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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

Happy after birthday @Volatility !
I decided to make another code golf challenge since the other one was apparently a sub problem of another question
Q: Convert to and from the factorial number system

VolatilityThe Factorial Number System, also called factoradic, is a mixed radix numeral system. The factorials determine the place value of a number. In this system, the right most digit can be either 0 or 1, the second rightmost digit can be 0, 1 or 2, and so on. This means that an n digit factoradic num...

@Haidro I see you're on 2467 rep
You should get one more rep
I should have an extra 15
You'll be on 2468 then
But some user got deleted
Hmm, I could try that
eww, bases
yeah, they're the opposite of acids...
you noob
@Volatility help
with what?
Q: Python : in python is it true you can import specific functions from a module unlike in php?

Python Newbiein php it is not possible to only get specific functions from an included file. i would usually create 5 different include files and each would have like 5-6 functions in it. this way it would be faster. but i hear and see examples on google within which it seems like in python you can do some...

Check edit history
Should I flag for mod attention if he does one more time
I've flagged it
He is still going @@@
And he changed his name. Somehow
he did threaten to do that...
I didn't even know you could change your name
don't bother rolling it back
there's no point
he'll just edit it again
I've already flagged it
So... just wait?
Now someone else is reverting
Oh hey I got a badge for reverting a post.
Well hopefully he doesn't edit it again...
He hasn't for a few minutes now so it all looks good
Just ignore him, @Volatility
I don't think he realises that the question has been rolled back
Just wait for a Mod
Hello guys :D
Does one of you would have an idea about how to have a dict which is key would be some range objects?
Could you perhaps give an example :3?
And, if I would try to access myDict[20] it will give me the value associated with the keys where 20 is included is in range
myDict = {range(20): "this number is beetween 0 and 20", range(20, 50): "Nope"}
I guess they would have to not be overlapping
There might be some modules to do that ^^ But I know none of them and my searches were unsuccessful ^^ Any help would be strongly appreciated :)
mydict[5]. would result "This number is between 0 and 20"?
Yep :)
Why use a dictionary :)
if 5 in range(20):
print "This number is between 0 and 20"
It would be easy to implement a class but I wondered if such already existed
Not that I know of, sorry
Nope, I'm looking for an object ^^ (it's for a POC, I'm trying to do a one line app :p)
Sorry, can't help you there :(
@Volatility Know anything?
Plus, it could be easier sometimes to be able to use this trick (which already exists. I'm talking about using a dict instead of doing some if elif else
Python contains so much magic modules ^^ it's impossible to know all the beauties it has :D
I don't know why I feel like Python MUST have something to do that super easily ^^
You can use a tuple
>>> {tuple(range(20)):'hi'}
{(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19): 'hi'}
but myDict[5] doesn't exist :)
nt aha
Except if there is a module or a trick I don't know about, the only way I see would be to quickly implement it myself (by overwriting, what is it?, __item__? (lemme check))
I'm not sure, I'm not as experienced in classes as you seem to be :)
def application(environ, start_response):
start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'text/html')])
yield a
I've seen this ebfore
__getitem__ I think
Sorry, back from lunch
@Volatility hello :) was it good? :p
very ;)
lol "allah akbar club" is his username
I really don't get those people
I know why I lost 15 rep now...
Just a fancy troll
It was from one of his accounts
I got an accepted answer from one of his questions
(Lot of us aren't American in addition of that :p)
Aha I'm sorry for u
(Back to my prob, personally ^^)
@Volatility Perhaps, do you have an idea ? :)
idea for what?
He wants to access a dictionary like {range(20): "This number is 0-20"}
And you can do mydict[5]
and it prints "This number is 0-20"
{range(5): "between 0 and 5", range(5,10): "Nope :("}[3] would return "between 0 and 5"
You can't do that
lists aren't valid dictionary keys
okay @Volatility, tuple(range(5))
then you would have to do dct[tuple(range(5))]
Is there anything already doing that? ^^ A module or a trick I don't know about. It would easy to implement but I feel like there must be some hidden (for me) Python ways to do that
you should make a custom class for that
gimme a sec
Yea, that's what he wants
Anything that has a hash is a valid key for a dict
Yup, that's also what I've been thinking about, a custom class … but as I'm trying to make a POC, I was looking for a module doing that (for instance) if possible ^^
{range(5): "lol"} is valid btw. I work with Python 3 ;)
range aren't lists
in Python 2 they are
in Python 3 they're iterators
Yep, I forgot
not much use as keys for a dict
Why doesn't it show "helpful flags" on other people's profiles?
Erm, in my case, I actually need a continuous sequence.
So something like that would be cool: FancyDict(((5, 'between 0 and 5'), (20, 'between 5 and 20')))
I see
do you want the ability to edit them later?
I don't think it's needed
not in this case
@Haidro hey, i checked out some of the codeacadamy stuff. I like it. Thanks for the advice!
I'm actually surprised that I found no one with this same question… Maybe I just don't search right
@lciamp Lol no problem :)
@lciamp It's explains a bit of stuff confusing though sometimes, well, it did for me
@Haidro , @Volatility I think I'm gonna make a question on SO ^^
class FancyDict(dict):
	def __init__(self, lst):
		i = 0
		for num, value in sorted(lst):
			while i <= num:
				self[i] = value
				i += 1
hacky way to do it
@JeromeJ What about :3?
@Volatility Aha, hacky, you said it. I wouldn't have taken this approach ^^ mmh lemme see
class FancyDict(dict):
	def __getitem__(self, item):
		for key, value in sorted(self.items()):
			if item <= key:
				return value
@JeromeJ maybe less hacky
>>> dct = FancyDict(((5, 'between 0 and 5'), (20, 'between 5 and 20')))
>>> dct[3]
'between 0 and 5'
>>> dct[13]
'between 5 and 20'
>>> dct
{20: 'between 5 and 20', 5: 'between 0 and 5'}
The other one made a key for every value
>>> dct[-1]
'between 0 and 5'
That's not a prob (in my case), input must be between 0 and 999
That is very stylish otherwise ^^ thanks, you will receive my credits in my question and that might be what I'll be using if I don't find a builtin Python way of doing it (Python has so much stuff we don't know :D)
I don't think there's a builtin solution for it...
although I might have another look at collections
Although, I don't feel like the name is approriate :p
Yep, builtin maybe wasn't the appropriate word. I meant modules included (such as collections yes, I was having a look at it)
generator perhaps? next(v for k,v in {range(5): 'low', range(15): 'high'}.items() if 7 in k)
7 is my input here
Now I need to access the dict recursively, I think I have my idea
except that then, it has to recursively try to access data like I just did here. Aha, things are gettin complicated
(remember I'd like to make it work in a single line ? :p)
Actually, my friends, did you know what this is all for? Maybe you'll be interested in the challenge too.
And because I love POC. Otherwise it is less funny
And it forces us to learn a lot of stuff about Python :) (to make POCs)
a game world you can explore using programming...
some challenges are hard ^^
what do you do?
My second version of the speech module. The first one was already a POC but I'm not pleased with it, I can do a even shorter one :) I'm gonna c/c the code here if you want (because you won't be able to see my code on the website if you haven't succeed the challenge yet)
but what do you do in the game?
# I wanted to take a special approach approach with this function and make a POC of the less ligne as possible

