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sorry to bring it to the main room but I'm a little tired of talking into a void... the way that the canonical How do I pass a variable by reference? got answered, and considering that the original version of the question included a claim that the documentation was unclear about whether Python is "pass-by-value" or "pass-by-reference", ...
... I'm not sold that Why can a function modify some arguments as perceived by the caller, but not others? is a separate question. (The original for the first question said something about the documentation being unclear about whether Python is pass-by-value or pass-by-reference; I'm unable to verify what part of the doc would have mentioned it in 2009 or what it would have said)
I think both can be phrased as "How does Python pass arguments to functions?", and/or "What happens when a function attempts to change a parameter values?" (deliberately saying "change" to include both "assign" and "mutate")
@KarlKnechtel Look at the timestamps on the questions. Which one is "canonical" and which one is "duplicate"? Regardless of which question occurred first, at this point, nearly 14 years later, both questions have value mostly due to the good answers hanging off of each one. That's a reasonable state to leave the world in: if things are fine, leave them alone.
1 hour later…
@Kevin Oh wow that is a very detailed code, thanks, ill grab the fundamentals from it!
@MisterMiyagi interesting. Never found that before. I'm guessing this is related to what we discussed once with signal.raise_signal?
3 hours later…
caused by a typo; see my comments. This question and title are occupying an important space and utterly fail to address the topic properly. stackoverflow.com/questions/368545
1 hour later…
@KarlKnechtel and they got 13 upvotes? wow
1 hour later…
Wasted some hours because of pytest's AST rewriting...
def my_fixture():
    return property(lambda *_: 'foo')

def test_riddle(my_fixture):
    class Foo:
        my_fixture = my_fixture

    assert False, Foo.my_fixture
    # AssertionError: <function my_fixture at 0x000001E6B599A5C0>
@KarlKnechtel At least the top answers cover the same points, with the first Q&A covering a bit more on top. Looks like dupes in my book. Not sure if the second OP will agree though...
FWIW, I think the first Q&A could benefit from removing the class and just using plain functions. It only adds boilerplate and muddies the scope.
Alas, it might be too late for that...
@Aran-Fey Wait, isn't that what should happen?
No, it should be a property
And in fact, my_fixture is a property. But Foo.my_fixture isn't
@DelriusEuphoria in 2008, nobody had figured out the "not a discussion forum" thing yet, and it prompted an answer from someone who was quite good at explaining the material at an appropriate level and also giving some general pointers.
@Aran-Fey Oooh, interesting...
How does the AST rewriting break things here?
(And what exactly does property.__get__ do on a class?)
wait, it actually rewrites ASTs to do the dependency injection?
@KarlKnechtel Kinda useful, alot of questions seems well explained back then..
I wonder how I should feel about the fact that my test harness is doing much more clever things than the code under test
@KarlKnechtel Seems like it. I can't think of another explanation that could possibly lead to this kind of bug
Wait a minute, is this normal python behavior?
Oh lord, it is. *Facedesk*
def test(test):
    class Foo:
        test = test

    print(test, Foo.test)

