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sounds like there is something wrong with the contents of the pkl file, which could be pretty much anything (including, for example, having been created for an incompatible version of pickle)
actually, with that specific message: I think the pickle tries to represent instances of some class in your program, but the class definition has changed since the time the pickle was made.
(or, perhaps, a Dataframe made with an incompatible Pandas version)
Thank you very much. It looks like I'm using a version of Pandas that is incompatible with the code I have.
Is there any way to find out which version of Pandas was used to create a given pkl file?
I would concur with @KarlKnechtel on likely cause being a change in the class definition, specifically, that a new attribute was added to the class since the data was pickled (which could have been caused by a change in pandas Dataframe attributes - they need to implement __getstate__ for cross-version compatibility.
I greatly appreciate your excellent attempt at help, but I am sure this is not the case, the file has not been modified. I'm deploying the code to a new environment so it's almost certainly due to the Pandas version being incompatible with my code, I'm trying to resolve this. Thank you very much.
the file = pandas Dataframe
I was using an old version of Pandas (close to 1.0, now I'll test with version 1.3.5).
I think you misunderstood. We aren't saying that the file changed. We are saying that the class definition that you are trying to unpickle into has, probably by adding an attribute that was not part of the class definition under the version in which the .pkl file was created. So pickle tries to access an attribute in the pickled data that isn't there - boom!
Right...sorry, thank you!
Hello Guys,
In the example above, can you please explain why all rows whose value on column 'classNumber' == 2 get will have center y changed to 5?
import pandas as pd
test = pd.DataFrame({'classNumber': [2, 4], 'center x': [2, 0], 'center y': [4, 4]})
test.loc[test['classNumber'] == 2, 'center y'] = '5'
Just wondering how pd.DataFrame({'classNumber': [2, 4], 'center x': [2, 0], 'center y': [4, 4]}) runs
2 hours later…
@Avv Well, what do you think should happen instead? Why?
@Avv Did you try to check what the value of test is before using .loc and assigning? What do you think the resulting DataFrame should look like, and why? What result did you get? Does that match?
additionally, did you try to read the documentation, in order to understand how it works?
in general, "please explain this" is hard to answer because it does not tell us: what don't you understand? why is the result confusing to you? Did you expect something else? If so, what? If you didn't have any particular expectation for the code, then why do you care about that code?
@Marco Impossible to tell from just one line of the error message. The key part of the message will be after this line.
@Avv The short answer is because test.loc[test['classNumber'] == 2, 'center y'] = '5' says to do exactly what you described: set center y to '5' in all rows where classNumber is 2.
@Code-Apprentice Ok, that is the last error message. Anyway, I solved the problem, I just used a newer version of Pandas.
Thanks to everyone who tried to help!
chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/55818406#55818406: I forgot to close the parentheses. Correcting:
"(...) AttributeError("Can't get attribute {!r} on {!r}")"
What should I make of someone who has an 8-year-old account, with no questions or answers until now, who has now started asking beginner-level Python questions? I mean - what could have motivated such a person to create the account in 2014, and what might such a person have been doing all that time?
Who cares?
Maybe they've been developing device drivers for the Linux kernel for the past 8 years and have now just started to learn Python?
Maybe they started to learn programming 8 years ago, but got elected to Congress so put their hobby on hold for a while. Now, they've retired from public service and are finally getting back to learning how to program.
3 hours later…
@CodyGray Ah, the "finally doing something useful" redemption arc
@Code-Apprentice I meant in the browser, actually
"0.0 is rounded towards zero" felt like hitting a mental speedbump.
I guess it is technically true statement
Has anyone adapted contextlib.ContextDecorator to work with methods? Is that manageable with adequate work?
I would like to do something akin to this:
class Foo:
    def foo(self):

