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What's the name for the list of all possible sequences that can be expressed with a list of numbers. e.g. given 1,2,3, the possible expressions are: 1, 2, 3, 12, 21, 13, 31, ...
1 hour later…
@duhaime Are you thinking of itertools.powerset? There is a recipe in the docs for itertools here docs.python.org/3/library/itertools.html#itertools-recipes
2 hours later…
@duhaime Depends what you mean by "can be expressed with". What are the rules that you use to generate that output? (Also, what if there are duplicates in the input?)
3 hours later…
@duhaime Looks like permutations.
5 hours later…
Aside from datetime, are there other standard library modules that define a class with the same name as the module, including capitalization?
array.array, socket.socket, mmap.mmap
stackoverflow.com/questions/75201041 NMF, or else a duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/7771011 (I added an answer that generally talks about what to do after parsing the JSON) and/or perhaps stackoverflow.com/questions/25082410 (maybe the iteration is a problem?)
2 hours later…
stackoverflow.com/questions/75202293 I'm confident we have a duplicate for this, but I can't find it rn and I'm also out of votes
I extracted the content from Appendix A of Python in a Nutshell into this page, using littletable for full-text search of the change descriptions
Itertools powerset is perfect, thank you! Permutations appear to always use a fixed length, whereas we need the variable length (e.g. single member results and two member results).

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