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Hi, I am running a module through poetry install. Pyproject.toml has hydra-core version set to be 1.0.5. Still when I run poetry run command, it throws an error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named hydra
Can someone please help on how to overcome this issue? Thank you
2 hours later…
poetry run does not install dependencies, it only invokes Python (from the project's virtual environment). If you want Poetry to install the thing that was mentioned in pyproject.toml, you have to tell it to do so, with its install command.
1 hour later…
@imbAF I'm not familiar with YODA being used outside of HEP. Have you asked your research group for help already? This is much easier to debug with peers in the same office than folks on the internet.
(By that I mean it strongly looks like you are actually working in HEP, and we usually have very tight support in our groups.)
3 hours later…
I seek more wisdom regarding the handling of keyboard interrupts. I have a multi-threaded program where the main thread does nothing but wait for either the app to shut down or a keyboard interrupt to happen. I thought I could let the main thread do threading.Event.wait() and register a signal handler to handle the keyboard interrupt, but apparently the wait() blocks the execution of the signal handler. Is there a neat way to wait for a signal from another thread or a keyboard interrupt?
The only thing I can think of is polling in some way or another
while True:
    if self._stop_requested.wait(0.1):
You could wait in the main thread via signal.pause and communicate app shutdown via a signal as well.
Wait, does this have to work on Windows?
And what exactly does the signal handler do? Does it set the Event? There's a Q&A on that.
It does have to work on Windows
And yeah, the signal handler sets the event
@Aran-Fey you can do it with Threading.Lock: Made two POC, one work, but it does not gracefully exit if there is more than one keyboardinterrupt, and the second works regardless how many times you pressed Ctrl+C (it only catches the first one and ignore the rest).
Tested both on Windows 10 of course (Py 3.8).
Doesn't work for me, it doesn't react to Ctrl+C at all
both of them? did you do it in Pycharm or terminal? Had to test it in a separate terminal and it work there
Yep, both of them. And in a terminal
right, that only worked in bash terminal, does not work in cmd...
my bad
@Aran-Fey okay, this one works in both cmd and bash terminal: gist.github.com/secemp9/7b08c5fe6409c0a9108126b6c3cfd29f it does not ignore if there is more than one instance of Ctrl+c though, but at least it work
So yeah, polling (:
ah yeah...
I'm sure there is a way that works in cmd with Threading.Lock but did not find it yet. So far it only works based on my POC on bash terminal (msys64) but not cmd.
okay, so this one now works on both terminal and ignore any additional ctrl+c so it only catch the first instance of keyboardinterrupt: gist.github.com/secemp9/aa4aa0fcdbcf7c9b3e61fb608edd9937
actually just had to reuse the block where I used the signal module...
Erm, you should never get a KeyboardInterrupt with a setup like this.
KeyboardInterrupt comes from a signal handler that is effectively just raise KeyboardInterrupt. If you override the handler, KeyboardInterrupt is gone as well.
@Aran-Fey It's probably your best bet. Especially if you want to be portable, you cannot rely on an infinite sleep being interruptible.
@MisterMiyagi and yet it works here? at least on commandprompt and bash terminal
just try each of the POC I did, or at least the latest one...
The not self.shutdown is what ends your loop, not the KeyboardInterrupt
KI effectively works like this: (w/o the message)
def handle_sigint(signum: int, frame: object):
    raise KeyboardInterrupt(
        f"custom interrupt by {signum}: {signal.Signals(signum).name}"

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_sigint)
@MisterMiyagi ah, yeah I know, this is why I added the comment Just in case, but handle_ctrl_c should catch the first Ctrl+C
this is in case the signal module does not work, but I know signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) works on both Linux and Windows 10, but it might break at some Windows update, or something...
Especially since we both already know how fickle the signal module can be on Windows. (I recall we talked about this once too)
@MisterMiyagi ah, didn't thought of using raise KeyboardInterrupt, that good :o
4 hours later…
I have a Jupyter notebook running on a localhost. There is code import ad and it gave an error:

ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_8516/949077803.py in <module>
1 import numpy as np
----> 2 import ad
3 def projected_gradient_method(f,A,start,step,precision):
4 f_old = float('Inf')
5 x = np.array(start)

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ad'. I tried on the command line: pip3 install ad and the output was Requirement already satisfied: ad in ./anaco
You will need to show the full traceback. I can't find any mention of such a module
It gave only this a a traceback
Ah, nm, I found it
Complete guess but you could try bumping up your version of numpy
@JaakkoSeppälä is the jupyter kernel actually running the ./anaconda3/lib/python3.10 version?
You can have multiple Python(3) installations on your system. pip3 usually just targets an arbitrary one^*.
(* While its possible to reconstruct which one, that's usually not helpful.)
Oh, just ignore me. First I couldn't find the module and then I misread the line throwing the error. I guess I'm done for today :P
I tried to run different kernels but without success.
It’s well possible that no kernel matches the version you installed your dependencies to.
Use the magic %pip command to install things from directly in the kernel/notebook.
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
@Hakaishin turns out today that I found out the data I have been fed is garbage
That positive (or net negative?) shrink is meaningless. I do know there is a net negative drain on my enthusiasm for this analysis. The stock corrections include general receipt of goods, and now nothing at all adds up <screams into the void>
The "good" news is that you can still sell items when you have -53 cases of them. I don't know why we didn't employ this magic when there was a shortage of toilet roll during Covid. I could have been rich :/
@roganjosh rich as in, you would have sold some of them for 10k+ like some people did or? :P
I can sell negative stock! I have minus units on hand but I can keep selling! The "Midas touch" was a typo all along - it's the "minus* touch"
oh, so it's like that one thing that happened with gamestock's stocks :O
maybe not, but I vaguely recall people just kept holding the stocks until the value kept rising hmm
No, it's nothing like that. I'm talking about physical inventory at a supermarket - stock not "stocks".
The way the data comes to me, I have -5 pallets of product in stock, but somehow it keeps being sold (or something like that).

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