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I'm so sad that django orm doesn't have full knowledge of "views"
Didn't expect to experience culture shock today. I'm looking for a simple asynchronous queue in javascript, just plain ol' queue.push(value) and await queue.get(), and... I can't find one. They all have crazy APIs like await queue.wait(priority) or Queue(callback_function_for_when_a_value_is_added) or queue.push(function_to_execute)
"Why can't they do it as simple as asyncio?" said no one someone ever!
asyncio did do a few things right. I sorely miss python's Futures in JS
q = [callToAsync(), callToAsync2()]
const [result1, result2, result3] = await Promise.all(q)
I find js way way more easier to use to be honest
That's... not a queue?
I don't get why one would push an awaitable to a queue. oO
what features would you want from a queue thern?
Pushing values to them, d'uh.
That they are done in synchronous order?
Like I said earlier, I need queue.push(value) and await queue.get()
what does that do?
you can push to an array
It lets me wait until the next value becomes available
that's what above does?
The point of value queues is that they synchronise the exchange of values between separate tasks.
wait but that's counter to how async works, question is why do you have async then? - or better why don't you just write it out?
That's exactly how async works.
Each task can do their respective operation and cooperatively pause until the value can be handled/provided by the queue.
It's actually an XY problem. My X is that I have an async function connected to an event handler, and because of the way JS works, that can cause my function to run multiple times simultaneously. I need them to run in order. I figured a queue is the easiest way to do it
You might want to consider a lock, perhaps.
debunking/locking the event in an synchronous helper before you call the async function would help - this is the reason the events definition are not async themselves.
On the point of pushing awaitables/tasks to a queue - is this something like a scheduling queue perhaps?
but if you just have async definitions and would like to have them in order, just loop over the queue and await in each loop
q = [callToAsync(), callToAsync2()]
for as of q:
    await as;
if you then wish to have 'perform all up to step x simultaneously' then you could work with slices and promise.all() those. But indeed JS async-await does not make a promise later ones aren't executed yet.
@MisterMiyagi I'd rather to the synchronization/queueing/whatchamacallit before I enter async-land. I don't trust JS's async enough to do it inside of my async function
hell that's a feature that I miss in python, as that allows you to treat synchronous functions as if they are async that are just immediately executed.
I still can't see why it wouldn't work
@Aran-Fey Feel free to disregard me on that, I'm just broadly painting Python and Rust asyncio onto this. I'm only vaguely familiar with JS being... interesting.
@MisterMiyagi Not really sure what that means. But all I need is for my functions to run sequentially, in the order they were called in
@Aran-Fey Not related to your issue, just trying to understand what paul23 was talking about.
Then don't make them async, that's the definition of async - that you DO allow the engine to perform whenever it feels like doing so.
Make a list of helper functions
I think we are conflating several meanings of async here. :/
In Python (and lots of other languages) parlance "async" means cooperatively-concurrent.
const helper1 = async () => callToAsync(withargs);
const q = [helper1, helper2, helper3] // <-- notice no call yet
for helper of q:
    await helper(); <-- now we perform
helper is just there to deal with argument lists btw
Yam, I wish Python had async lambda... D:
@paul23 My function is async is because it calls a builtin function that's async. It has to be async so that it can wait for the builtin function to complete. But that doesn't mean that my function can run simultaneously with itself.
then use the structure above
I don't see how that helps me
where you make a queue of function pointers, not the calls
it will make sure everything in q is not called until the loop
and await inside the loop makes sure they are called in order, waiting for the previous one to finish
But I don't want to build up a list of function calls. I want to call the function as soon as possible, i.e. as soon as the previous call has completed
Your code would batch the function calls, i.e. execute them in sets of 3
javascript is single thread, so it would need to wait for the current function to give priority back to the event loop of the engine anyways
If you wish to have an application wide 'manager' you could roll your own application wide "queue"/array that you push towards to, maybe even a queue that doesn't have simple function pointers but ["namedIdentifier", pointer] so that you can say later something like: "run until namedIdentifier"
Or you would have to search npm for this.
But the whole idea of JS is that you do not manage the event loop yourself, I still have to queustion why you can't do debunking and/or locking?
@paul23 I (and likely Aran) don't get how the array approach would work: If you have a loop that executes the function in-order, it has to wait for functions to be provided. A simple array cannot do that, as its push/append/... and pop/get/... are all synchronous so it cannot wait in the async sense.
I don't know what debunking is, but if I use a lock inside of my async function, I don't know if JS will guarantee that the first invoked function will also be the first to acquire the lock
I tried to find out the same for asyncio and all I got was this lousy cynical worldview.
@Aran-Fey you lock before.
Locking in synchronous code? In javascript?
@MisterMiyagi the looping just loops over items in the array, in order.. Await makes each "loop" step wait until the result is there - no guarantee of course that a later one isn't executed before though.
@MisterMiyagi I bet you already had that beforehand :P
@paul23 The problem isn't looping over the array. The problem is getting the array, and more specifically getting the array content ASAP.
@Aran-Fey What can I say, redundancy is kind of my Berufskrankheit.
:57084678 const helper = () => {
    if (this.canExucute) {
        this.canExecute = false;
        asyncFun().finally(() => {this.canExecute=true;})
@MisterMiyagi Well that's what await is for, it gets the results?
Or resultArray = await Promise.all(arraySlice)
@paul23 Can you await on an array in JS?
In Python, what you propose would look like this:
async def sequentialize(tasks: asyncio.Queue[Awaitable[None]]):
    while True:
        next_task = await tasks.get()
        await next_task
yes, with Promise.all() , or Promise.any() or Promise.allSettled() developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…
Note that there are two awaits, one for getting the task from the queue (what you propose an array for) and one for running the task.
would be just like:
the second forloop
On an unrelated note, I offer 2 quatloos for a good synonym for "task". puts tasks into tasks in tasks
function performAllInSequenceInArray(q: Array<() => Promise<any>>):
    for helper of q:
        await helper(); <-- now we perform
notice once again you would then provide not the result of a function (foo()) but rather the function object/pointer (foo)
Or if you do something fancy like:
@Inthu Please check out the formatting guide linked in the room description. You cannot mix multi-line code formatting with regular messages.
Sorry, let me try again
@paul23 Unless I'm reading this completely wrong, it requires q to contain all the promises already upfront.
Hi All,

