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That's modeling on the propensity-to-steal side. The other side is how much inventory was in-house, and of what.
7 hours later…
@smci it's very little about staff theft. We're talking national retail chain. Theft runs into the hundreds of millions for each - I don't know if the trend exists outside the UK but we're having to fit staff with body cameras over here because people will now brazenly just pocket stuff and then assault staff if challenged. It is... not a nice picture
It's a huge issue see e.g. this. I don't work for Lidl, in fact I think we're bigger. How I'm supposed to forecast the loss is a bit beyond me but there are some exogenous variables such as promos and seasonality that I can try incorporate. Also, just forecasted sales volume for the week
That's in addition to things like inflationary pressure and local demographics. But in the short term, demographics will probably be rolled up into the data anyway when I look at things on a per-store level. I just need to get a foothold before I try drag more granular parameters in. Anyway, I have a small sample of stores to test against and SARIMAX runs reasonably quickly, so if I mess up the parameter range in the parametric study, I can write it off as lost time and restart it
1 hour later…
@smci for completeness, the library is called pmdarima and these are the parameters that need tuning
3 hours later…
Logging vs. libraries. Is my understanding correct that sometimes you want to issue log calls in your package you publish in github. It is then up to user if they establish a logging instance and listen to your calls.
It makes me think there is no incentive to develop own logging infrastructure. Formatting of own logger sure but something separate from logging library seems an overkill. Would you say so?
@aeiou Highly subjective question. Some prefer logging others like a library, I've done both and I'm still not decided which is the best approach :D
@Hakaishin Thanks for input. When I think about it, I am inclined to use

built in library >> popular external library for many calls >> anything else
@aeiou the important inequality is a and b >> c, the one between a and b is not as clear cut
true, built in library > popular external library for many calls >> anything else
@aeiou in that form that statement is very generally applicable :D
3 hours later…
@aeiou github.com/hynek/structlog is reasonably popular which allows for logging patterns different from what the sdtlib logger supports. fwiw, it also has full support for stdlib-emitted log records, so you only need to configure structlib and can pick up log records from your third party packages that use stdlib logging, or use stdlib logging yourself. I'd personally never use it if it didn't support that.
@Arne yeah, that's the one we used as well. It's great
1 hour later…
evening cbg
With structlog, can you pass it through something like Splunk? It looks like it uses JSONLines, which I actually like, but my recollection of Splunk was that it generally split on plain text. A google search seems to just throw up issues rather than any useful guidance
nm, it looks like it's with Better Stack for massive log file searches
structlog can output just about anything, just like the standard library logging. Adding new output formats is a breeze.
anyone tried running jupyter notebook on amazon EC2 instance with ubuntu virtual machine? facing some error ,
What is the issue?
I've found structlog to be rather restricted in its output, though, in that it basically only supports one pipeline of filtering, formatting, and outputting. So in practice I still handle all the output via the stdlib logging.
@MisterMiyagi Yeah, this discussion came with perfect timing because retrofitting logging is nearing the top of my "list to start doing now before you have one of those days just choring your way through"
after running jupyter notebook command from terminal, i am not abl to open url in browser (I.E timeout error)
in EC2 security outbound rules are ok
Using external tools to interactively filter and format log streams is nice, but it does not remove the advantages of producing multiple output streams for different kinds of consumers and lifetimes.
@Aamirkhan Where are you trying to open the notebook exactly?
interestingly i can see this on the command line after jupyter notebook command "No web browser found: could not locate runnable browser."
@roganjosh Same here, I've added "logging library" to my list of open source projects when I have the time quite a qhile ago...
@roganjosh in browser
@Aamirkhan Yeah... that's what I was starting to expect
any help would be appreciated! stuck
Well, you're being vague here. You're running the service in the EC2 instance, which complains that it has no browser, and you're telling me you're accessing it via the browser...
Erm, why does jupyter need to run a browser? Isn't the browser the client you use to connect to jupyter?
i tried connecting from via VS code directly too
VScode on what machine? On the EC2 instance?
connecting EC2 instance via remote development extension in vs code
I don't know enough of the backend here. Firstly, I do think that launching jupyter will automatically open a tab in the browser, which is what it's complaining about. Whether that kills it dead before the service can launch, you've not said. Beyond that you say "in EC2 security outbound rules are ok" but isn't VSCode trying to initiate an inbound connection?
Standard debugging steps: 1) Can you ping the machine? 2) Can you telnet/nc to the machine and port?
2 hours later…
@roganjosh Right. Are you trying to forecaste weekly shrinkage numbers by location, or only the total?
