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Cbg. Why do I get an error when trying to plot as per the following code, saying that X and Y have different shapes? This occurs in a certain IPython editor, and in another (Google Colab) I don't get this error.


plt.plot(X, Y, '.')


X = (111398, 144)
Y = (111398, 48)
I'll go out on a limb and say that (111398, 144) and (111398, 48) are different shapes.
Your shapes are different in Colab. Check there too.
(or it crashes before you can see the error and you're not noticing the crash, but this is less likely)
I am verifying in the Colab
@Marco do you mean "let me check the shapes in Colab" or "the shapes I printed are from Colab"?
let me check the shapes in Colab
I just checked. The shapes are the same and Colab plotted without problems.
The plot
OK, but I don't believe that. Can you tell me what should happen when you plot an X with shape (2, 3) vs Y with shape (2, 5)? To be clear in this example 111398 -> 2, 144 -> 3, 48 -> 5.
# here's some example data
X = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
Y = [[7, 8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15, 16]]
@Marco that plot is wrong on many, many levels
Why are there two colors? Why are there two point sizes? plt.plot can't do that.
Consider just the blue part
The main difference between IPython and Colab (assuming you really meant IPython and not jupyter notebook) is that Colab has persistent state for each cell so it's very easy to muck up your kernel state by going back and editing cells, then forgetting that you changed something.
For the X and Y mentioned
The red part is from other plt.plot()
Can you actually confirm, in the same cell where you do plt.plot(X, Y, '.') that X.ndim == Y.ndim == 2 and X.shape != Y.shape?
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні See yourself what it does: colab.research.google.com/drive/…
With your example
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні One moment
@Marco it says I have to log in with google
I will take a print, then
Actually, if you run it, I'll be able to see the output. I just need login to execute cells.
at least I see the np.shape outputs
the figure is missing though
Ok, in a minute I will send the print screen
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:3: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: cycling among columns of inputs with non-matching shapes is deprecated.
  This is separate from the ipykernel package so we can avoid doing imports until

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f6bd308a710>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f6bd3092cd0>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f6bd3092e90>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f6bd309d090>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f6bd309d250>]
I have no idea how my example data is supposed to be interpreted, but the warning suggests that this was deprecated, and probably removed by now. Colab's matplotlib might be old enough to still have this functionality.
But... Why is wrong plot these data this way?
Well, like I said, can you tell me what it should look like?
I am just plotting the points
OK, what are "the points"?
Points have 2 coordinates: x and y. How is a given point's coordinate determined if X has shape (2, 3) and Y has shape (2, 5)?
I think that where there is no Y, this is not plotted
You mean it's truncating the (2, 5)-shaped array to (2, 3) shape?
I really don't know
Me neither. But unless you have a very clear idea of what you're trying to plot with your two arrays, you can't do much. I agree with current matplotlib that just throwing in those two arrays to plot doesn't make sense. So you must figure out what makes sense. Figure out how you want to define x and y coordinates of each point. That should guide you.
Ok. How can I check the Matplotlib version?
Via Python
E.g. with matplotlib.__version__.
or you should be able to do %pip freeze in colab and it'll print every package
Ok, thanks. And can I install a specific Matplotlib version, right?
no idea, hopefully yes, but I don't use colab
I meant using pip install Matplotlib like code
and as I said, the version difference is just a side-effect
Thank you very much
Helped me a lot
Good night
(I think there is no problem to any online IPython editor to overwrite a specific Python package version)
(Google Colab's Matplotlib version: 3.2.2; version wrt other IPython editor: 3.5.1)
9 hours later…
@Aran-Fey well, technically it is true like that.
But wraps also copies __annotations__, doesn't it?
Does it?
I doubt it. There's no guarantee about signatures when decorating.
def func(x: bool) -> str:
    return str(x)

def test(*args, **kwargs):
    return func(*args, **kwargs)

