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    blocks = [
            for j in lines[ast_i[i]:ast_i[i + 1]]
            if j != "\n" and not "*" in j
        for i in range(len(ast_i)-1)

    blocks = []
    for i in range(len(ast_i)-1):
        block = []
        for j in lines[ast_i[i]:ast_i[i+1]]:
            if j != "\n" and "*" not in j:
which of the two options should I use?
3 hours later…
Either one is fine IMO
I find the latter more readable
@roganjosh Bit late to the party, but I'll add my thought: If you want to emphasise your leaderliness, I'd go with "I led the design, implementation and maintenance of X". If you want to emphasise your coderliness, "I designed, built and led maintenance of X" is good. If you want to emphasise that it's not over yet, add an "a" - "I designed, built and lead maintenance of X".
Which all serves to remind me, I should update my CV...
For df_test = df_test.merge(df_code[['index', 'Money Flow Index (MFI)']], how='left', left_index=True, right_on='index'), df_test should have its index preserved right since I am merging to the left dataframe?
What is happening in my case is that df_test is matching it's index with a column named 'index' from my df_code dataframe, but replacing the output dataframe's index into df_code's index (not the column named index, but df_code.index). So all the other index values from the left dataframe appears as NaN except those that are matched from df_code.
Don't know how to retain the index of df_test
2 hours later…
@shintuku You could use itertools.pairwise to get rid of the index-iteration-and-pairwise-indexing fluff. The result fits neatly with black.
blocks = [
    [j for j in lines[prev:nxt] if j != "\n" and "*" not in j]
    for prev, nxt in pairwise(ast_i)
1 hour later…
@MisterMiyagi added in 3.10
Before that you can step an iterator and zip, or zip a slice if the list is small
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Don't regular people use Python 3.12 already? It's hard to tell from my science cave. :(
If I'm lucky we'll make the jump to 3.8 in 1 year and 8 months. \o/
Is anyone aware of the results of the Python Developers Survey 2022? The survey was in October but I haven't been able to find any results yet.
@shintuku Similar to MisterMiyagi's suggestion, but doing the pairwise iteration without itertools:
blocks = []
for lo, hi in zip(ast_i, ast_i[1:]):
    block = [s for s in lines[lo:hi]
      if s != "\n" and "*" not in s]
I usually prefer to strip the newlines (& other whitespace) from the ends of lines in a list. It's easy enough to add them back when you want them.
From numpy.org/devdocs/release/1.22.0-notes.html "The Python versions supported in this release are 3.8-3.10, Python 3.7 has been dropped."
@PM2Ring yup
@PM2Ring deserves a caveat for very large lists
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні True. @shintuku My version duplicates the list, so it uses more RAM. Note that the list stores references to the objects (which consume 8 bytes per item on a 64 bit system). So the list size just depends on how many items it contains, not on how big the items are.
There's also a slight overhead in the time taken to duplicate the list.
As Andras mentioned, there are other alternatives that avoid list duplication, eg using itertools.islice
1 hour later…
Oh, pairwise made it into the stdlib? Very nice. I spend too much time rolling my own every time I need it.
Now I just need a "cyclic pairwise", and I'll be set. Something that does 'ABCDEFG' --> AB BC CD DE EF FG GA
In a pinch I guess I could do islice(pairwise(cycle(seq)), 0, len(seq))
I suppose itertools isn't going to go out of its way to define a function that's only useful for an iterable of finite length, and only ever yields a finite number of elements
Maybe it's time for kevintools, then!
This is an unusual dupe message. Don't think I've seen that before
2 hours later…
Sorry bit new to Python. I'm writing a lambda function and trying to use __import__ because my module name is dynamically declared. Problem is I don't know how to do that with my module being in a subdirectory. If I move the module(s) to the top dir. The code works. But it's inside integrations/*
naturally __import__('integrations/'+moduleStr) doesn't work.
First things first: you shouldn't be using __import__, and you shouldn't be importing inside a lambda function. ;)
"lambda function" as in AWS lambda?

Yeah AWS Lambda using Python 3.9
Can you import the module with a fully qualified package name, i.e. import integrations.module_name?
It seems to think the module is 'integrations' when I try that and says can't be found.
If the directory actually is available during execution, you're maybe looking for How can I import a module dynamically given the full path?
Where is your python file, relative to the integrations folder? Are they in the same directory?
@MisterMiyagi @PM2Ring and others: thanks for the comments!!
