If you are always calling the function from the same place it is DRY, if you call it from multiple places that is another story.
You should not really catch an exception of that kind - the function expects to recieve a requests object which contains strings of ints, it then casts them to ints, and uses them. If there is a problem there - it is not the functions fault. it is somewhere else.
Despite being 14 years old and incomplete, it's still the third highest result for "Tkinter" on Google. The first result links to it, and the second result links to the first. So by the transitive property, everything is terrible.
I've never used GTK or QT ... or even wxWidgets -- I think they're a little more "professional" than Tk, but I've always wanted to avoid the extra dependency
I always hated creating GUIs in code. The GTK has really nice integration for it's GUI GUI builder Glade, which spits out XML files you dynamically load.
The project I used TK for was actually my final year project. My project was a full parser and interpreter for Java, written in Python - and later a compiler to Python bytecode. (I know, a little crazy).
100 is about right when you're cobbling event loops together using only c++ and the win32 API. Fewer if you don't count lines containing only curly brackets.
The coolest part was compiling a Java program to Python bytecode, then importing it in the Python interpreter and playing with the classes Python-side.
(Naturally, this only works on a subset of Java - this was just a final year BSc. project, nothing huge)
Yesterday I was trying to see how hard it would be to write a compiler for a BASIC-like language. I got fifteen pages into the PE format spec before I went cross-eyed and decided I'd try again later.
I want to reach maximum meta by writing a KBASIC compiler in KBASIC, and using a KBASIC interpreter to run the KBASIC compiler, to compile the source of the KBASIC interpreter into assembly.
she was my first love, she used to have dreams and stuff, but she had a rough life. then we started dating and I was a whore at the time so not only did I take her virginity I used to do things with her on webcam in front of people. now thats what she does for a living.
The worst thing is it's not in a formal setting. I get that the definition of therefore in formal logic is hard to grasp, but the are arguing that not believing in something is the same in believing that thing is not true.
Say someone comes to my door and claims they are a millionaire. I would not believe that they are. They are just dressed normally, there is no reason for it, why would I believe them?
At the same time, I don't believe they are not a millionaire - I don't know.
I'll base my decisions on the assumption they are not, but I don't know that.
Russel's Teapot is an interesting relevant thought experiment. However, it's somewhat flawed because the Lagrangian point on the other side of the sun isn't stable.
It's functionally very similar to believing god does not exist - as you would act the same way if you knew god does not exist, as opposed to just not believing one does.
Reasoning logically about knowledge itself, is really hard. This is obvious if you've ever read those riddles like, "three rationalists are in a room, and must name the color of their own hat, which they can't see...". You end up with twisty statements like, "person A knows that person B doesn't know whether Person C knows that Person's A's hat is the same color as person C's hat"
So to say that, ' "X believes not Y" is equivalent to "X does not believe Y" ', may be intuitively correct to some, it's not something that's so easy to prove formally.