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chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/57369984#57369984 well, I'm not able to use ubyte in my case, so I'll have to deal with float16 :p
Are there any tips to make a float16 numpy array lighter?
1 hour later…
@Marco numpy already has support for half
half = float16
So it's the same thing
4 hours later…
@Marco If by lighter you mean take less memory, I don't think there's much you can do for the data type as a whole. The amount of memory required for each value is defined by the data type itself, that's what 16 in float16 means after all. If you could fit it in less bytes, it wouldn't be float16 anymore.
If there are any optimisations to be done, they have to be found for your specific usecase.
@Mikhail You can do that, but if someone wants to misuse the code they are just going to use that tag the same way your Python code does.
Can anyone suggest any good CI tool that I can use to build my GitHub project and store an artifact? I need to be able to access latest artifact
I've been using CircleCI but they seem to have broken CORS recently
With Githubs actions I haven't found a way to access latest one
tiny personal project, so preferrably free and cloud-hosted
2 hours later…
Why not just use GitHub actions? Getting the latest artifact is more of a client-side issue, you just have to query the latest ones and pick the last one from it.
As I've said, I haven't found a way to access latest artifact through api
Also I think you need to be authenticated to download them
def get_workflow_run(repo_name, workflow_name):
    output = subprocess.check_output([
        'gh', 'run', 'list', '--repo', repo_name, '--workflow', workflow_name, '--json', 'databaseId,status'
    ], encoding='utf-8')
    runs = json.loads(output)
    return next((run for run in runs if run['status'] == 'completed'), None)

def download_artifact(repo_name, run_id, artifact_name, target_dir):
    subprocess.check_call(['gh', 'run', 'download', str(run_id), '--repo', repo_name,
                           '--name', artifact_name, '--dir', target_dir])
yes, you need to be authenticated, but any personal github token will do.
@ThiefMaster Doesn't really work for me, as I'd need client to authenticate with my token to access the resource which makes things way more complicated than simple redirect
1 hour later…
@ThiefMaster It also downloads a zip which is not ideal for me
It's supposed to be a simple link to open a PDF, so it being zipped really breaks the flow of UX
2 hours later…
@matszwecja sure
@matszwecja ok, about that what I'm pondering
Q: Troubleshooting FP8 Conversion Discrepancy from Float32

Daniel DavidI'm trying to convert a float32 to an fp8 float. There's some detail in the code that is causing a discrepancy in the results. I can't figure out what it is, could someone help me? def float32_to_ofp8_and_back(value: float, encoding: str) -> float: import numpy as np # Determine the ...

I asked ChatGPT to create the 8-bit float type in NumPy, does this make sense to you?
Consider this: dpaste.org/tc1QL
Take this with a grain of salt as I'm not very familiar with technical side of numpy, but I'm afraid that's just a bunch of nonsense
That looks suspiciously like a uint8 with generated hot sauce on top.
thanks for your comments
It's easy to tell from "I asked ChatGPT".
That it's nonsense.
That it's nonsense when you look up close. That ^
There's no free lunch, Marco. Defining a non-trivial new dtype is difficult, especially if you want it to be efficient.
I'm not familiar with the new user dtype machinery, but still.

