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As I have now made the assertion that not all animals are red.
on this planet.
Why not - if I make a claim that something is true, I have to prove it.
If I want my argument to be valid at all.
you equating 'I don't believe in x' and 'I believe in not x' mean that I can't not believe in anything without having proof that not x.
Well, sure. An honest response to the assertion "I believe all animals are red" is not "I don't believe that", but "You can't know that, and therefore I withhold judgement".
Yes, there is a term for that - not believing something.
Your response is what's wrong here, not the fact that "I don't believe A" is equivalent to "I believe not A".
The thing is that you aren't not believing that all animals are red. You're not believing that I can know that.
Those aren't the same thing.
But then why have the world 'believe' at all? With the way you use it, it's entirely redundant.
I don't see that at all.
believe implies that you have a good reason enough to assert that something is the case. 'I do not believe A' means, I don't have a good reason to believe that that is the case.
ugh, let me reword that
as I used a word in it's definition.
A is a binary proposition. Not having a good reason to believe A is the same as having a better reason to believe not A.
That's not true. Say I imagine something.
Something completely made up.
I have no reason to believe that that thing exists.
But I also have no reason to believe it doesn't exist.
I think the issue here is that the default is to no believe things - which is absolutely correct.
If you truly have no reason to prefer not A over A, you just don't take a stance on the matter. You wouldn't say you don't believe A.
The sad part is that I've had this discussion at least three times before. Twice in #pharyngula.
The difference here is we are setting things on a different scale.
I'll just open a beer and watch the screen scroll by...
Mine goes from 1 (belief), 0 (not belief), to -1 (believing not x)
yours goes from 1 (belief), 0 (no stance), to -1 (not belief)
we are defining not belief differently..
And yours isn't how either language or logic works.
I have a 4-leaf clover on my desk
... I'm not sure how that's relevant, but I feel like it might be
Could you give me a source on that?
I'm honestly unsure at this point - I had always assumed that the scale I'm using is the correct one.
but I can see how yours works if you redefine the terms.
(from my point of view)
If you want an anecdotal appeal to popularity, both times I had this discussion in #pharyngula, the other guy was ridiculed out of the channel by the regulars.
There must be a formal definition of what not believing in something is meant to mean.
#pharyngula used to be like that. I wonder if it's still around.
@mgilson, if you don't believe one way or the other that a four leaf clover brings good luck, then it may be irrational to keep it there. Using that portion of your desk for leaf storage incurs a nonzero opportunity cost (you could have been storing other things there all this time), with potentially zero benefit, if luck does not exist.
My issue is that I'd classify not believing in something as the lack of believing in something (hence, having no stance on it)
@Kevin -- luck isn't the only thing that they're good for. They have some novelty value which can stimulate conversation.
while you use the two terms to mean largely different things.
Well done guys...

Lattyware & Cairnarvon debate logic

43 mins ago, 42 minutes total – 125 messages, 6 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 16 secs ago by Jon Clements