# 3 <function test at 0x000001F7CF613E20>
@KarlKnechtel It rewrites the assert and AFAIK some other things to inject the test code.
@MisterMiyagi Nothing, it just returns itself
@Aran-Fey Ahhh... class scopes...
So, correction: I just wasted a couple of hours because apparently 13+ years experience isn't enough with this language :|
Wait, what you are showing above is a different problem due to using the same name for everything.
no, it's equivalent
In [10]: def test(param):
    ...:     class Foo:
    ...:         test = param
    ...:     print(param, Foo.test)
    ...: test(3)
3 3
the original used the same name in the relevant places to cause the issue.
Oh, right you are.
BRB, coffee...
wait so... the class creates its own scope, and therefore looks up the name test globally, instead of non-locally in the function?
@Aran-Fey I have less than 2 for Python, but I'm relieved I'm not the only one wasting time like this on similar problems.
if it makes you feel better, just blame non-documentedness/under-documentedness like I do. It's refreshing
@MisterMiyagi Wait... what??
Ooooh, the scoping is only weird if there's an assignment to the variable inside of the class body?
Don't make target and source the same name.
That decides whether Python looks into the class or local scope. The class scope has a fallback to global...
I see, in a function you'd get an UnboundLocalError, but in a class body it turns into a global variable. Wild
apparently (at least in 3.8's bytecode) classes are implemented by making a function to represent the steps taken by the class body, then where the class is situated, it uses a special LOAD_BUILD_CLASS, loads the code object and the class name as a constant, calls MAKE_FUNCTION, loads the class name again (to be a parameter for that function) and CALL_FUNCTIONs it.
which I guess makes a fair amount of sense
the function itself, though, uses something special called LOAD_NAME to look up the attribute
I think that's what it uses for normal closures too?
Normal closures seem to use LOAD_DEREF
ah right I recall that now
so, there's quite a bit of complexity built into it all.
I've thought a lot about what I would do differently in a python-esque language.
pretty much all the really low level things I would want to change - like at the bytecode level - are scoping related
(and it's not that many of them)
I too am annoyed by how class scopes work but have to admit that MiyagiThon would do them the same, perhaps without the global fallback. Metaclasses take a toll...
ugh. There are multiple popular questions for the "attempted relative import in non-package" problem, and it really irritates me
it seems like every one of them has answers saying all the same things (because there are only so many things to say); none of them is obviously any better than any of the others; every one of them has a lot of answers that are just plain wrong (in particular, they state falsehoods about __init__.py), and every question reads like "I already read all the other Q&As on this and they didn't help, I'm tearing my hair out, please explain this"
and it's the same explanation every time, because it's simple and makes sense, it's just that nobody can understand it because reasons
Does a simple "Yes" help soothe your mind? ;)
Practically all of those I have answered or seen are typo'ish but the issue is a bit too complex/common to feel that this is appropriate.
But like typo question every OP has made their own different error.
I mean, I'm trying to decide what to do about those in order to clean them up properly.
(if you have any thoughts about it at all, they are extremely welcome in PCD)
needs debugging details, or possibly off topic (I have no idea what this "gramine" thing is) stackoverflow.com/questions/74811933
@Aran-Fey Now try to use the global keyword inside a class block, yes it is valid syntax, but try to guess what happens
anyway, scopes are... a mess in Python, as I noted previous
Cool, you can create a variable in 2 namespaces simultaneously!
Oh no you can't, my bad
Seems to behave as expected then, instead of being defined in the class it becomes global
1 hour later…
Name resolution in a class body is defined at docs.python.org/3/reference/…, for the record
Towards the bottom of the section in the paragraph beginning with "Class definition blocks"
I'm trying to guess what global inside a class block would do, given this information... I suspect it would work normally, but I feel like the question would not have been asked unless it had a surprising result
> If the global statement occurs within a block, all uses of the names specified in the statement refer to the bindings of those names in the top-level namespace.
Hmm, don't think I've run into that/this quirk before:
a = "global a"
b = "global b"

def c():
    a = "local a"
    b = "local b"
    class D:
        print(a) #global a
        print(b) #local b
        a = "unbound local a"