Generally, you should import by package name ("foo.bar") instead of directory path ("./foo/bar.py") but I'm not sure whether AWS interferes with that layout or not.
That you say you get an error when doing import integrations.module_name suggests it does interfere, but I'm not versed in how it does that nor whether the issue is elsewhere.
Ah I see. Well it's a little nice knowing it's possibly not me, even if I am not doing it as it should be done.
It's above the file calling it

lambda_function.py (file running)`
lambda_function.py is inside of integrations?
In that case import dynamic1 should work. Probably. Like MisterMiyagi said, AWS might be doing something weird
Sorry formatting sucks
You can't have text and a code block in the same message
LambdaFolder/lambda_function.py (file running)
Paste your code, then press Ctrl+K
Oh. Well, then if import integrations.dynamic1 doesn't work, AWS is definitely doing something weird. Doing it based on the file path like MisterMiyagi suggested is probably best then
Okay thanks :) Cheers all
@MisterMiyagi Thanks. The full path solution has worked. On to making more horrible newbie code :D
1 hour later…
is there a way to do list comprehension like this?
mylist = [i for i in otherlist if i>100
          i+100 otherwise]
[i if i > 100 else i+100 for i in otherlist]
niiiice, thank you!
"a if b else c" is valid outside of list comprehensions too, FWIW. docs.python.org/3/reference/…
very very cool, did not know that
It's similar to the "b ? a : c" ternary operator in JavaScript et al. Same principle, different wording
my_str = "hello TODELETE1world!TODELETE2"
clean_str = my_str.replace("TODELETE1", "").replace("TODELETE2", "")
is this the nicest way to do that?
I don't know if you can pass a dictionary to replace but that would be better if so
yeah, I was trying to find if there was a dictionary method, in case the string was larger and there were more words to substitute
other than writing a loop for it
Consider re.sub:
>>> import re
>>> s = "hello TODELETE1world!TODELETE2"
>>> re.sub("TODELETE[12]", "", s)
'hello world!'
ohhh very nice, thanks again!
The problem with consecutive calls to replace is that it can do unusual things when potential matches overlap or nest in particular ways
>>> "ATODTODELETE1ELETE2B".replace("TODELETE1", "").replace("TODELETE2", "")
i hadn't considered that possibility, i see
Perhaps heavy-handed but if you're already using pandas then you can use .replace() which would allow you to pass an arbitrarily-sized dictionary
Just realised it was a single string. Stupid suggestion from me, sorry
I thought of pandas as well. You can use the dictionary approach like this:
reduce(lambda x, y: x.replace(y, dict[y]), dict, s)
but you have to know the exact strings where Kevin's is flexible
It was your pontificating about using a dict that sent me off-course, Dodge. I'm blaming you for that mishap :P
Dodgey advice for sure
I spent time in Australia and felt bad every time someone mentioned that something was "dodgy"
Huh, I thought that was a British term. "Dodgy" is pretty common over here
Yeah, it originated over here so you might even have heard it more. We even have a TV programme - Dodgy Dealers, exposing bad tradespeople
People are even using it in the states at this point
but we prefer "sketchy" or "shady"
If you saw an old rope bridge that you wouldn't cross, would you call that sketchy? Just curious as dodgy has quite broad application over here
A person place or thing can be sketchy. So can an action.
Fair, so it seems like a strong synonym
"Dodgy" is ordinary vernacular in my region
@JRichardSnape Much appreciated! All of these read better (personally) but all of my CV, except the personal interests section, are in 3rd person
I'm inclined to say that "dodgy" and "sketchy" are not perfect synonyms. If I see a person on a street corner who gives me bad vibes, I might describe them as "sketchy" later even if I never interacted with them. To call someone "dodgy" I think I'd at least have to hear them talk.
Actually, it's not 3rd person. Err... something. I didn't pay enough attention in English Language classes
In any case, there is no "I"
During yesterday's conversation about passive voice and subjunctive accessorial pluperfect gerunds, I looked at the Wikipedia listing for Lexical categories and thought, "I don't know 90% of these. But somehow, I am able to talk"
Ask a hundred people on the street what an ambitransitive verb is, and you'll get approximately 0/100 correct answers. But 99.99% of native speakers know that "The window broke" and "I broke the window" are correct sentences, and can correctly identify the thing that is breaking in both of them even though sometimes it's the subject of the sentence and sometimes it's not
It's a fun area of curiosity. I don't study the language at all, buts its use is pretty intriguing. Neurolinguistic Programming probably tries to go too far, but I'm pretty sure we're all manipulating language to some extent, unconsciously, every time we speak. That's quite fascinating
Related reading: Linguistic relativity, "a principle suggesting that the structure of a language influences its speakers' worldview or cognition". A silly example I just made up: English does not have a future tense, so English speakers are bad at thinking ahead.