# Turning them into dict so that we can use its .get() method and never have some IndexError
spe = dict(enumerate(('', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen')))
decades = dict(enumerate(('', '', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety')))
it is just to convert an integer in input, to its name :)
so 36 will output thirty six
There are a lot of different challenges actually
that's just one
you have to make a program that will perform an action (everything is automatically tested in background)
note that number is the input
so is it like a video game or something, and you have to program to do stuff?
Yep, kinda
in the web browser
@Volatility Are you gonna play it? :D
looks interesting...
ooh, got a solved first task badge!
@Haidro checkio.org
@Volatility What's your username there?
what else would you expect?
@Haidro Aha, inside joke
@Volatility Here we go, I follow you :D
What does that mean?
Idk, lol I just went to your profile and hit Follow
what happens when you fail a task?
do you lose points or something?
This looks cool
Mmh, no I don't think, but the number of your attempt is saved
so maybe it's better to try locally :p
for the show
Is it me, or is it rather slow
it is a bit slow
Actually, it's been a while since the last time I played. But I received a mail saying that someone commented my code, so I logged in and I decided to try to make a better version of it :)
Because this is very time consuming :) (especially because I like POCs) but so addictive
Is it good I'm doing these in one lines
all the comments are rather distracting
all the solutions for house password are too long
import re

