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A quick question, has anyone ever used Django's template function to generate HTML and save it to a file?
I'm supposed to use Django's ORM and I'm also supposed to generate an HTML report file, so I was thinking of using Django's instead of another tool (like Beautiful Soup)
2 hours later…
@Wolff that's probably a great way to do it!
Django is designed for the task of reading database info and outputting web pages which is just what you're doing
you can create a quick Django project to do this and then spider it to save the data, or write a script to hit the pages and save the output
one easy way to do that is to use the test suite...
write a test that loads the pages you want and saves them, then you can run that test to refresh the data
can I post a link to my question in SO here?
it's in django, less about python specific
Q: Annotate and then filter

shevskiI have a table for test results. Let's say I have TestA and TestB. Version: 2 | 2 | 2 TestA :Pass |Null |Fail testB :Error |Fail |Null Each test can be run at any time, I want to display the latest result for that test. what I've tried x=self.results.filter(timeEnd__is...

Hi guys... Not a python question per se; but since it is about one of the Python gurus on SO, therefore, I thought about asking it here:
Does anyone know, where is Alex Martelli nowadays... His last appearance on SO was quite a while back.
@Anyone - I'm new to opensource development! Pls suggest a good opensource to start off in python!! Respond asap or mail it to [email protected]
1 hour later…
what do u mean by 'good opensource'. have a look at djangoproject.com for a good opensource python framework

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