print(a) #global a
print(b) #global b
Within class D, print(a) resolves to the global a. But then two lines later, the assignment to a binds to something other than the global a... Right?
I suspect Aran was in this neighborhood of mystery recently
Ok, I've decided it makes sense. Within class D, a is a local variable. The compiler knows this because the block has an assignment statement with a on the left hand side, and there are no global or nonlocal statements in the block. Normally, accessing an unbound local variable, as in print(a), would cause an UnboundLocalError, and the assignment statement would never get a chance to execute. But class blocks are unique in that UnboundLocalErrors do not occur.
My original expectation was that print(a) would "mark" the name a as a global variable for the purposes of that line, and all lines following it in the block. I expected that a = "unbound local a" would then assign the value to the global a object. But in effect, print(a) only "marks" a as global for this single statement. All subsequent occurrences of a in the block are still considered local.
I don't know if any of that makes sense. The important thing is, I am no longer tormented by it.
In a year or two we'll all have forgotten about it and have this conversation again :D
I accept this inevitability
Untying conceptual knots is a favorite pastime of mine, so I look forward to it
I guess pythons have shape memory, you untie a knot and it comes right back
The snake that eats its own tail has poor aim, and ends up in a double windsor
Tragic, yet dapper
@Kevin Would you see an obvious alternative to this behaviour?
It should go up 1 scope instead of jumping straight to the globals
I'm tempted to propose something that matches my original expectation. Before the block executes, the engine would observe that print(a) would likely cause an UnboundLocalError. It would quietly insert an invisible global a at the top of the block.
... But I suspect it's extremely hard to predict ahead of time whether a statement will trigger an UnboundLocalError.
Halting Problem hard or thereabouts
I'm curious how hard it really is to solve the halting problem, as long as the program isn't specifically designed to prevent it
I wondered the same thing myself. I recall seeing an example that convinced me that it's still hard, even if the programs aren't trying to be tricky.
IIRC the example was a program that searches for solutions to the Collatz Conjecture. It iterates upwards from one to infinity, looking for any number whose hailstone sequence ends with values other than 4,2,1. It is not known whether any such number exists, so it is not known if this program halts.
I feel like halting problem is similar entropy. What we have for entropy is "good enough" but cannot be truly proven to be truly random. The only way to know for sure would be to check and exhaust the entire search space, either for N size, or upwards to infinity.
So in order to solve the halting problem for non-tricky programs, your solver has to be smarter than, say, noted super-mathematician Paul Erdős, who considered the Collatz Conjecture to be really ridiculously hard
For the halting problem, yeah, it might be hard to make a general solution, but making a solution that work for a specific kind of halting problem-related problem isn't impossible. eg: detecting usage of while loop or for loop in code can be done with just syntax checking/ast, etc
I went into a downward spiral trying to explain my thought on that on another room, I think this was here.
It's relatively easy to write a "halting checker" that returns "definitely halts" or "definitely doesn't halt" or "not sure". It would have no problem identifying the haltingness of the program print("foo"), and of the program while True: pass. But I suspect it would return "not sure" for a frustratingly large portion of seemingly ordinary programs
@Kevin yeah, this is my thought as well. The main problem can be summarized as "lack of context", because, you can't just decide if something is gonna halt or not based on just the syntax, but also what the code is doing.
2 hours later…
late morning cabbages, folks!
@Aran-Fey Would using nonlocal help with this?
I believe it would. The "jump straight to globals" behavior occurs when the name is an unbound local. If there's a nonlocal statement, the name won't be an unbound local any more.
a = "global a"
b = "global b"

def c():
    a = "local a"
    b = "local b"
    class D:
        nonlocal b
        print(a) #global a
        print(b) #local b
        a = "whatever"
        b = "whatever"
Is there a neat way to do the equivalent of while (elem := some_list.pop()): with a for loop? I.e. destructively iterate in reverse.
The list content are guaranteed to be non-zero integers.
Also note that if you delete the "whatever" lines, a and b will behave identically. Without an assignment statement, the parser doesn't consider print(a) to contain an unbound local, so it uses the normal scope resolution rules, rather than the special "jump to global scope" rule
So nonlocal b actually makes b refer to local scope? oO
That's unintuitive.
I think it makes sense if you squint at it
Folks, I need some help. I have a matrix of pairwise distances between points in an N-dimensional Euclidean space. There is a way to compute a coordinate matrix from this distance matrix. But I don't see a name for this agorithm and I'd rather not have to implement it from scratch. Anyone know what it's called? better yet, does anyone have a link to a library that implements this?
>>> seq = [1,2,3]
>>> for x in iter(lambda: seq.pop() if seq else 0, 0):
...     print(x)
>>> seq
@MisterMiyagi Best I could do.
@0x263A thank you
Interesting problem. I don't know anything about it, alas.
problem is: I need to apply a clustering algorithm to some points. I don't know where the points live, but I know their similarities (ahem levenshtein distances)
now, I could take apart the AffinityPropagation clustering and implement it myself. But a library that does distances -> coords will make it unnecessary to do that (although it would be computationally less efficient)
I wonder if a distance function is sufficient in all cases to define a coordinate system... Maybe throw in a unit vector or two so you know where the X and Y axes are
actually, it's simpler than that. It is given that we're in an N-dimensional cartesian space; and we also don't care about the specific coordinates of any point - just as long as the distances are maintained. So we can translate and rotate the constellation without loss of efficacy. This means that we can assume the coordinate system without negative impact
new development: apparently what I'm trying to do is Part1 of "Multidimensional Scaling"
Oh, good. My main concern was that levenshtein distance isn't the same as Euclidean distance, so you can't make the same assumptions as if you were working on a mundane geometry problem. But if the math lads are giving you useful leads, then perhaps it's not a concern
ahh fair point. I should clarify. While Levenshtein dist != Euclidean dist, I can treat it as such for a clustering algorithm... making the assumption that small Levenshtein dist => belongs in the same cluster. There are other NLP preprocessing steps that allow for this assumption
I'm 75% sure you can build a Metric Space with Levenshtein distances. Doesn't quite get you coordinates, but it beats the featureless void.
I'm working on the assumption that Levenshtein distances do indeed form a metric space over my vocabulary
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True-range_multilateration works on Euclidean distances, but maybe there is some wisdom here that applies to other distances
3 hours later…
@PaulMcG Unfortunately no, I can't add an attribute to the class if it's marked as nonlocal
Are you still tinkering with your code from earlier? Maybe if you use a placeholder variable...
def test_riddle(my_fixture):
    x = my_fixture
    class Foo:
        my_fixture = x