def checkio(data):
    return len(data) >= 10 and all(map(re.search, (r'\d', r'[a-z]', r'[A-Z]'), (data,)*3))
The guy is crazy
Can we not IP block
I like yours too :) I voted it
I published my second of Speech module :) The one I asked you so many questions about this evening :p
It's actually afternoon in Sydney ;)
Sydney hi-fives
hi-fives back
And here it's the morning :p but I always adapt myself for Americans, just in case
I'm European
Belgian actually
I'm off, have a good day or whatever it is :D
Ouh and @Volatility , happy birthday a bit late!
Will this guy ever stop
1 hour later…
Good morning, and a wonderful Cabbage to you all.
2 hours later…
can you guys have a look at stackoverflow.com/questions/2051192/… please and decide whether the dupe is appropriate please. If not, please vote to reopen. Thanks.
It is not a dupe of "How to create an Egg" stackoverflow.com/questions/2026395/…
2 hours later…
Can anyone help me right now? Or is everybody adk
busy, actually
gimme a couple of minutes
If you just ask your question, when someone has time they will answer.
When using select.select: If I make the 'wait to write' a list, if something is inserted into that list, will that 'trigger' the code that I put after a for i in wlist: call?
I'm having trouble explaining myself.
Try using code.
Link to pastebin would be nice.
r_list, w_list, x_list = select.select(U_Connections + [ss], Username_List, [])
Where username list, is just a list.
When I insert something into that list
It triggers x_list
Not w_list
Ah. sorry Inbar Rose
Didn't see
Happy cabbage to all
Happy cabbage... I like that.
I ate a purple Cabbage Yesterday, it was delicious :)
Pictured above: Delicious :)
I do like purple cabbage
Old people food.
I wouldn't consider old people food. Seems a bit harsh unless you're a cannibal.
@JonClements :) nicely said.
You say old-people-food.. well.. look at this:
Two young girls FIGHTING over one. And you say it is for the old? For shame!
Are you kidding me?
They are actually in front of a green screen
And why would you say that?
Wasn't being serious.
But nvm now.
@InbarRose they aren't fighting over it. That's the ceremony that takes place for good luck - you know like when you pull the chicken's breast bone...
So they are fighting over the good luck!
Caption says they're just trying to get the leaves off.
My grandmother used to make red cabbage for us every Sunday. It gets old quickly.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Sunday keeps coming around again and again. It does get old sometimes.
1 seventh of our lives is lived in sunday.
Kind of sucks.
Unless you're born on a Monday, and die on a Saturday - so that'll upset the ratio a bit
But then again, most people spend 1/3 or 1/4 of their lives sleeping.
Add that to 1/7 of your life on sunday, and then the 5/7 for weekdays.. damn.. not looking to good.
I aim for 1/2.
I need more sleep.
I, also: need a vacation-
@InbarRose so what ya up to, today?
One of my favorite games way back when.
It is fun to remember the story, It was a really good one. Also - This guy unlocks everything, Which I never did.. So it is fun.
I sometimes watch YouTube videos of spectrum walk-throughs. The other day I did have a go at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Castlevania_IV on an emulator though
I like the lets play archive.
Wow. Didn't know about that. Bookmarked it for later. Thanks
One of my favourite haunts is worldofspectrum.org - the memories!
I hate to note, that website is horrible.
I have no idea what that is
And no idea where to start.
There is no "about" or "new users" or "what is world of spectrum"
I am just tossed into a site that tells me it is the best source of "gaming center" on the internet (that I never heard of) and I am completely at a loss of what to press on to find out,.
I have still got NO IDEA what this website is for.
What's anything for, in the end?
Wow - 9.1% of all posts in this room are from me... that's sad
Is it unexpected though?
Yes - I was all quite late to the chat room on SO thing
I don't think that it starts counting since the beginning of time.
1 hour later…
Q: Is Google Hosting Python's Mod-WSGI and permitting the authors of MOD-WSGI to lie about mod-python being depricated so they can take over Python

Python NewbieMOD-PYTHON web site says, it is simply at a level where there can not be any more upgrades, that is why it is no longer being upgraded. this means mod-python must be more perfect than mod-wsgi. but everyone is recommending mod-wsgi including google's web site google is hosting mod-wsgi if i ...

