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@roganjosh Ok that solved it. Otherwise I was going to suggest some sci-fi jargon like 'lineship'; I mean Herbert gave us 'heighliner'. Anyway for posterity here are the matches from SOWPODS (the 268K-line non-US-English Scrabble wordlist)
egrep '^...e.h.p\r' sowpods.txt
@Mikhail Why is that a problem? Like Andras said, if you see non-deterministic behavior due to the seed, that's an actual problem. Okay I guess if you're using seeded-random to generate the stimulus, that's a case for seed. I think you could hack a couple of grep lines to search for setting a seed on the test fixture.
@roganjosh: on that note, the release date for 'Dune 2' has been pushed again to March 2024. I'm sure it'll be awesome though.
@MisterMiyagi Why would you use Homebrew Python rather than pip (or download) directly? Homebrew Python Is Not For You (2021) advises against. What platform are you on?
3 hours later…
@smci Because locally I want to run with recent versions, d'uh.
@MisterMiyagi It's quite annoying wrt XCode and MacOS version... caused me hours of grief
Plus, recent still means… checks down to 3.7.
Uhuh. Everyone here abandoned conda? mamba?
@MisterMiyagi but why not do brew install [email protected]? (or for other version)
@NordineLotfi I think that's what he means: brew allows you to have parallel versions. From 3.7 up to 3.12
ah, got you
Yeah, it works pretty well if you don’t need to micro-manage/pin very specific versions. Plus, I cannot reproduce the ancient setup we have in prod.
Is there a type annotation for "subclasses must have a foo: str class attribute"?
@Aran-Fey try an abstract property. The class part is going to make that tricky, though.
Yeah, I don't see how the type checker could possibly understand that I need a class property and not an instance property
Maybe I could do something crazy with a metaclass...
3 hours later…
@smci I got just over half way through the first one and I just find it too much. I feel like I want to like it but I just can't get over the line
2 hours later…
Today's mood: Dormammu
9 hours later…
@roganjosh 'Dune 2' being part 2 of 3 of the film version of just the first book; Dune 1.2 if you like. Yes Herbert can be long-winded; there's a useful guy on YouTube doing audio chapter summaries of Dune so you can skip the boring bits then go back to reading.
Has anyone here managed to use XGBoost 2.0 with categorical data? Seems they have not fully implemented compatibility yet with either the native or the sklearn interface to xgboost.
...in principle you can declare a xgb.DMatrix(data=tr['categorical_column'].cat.codes, label='target_col', enable_categorical=True), in reality that matrix isn't (yet) accepted by either xgb.train()or the sklearn interface, in 2.0.1
Dune isn't a massive book though, and it is a page turner.
I'm looking for a solution that my IDE understands :(
Ah, yeah
Hi, I am using github releases API to list all the releases. And its working fine. Now I wan to fetch commit message for each release. But its not working.
I am trying this: "https://api.github.com/repos/$username/$repo/releases/$releaseId/commits"

Can anyone help me?
I'm trying to think back to my Java days, and I don't think you can do that with subclassing either; that's what interfaces would enforce.

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