicsm, to justify not being with you
yes @ragavan
Great, just got back from lunch and now it's about bitches
And after he claimed I broke 11 of his ribs, he still thinks I'm his pal =']
lol @Sean
@ActionHank Calm down, it's only a commercial
ha @ActionHank
Your playlist is awesome so far
We broke up and she got a BF like the next day, so I got her back by fucking the nursery nurse ;)
@Sean for what? Marriage?
Does anyone know of a place where high-quality opinions can be shared? SO is QA only and fastidious with it. This chat is too chatty, realtime, no voting - not right either.
@JamieTownsend I didn't break 11 of his ribs, I would have loved to be able to say that but you break 11 of someone's ribs and they can't breathe, never mind carry on shouting at you =P
@rudi_visser it's great, isn't it? Stumbled upon it a year ago, still my favourite
@JamieTownsend are you paying alimony or child support? if she has someone else then you may be able to get that reduced
@ActionHank I dunno, I was just quoting a commercial...
I am paying Child Support @Cylen - I dont want to pay less. I want my child to have a good living
you just go there...ummm i mean go to your ex wife's home...take your baby in your hand...and do scold her through your baby....like yoou dont have soul...and so on...you are man man you get guts and go....@JamieTownsend
sure, but ask for receipts
@JamieTownsend Your real name isn't Craig, is it? BMW.. Kids to someone he hates.. etc
lol not it's not Craig. Who is Craig ?
if you're giving someone money for a purpose, you are entitled to see how its being used
Someone I used to work with that seems exactly like you
Not from Wigan are you?
@LukePuplett I'm not aware of anywhere, but then again I have no reason to be
Was funny, the first time I gave money, the next day she had a iphone5. Yeah thats good use of it
@JamieTownsend thats f***ed up
What can i do ?
@Sean thanks - I have so many questions that are subjective but I'd appreciate reasoned opinion.
Solicitor said I can't make her do anything
@JamieTownsend you can't, that's the shit part
@LukePuplett Ask here!
@LukePuplett Yeah I'm not sure we're the best place for that. You're more likely to get a "Why are you doing it like that?" in response than a reasonable debate.
@LukePuplett A forum!
Forums on the internet, that would be great.
@rudi_visser we should build something like that
@ActionHank but it's ok. I have the baby all the time so I get to make sure shes ok and looked after
not a parent but...that whole child support stuff is stupid. a) if you can't see the child you shouldn't be forced to pay for it b) if you pay the money it should be transferred on a bank account that both can see and the money has to be spend on things that are useful for the child
@rudi_visser With all due respect, asking here has no voting and only catches the responses of the people in this room. I need a forum, but with the same good people of SO floating around and a voting system to measure and maintain quality.
@JamieTownsend great ;) and also I saw on your FB that there was a girl too? :P
Or is that your ex wife?
@LukePuplett why don't you head over to the regular stackoverflow?!
She is the nursery nurse @ActionHank :D
JT, when was your CSA agreement reassessed?
if at all
@JamieTownsend quelle hottie
Wow @ActionHank is FB stalking us! Runnnnn
Thanks @ActionHank :)
@rudi_visser I only clicked his choo choo video
@Steffen SO only want questions that can be answered objectively and won't spark a war of opinions. The problem is, I like debate, its how we work stuff out and make decisions but there's nowhere to do it. There's a big gap in service ;)
Make a website @LukePuplett!
I get absolutely NO responses whatsoever on this OK cupid thing. Maybe it's because of my name which is MetallicHank
You are always going to get peoples opinions, people are going to disagree and that is how it is
@LukePuplett ohhh ok...
@LukePuplett You can go to programmers exchange? Or.. one of the other networks.
There is one that is actually INTENDED for discussion.
@ActionHank what is ok cupid ?
@RoelvanUden even ProgrammersExchange has a focus on facts ;)
@JamieTownsend it's a dating website
@SteffenWinkler Without facts, what is a discussion? Just baseless opinions.
O, just go out and be confident and chat to the ladies. Your get much better luck
@rudi_visser How the hell do I add you as a friend in this new fangled facebook timeline shit?
That would be like watching politics.
@Sean Click 'Add Friend'
It just says subscribe, no add friend button
@RoelvanUden which is exactly what @LukePuplett wants...opinion based discussion. Or have I missunderstood something?!
Oh yeah I forgot I'm famous
@rudi_visser It needs to be part of SO, to capture the people here. I respect the people that give SO answers and would like their opinions.
and, "Add to Interests List"
You need to become a friend of a friend to add me...
hai @rudi_visser hai you have facebook
I'll introduce you
@SteffenWinkler What good is a discussion, "PHP SUCKS", without good arguments as to WHY it sucks.
hi @BharatBhushan
@RoelvanUden Because it's open source
I am using this for sending pushnotification to server
@roelvanUden Programmers exchange, and all StackEx sites are QA.
can anyone help me in this
throws the flame, waits for response
There are a lot of @rudi_vissers on FB
Then motivate your discussion into a QA format. :)
"Would PHP for a good choice for a real-time chat web site?"
can u check this
@RoelvanUden I already made the mistake of thinking I can ask subjective question on Programmers
Ah @ActionHank, but none of them are fb.com/rudolphothegreat :D
@Sean If you subscribe I'll add you

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