Lol, quick. before it goes away, look at the lolz.
Hmm, why don't I get a delete link? :(
Also, SO totally needs a hellban system.
Oh - Python Newbie again
NCSA Mosaic is clearly the most perfect browser. I'm switching back.
flagged and voted to delete
heya @wooble
hey, my delete button is back.
Ah, it's OP's username
and it's gone...
the account, or just the question? :)
yay, both.
not that this will slow him down
How odd
When I ran my select.select program a second time after inserting a test username in the wlist, it failed on the spot
Tells me the rlist value isn't defined.
@Wooble it's a pain I know - but also slightly amusing that he continues with the effort
Is there any way to append a string to a list as something other than a string?
What else would you append it as?
Sigh. I don't know. I'm just terrible frustrated right now with this god-forsaken select module.
I just found a thread where somebody does thing similar to me, and it doesn't work because I'm breaking rules when I have a string inside my select module write list.
Ahh - you've reached the - "I'm so fed up with it. I'm going to random things just on the off chance they might make some sort of difference" stage?
Maybe. All I know is that for some reason, I can't append strings to my write list. Which means my program now has no way of keeping track of usernames that it recieves as strings, which means I have to start over. Which doesn't mean anything, because I really haven't gotten anywhere
Use an existing program as a template?
I do have one, actually.
But I didn't write it.
And quite frankly, I don't understand it all.
I am using the part I do understand. That being it recieving data, ect. But the one part I wanted to change is what is causing this longstanding problem. And I'ts getting me annoyed because I really am incapable of doing anything
Percussion Maintenance would most certainly be applied, if it were physically present.
Ummm.... okies...
Here's the thread I am reading
Maybe you'll understand better than I (Not long)
Q: Calling select in python

orderI am trying to write a socket server. The server itself doesn't accomplish anything all that interesting. Right now my problem is that python is complaining about my arguments to select. Here is a snippet of code. read_client_sockets=[the_socket, clients] write_client_sockets=[clients, s...

I forgot what nesting was again, it's it where stuff is interlinked? With a heirachy?
Sunday is lurking day
It's Owatch gets nothing done day, and sits in Stack overflow chat occasionally posting stuff day.
I finally got the Steward badge for First Posts, and now there are posts in the queue every time I look at it.
Sorry, *Xeon. Owatch is another alias I use
Ahhh, so you were referring to yourself by a different name... Interesting...
Matt always refers to himself by the same name ...
Owatch is my Steam profile, my PChelpforum profile, my notebookforums profile, and about 20 other forum profiles.
Matt needs to be more interesting - have you considered entitling yourself, "Supreme Ruler and King of the Potato People of the ender region" ?
Don't put potato people in your ender region.
You'll end up an anecdote in those hospital joke books they keep in restaurant bathrooms.
Or at a shrink's explaining why you thought it was a potato person?
I don't think I've done anything significant enough to be immortalized in a book ...
I feel like I missed something about potato people in ender regions ...
A few illustrations I did have ended up in books.
They weren't even good illustrations.
They weren't good books either.
And they were CC-licensed so I didn't get paid either. I need to start charging for things I do.
So, it wasn't good, the book wasn't good, and you didn't get paid
Well, at least you got an epic fail I guess!
One was a Chinese biology textbook, the other was a collection of philosophical essays by some American.
I suppose I've published a couple papers ... But none of them were put in books AFAIK.
This checkio looks okay - might do a couple of bits and see if it's worth showing to a mate's son that's interesting in advancing their Python
Someone's tried to make a kind of game that uses Python challenges as levels or something
Ahh ... I saw something like that at one point.
I'm only lvl 1 or whatever, but some of the challenges are not exactly what I'd call basic
"You are given a list of integer weights. You need to distribute these weights into two sets, such that the difference between the total weight of each set is minimal."
examples: checkio([10,10]) == 0
checkio([10]) == 10
checkio([5, 8, 13, 27, 14]) == 3
checkio([5,5,6,5]) == 1
checkio([12, 30, 30, 32, 42, 49]) == 9
checkio([1, 1, 1, 3]) == 0
I have no idea what happened there.
Ahh, so that 3rd one is 5 + 13 + 14 and 8 + 27 then...
Hello everyone! I've a got a question, about traceback. Maybe, it's not exactly about traceback, it could be about sys.exc_info. I have a module, a class in it, which has a method, and in that method I catch a KeyError.
I want to create a pretty error message, so that whoever import the module, create an instance of the class, and calling that method with the "wrong" value could should see something like this: 'Wrong value <value here> in <filename here> at <linenumber here>.' But I want to give his file's name, his value, and his linenumber of his file. Right now, all I can catch is my module name, my value and my linenumber. Any idea?
The file's name will be __file__ (or os.path.basename(__file__) if you really only want the file).
Oh, that's not useful to you, probably.
The inspect module may help you.
That weights question isn't too hard to brute-force.
@PeterVaro Why would you want to do that. It just shows something deep down has failed, but doesn't tell you the caller point it failed at. Why not catch it if you need to, then re-raise it
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

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