Fixed method that wasn't working:
def __float__(self):
    return float(self.float8_to_float32(self.value)) # Ensure the return type is built-in float
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні ok
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні yeah
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні I see
Not that I'm intimately familar with custom numpy dtypes, but the entire approach seems nonsensical from step one. Using numpy to basically just store anonymous bytes, with a Python class on top to do all the bit fiddling, so operations can be done in with unwanted precision, is multiple levels of breeding race snails.
But it's a possible task, right? Would it be worth a question on SO? How to create an fp8 in Python?
People use SO for whatever suits them these days, so, well,... if you think it's worth it then I guess "yes".
Ok, thanks
@Marco If you were on CR I'd say shoot your shot. Best case you get an answer, worst case you are where you already are. However I had someone complain I was answering off-topic questions when trying to get 10k before... so you know, grain of salt here.
@Marco did you see this one?: stackoverflow.com/questions/38975770/…
why not use int8?
@Peilonrayz Ok, thanks
@NordineLotfi Yes
@NordineLotfi Because I would need a certain precision, including to be able to normalize values between 0 and 1.
Wowwww, there's 2 new float8 types in TensorFlow!!! tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/dtypes/experimental
@matszwecja i'm quite sure it's not a zip file if you specify the artifact name
depending on what your usecase it, maybe creating a github "release" and attaching the files to that would be an option? those can be publicly downloaded
1 hour later…
Any better duplicate for stackoverflow.com/questions/78513527 ?
2 hours later…
Can anyone help me with a simple code, which for some reason is not working. I am watching a youtube tutorial on python, and I am writing the exact same code, but for some reason I don't get the same execution
Could anyone help me?
@imbAF Don't ask to ask, post the code in a pastebin and just ask for help
I fixed it xD. But thanks for the reply. Will do as such in the future
Wow, very fast fix
I was using path = "C.... <filename>.txt.txt"
And that was a mistake
The person in the youtube tutorial put the name of the file as test.txt,. In my windos10 I don't get to add the .txt part. So i forced it
test.txt and the file is txt,
so I should have written path = ".....test.txt.txt"
And if I would just name the file test. then I would need to add test.txt in the path variable
which I didn't do until a moment ago
Guys, is there any way to normalize a numpy array so that I do it in parts to save memory? Any way to use only half of the array, save the file resulting from normalization, then use the other half, save the file resulting from normalization, and then concatenate the results later? Is it possible if I simply use the maximum and minimum value of the entire array, even considering half the array at each time?
Code I intend to use:
(X - np.min(X)) / (np.max(X) - np.min(X))
half of the array*
2 hours later…
chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/57373494#57373494: I suggested a possible solution, but I accept any other. Anyway, I was lucky to be able to run my code on a machine with more RAM, so I was successful.
@Marco As I was saying last time, this isn't how memory allocation works. You can't take an array and just fill it with smaller numbers and hope that it takes less space
What do you mean?
If RAM is a limitation for you in future, look into lazy evaluation with polars, which runs on top of arrow rather than numpy
What I mean is, the space of an array is dictated purely by the dtype of that array
@roganjosh But what does it have to do with what I said?
What does normalization have to do with saving memory?
@roganjosh "look into lazy evaluation" is probably what Marco is asking about -- "Any way to use only half of the array, save the file resulting from normalization, then use the other half, save the file resulting from normalization,"
@roganjosh Computing the normalization of a large array causes it to use a lot of memory.
Where is the initial data btw? Is the array purely the result of a computation or are you reading it from a file somewhere first?
@Marco AFAIK you can't do lazy evaluation (what you're asking for) with numpy. Try using polars' lazy API.
@roganjosh It's a numpy array variable, but I can save it to an npy file for example without any problems.
polars runs on top of arrow, not numpy, btw
I would save it to a parquet file first, which is incredibly compact and contains metadata that assists with out-of-memory processing
@Peilonrayz It looks interesting, I've never used polars, does this library allow computation in parts, basically?
Very nice
You can lazily evaluate data
Do you know what this means?
@Marco Yeah, lazy is similar to the difference between list and Iterator in Python. list is eager, Iterator is lazy.
@roganjosh I don't think so :(
But I will learn, no problem
np.max(X) wants the whole array in memory. It literally cannot find the max without it all in memory to iterate through
@roganjosh right
If you save your data to a parquet file and ask polars to find the max, it will read the data in chunks (similar to SQL pages) and keep track
So you can process vastly larger amounts of data than you could possibly hold in RAM
I wish I had known it much earlier
@roganjosh nice
And if the initial data comes from a file, you can stream it out into parquet too, so you never have to read the whole file into memory in the first place
A while ago I started using dask for heavier operations, and sometimes memmap, but I believe that polars is much more intuitive
Dask was a hot mess last I used it. Polars is exploding in popularity for very good reason
@roganjosh So even less memory is used when reading from a file
@roganjosh hmmm, nice
The first step is to convert the numpy array to polars?
As I was asking earlier, where does that array come from?
You can obviously convert a numpy array into arrow format, but ideally you'd never have a numpy array in the first place
(if memory is an issue. I actually love numpy so I'm not hating on it here and suggesting there are better alternatives)
@roganjosh It is computed in the code, there are actually 4 numpy arrays, but as I said before, I can save each one in a file
In which case, I would recommend what I said earlier and put them in parquet files
so first convert the numpy arrays in parquet files
@Peilonrayz ok, thanks
@roganjosh Thanks!!
Thanks, thanks, thanks!!
The reason I'm pushing parquet is just how impressed I am with it. It has very high compression and the metadata it stores allows for really efficient filtering by columns (which might not apply here it's they're just arrays). With the file format, you can filter and process data extremely efficiently (look into things like "predicate pushdown" for polars). Sometimes you might need to be specific in the layout of the file for this
The only downside is there is no good way to preview the data :(

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