@mgilson: I own a Raspberry Pi for that exact reason.
Of course, every minute I spend in stimulating conversation with a co-worker is a minute that I'm not on SO gaining reputation (... or doing my job...) so maybe that's a net loss as well.
If you have a belief about the likelihood of lucky clovers existing, then you can evaluate the net benefit to you as the chance of luck existing times the amount of benefit a four leaf clover conveys, minus the cost of storing it on your desk
plus or minus the various fringe benefits not listed, such as its use as a conversational piece.
(But remember, you could be using that space to store an even better conversational piece)
@Cairnarvon -- I was just reading about those today: insidehpc.com/2013/05/25/…
Here's the tricky part. Calculating that net benefit incurs an opportunity cost because it wastes your time that you could be using on more productive things. So you have to somehow calculate the net benefit of calculating the net benefit, without doing any actual calculations.
I was going to get a bunch of them for a cluster, but I'm going to wait for a model that does PoE.
Too many cables otherwise.
This is why perfectly rational actors don't exist in real life, I think. They'd starve to death calculating which breakfast cereal they should eat in the morning.
It's perfectly rational to use heuristics when calculating exact odds takes too long~
Or starve to death deciding whether it's worth their time to rationally calculate which breakfast cereal... ad infinitum
I had a delightful thought experiment all lined up involving imperfect information and Pascal's Wager, but it got me so confused that I don't even remember what my original point was. So I deleted it and googled funny cat gifs instead.
gotta go, thanks for the interesting discussion
@Kevin have fun
The problem with Pascal's Wager isn't even necessarily the common "Which God?" objection or the obvious point that being a faithful Christian or whatever doesn't have zero cost, but just that making the benefit of getting to Heaven infinite is meaningless nonsense.
And as soon as it's not infinite, the odds of it being true do matter.
I just find David Mitchell amusing... and am refusing to think too much tonight
This David Mitchell is definitely better than any of the others.
Cloud Atlas was a disaster.
Ahh, David Mitchell the author, or the ex-politician are you referring to ?
There's also another actor called that, but I specifically meant the writer of Cloud Atlas.
I haven't seen the movie yet. Maybe that's better than the book.
Because Hollywood has such a good track record when it comes to the relative quality of books and films.
If it wasn't for the sarcasm, I would have asked which Hollywood you were referring to
@Cairnarvon OK, you made me think, but here is how I would state it. 'I believe in X' means you think that X is true. 'I do not believe in X' means that you do not think that X is true' This includes both the possibility that you believe X is false, and that you hold no opinion on X.
Very few programming languages define a boolean as enum { False, True, FileNotFound }.
No, but plenty of logic systems define A => B. I would argue saying you believe in something is a similar setup.
If you say you do not believe in something, it does not tell you if the person believes it isn't true, or doesn't have an opinion.
I'm honestly not interested in this discussion anymore. I'm watching Doctor Who.
Just they don't think it's true.
We're just going in circles now.
Fair enough - but I needed to clarify it for my own sake.
heya @Mirac7 - welcome
Hey guys
I'd like to ask a silly question... How do I get pymob?
Looking at their website - not a clue. It looks like it's unreleased.
No mention of downloads, or anywhere to get it.
No mention of release dates or anything either though.
People were downloading it before as a public beta...
That was 6-12 months ago
I'd suggest contacting them and asking why there is nothing approaching a download link or release date on the site.
I sent a mail about a week ago, I got no response from them.
Sounds like vapourware, at the moment.
Hey guys
I am after some help running two while statement parallel
You could check out Kivy
I think it's a similar kind of thing, but I know it's released and availible.
import TCP
import UDP
import threading
from threading import Thread
import Queue
def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':
T = threading.Thread(target = TCP.startTCP())
U = threading.Thread(target = UDP.startUDP())

T.daemon = True
U.daemon = True

If you have a question about code, you are best off posting an actual question on the site.
You have any personal experience with kivy, Lattyware?
Hello cargo cult programming. Why do you define main and do the whole if __name__ == '__main__': thing if you're just going to write your code in the top-level?
@Mirac7 Nope, afriad not.
@Lattyware I'll check it out, thanks...
have done
A: Running two while statements at same time with Threads and Queue

Paul WoolcockThe documentation for the Queue.Queue class has a bare-bones example of how to use a Queue to distribute tasks among Threads: http://docs.python.org/2.7/library/queue.html?highlight=queue.queue#Queue.Queue.join