    def inner(self, *args):
        with self.foo():  # this works

    @foo()  # ???!!!???
    def outer(self, *args):
Does it only have to work with methods or with regular functions as well?
I'm fine with it being a method-only variant, like all the functools.XYZmethod clones.
How can it work in the class definition if there is no instance that can be plugged into self?
wouldn't foo need to be static/classmethod?
It would have to get self when looked up.
So __get__ would construct the actual context manager when outer is looked up.
AFAIK contextmanager already re-creates the context when calling the decorated function, but it does not bind self.
I forgot that foo isn't the foo that I'm looking at any more
Seems easiest to implement the whole thing from the ground up tbh
@Arne what the foo?
Might be even easier if you're ok with with self.foo: and @foo instead
Yes, a bare @foo would work for my case.
That's actually a much simpler implementation that I thought, thanks!
@foo but with self.foo():? That's a bit tricky
Or is it? Maybe it isn't
def __call__(self, func):
    def wrapper(instance, *args, **kwargs):
        with self._func(instance):
            return func(instance, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper
Hm, there are some complications making this work with any method but just passing on instance should suffice for my case.
If you've got any weird descriptor-decorators like classmethod, you can probably just apply them after the @foo
1 hour later…
to create unique objects
[id([1]) for _ in range(2)]

one can
[[id([1])] for _ in range(2)]

why does it not work with int / str?
[[id(1)] for _ in range(2)]
Because there's no reason why ints and strings have to be unique
It's more (memory) efficient to use the same one every time
why not to assume this for every data type, unless said otherwise?
ints / strs are usually small whereas other objects can be and usually are large in size?

i mean str is a list in a way as well
Small ints are cached
You can't deduplicate lists because they're mutable
Just because two lists are identical now doesn't mean they'll still be identical in 2 minutes
Ah, I missed the inner list, sorry
@Aran-Fey tuples are immutable like str, yet [id(tuple('a')) for _ in range(2)]
I didn't say python deduplicates everything it can
If you want to create a list of objects guaranteed to be unique, I suggest [object() for _ in range(2)]
Instantiating an object is occasionally useful for e.g. sentinel values
hello, can anyone help me with this python question stackoverflow.com/questions/75073277/use-mutliple-foreign-keys, happy to give more info
tuples can contain nearly anything and you might have huge amount of them. Trying to deduplicate them would be incredibly taxing on processing power.
Python does that with low ints because there's ~260 int it has to store and that's it.
Even strings will have same id only if Python was able to tell they are the same ahead of runtime
i.e at compile time
@nvhrw I'm not too familiar with the topic, but ForeignKeyConstraint might help. See docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/core/…. It suggests that ForeignKeyConstraint can inform SqlAlchemy "these two values should be paired together" to form a key
@nvhrw I don't really follow what's going on here. Why do you have multiple primary keys on the parent?
thank you Kevin, I will see if I can leverage anything from the link
Hmm, I may be misunderstanding the question. Early morning thinking is hard.
Actually, there's a lot not making sense: parent = relationship(Parent, back_populates="children", foreign_keys='[Child.f_id_1,Child.f_id_2]')
it was supposed to be a simple example, 2 primary keys are overkill for that, but I don't see why having two primary keys in itself is a bad idea
You have a parent/child relationship and yet you've specified that both foreign keys point to the child
shouldn't foreign_keys be a list, not str?
It's like having two silverback gorillas, they'll battle and wreck all your furniture
@nvhrw not overkill... just unrealistic. As far as I've ever seen. The example doesn't make sense to me
Aran-Fey / roganjosh / Kevin / matszwecja - Thanks for replies. Need more time to process.
it can be a list or str if you have only one
rn it's list-like string
yeah, sqla apparently "evals" the string
@aeiou consider the following:
a = "abcdef"
c = "abcdef"
print (a == c) # True
print(id(a) == id(c)) # True
a = "abc"
b = "def"
c = "abcdef"
print(a+b == c) # True
print(id(a+b) == id(c)) # False
roganjosh, my actual use case spawns over a composite primary key table, where this actually makes sense, sorry if I seem to not give much info
i understand the schema might be wrong, but it does depict the problem
Sorry, my evaluation of that code @nvhrw is "bonkers" (I mean that politely). I can't follow any of it
can you explain why? it is as minimal as I can get, and it shows the problem I am facing
I am more than willing to edit to avoid any confusions
Do you actually have multiple primary keys for a start? That would be something I would have to look up
I think that's exactly what composite primary key means
yes, in my usecase, three keys for a primary key "composite primary key"
I don't think that's how you specify a composite key
I'm still rotating ForeignKeyConstraint in my mind
i am checking that now as we speak, sorry did not mean to ignore your suggestion
I stand corrected on the composite key. I didn't know it got defined in that way vs some actual declaration that it was a composite key
It's ok, I didn't think you were ignoring me :-)
another thing that irks me, why there's relationship("Child"... (str) but relationship(Parent... (class)?
(not much exp with sqla)
    "parent_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id_1, id_2)
    "parent_id_1_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (id_1)
    "parent_id_2_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (id_2)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "child" CONSTRAINT "child_f_id_1_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (f_id_1) REFERENCES parent(id_1)
    TABLE "child" CONSTRAINT "child_f_id_2_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (f_id_2) REFERENCES parent(id_2)
in case you want to know roganjosh
Have you seen this?
the model works fine, its just that it breaks when I try to add a relation
@matszwecja Reminds me of how some type annotations use a string to name a type that hasn't been created yet
If so (i assume you have) then I'm out of my depth and I take back what I said
no, that looks like what Kevin suggested, I will confirm in a few if it works, making the changes
Forward references is the type annotation thing I was thinking of
thank you Kevin and roganjosh, that works
class Child(Base):
    __tablename__ = "child"
    f_id_1 = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    f_id_2 = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