    print(Foo.my_fixture) #Hello

Comedy option: construct Foo manually by using three-argument type()
Can't have obscure scope restrictions when you don't have a scope
Nah, I just used a different name for the class attribute (and added a comment explaining why)
But coincidentally, I have a different problem where I will need to dynamically spawn new classes
Three-argument type is pretty user-friendly, as far as "things which man was not meant to toy with" go
Yeah, I've done worse with this language :D
1 hour later…
Speaking of which, a while ago I tried to construct functions dynamically. I tinkered with FunctionType and CodeType for around an hour before I changed my mind that running exec on fstrings was somehow not good enough.
Yeah, for dynamic functions exec is really the only sane option. Leads to weird tracebacks and un-debuggable functions though
Well, I guess being un-debuggable is true for any dynamically created function
Surely, that won't bite me. My dynamic functions are so straight forward that they can't possibly have bugs.
2 years and 45 features later
Oh no ._.
"dynamic function" seems to me like it could mean a lot of different things.
"Dynamically created" is what I mean, no def
Yeah, you've got a point there
I might sound cynic, but writing that code was the most fun i had programming in like the last 6 months.
Love me some meta
@Kevin I used it in my last job to create test case variants using multiple inheritance, sort of like test_case_classes = [type(random_name, [*mixins, BaseClass], {}) for mixins in product(size_tests, speed_tests, auth_tests)]
Depending on the situation, if the dynamic part is only/mostly the signature and not the class body, you can sometimes get away with (*args, **kwargs) and inspect.Signature.bind
random_name was probably something like '_'.join(mix.__name__ for mix in mixins)
@Arne or "dynamic dispatch", if it's referring to polymorphism. Also, dynamically-named functions. It is avoidable, there are alternatives, you could keep a dict of names and functions. Depends what you're trying to achieve, and how much you care about sacrificing debuggability. Are you talking about naming testcases, a dynamically-created class hierarchy (e.g. parsing some arbitrary syntax), or what?
One sec, I'll dig up the code. It was about auto generating routes in a server based on what was already defined. Like, if there was /get_by_id which you could post a number to, it would create /get_by_ids that would accept a list of numbers and call the original multiple times to make it work
It sounded like a nice, simple, self-contained plugin until i started to think about stuff like partial success and if reusing connections of the base functions was really never going to be an issue
@Arne Ok, so both dynamically-named functions, and kludging polymorphism onto an API whose endpoint names are not statically known upfront.
the magic line is 61, that's the decorator that fastapi uses to register routes, and it only accepts proper novel functions that must be specified very specifically. so no shortcut with args and kwargs to make things work through right usage alone
There's always func.__signature__ = inspect.Signature(...) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hm, that could have probably saved me like half an hour of debugging. then again, I was having fun
I'll go with "I learned a lot", and "umwege erweitern die ortskenntnis", my personal mantra
That makes it sound like something bad happened. "I crashed production... but I learned a lot"
it's all still experimental, so I didn't crash production with it. yet.
Ah, more learning will occur in the future :D
don't want things to get boring =)
rbrb, this week was tough. I might sleep for a day or two
Good night(s?)
ah yes I see people had fun with my global in a class (optionally in a def?) suggestion while I slept

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