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Other conda users reported moved to using base conda + conda forge with no defaults, or else miniforge, which do not require a license. So I guess only users who download platform-specific builds with binaries of dependencies could be subject to licensing.
@smci further down my list of blog post topics is a more thorough analysis of this, as part of explaining the design I have for a "table" (object/generic container) type in Fawlty.
stackoverflow.com/staging-ground/78905635 could someone please check on the comments here? I think my dupe targets make sense but I'm struggling to confirm how OP mentally models the problem.
I'm only suggesting to slightly edit that blog to add the most basic links to specific whatsnew
on performance improvements. (It's a good concise post, especially when we constantly get non-Pythonusers bashing performance.) I don't think most readers will have any interest in Fawlty, if there's one thing our cherished language doesn't need it's *more* forks, and that's before the huge 3.13 GIL/NOGIL change gets digested and people start wailing that Python is broken. And the recent complaints about the system install version being 2.7 in MacOS and Linux distros and consequent package breakage.
@KarlKnechtel Responded there (do you get notified if I don't @namecheck you in my comment?) Anyway for users who aren't familiar with SQL joins or pandas multiindexes, it won't be clear that this is a dupe or why... so how should we handle it? (also, it has data but not as MCVE so I can't write code).
my language design isn't a fork, and I'm doing it for entirely unrelated reasons. The thing you linked isn't a blog post, it's just a repo where I put some useful information into README.md. There's more I could write in there, I'm sure, yes.
But most likely I'll come back to it when it's more at the forefront of my mind.
@smci I did get notified, anyway. Maybe we need a separate Q&A that introduces the technique for people who don't know they need it
but idk how to approach that
@KarlKnechtel Your github called it a blog. Anyway, it's neat!, please consider making it into a blog post. I'll dig up the whatsnew citations for you. I also see your Developing a detailed historical understanding of Python dict implementations discussion. In 2.7.x, why was the 10-key dict ~4x as large as the 5-key, instead of just ~2x as we'd expect?
@KarlKnechtel I'd simply ask the user (like I did) if they were familiar with either SQL join on multiple columns, or pandas multiindexes, and which idiom they wanted to go with. Hmm, actually either way, seems df.join() will require one of the dataframes to have a multiindex.
The doc for df.join(on=...) says "If multiple values given, the other DataFrame must have a MultiIndex."
"The day after we published our piece, it emerged Anaconda is suing Intel in a US federal court, accusing the chipmaker of using the developer's data science software with an expired license to build AI tech."
Sounds like a fairly desperate bizdev measure to connect Anaconda to AI valuations, and I guess all other users get caught in the crossfire.
? github.com/zahlman/python-dict-stats is just another repo on my github. github.com/zahlman/zahlman.github.io is the repo serving my blog.
1 hour later…
@KarlKnechtel Ok, you're right it wasn't on the list of blog posts. But I think it deserves to be.
I'll take it as a compliment.
@KarlKnechtel What if you also show numbers for just constructing the dict directly, without creating then deleting unwanted items?
"directly" could probably mean a few different things
Hi everyone
I am facing accuracy issue with my PINNS code. Can someone please have a look?
I have two python scripts. I want to run the first using the second. I can do this with subprocess but I want to see the output of the first script live as it happens. That’s fine on a line by line basis but the first script also prints slowly to one line, character by character. Is there a way to see this live too?
1 hour later…
@zhk Hi. Please can you post your code on something like dpaste and link back to it here? It's a long block of code and also lacks formatting, which makes it hard to read
@roganjosh Here it is dpaste.org/buP10
1 hour later…
@zhk please keep the discussion in this room. I requested the code in dpaste because it's part of our room rules and the lack of formatting makes it harder for other people to help you. I have run your code but I have zero experience with tensorflow and keras so I don't believe I can actually contribute an answer
@roganjosh oh ok. Thanks for your time indeed!
No worries :) If we start discussing things in another room and I actually did say something useful (unlikely here!) then it just fragments the feedback and might duplicate help from other people
@roganjosh I understand and I agree!
