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when starting a new project would you ever choose to stick with HttpWebRequest over something like RestSharp?
phrased differently, would I have to be a masochist to go with HttpWebRequest given that I have no special needs or requirements?
3 hours later…
suggestions regarding ssrs reports and data binding in code-behind ... HOW THIS CAN BE ACHIEVED
2 hours later…
Goood morning!
Hey Rob.
Hey Lews
hie guys
I swear it feels like I am on SO 24hrs per day and night.
it's better than being on fb
i used to be a fb-holic
Yeah, since I found this chat.. I'm never on as much.
Well I am on.. I just don't talk.
what is fb? FaceBook?
He did a right shift on SO using FB haha
@JohanLarsson Looks like I am not the only one on SO 24hrs :P
I wish, the firewall at work blocks it because of chat in url
Oh damn :(
but maybe it is for the best, its not like it is discussion about advanced C# here all the time
i am on SO at work only
it help me pass through the day
me too (as a leacher)
@Samy000rathore Well you probably need a break of SO. You are still on the same problem :D
Lol kidding ;)
imma go debug now
Hello friends
how can i use from deleted id for column with identify properties?
i think all of you are sleep! :)
have a good sleep bye
Now off to college :'(
what does it mean if we say, an object instance is pinned in memory?? O.o
posted on October 08, 2012 by ScottGu

Earlier today we released a number of enhancements to the new Windows Azure Management Portal.  These new capabilities include: Service Bus Management and Monitoring Support for Managing Co-administrators Import/Export support for SQL Databases Virtual Machine Experience Enhancements Improved Cloud Service Status Notifications Media Services Monitoring Support

can some1 help me understand some memory issues
"This filter has 4 instances that are disposed and still indirectly rooted by a delegate. This often indicates that a delegate has not been properly removed and is a common cause of memory leaks."
mister memory again
yeah....m starting to get depressed about the issue now
every chat member now knows me by that issue
it's all my boss's fault, how can he leave a whole project to be tested by a single person,
:) your famous!
i'm wondering if the project is correctly setup for what you are trying to accomplish
because you have so many memory issues
i have another suspect to be brought for trial :P
who's the suspect!
arrest him!
the prosecution says "The problem is that a delegates which references an instance method has to maintain a strong reference to an object instance that the method can be called on."
"thanks to the strong reference, "referencedObj" is never actually garbage collected — even though the code explicitly forces a garbage collection. "
i have several delegates lying around
u came back from college so soon,
they have holiday, but he didn't know :-)
I'm at college.. lol
6 mins until lecture
@RobAngelier xD
24/7 , now i get it :)
Lulz, well I'm off. Later!
whatt could be the dark consequences of calling this:
BeginInvoke(new FillData1(fillData), new object[] { Parts.Length - 1, Parts });
in a timer
*FillData1 is a delegate
no one??
ewww timer
Hi all
Does anyone know the formula to calculate the throughput of a cache???
why eww :|
nd hie
@E.LDunn this is the actual method, 'https://gist.github.com/3851458'
guys I am trying to write code for Matrix Product of N x N matrices measures the time to perform the product...Does anyone know how I can actually measure the time?
I am doing this in C
help a brother out
the code is to do the product or to masure the time??
Well I have written the code for the matrix product and now I am trying to measure the time it actually takes to carry out the matrix product if that makes sense
a performance profiler might help u
     int matA[2][2]={0,1,2,3};
    int matB[2][2]={0,1,2,3};
    int matC[2][2];
    int i,j,k;
    for (i=0;i<2;i++){
                matC[i][j] += matA[i][k] * matB[k][j];
            } printf("%d\n",matC[i][j]);
i get that, and as i said profile your code
I am just a beginner, waht is profiling?
a profiler is used to check the performance of you code
for example, a performance profiler can tell you the running time of your code
and which parts of your code are consuming most cpu time
such things
Ok thanks =) will give that a try in a few mins and post the solution if I find it just for people who may be interested
u can get a trial from ANTS or Resharper
how to find out how many bytes is a char array and a double array?
@BicB try sizeof() ?
will that return bytes??
sizeof(int) = 4
sorry about that, I am new to programming in C
umm not sure thats the exact one for c - but thats definitely valid in c#
oh ok
this statment run at SQL SERVER with not problem :
SELECT * FROM tblPersonList WHERE date='1391/7/17'

but selfsame sentence in C# dont run:
dataView.RowFilter = "SELECT * FROM tblPersonList WHERE date='1391/7/17'";

error: missing operand after tblPersonList operator.

what is the problem!? i'm confused really!
here is last my hope, please help me.