The example given to me by my grandad, who read into this stuff in his spare time, was - 'If you want someone to go to a party tonight, but they are unsure, make sure you end the conversation by casually saying "I'll see you tonight"'. Not once has that worked and, even removing my company as a factor in this, everyone has actually immediately picked up on the phrase - "I never said I was going". NLP is dead.
I remember reading about an island dwelling society that referenced direction as it related to the incoming and outgoing tide which sounds almost impossible to use.
Humans are essentially very damp computers, so in principle you could hack one with carefully chosen inputs. But if the only inputs you can control are your choice of words when speaking to the target, I would expect a fairly small level of influence
@Dodge I only know that there's an island society that navigates by the relative position of their central mountain. Everything is either "up" or "down" based on their orientation. Except fireplaces; I think they're always "up". Not easy to search for this stuff
Quite possibly "There's a party tonight, want to come?" versus "There's a party tonight. Maybe I'll see you there" versus "There's a party tonight. I hope to see you there" will result in different probabilities for the target going to the party. 11% vs 10% vs 10.314%, let's say.
"sudo go to the party" won't work. Except on people that get the reference and follow along for the sake of the joke, but they don't count.
@roganjosh Not easy to search indeed. I feel as though Google is, for some reason, becoming less useful over time.
I think I've seen mention of those island societies on Wikipedia. I will look.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopi_time_controversy discusses the claim that "the Hopi people have no concept of time". Pretty firmly debunked at this point. In any case, time is not space, and the Hopi Reservation in Arizona is not an island, so this is not a terrific match for what I was looking for.
> and concluded that the Hopi had "no general notion or intuition of time as a smooth flowing continuum in which everything in the universe proceeds at equal rate, out of a future, through the present, into a past."
That was a ludicrous assertion
That's... quite something. I wonder what the response would be if asked in the UK
Tangentially, I personally don't really believe in the present. Only future and past and an infinitely small space between the two.
Past, present, and future are real in the same way that France is real
yeah, human construct. Some say only the present exists, which is a period of time as long as the refresh rate of human consciousness. It's all made up. Only Python is real.
While machine code is running, the instruction pointer indicates the instruction that is currently running. You can pause the program and make objective observations about which instructions have run, and which have not yet run, and which is running right now.
But if machine code is not running, you can't point your finger at any particular instruction and say "this is a past instruction, different from a present instruction or future instruction". That distinction is an emergent property of the machine code combined with its execution environment.
I think that the physical, objective, observable parts of everyday reality is equivalent to just the machine code without the execution environment.
Neat thought.
I think I'm giving the impression that I'm building up towards a conclusion of "we're all living in a literal simulation with a literal execution environment" but the idea I have in mind, works whether we're in a simulation or not
That was not my take
Another notable language: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirah%C3%A3_language. "The Pirahã, Everett wrote, have no numbers, no fixed color terms, no perfect tense, no deep memory, no tradition of art or drawing, and no words for “all,” “each,” “every,” “most,” or “few”"
Also not an island culture, but the Amazon rainforest is a good runner up. More exciting than Arizona IMO.
seems like not having words for colors would make it difficult for the <universal-parent-word> to prevent future generations from eating the poisonous red fruits rather than the tasty blue ones
and not having separate words for mom or dad is hard to comprehend
Why bother describing the fruits as "red" and "blue" when you can just describe them as "poisonous" and "not poisonous"? Smh my head
You just need words for "the fruit that, when I show it to my parent, they say, don't eat that" and "the other kind of fruit"
Did you make this drink from the fruits that my parents said not to eat? Oh, yeah, sure... which one was that? The one my parents said not to.... nevermind.
Do not accept drinks from that person until he gets his act together
Not showing nearly enough fruit to his parents, I expect
I am reminded of the phrase wine-dark sea used several times by Homer. Raises a number of questions about the ancient Greeks and color.
"The most common explanation of this phenomenon today is that, while Greeks of Homer's day could distinguish between the colors of dark red and dark blue, they did not have words to describe this difference." I imagine there were a lot of Greeks eating poisonous berries, then
1 hour later…
hi guys

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