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TIL async functions can't be assigned to types.FunctionType. This has got to be the biggest WTF I've experienced in months.
8 hours later…
Q: Alternative to single underscore for unused variables

piripiriIn Python it is good practice to use a single underscore for intentionally unused variables: first_word, _ = 'only only is important'.split(' ', 1) On the other hand, gettext uses the underscore as a short alias for its translation function, leading to clashes if the underscore is used for a v...

This doesn't have a canonical answer, what do you use?
I'd use gettext or translate or something similar
Even though the convention is to use _() for gettext? So you value the convention for unused variables higher?
That plus the convention of giving my functions descriptive names, together
@paul23 I recall reading the convention is to use __ instead.
How do you even end up with print(_('gettext will try to translate this string.'))? This seems incredibly contrived so I'm not surprised it has no answer
@roganjosh The example is pretty much as shown from "Here’s an example of typical usage for this API:"
Wow, I clearly need to read up on that but my gut instinct is to throw this syntax out
_ = gettext.gettext wut? Why is that even renamed?
I think the argument is something of the effect 'since you have to translate a bunch of strings having gettext all over the code is a worse experience. (both reading and writing)' However I don't really do i18n stuff, so YMMV.
2 hours later…
Anyone know what happened to peps.python.org/pep-0505/#standard-library
@roganjosh Not every company will want to use AIto push the limits of human potential; many will want to simply do a so-so job for less than the competition. mediocrity.ai
I raised it as a question. I think this situation is absird
@roganjosh I think you already know the answer, though. I think the unasked question is economically when do AI impostors that are just going through the motions start feeling consequences.
Oh sorry, the legal question. Sure, you could point out you never consented and invoke GDPR; they'll presumably blacklist you. Presumably they will claim some sort of informed consent through some crappy terms incorporated in some terms-of-use or email footer. Id it worth it though? If they're that clueless, AI Darwin will get to them soon enough... not every battle is worth fighting yourself.
I genuinely don't know the answer, though. I think it breaks GDPR but I don't know for sure
New github action attack. Shell injection in branch name leading to stolen access token and miner code snuck into pypi release github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/issues/…
In case anyone hasn't had github actions disabled for new contributors ever since the miner abuse cases a few years ago.
@roganjosh Presume they'll try to claim informed consent, point to some murky terms and boilerplate, if all else fails blame the recruiting contractor. Who would incur any possible GDPR fines: them, the contract recruiter? If the latter, they'll just dissolve and reform. Doubt GDPR will apply criminal penalties for that.
and HN 9/2022 "Tell HN: Otter.ai bot recording meetings without consent" news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32751071
and on Twitter: "Deal killed after otter.ai transcript reveals hours of VCs private conversations" (twitter.com/alexbilz) news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41720235
I think they're already on the radar for that.
I genuinely feel like DOSing them. But I should probably go to sleep and pick this up in the morning :P (Then DOS them)
and the positive angle, for a privacy-compliant open-source solution: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37575653

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