Not sure the people who have answered it understand what i was after
TCP and UDP here are your own modules, yeah?
your question is impossible to answer without seeing them.
It's also not clear what your problem is. What error or incorrect results do you get?
What would you expect to get?
Sorry hi
UDP and TCP are my own yes
They are simply loops that opens a socket and sniffs all the packets
they are both different packet types, so i need them in two different modules
right, well you need to add them (or at least the relevant parts) to the question if you want people to help.
you also need to explain exactly what your problem is (do you get an exception? Incorrect results?)
The functions dont return any data
and what you would expect (what is the correct result)?
They just run and log data in a database
You are giving incredibly vague responses. People can't mind read. If you want help, you are going to need to give us data we can test against.
As I say, edit your question to include all the used code.
and example output from a run as it stands
and what output you'd expect from a successful run
... yes?
Sorry, i answered your questions
Wait what its all gone
Oh you replied
My internet lagged sorry
that's fine.
2 hours later…
how important are doctests?
we're rewriting a lot of old code in python at my work, and heres a chance to include doctests for everything we write
is it generally considered useful or a waste of time?
Do you have any testing strategy in place?
heya @RolandSmith
Nothing outside of just testing on our own
Okay, maybe think about unittesting or BDD
I prefer to leave docstrings as well, just docstrings
Have a look at Python's unittest module or the lettuce 3rd party module
doctests are not meant to replace testing
doctests are a way to ensure examples in your documentation are up-to-date.
it's a test for your documentation, not your code.
When i try this
IP[str(s_addr)]['saddr'] = str(s_addr)
TypeError: object does not support item assignment
i get that ^^, any idea why?
What is type(IP[str(s_addr)]['saddr']) ?
Don't you mean type(IP[str(s_addr)])?
IP is my dictionary array
and the IP is the top-level key or w/e you say
Surely you can have multiple keys?
I have set IP = {}
And then what do you do with it?
Can i not do that?
Do a print(IP) just before where the exception occurs and show us the result - it'll be the quickest way to resolve this.
@Lattyware what're the odds this is going to end up recommending a defaultdict(dict) ?
I'm guessing pretty high.
Gives me {}
So IP is an empty dictionary.
that doesn't make sense, you should get a KeyError
{'': 1}
ah, right
so what is happening there, is you do IP[str(s_addr)] and get back 1.
 IP[str(s_addr)] = 1
          IP[str(s_addr)]['saddr'] = str(s_addr)
          IP[str(s_addr)]['times'] += 1
          IP[str(s_addr)]['d_port'] = str(dest_port)
          IP[str(s_addr)]['s_port'] = str(source_port)
          IP[str(s_addr)]['dest_ip'] = str(d_addr)
          IP[str(s_addr)]['protocol'] = str(protocol)
then you try and do 1['saddr'] = str(s_addr), which naturally fails
right. So it's pretty clear why this is failing
you set IP[str(s_addr)] = 1
so then when you do IP[str(s_addr)]['saddr'] = str(s_addr), it's the same as 1['saddr'] = str(s_addr)
1 isn't a dictionary. It can't contain values like that.
Did you mean to do IP[str(s_addr)] = {"times": 1}?
Umm, yes that could work
As you see on the example
I am looking to be able to increment IP[str(s_addr)]['times']
Would that be possible with the method you are showing me?
I'm not sure you understand your own code.
A dictionary is a mapping of key to value
your key is an IP address
your value is 1
Or could i just have
 IP[str(s_addr)]['saddr'] = str(s_addr)
          IP[str(s_addr)]['times'] += 1
          IP[str(s_addr)]['d_port'] = str(dest_port)
          IP[str(s_addr)]['s_port'] = str(source_port)
          IP[str(s_addr)]['dest_ip'] = str(d_addr)
          IP[str(s_addr)]['protocol'] = str(protocol)
And not set IP[str(s_addr)] = 1
That doesn't make sense again.
as IP[str(s_addr)] won't exist.
if you want a dictionary of dictionaries, you need to make the inner dictionaries and add them
IP[str(s_addr)] gets the value associated with the IP address in the dictionary.
If that value is 1, it returns 1. If it's nothing, you'll get a KEyError.
IP[str(s_addr)]['saddr'] gets that value, then tries to access from it like a dictionary again
so if the value IP[str(s_addr)] isn't a dictionary or dictionary-like object, it'll fail.
Okay i see thanks, how can i go about incrementing the times?
heya @Raccha
that depends, are you doing this in a loop?
so then increment the value when you come across it, as appropriate.
But how would i do that? just like IP['IP']['times'] += 1
I'm having some issue with connecting to the chat server for some reason
I feel you really are not understanding how dictionaries work at all if you can't get how to increment a variable in one.
It's the same as incrementing one anywhere else.
cabbage, potato?
Greetings and salutations @Volatility!
It works :)
So that would work then

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