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don't take offence women, ours are: Feeling of worth, Directions, and the Ability to tell if a shirt is dirty - being on the floor means nothing to us.
this is just my two cents of course :P
anyways, off to the food store.
" Feeling of worth, Directions, and the Ability to tell if a shirt is dirty - being on the floor means nothing to us." Pretty much describes me lol
are you a man? then it was supposed to. :P :)
In general, men have a better sense of direction than women (this is science bro)
I would amend it to
Men also generally have a 1% larger brain
Someone who's not afraid to ask for directions
@KianMayne Fact :D
but this is only so we can take more blows to the head before forgetting how to speak
I love the new VS2012 script debugging features
setting a breakpoint in js code is AWESOME
I think the Random Page button is broken on the wiki
It only leads to one page ;)
@KyleTrauberman chrome dev tools and firebug have had this for a while...
shit gf is really bitching now. stop being entertaining people!
@rlemon yeah, but its in VS! integrates right in with my dev experience without having to use another tool
its a pity it only works with IE
@rlemon I think Rick Astley hacked your website.
@KyleTrauberman - you can breakpoint in firefox
you can breakpoint in chrome and ff dev tools
but you can set a script breakpoint in VS and have it break in VS when testing with IE
yeah, but why do it in vs? same thing anyway, and that now means you can't modify javascript while the code is running (i would assume)
sure you can
it works with the immediate window too
I've been doing it all afternoon
and its more about the experience - I'm familar with VS
Well, cool, I am going to back to trying to unfuk javascriptserializer
and the browser dev tools feel wonky to me sometimes
I have managed, from 540 lines of code, to narrow it all down to one last line
@TravisJ you know MS recommends not using their javascriptserilizer in favor of JSON.NET, right?
naturally, it is the line that calls a method that is probably another 500 lines of fking code
@KyleTrauberman - you know that javascriptserializer is 100 times faster than json.net, right?
do you have metrics to back that up?
interesting. I did not know that
i wonder why they have embraced Json.net then?
I know it handles dates a little differently
It deserializes about the same, it is pretty configurable
argh, cannot believe I am this close and cannot get this one line of code to work
post line of code?
@KyleTrauberman more like rlemon 1 : world 0
IDictionary<string, object> dictionary = converter.Serialize(o, this);
also, I have returned. :)
I linked to a SO question I asked in our internal wiki... woot!
this refers to my new class CustomJSSerializer whereas the previous code expected JavaScriptSerializer
dictionary is not xmserializable, dont know about JSON
this error is because .Serialize in converter expects javascriptserializer
is converter your code?
It is JavaScriptConverter
what if you do CustomJSSerializer : JavaScriptSerializer and add new on the methods you wanted to override?
uhm =/ because I just converted a whole 4.5 version and smashed into 4.0?
the signatures aren't that close
it sux really realy hard in your spot right now. I spend a lot of time there
ok well, I tried putting new on everything
and then extending jsserializer
does convert want an interface or the actual class?
it at least compiles now
we will see what happens at runtime
lol, this thing looks so ugly
that was just a shot in the dark
Wtf...The Sainbury's that I live near has a Christmas aisle. In October.
@TravisJ next step is msil editing the dll
the new threw like 20 errors, trying to see if I can prune them out
what does it say?
Anyone know how input events work in wpf?
well, I managed to compile it with 19 warnings
nice, something changed, because nothing got serialized
@JohanLarsson What input events?
is it the news it does not like?
Q: Closing Userform Excel VBA

KianEdit: Wow, this is getting a significant amount of views, presumably from Googlers. Closing an Excel Userform programmatically is as simple as calling Unload Me from the user form. I need to close an Excel userform using VBA when a user has clicked a submit button and operations have be...

@LewsTherin I want to replace decimal character upon input in my textbox
Is there no TextBox.Changed event? Or something similar?
I know how to do it quick and dirty but I am interested in knowing how to do it in an elegant way
I would like to intercept the previewkeydown and then raise my replaced event and have the events bubbling ike thay woud have hadnt Ive been there poking
@LewsTherin textBox.TextChanged you mean?
alternatively just handle the event that actually updates the text
Hah, it worked! And then it threw a circular reference exception because I bypassed the script ignore
@PicrofoEGY Yeah, that
is textchanged before or after the text is actually changed?
@TravisJ I'm too tired, is that good/bad?
I would assume after. Too lazy to read the docs
There is no way anyone could inherit this code, the wtf level would be somewhere between a constant stream of wtf and one long wwwwwwtttttttffffff
ok, I have no studio here so cannot test
@JohanLarsson - Good, I think. Still have some more stuff to work on
@TravisJ your not working on a nuclear pant or anything like that?
because if so I want out
@JohanLarsson - Nope, just the clean water supply for Stockholm
Just found this:
You should get something like this for your rep:

slot machine jackpot?
@JohanLarsson ?
for Lews, his rep is increasing so fast he should look in to som sort of animation
Not fast enough :(
If I didn't leave answer questions so late.. I could probably around 7k by now :O
But then I knew nothing then lol.. and still know nothing
Do I get reputation for answering questions even if it was not selected as the answer?
I think upvotes gives rep
but Lews is xpert
@JohanLarsson I know that :D
=/ crap. Just came across a logic nightmare.
How to disconnect 19 virtual relations implicitly
@JohanLarsson Mmn have you talked to me?
I'm dumb dumb :(
@TravisJ JS?
@TravisJ code sample? I can fuk it for you
@JohanLarsson - Thanks for the snippet though, I managed to get it working :D
@TravisJ Virtual relations in C#?
I meant code for the new problem
@Kinected Hey kid
@Kyle did you like the edits I made to the wiki?
@JohanLarsson - Not really any code for the new problem. I need to figure out how to conditionally apply the script ignore bypass for the situation that I want and not for all situations
@LewsTherin - yeah, public virtual int wtfId { get; set; }
@Kinected yeah, but I modifed them a bit - to not copy skeet's whole post and link to it instead
actually, the virtual is only for relations so it would be more like
public virtual Wtf Wtf { get; set; }
@KyleTrauberman Yeah, that was smarter
@TravisJ What do you mean by disconnect?
@Lews - there are circular references as a result of virtual relations. the returning reference needs to be set to null
@Kyle how much free time you got in your week and how do you care about supporting ie8?
I can do it, but I am hoping that instead of setting every value I dont want, I can just set the single value I do want
I support ie8
@TravisJ mmn ok.
not emotionally though
Once ie10 I support 8 no more!
Even now support is loose
@rlemon company standard is IE8, so I have to support it
well then we can learn some new js... but not a whole lot of fun stuff.
Wheres @Kendall
we'll have to chat later though - I've got to get my car to the dealership
fun stuff only comes when proper css transforms and canvas are introduced.
yeah that will be rad
but for now we are stuck with <div><span>wtf</span><div>wtf content></div></div>
someone needs to bounty my question so I can answer my own question and get a bounty lol
Smart muthas.. lol
@PicrofoEGY well, I went to school for computer engineering... so I have a math minor from an ABET accredited school :D Math is like programming... it's not hard if you know the language
in my view model, can I just set the JSON to a string and then pass the string in with the model?
I think I bet I can?
I can't even understand the question ... :D
Not so bad really
@Pheonixblade9 I know that. but that's not math! :D
@TravisJ Yeah
But you have to deserialize it.. but you know that already don't you?
I don't have to deserialize anything :P I just parse it in javascript
Yeah, parseJSON (well that's what I use :P)
Doesn't that "deserialize" it?
Not really, it just goes and finds what is in there
If you were going to deserialize it would be back into the object graph that it started out as in c#
I have a question. In stackoverflow, I used to see "Start a bounty" now it does not appear. Why is that?
Can't bounty for 2 days
@TravisJ What do you mean :D ?
A question cannot have a bounty placed on it for the first 48 hours after it was asked
@TravisJ Oh, I see. Thanks :D
I love how MSWord corrects Powerpoint to PowerPoint
@LewsTherin Hahahaha :D
@LewsTherin I actually find myself writing camel case when I'm not programming quite a lot
@LewsTherin did you find a project yet?
How about putting semi colons randomly? :P
freakig epic.
@JohanLarsson Nothing yet, I'm afraid.
But I'm thinking something to do an app.
Objective C, Node.js, Oracle.
a phone thing?
Yeah. So desperate I'm just going to pick something done and try to make it "better"
that math question was not very hard by the way
@JohanLarsson !
Always a bit intimidating to see a "big" formula
It looked hard to me.
at first yes or maybe I did not understand it :)
@JohanLarsson At first, I could not understand it but at last, I could not understand it either :D
checked again it is easy
Topic papers are the worst. @AndréSilva Show up already.
Sim City 4 is installing, so I decided to do some development while I wait.
How are you all this evening?
@Billdr Ha ha
Q: Write data to XML from datareader

MwenyejiI am creating an XML where I want to export all my data from a table in conformance to a certain schema. I am using an XMLTextwriter since I also have custom tags, The data in my table looks like: Batch Image name age 1 1 Alfa 20 1 2 Beta 14 1 2 Theta 46 1 ...

In an hour I'm playing Dishonored, come hell or high water. FYI.
there you have a qouple of rep points'
@Billdr Simply interrupt you with a skype message.
+ serialization!
@JohanLarsson Never messed with that :(
You go ahead :P
in bed now
01:49 here
too late for xml
@JohanLarsson It's 1:50 AM here too
Guys, I need a new fun project. Probably in Java. What should I do?
00:50 am
Port Kendall's white board app to android.
@LewsTherin I think you mean am, otherwise it's noon.
@Billdr That's going into territory I don't know about...
That may be what I should do!
@SpencerCole Exactly!
I'll take it!
@Billdr Thanks ha
How do I start eclipse again?
@PicrofoEGY cant sleep?
@SpencerCole GTFO lol
@SpencerCole developer.android.com
Well crap. I gotta reinstall eclipse. My eclipse is broken.
@JohanLarsson No :D
@SpencerCole So is a fresh install of Eclipse.
Just thinking about that question in mathematics :D
And by reinstall, I mean unzip it again cause I'd rather just do that than troubleshoot my eclipse.
@PicrofoEGY Why? I deleted it from memory. Horrifying question.
@LewsTherin I think I'll do the same :D
Now... Should I go with an openGL based graphics for the whiteboard, or should I use the built-in graphics...?
Built in graphics? Android?
OpenGL looks harder than anything.
Not necessarily.
I've done a little with it, but not much.
And by built in graphics, I mean no external library for it, just code.
Not much means not mindfucked enough.
The last app I built was a clone of Dope Wars.
Or Drug Wars.
Whichever you want to call it.
Dope Wars is better :D
More funny.
Did you use OpenGL C++
It's entirely unskinned, but it doesn't look horrible. It's called Medieval Mogul(even though the game itself is set in colonial America)
No, it was all done with base Android.
The stuff I did with OpenGL was off any project.
That explains it.
Try OpenGL C++.
It was more of "Hey, this is a thing I need to know if I want to make games!" and I made a bunch of Proof Of Concepts.
I've never done anything with C++.
Mmn, have you done C?
@SpencerCole Ok, stay away from both then.
I basically started in Java and C#.
@LewsTherin Buwahaha!

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