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Can I find a reasoning for "Changed in version 3.11: Class methods can no longer wrap other descriptors such as property()."
~ https://docs.python.org/3.11/library/functions.html#classmethod
since that feature was added in 3.9, seems something must go terribly wrong to be so short lived (2 versions)
> Chaining classmethod descriptors (introduced in bpo-19072) is now deprecated. It can no longer be used to wrap other descriptors such as property. The core design of this feature was flawed and caused a number of downstream problems. To “pass-through” a classmethod, consider using the wrapped attribute that was added in Python 3.10. (Contributed by Raymond Hettinger in gh-89519.)
Thank you
interesting read, but a bit annoying as a programming I now have to know which "kind" of property a builtin property is.
TypeError: Cannot create a consistent method resolution => that's a new one, haven't had that happen before to me XD.
Wait, what? What did classmethod do with the descriptor?
Previously you could stack @classmethod onto descriptors like @property (for example).
1 hour later…
What would happen when you accessed it though?
classmethod is supposed to return a callable, it makes no sense for it to invoke descriptors. Or did the descriptor have to return a callable (with at least one parameter)?
The classmethod docs are vague enough to let classmethod+property mean the property invocation receives cls instead of self.
I've always understood classmethod to be equivalent to a wrapper with just def __get__(self, instance, owner): return self.__wrapped__.__get__(self, owner, owner).
That's... not even duck-typing safe
Sometimes, you have to punch the duck to make it quack.
Oh my, that should have been self.__wrapped__.__get__(owner, owner), my bad.
3 hours later…
Is there a way to add an extra help option via argparse?
I've got a pretty thin CLI program that basically just forwards arguments to a (local) server which keeps expensive state. I'd like to have an option to have the client compile a full list of commands the server supports, which is too expensive to always compile up-front.
If I just add an --extra-help flag then that conflicts with the basic validation done by the client (like checking that the minimum args are there).
1 hour later…

(1) Had my implementation / a unit test break because pandas.DataFrame.stack() now has new behavior (no longer sorts columns). But reading the doc page, it seems like future_stack=False should be the default, so it should keep using the old behavior with my existing code, or am I interpreting it wrong?

(2) My code is in a package and I want to support both old and new versions, but I get "future_stack is not a keyword for stack" on the old versions, do I really have to add an `if parse_version(pd._
3 hours later…
The API there looks like a car crash :/
@xjcl My reading of the docs suggests that it went through two changes. First to default to future_stack=False, then another change to remove future_stack altogether. So, just because you didn't provide an argument for that value wouldn't necessarily default back to the old behaviour - it's simply silently going to take the new behaviour in pandas >= 3.0. So, you have three variations, basically
Which you could boil down to two simply with a single try/except by specifying future_stack=False and seeing whether it throws because it doesn't understand the argument. That said, your program is now unstable because the result will be different and it doesn't look like you can necessarily reconcile the two versions' outputs properly. Thank god polars came around....

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