? i'm wait
my problem sloved! we can't use select in rowfilter
the correct sentense is: dataView.RowFilter = "date='1391/7/17'";
you're right programmer1
Morning All
can anyone tell me what's the formula for counting New sheets for a document
lew lew lew
You love skipping the 's' xD
For some reason it is either Lewis or Lew :(
70 bloody days to go :(
Q: Measuring throughput (MBytes/sec) of L2 cache in C

Bic BThis is an assignment and I am trying to write a C program that measures the data throughput (MBytes/sec) of the L2 cache of my system. To perform the measurement I have to write a program that copies an array A to an array B, repeated multiple times, and measure the throughput. Consider at leas...

Morning room.
sorry Lews, ill try to remember that in future
hey guys,
m creating this timer on form load
@E.LDunn Was kidding :P
System.Windows.Forms.Timer myTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
myTimer.Interval = 200;
myTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(myTimer_Tick);
myTimer.Enabled = true;
@Billdr Hey
do i have to unsubscribe from the event handler??
nd if yes then where??
timers are evil :P
but necessary :(
what does the timer tick method do?
oh and sorry for not responding earlier
that's ok
the timer_tick calls the background worker to do it's task
private void myTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!bw.IsBusy)
why not let the background worker do that?...
Do I want to write javascript or research new javascript libraries? This is as close to C# development as I'll get today. :(
run the background worker in a loop.... have thread safe members available to break the loop on request.
my brain is still processing ....
ok, now keeping your suggestion as a possible change,
now tell me how to unsubscribe from the event handler
i am chasing a bigger problem here
u can help about delegates pls??
myTimer.Tick -= new EventHandler(myTimer_Tick);
i placed that in my form_closing event
hi all
I need to ask few performance issues
@Samy000rathore It won't work that way.. sorry Dunn
how to enhance the EF start
how to enhance the EF start
Believe it or not.. I don't remember how.
Hold on let me try
Wow. Jobs has been dead for a year already.
i tried to put that code in formclosing(), but it says mytimer does not exist in the context :O
Well it is a local variable, or it looks like it
but the timer is working :/
Paste your code again
class myclass
private timer mytimer = null;

public myclass()
mytimer = new timer(500);

