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Guys , what if I myself want to create a notemaking app like one note and collanote. How should I start ? I checked online a lot but there aren't any specific courses or videos related to it.
@S.M.T A todo list tutorial will have transferable skills and code.
1 hour later…
@smci we already have those. Especially the ones with broken code with import module that do not exist or method that do not exist in their code, and they ask "why is this not working" on SO
@S.M.T you need to divide the concept first. What is a notetaking app? -> It has a text input field -> can be seen as text widget -> buttons? saving? loading? etc
What devices you gonna plan to have it work? How you gonna save them ? What kind of features will be there ? Do you want an alarm with a background process ? Etc.
"Python" sounds more like "webapp" than "mobile"
5 hours later…
request for tools stackoverflow.com/questions/23644805 (essentially "what can I use as a linter", except OP doesn't know the term)
irrelevant, garbage, code-only answer stackoverflow.com/a/76187784
1 hour later…
duplicate; originally lacked Python tag stackoverflow.com/questions/54854867
But now I'm done with going through search results for un-closed IndentationError questions (that actually mention that term explicitly - there are something like 10k questions that say indent but don't say indentationerror, and a lot of those will be true dupes).
I have close to a hundred questions left behind (I put all of them in my saves) that either should be closed as a non-dupe, or are about some ancillary issue where I don't have a good canonical.
(and there were a few things that I closed less-than-ideally that I should probably review)

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