It's been a long time since I've run neural networks but this one looks like it gives up after the first 1000 epochs if I'm understanding the output correctly. In fact, the MSE actually increases
However, the lr is already pretty low so I'm not sure that that explains it. I did do a bit of digging in the docs but nothing stands out that might tune it better :/
I have tried different ways whatever little knowledge i have without any luck.
even I tried with pytorch
I'm less sure it's the fault of the underlying NN model. My suspicion is more around the loss function calculation itself. You're getting a remarkably smooth prediction curve so I'm wondering whether it is converging on a false loss calculation
i have coded another model almost the same as this one with a boundary condition change and the results are perfect
Well, suspicatus est because look at your loss calculations
That second model is bang on and shows a loss of ~e-07, and the previous code is showing a loss of the same order of magnitude
So I'm almost certain now that the first algorithm has some faulty math that makes it think it has converged in its loss function
OK Thanks for your input
It's actually a better predictor if you just drop it to 100 epochs :P
It's definitely converging on a false calculation and it runs (obviously) much faster in this state than 10k epochs so you can test things much quicker. I'm having a play but I need to go out soon so not sure if I can make headway
OK! Have a good time.
@zhk almost fixed it. I just incorporated your loss function from the second model to the first and it's performing way better but it's still not correct (and 10k epochs don't help over 1k so you can shorten your development cycle time)
What function are you using in this case?
Nice! I followed your suggestion and fixed it. please see this


the only problem is that the RE is very high
Nice; hopefully you have a better foundation to work from now, though :) It's crossword time for me as my Saturday ritual <flies away>
OK! Have a lovely time there. Really appreciate your input.
3 hours later…
Hi, I'm learning the unittest.mock stdlib module, and I simply can't understand why this simple mock I wrote is not working even though I've read the documentation of all the functions and keyword arguments I'm using in it many times:
from unittest import mock
import pathlib
with mock.patch("pathlib.Path", wraps=pathlib.Path) as mocked:
I was expecting the call in the print to get logged to mocked.call_args, and for the call in the print to return a real pathlib.Path instance. But the code errors instead.
It errors on line 4, with a really long stack trace going from "unittest/mock.py" to "pathlib.py", and ends with the error AttributeError: type object 'Path' has no attribute '_flavour'.
And strangely, if I create the MagicMock object directly without going through patch*, the mock object correctly returns a WindowsPath instance when called.
So this works:
from unittest import mock
import pathlib
mocked = mock.MagicMock(wraps=pathlib.Path)
...even though the documentation states that patch passes additional keyword arguments to the MagicMock object it creates for you. So they should be creating the same mock object, right?
But clearly it did pass something to the mock object, because argument-less mock objects are callable. And the stack trace also involves "pathlib.py".
...Typing on a phone sucks.
Try moderating on a phone (actually don't; we'd probably burn the house down)
sad 5 WPM noises with typos
Also, how do I enable notifications in mobile chat?
I don't think that exists?
Tiny bit of progress, I've confirmed that mock.patch does pass additional keyword arguments to the mock.MagicMock object it creates for you using the below code:
from unittest import mock
import pathlib
with mock.patch("pathlib.Path", wraps=pathlib.Path, name="FakePath") as mocked:
This prints <MagicMock name='FakePath' id='...'> before erroring on the second print, with the name of the mock changed from the default. So at least that confirms it is passing the keyword arguments to the mock object. Still doesn't explain why the mock object errors in such a weird way when called though.
Update on my PC situation: Turns out the PSU is actually fine, it's the mainboard that's causing issues. It's either broken or reset to the initial BIOS version (which doesn't support my CPU yet)
This is weird, even constructing the wrapped mock object manually and passing it to the new keyword argument of the patch function still doesn't work.
I mean like this:
from unittest import mock
import pathlib
with mock.patch("pathlib.Path", new=mock.MagicMock(wraps=pathlib.Path)):
And using with mock.patch.object(pathlib, "Path", mock.MagicMock(wraps=pathlib.Path)): ... instead didn't work either.
I don't get it, is the wraps keyword argument of the mock.Mock/mock.MagicMock class just not supposed to be used with the mock.patch* functions? But what can you do with mock objects other than pass them to the patch* functions? Or is this a bug in the module?
2 hours later…
... What exactly are you hoping to accomplish with this scheme?
... and I disappear again ...
Fizzy logic
1 hour later…
@Aran-Fey If you don't mind me asking; how'd you figure out the problem is likely the mobo?
I bought a new PSU, but problem remained. My MOBO has a debug LED, and it was pointing to a problem with the CPU, so I knew it's either the CPU or the MOBO. My brother happens to have a compatible CPU, so I swapped our CPUs and now I know that my CPU works and my MOBO doesn't

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