private void timertick()
You didn't subscribe to Tick.
yea there are errors but just wanted to have a refrencec as to where the timer is declared
Well in this way it is possible.
yeah, that makes sense...i'll make that change in my code....:P
lew ive never need to keep references to eventhandlers to remove them before
@Billdr Yea
doh i meant lews
@E.LDunn It depends how you are using it..
In Samy's case you need to otherwise the new Form Instance will never get disposed of. Until the main Form closes.
now the other thing, i am calling this method in the timer's do_work
@Billdr Hey? Lol
i am worried about this:
BeginInvoke(new FillData1(fillData), new object[] { Parts.Length - 1, Parts });
new form?? i feel im missing something lol
@E.LDunn Oh I thought he was creating a new form lol
not a new form, it's the same timer were just talking about
it calls the Bgworker, which has a do_work method, which calls this method RefreshRates
i read that delegates are common cause of memory leaks
Are you calling RefreshRates in a new thread?
it's on the backgroundworker
Then you don't need BeginInvoke
i am using runworkerasync
i don't?? O.o
RefreshRates already executes on a new thread. BeginInvoke will just bottleneck that thread.
And you are calling it twice :(
there are two calls to two different methods,
i forgot to use is_inplay in begininvoke
@LewsTherin I didn't really have anything to say, I was just correcting someone who said "Lew."
Ah, gotcha :P
I'm dying for a burger.
A whopper.. cheese and bacon.
I made Jucy Lucies last night. They were amazing.
A Jucy Lucy (sic) or Juicy Lucy is a cheeseburger that has the cheese inside the meat patty rather than on top. A piece of cheese is surrounded by raw meat and cooked until it melts, resulting in a molten core of cheese within the patty. This scalding hot cheese tends to gush out at the first bite, so servers frequently warn patrons to let the burger cool for a few minutes before consumption. Two bars on the same street in South Minneapolis both claim to have invented the sandwich: Matt's Bar and the 5-8 Club. They differ in how they spell it; the former omits the letter "I" in "Juicy"...
i was saying that in this two lines,
BeginInvoke(new Is_InPlay1(is_InPlay), new object[] { Parts[0] });
BeginInvoke(new FillData1(fillData), new object[] { Parts.Length - 1, Parts });
if i dunno use begininvoke with is_inplay
@Billdr Yumm, we don't have Juicy Lucy here :(
the second line does'nt executes
ahhhh.....u triggered my tummy
I bought a burger once for 13 eur. Second best burger I've ever had.
The first best burger was free :D
We have a "Hello Kitty" toaster. When I toasted the bread it left an imprint on the toast of Hello Kitty. So my Jucy Lucies are actually "Dripping Pussies."
@LewsTherin You wouldn't. They were invented here in Minneapolis, and as far as I know they haven't migrated away from here. You can make them yourself, of course.
@Samy000rathore BeginInvoke creates a new thread or reuses a thread on the Threadpool. But it places your method on a queue.. Not good.
so i make direct calls there??
@Billdr LOL
@Samy000rathore That may be best.
i'll give that a shot
thanxx lew
u r the best ;)
Are those long running process?
filldata is
a very long running process
Ok, you don't need the BeginInvoke calls.
Huh, per Wikipedia the Jucy Lucy has migrated to Spain and France. Baller.
Come to Irlandese!!
and Lebanon.
Lews, open a burger shop. The Jucy Lucy is kitchy enough to support a business. Hell, Matt's and 5-8s have been milking it for 50 years.
There are loads of burger shops here. Many look downright awful.
The main ones, BK, McDonald, Supermacs.
well... so do these burgers.
while your at it make a 47" pizza like i saw on man vs food the other night
I think Pizzahut does a all you can eat Pizza.
Ah, alright. They're affiliated with Papa Johns. As far as franchise pizza goes they're pretty good.
Never tried it though.. I get bored with Pizza's easily.
I saw a 72 inch pizza last year. Family of six had to eat it in under an hour or some nonsense. They did not win.
DAmn, they do not keep such contest here....
Hey @Billdr sorry I did not respond to you yesterday, I got home late from the fishing. :( But today I'll be online and I'll call you for sure.
Lol. What was the prize? More pizza? :D
Good morning
@AndréSilva no problem.
I think the pizza was free. $60 or something otherwise.
They gave them t-shirts for attempting it.
Ok that is it. I can't take it anymore. Going to get some burger.
Talk in a few burgers..
hmm, I can't find the pizzeria that was at.
They had to move two tables together, and the pizza was still hanging off the edge.
these guys have a 48 inch challenge, with cash prizes: premierpizza.com/challenge.html
i would luv to participate
even if i loose :D
i crave for pizza
2.5 hours to go
i need weekend
@LewsTherin, it won't work without begininvoke
the data won't load
Come on over Samy. I think we can rope in one more person and make a serious shot at $1,000.
anyone worked with active directory and clusters?
Bitcoins are the lowest they've been in a month. I imagine we're pretty much at the best time to buy for the quarter.
@Samy000rathore ?
i replaced begininvoke with a direct call
the filldata method stops working
Show me
Burger soo good
oh gawd
I'm implementing a custom membership provider and role provider for an ASP.NET MVC application. Now I can't see any reason why they shouldn't just go in the web application project inside their own directory. Is there any reason you can think of that I should separate them out into a separate project?
@Samy000rathore Why did you not call Is_In play? And it should work
the screen just shows up blank,
Oh I see
i thought i should try for one method first
@Jez totally find. It belongs to the Web project, so just keep it their
thats what i thought. why this other developer put them in another project i dont know
name the folder something like "Infrastructure" and save it
or "Security" perhaps
probably for simple re-use
re-use where though?
if it's reusable
the providers are for logging into the web app
Keep in the web project and your fine
@Samy000rathore ok another idea
:S why is everybody tagging me
yeah, say??
@RobAngelier Famous
i don't want to be famous
lew, u were saying...
i'm a very shy developer
i was just correcting your grammer :P
@Samy000rathore mmn few secs
aaaaaah allright, no problem! You should here me talk then!
Hear? :P
my bad, sorry.
it's not my first language, but i think you noticed that already.
Just kidding ;)
don't be sorry, it's all good :)
well ok!
At least your words are comprehensible. Some are WTF did he just say?...
@Samy000rathore Ok, finished eating.
I am thinking of one begininvoke call
and put the other 1 in that one
yeah, totally
yeah, it works llike that
BeginInvoke( () =>
             	string[] Parts = prices.Split(':');
			is_InPlay(Parts[0]) ;
			 fillData(Parts.Length - 1, Parts);
	}) ;
Oh my
how'd u format the code

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