    __table_args__ = (
        ForeignKeyConstraint([f_id_1, f_id_2], [Parent.id_1, Parent.id_2]),
the relationship part remains the same as in my question, adding the constraint here did it
if anyone of you can answer it I can accept it
I suppose I will
"one obvious way to do it" is the python way, and sqlalchemy here shows me 2 ways of doing the same thing(ish)
@matszwecja you can actually use strings in both places, if you prefer symmetry
I like symmetry, but I also like having fewer places where eval gets used on my code... A dilemma
ohh the eval part was only for the foreign key afaik
Ah, dilemma resolved
@nvhrw I learned something too. Glad you got it working
I was about to bounty it, saving it for a rainy day
In my line of work I am often subjected against my will to strange database designs, whose creators aren't around to explain themselves. Just another day in the Oracle mines.
I'm not overly keen on the way a composite primary key is set vs. a composite index
But, I suppose it's easy enough to interpret. I was just incredulous when I first saw it
I still do not understand how using primary_key=True in two "columns" combine them as primary key (though this is the natural intuition), but using two ForeignKey does not and you have to explicitly add a constraint
Yeah, that's the part that doesn't look right to me :/
if I think more about it, the same happens with unique, adding unique=True does not make a combined unique column, you have to add them using UniqueConstraint
on hindsight, my question now looks obvious to me, but I was tunnel visioned into the "primary key gets combined" part and did not care to check
I guess for symmetry lovers out there there is always docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/core/…
docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/orm/join_conditions.html gives an example of a scenario where you might want two foreign keys to the same table, and you don't want SqlAlchemy to assume it's a composite key
@nvhrw I can sleep easier tonight
:) but I guess it makes sense (I am convincing myself), you can only have "one primary key" (it can be composite or not) you have to combine them, but combining mutiple unqiues or foreign keys to one, does not work that way, as Kevin pointed, there can be cases where it is not composite
Perhaps SqlAlchemy could still unambiguously guess that multiple foreign keys to a table are intended to be a composite key, if the keys refer to distinct columns... I'd have to think about the corner cases on that one
I mean it can, I am specifying that in the relationship after all, it does have the info it can make use of
Does anyone know what an application is supposed to do if it has to defer signals for cleanup?
Say I catch SIGINT, start cleaning up, then SIGTERM arrives – should the application exit with SIGINT or SIGTERM?
@NordineLotfi I primarily use it for mocking out endpoints for quick tests when I have a very clear specification that defines input -> output, but don't have access to the endpoint. I suppose you could use it for more complicated things, but at that point you're likely better off with [insert favorite web framework].
morning cabbages, folks
ok I still havea lot of trouble setting up python3.8 on my system
$ python3.8 --version
Python 3.8.16
$ python3.8 -m venv venv
Error: Command '['/home/paul/PycharmProjects/builder/venv/bin/python3.8', '-Im', 'ensurepip', '--upgrade', '--default-pip']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
$ whereis python3.8
python3.8: /usr/bin/python3.8 /usr/lib/python3.8 /etc/python3.8 /usr/local/lib/python3.8 /usr/share/man/man1/python3.8.1.gz
Just why is it executing /home/paul/PycharmProjects/builder/venv/bin/python3.8 ??? That directory isn't even existing anymore
Also if I want to ensurepip on python3.8:
$ python3.8 -m ensurepip
/usr/bin/python3.8: No module named ensurepip
I can install using python3.10 (system default)
Just python 3.8 seems to no longer work even in global python3.8 -m pip --version is not working
(ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils.cmd')
@paul23 use pyenv, here you need to activate the environment
Didn't you say that you deleted the directory? I'm so confused; your PATH is out of sync with the filesystem
Well, not that you deleted it, but it apparently doesn't exist by one way or another
@roganjosh oh I notice this directory is actually existing again: the error is after python has copied the basic functions over.
but the major problem isn't even the virtual environment: it's that I can't get pip to work for python3.8
1 hour later…