print(inspect.signature(test))  # (x: bool) -> str
reveal_type(test)  # Revealed type is "def (*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any"
>>> def f(x: int): pass
... print(f.__annotations__)
... print(wraps(f)(lambda: None).__annotations__)
{'x': <class 'int'>}
{'x': <class 'int'>}
Isn't that the whole point of wraps? Making one function look like another function. It copies the name, module, docstring, signature, annotations, everything
I'm only surprised because Jacob Bumgarner had issues with his IDE, so it's surprising that "it copies [...] everything".
I thought it was about docstrings only.
you can apparently choose what to copy over docs.python.org/3/library/…
Copying the signature is literally the one thing you can't turn off!
So I guess the problem was linting being dumb. Because at runtime (import time) it has to be perfect.
(this might have been clear to everyone else)
(Ok, technically it doesn't copy the signature. But let's not go there)
So what's up with stackoverflow.com/questions/59717828/… that fixed Jacob's issue?
Is that a crutch for linters?
Yeah. That's how typeshed should have annotated wraps
I see, thanks
How bad do the Negator examples look for singledispatchmethod? Looks like it should be a namespace or a module.
Looks very Java, but then again "New in version 3.8."
And the example doesn't have to be bad, I'm sure you could find legit use cases.
for numerical string, why base 2 to base 16 conversion is faster than base 2 to base 10 conversion ?
I don't really mind the examples there. Sure there's no reason for that class to exist, but would the example be better if there were 5 or 10 additional lines of boilerplate code?
@sahasrara62 How are you doing those conversions?
@sahasrara62 because 16 is a power of 2.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні never needed the method variant, I guess real usecases are pretty complex.
@Aran-Fey to me, yes. Two lines in an init that stores a number, needing state. Though the classmethod case is harder that way.
@MisterMiyagi or perhaps it's usually straightforward to handle different input types in one function, or defining separate methods for drastically different types
@Aran-Fey just using int, here is full context stackoverflow.com/questions/73007397/…
like in problem we get to sort a list of numerical strings , so using key = int vs key=lambda x:intx, 16) , later part give much faster result. but i dont know why base conversion 16 is fast to compare to 10, like in my opionion internal conversion code would be same for 10 , 16. so why there is time difference or O(n*n) vs o(n)
Uuuh where did you get that "O(n^2) vs O(n)" part from?
I hope it's not just something like "it looks slower"
see the solution, there is timer used so for 10^5 vs 10^6 it is 100x slower compare to 10x
I don't know how int is implemented, but naive conversion to base 10 involves multiplying by 2 (shifting) and summing, while conversion to base 16 can probably just look at 4-length substrings
E.g if you go from base 10 to base 100 you can look at double 10-based digits and encode what those correspond to in base 100 (a lookup table). Unless it's very Sunday for me.
This is what Miyagi meant by "16 is a power of 2".
@sahasrara62 any timeit I see, it times str(i). What am I missing?
hold on, I don't see a single "conversion from base 2 to 16"
int(i, 16) converts from base 16 to 10. int(i, 2) converts from base 2 to 10. int(i) converts from base 10 to 10 (str to int).
Can we start over?
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні i understand now what you are trying to say.
i added int to str cnvertion timer there in solution, which was other use canse, coorrectedf it now.
yes we can
@sahasrara62 you can leave directed replies to messages, using the arrow link at the end of a message if you hover over it. Like this.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні @AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні thanks, didn't knew this
so from start again, for this problkem https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/big-sorting/problem,

if we add solution `return sorted(unsorted, key = int)` vs `return sorted(unsorted, key = lambda x:int(x, 16))` the second one is far faster then fiirst one. (timer is not given in Hackerrank, but the fast it all test cases passed is much faster

so that is why i ask why int is slower than int(x, 16)
If you're using it as a sort key, int is actually the fastest:
a = [str(randrange(10**4, 10**5)) for _ in range(2*10**5)]