I am trying to use type hints for the first time, and running into errors, let's say I have the following models:
class EventBase(SQLModel):
    name: str
    description: Optional[str]

class EventCreate(EventBase):

class Event(EventBase, table=True):
    id: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, primary_key=True)

class EventRead(EventBase):
    id: int
I am trying to use the EventRead model to return the event data from the database, but I am getting the following error:
def get_event(event_id: int) -> Optional[EventRead]:
    db_event = session.get(Event, event_id)
    return db_event

Expression of type "Event" cannot be assigned to return type "EventRead"
"Event" is incompatible with "EventRead" under return db_event
Any ideas? Or should I just ignore these linting errors?
Can session.get(Event, event_id) really return an EventRead object? EventRead doesn't even inherit from Event
Well, Event is incompatible with EventRead so I'm not sure why you think this shouldn't error out.
Even if we consider structural typing (which the type checker likely does not here) then Event can have an id of None, which isn't valid for EventRead.
async function performAllUntillIdentifier(queue: Array<[string, () => Promise<any>]>, identifier: string):
    const idx = queue.findIndex((id, _) => id === identifier)
    const slice = queue.slice(idx)
    const localQueue = slice.map(fun => fun())
    await Promise.all(localQueue)
@MisterMiyagi yes but nothing stops you from make a class that's somewhere up there that keeps rolling variable with that array
Unless I'm misunderstanding things, "a class that's somewhere up there that keeps rolling variable with that array" is what Aran means by a Queue.
@Aran-Fey @MisterMiyagi - Using SQLModel which is a thin layer on top of SQLAlchemy and should work just like that according to the docs - sqlmodel.tiangolo.com/tutorial/fastapi/multiple-models/…
@MisterMiyagi yes but I just wish to show it's not hard
Nor do I find the initial problem:
first google result form e
@paul23 That's a processing queue which concurrently executes the callbacks passed to it. So exactly what Aran doesn't want.
Admittedly, a callback-based queue is quite suitable for my problem. But it's still baffling that no python-like queues seem to exist in JS
@Inthu I don't find session.get in the examples of that page, nor a -> HeroRead or similar.
@Aran-Fey I have never seen the need, in now 10 years full stack development
@MisterMiyagi It's detailed on this page - It's essentially returns a model from the Database using SQLAlchemy, I am just initialising it in another module
rather I've seen the opposite multiple times, where people often need thenables that can be immediatelly execute or lazily (often when running sql query builders without having to go for a full orm).
@Inthu Note that none of these are annotated -> HeroRead or -> Optional[HeroRead].
They only use HeroRead in the app response_model, which goes through some rounds of internal processing by FastAPI.
@MisterMiyagi Yeah I did notice that, so maybe i should do the same? remove annotations on the return
The return annotation is definitely wrong, yes.
You could convert the Hero result to a HeroRead result yourself, that's what FastAPI does under the hood.
Not sure if that's what you (should) want, mind.
Well I am using Lambda Power Tools on top and that will do it when I annotate, so I guess I don't need to annotate everywhere
Problem lies, in that I am trying to segregate Models, CRUD and Handlers. Handlers using Powertools handles request and responses, makes a call to CRUD. CRUD Gets the Model and makes the Database Call.
3 hours later…
@roganjosh That makes more sense. Yeah sounds like a tricky project. Good luck :)
I've come to the conclusion that it's not possible to make this work. The more I try to get to the bottom of it, the more convoluted the whole thing becomes, to the point it's unworkable. I'm also aware that the whole thing is making me ever-more grumpy and miserable in general. I'll just generate the hopelessly flawed predictions (it's not like it represents a £250m forecast LOL) and I think I'm done
@roganjosh that's probably for the best
JS is such an insane language. if(null) evaluates to true...
@matszwecja The most insane part with this graphic is that I can't tell if it is a joke or not :D
@Hakaishin You can check in browser console
Spoiler: it is both :P
It's true, but also it's a joke
@paul23 What does "debunking" mean? I tried a few searches related to "JavaScript debunking", but all I got was the conventional meaning.
@matszwecja I'm speachless... xD
@Aran-Fey I don't know if this helps you, but JavaScript has a Streams API developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Streams_API
"ReadableStreamBYOBReader - Represents a BYOB ("bring your own buffer") reader …" I might like JS after all.
I used that Streams stuff 4 months ago to do gzip + base64 encoding & decoding. It works well. But I just had a look at my JavaScript code, and it's a bit mysterious. I find it hard to retain new information these days, unless I'm using it frequently.
And I tend to avoid writing JavaScript frequently, because it makes me want to smash things and hit people. :D
Of course, it's especially tortuous writing JS on the phone, with no browser console & dev tools.
What would you call a variable with a "fully qualified name"? "fqualname"?
@FKarlsson Why not just "fully qualified name"?
1 hour later…
@PM2Ring Hmm, I don't think so. The queue seems like an easier solution
Where is a good place to ask ipython support questions?
I mean the text only command shell
3 hours later…
@Simd Asking on SO should be fine, as long as you've first read the documentation, then checked SO for duplicates, and give a reproducible example.
1 hour later…
@PM2Ring Means you just don't allow the event to trigger the client function until that function's promise has returned and set the flag back to "enable"again.
I really really wish await/async was more integrated into python, especially for web dev like orms. Working with those without async/await and seeing what lengths people go to just to conform the standards of django makes me rip out my hair quite often at work
caches, and then manual cache invalidation and all kind of scripts..
for things that shouldn't take a lot of calculation time, but just because sequential db access are just written so inefficient (given direct insertion and ignoring the save/serializer nature of django would probably solve 80% anyways, but it still feels "wrong")
Makes me a bit wonder why most big companies have such a fetish with inefficient code like orms and slow serializers like uuidv4 even in places where one should insecure randomness.

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