Per store, per week and on a per-product-category basis. I think we've been talking cross-purposes, though. I wasn't asking about exogenous data (as that is as it becomes available to me), I was talking specifically about tuning p, d, q, P, D, Q and m in SARIMAX
@roganjosh pmdarima builds in a fixed assumption that there is only one level of seasonality. But you'd expect to see annual, monthly, and weekly, plus the holidays you mentioned.
I think the holiday periods are what give me the most conceptual grief (with m). So I know that Eater and New Year come round with a period of 1 year (ish) between them. That's sensible. But the time distance between those two events within a year is obviously on a different timescale. How can that possibly be represented in a single time unit?
IOW the algorithm surely can't know "Here are two independent events that each repeat annually, but they're offset from each other by 1/3rd of the year"
1 hour later…
@roganjosh Yes it can. Stop thinking of polynomials. Just discretize the special events Halloween, Christmas, and introduce date features "n weeks before Christmas". (In US retail, you'd have SuperBowl, Black Friday etc.) If Christmas happens on say a Tuesday, then both revenue and shrinkage spread over the preceding weeks. And for training, first start by trying to predict "normal behavior" in a period within the school term and without major holidays, say February to mid-March.
Oh, also, first try to predict the baseline for the most predictable, least seasonal category of product (e.g. basic groceries). In the normal period (Feb to mid-March). This is very similar to Kaggle Walmart - Store Sales Forecasting (2014), that's why I mentioned it.
I might be getting a lightbulb moment here. Are you suggesting that for each event X, I can make a series in the data that counts "n weeks from X" and supply that as an exogenous variable? In which case, I just set m to "weekly" and it'll see them as independent events?
Get a simple baseline working before you introduce SARIMA and try to tune its parameters.
Honestly, the whole thing looks like noise to me. I never want to get into forecasting again and I don't understand why I've even been put on this given my optimisation background. But I think you've just triggered some really important thought processes off, so thank you for that!
@roganjosh Well yeah special holiday dates on the calendar are exogenous variables modifying human behaviour; you can featurize these as "weeks before/after Christmas/Easter etc." But seriously please first try to predict baseline numbers in the most predictable non-holiday periods, e.g. Feb-mid-Mar, mid-Apr-mid-May, Sept-mid-October. For each category.
I'll give you a graph in a couple of mins and you can tell me whether I predicted anything or not :P
So how many product categories do you have, and which one is the most regular/ least seasonal? Dairy or gardening supplies or cleaning supplies or something?
<insert Yoda meme: do not jump to ARIMA modeling before you have a simple baseline prediction>
I mean, is this honestly doing anything? It's just an oscillating squiggle. I can't fathom the pattern in the data
Part of me is impressed that the blue line kinda works, but that's one select case
(shh, they'll never pay your invoices with an attitude like that...) Seriously, was that for all categories? at how many locations? Try to crossvalidate by modeling different categories and locations. Strongly recommend you start with the most predictable/least seasonal categories. (Is shrinkage measured by units, or £ ? What's your y-axis?)
(the cut off is July 3rd 2023. Up to then it's training, and the blue line is the model free-wheeling going forwards)
How many locations L and product categories C do you have?
~600 locations, ~60 categories each
Ok. And I assume we are going by week-number, so July 3rd 2023 is wknum=27. Why not compute the total shrinkage, by category, for the year or half-year from July 3-Dec 31? Then standardize each category and graph it so you can see how much seasonal variation there is. Tell us the least seasonal and most seasonal. Then try to predict baselines in each category for say 4/6-week intervals for Feb-mid-Mar and mid-Apr-mid-May and Sept-mid-Oct.
"Why not compute the total shrinkage, by category, for the year" This is where things get even worse. Shrink is predicted on this basis based on a sales plan for the whole year. this is conformance to plan for that year. So, projected sales at the start of the year are well off. Internally, they update the sales plan each week, but I can't see that
In any case, I don't wanna take up chat with my woes here. I'll figure it out, somehow
I still think you put me on the right path of thinking about seasonality of multiple events. I'll have a go at hashing that out tomorrow - thank you!
@roganjosh (But does that plan mean "gross sales - shrink = net sales"? and it doesn't measure the amount of inventory on shelf or in stock, only the amount sold?)
You like opening cans of worms... It's measured against net sales at retail value, except when it isn't and it's measured against cost value. You can also see that shrink can be positive because of scanning errors, which means that a full stock adjustment is made periodically
Whaddyamean "It's measured against net sales at retail value, except when it isn't and it's measured against cost value."?? well which is it, mostly? does that vary by category? by location? by who happens to be the manager the week the report was written?
By who requests the report. None of the figures of the theoretically same values add up
Honestly, I could just go into a rant here and it's not what I want to do. Can we close the discussion here please?
Thanks :)
Non rantendum est. :)

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