@0x263A Interesting, never thought of doing that :o
@MisterMiyagi hmm, I think you can catch them both, but it's hard to always make it work for both catching + doing something when it catches it. I found that there are times when depending on what you're doing, even if you use atexit, and whatnot, it will still be pretty hard to do something before it fully terminate.
2 hours later…
@NordineLotfi I can catch them alright, the question is what to do with them after catching.
you could maybe log them and reverse whatever setup or part of the setup your application does? (eg: if it create temporary files/directories, then delete those, etc)
big problem is, what you plan on doing need to be done fast enough, because what I said above could happen (eg: it terminate too fast after you catch it, and before you finished the clean up, etc)
What does "exit with SIGINT" mean? That's not an exit code, is it?
no one has experience how to get an earlier minor version running on ubuntu (22.04)? Where pip works?
@paul23 that's so horrendously vague
@Aran-Fey from what I understand, this is at least part of an exit code on Unix systems (Linux, etc) but on Windows, it isn't, at least not directly
it's basically shell (and OS) dependent.
@roganjosh well I shown above the errors I get
after I add python3.8 by doing apt install python3.8
$ python3.8 -m ensurepip
/usr/bin/python3.8: No module named ensurepip
$ python3.8 -m pip --version
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/runpy.py", line 194, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/runpy.py", line 87, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/__main__.py", line 29, in <module>
    from pip._internal.cli.main import main as _main
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/_internal/cli/main.py", line 9, in <module>
    from pip._internal.cli.autocompletion import autocomplete
Those errors shouldn't ever happen right?
No, it obviously shouldn't. For this one message I will allow this, but longer posts need posting off-site as per our rules. I don't know how you've borked this, but you borked it good
Reinstalling doesn't fix it?
@Aran-Fey I've tried apt uninstall python3.8 and reinstalling after - same error
this is just a "clean" update to ubuntu 22.04 since last week, and the very minute I updated ubuntu I installed python3.8 package (to try to prevent bugs) and it started happening directly
So clearly there's something wrong with /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip, and yet the other pythons work fine? Where do they import pip from, then?
You can find out with import pip; print(pip.__file__)
/usr/lib/python3 actually refers to python 3.10 - the system install
Python 3.10.6 (main, Nov 14 2022, 16:10:14) [GCC 11.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pip; print(pip.__file__)
If I go to python 3.8 it reports the same location.
Then where do they import distutils.cmd from?
>>> import distutils.cmd; print(distutils.cmd.__file__)
I'll get a clean install of ubuntu to test it on
And presumably that module doesn't exist in /usr/lib/python3.8?
This might be a use case for get-pip.py. Download it, then simply run it using python3.8 get-pip.py
@Aran-Fey nope that directory is nearly empty
Try copying the distutils module I guess
@Aran-Fey that's not really a solution that can be used when I upgrade the servers...
Is it a case that the installer is broken, then?
you mean the python3.8 package?
I'll try to get it to work on a virtual machine
Well, none of this is very clear to me, but you said "that's not really a solution that can be used when I upgrade the servers..." as though they're also, inevitably, going to hit this issue
@roganjosh I mean if I want to update servers I do not really feel like manually changing directories modified by apt/installation tools
So we loop back to "is the installer broken?"
yeah I wonder that myself, no one has experience with that?
@Aran-Fey UNIX has both regular exit codes and exit signals.
It was actually quite a problem that Python did it wrong for some time.
You have odd phrasing using statements as questions and throwing "no one" into it. In any case, no, I'm not aware of issues
@roganjosh I'll test on a clean ubuntu now, instead of one that is upgraded from 20 to 22
Interesting, you reset the signal handler and then send the signal to yourself
2 hours later…
Hello. Any comment about this question: stackoverflow.com/q/75101954/2817520
@Dante Hi, please check out the room rules. Specifically, "those who can answer are already watching the queue on the main site."

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