keys = [
    'lambda x: [len(x), x]',  # 5.02 sec
    'lambda x: (len(x), x)',  # 3.53 sec
    'lambda x: int(x, 16)',   # 0.98 sec
    'int',                    # 0.79 sec
for key in keys:
    t = timeit(f'sorted(a, key={key})', globals=globals(), number=10)
    print(f'{t:2.2f} sec    {key}')
@Aran-Fey we tested it for a normal string of length '9'*10**6 not for a number there
Umm, what? You just said that return sorted(unsorted, key = lambda x:int(x, 16)) is "far faster" than sorted(unsorted, key = int). And unsorted is a list of strings, right?
run this for a = ['9'* 10**6 for _ in range(10)]
here is performace result https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM7YoKPr/P60oP1ehJDM3NbNEITO3IL@oBMrj4iooyswr0YDwNNRBbCVLJS1DAy0tU011HYW80tyk1CJbQ01NPCrNUFX@/w8A

int work fast for small length but it very slow for large length
^ this is with strings of alternating ones and zeroes
Ok, that's weird
sorry link seem showing old result , here is profiling code
from random import randrange
from timeit import timeit
a = ['9'* 10**6 for _ in range(10)]

keys = [
'lambda x: [len(x), x]', # 5.02 sec
'lambda x: (len(x), x)', # 3.53 sec
'lambda x: int(x, 16)', # 0.98 sec
'int', # 0.79 sec
for key in keys:
t = timeit(f'sorted(a, key={key})', globals=globals(), number=1)
print(f'{t:2.2f} sec {key}')

sorry for bad alignment, dont know how to indent code here , but you can see the difference in the performannce. this is what i was asking
I don't know how our arbitrary-precision ints are implemented so I don't make assumptions about how it should behave
at least I can confirm
>>> %timeit "9"*10**5
... %timeit "9"*10**6
... %timeit int("9"*10**5)
... %timeit int("9"*10**6)

1.76 µs ± 121 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000,000 loops each)
19.2 µs ± 167 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)
42.5 ms ± 350 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
4.23 s ± 17.7 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні this is what i was talking for 10x increase in size, time is increased b 100x . so it is n*n time
What wasn't clear is that you're talking about extremely large ints.
I wonder if there's some "Schlemiel the painter" problem involved here
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні i admit i am no good with words sorry for that
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні look like it
I don't understand how strings work in CPython, but in any case there is an optimization for base 16 that essentially just copies the data from the string to the int
@Aran-Fey see right below github.com/python/cpython/blob/…
> Binary bases can be converted in time linear in the number of digits, because
Python's representation base is binary. Other bases (including decimal!) use
the simple quadratic-time algorithm below, complicated by some speed tricks.
> If we were working with IEEE single-precision,
rounding errors could kill us. Finding worst cases in IEEE double-precision
requires better-than-double-precision log() functions, and Tim didn't bother.
Instead the code checks to see whether the allocated space is enough as each
new Python digit is added, and copies the whole thing to a larger int if not.
This should happen extremely rarely, and in fact I don't have a test case
that triggers it(!). Instead the code was tested by artificially allocating
brutal honesty :P
Aaaah, it's quadratic because + and * have to loop over all the digits in the bigint?
Well I can turn '3287523535298533279' into 3287523535298533279 in O(1) time.
Haha, ask the python devs if they want to employ you and your unique skill :P
3 hours later…
the numbers of hackerrank have up to 10^6 digits, it is a lots more than the number you have tested
@XavierCombelle "9"*10**6 has 10**6 digits
4 hours later…
hello everyone
does anyone knows about making a trading bot
like what libraries do you recommend
@pedroechavarria Learn numpy, pandas, matplotlib for plotting, sklearn etc. for ML. Go read the many good blogs or tutorials, or see Kaggle for data, code, competitions and how-to's/writeups.
For my federal caseload question (long post above), someone recommended me xarray package for datacube. Any other opinions here?
awesomeness @smci
Also YouTube tutorials, user-group talks etc. Just follow along with one, and type code as you go.
@pedroechavarria Your profile says you're in NYC? There are several excellent local NYC data-science/ML user-groups that are currently restarting their in-person meetups.

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