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How are you?
(No programming question right now).
1 hour later…
hey, I think my connection is being inturpted because of
Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
how to deal with that with python?
4 hours later…
@LoopingDev You probably need to learn about CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. This looks like a good place to start: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS
3 hours later…
@ChrisP hi. Fine, thanks. And you?
Finally on holiday for the next week. Just looked to join the wifi and noticed that there is, apparently, a Samsung washing machine broadcasting its own network somewhere nearby. How am I supposed to sleep at night knowing that there's "smart" technology that could go rogue at any minute? What business does a washing machine have creating a local network?!
Hack into it and turn it off
The only sensible answer
With a name like metatoaster, I can only imagine you'd encourage this kind of thing to clear the way for your domination. For all I know, you could be part of The Appliance Wars
What we expected: toasters shivving you in your sleep. What we got: toasters refusing to toast bread until you fix the wifi, like, and subscribe.
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
An RGB colour cube in Sage.
oooh, pretty
I'd love to know why you're summing up points, but I can't even find any documentation for point3d...
2 hours later…
@roganjosh well, you make friends with it first and assert dominance, that way it will be conflicted with the laws and who knows you might just end up being safe.
1 hour later…
@Aran-Fey doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/plot3d/sage/plot/plot3d/… I add the points together to make a Graphic3d object. doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/plot3d/sage/plot/plot3d/… Normally, I'd bind the sum to a name, and then call the Graphic3d object's .show() method, but Sage automatically calls show on expressions, which is kind of convenient, but sometimes annoying. ;)
Strange API. Might as well do something readable like Graphic3d(points) instead of sum(points)
Those points are pretty crude, but they look ok in that cube. You can make more accurate spheres, if you need them.
@Aran-Fey I could have passed a list, tuple, or Numpy array of point co-ords to point3d, to create a single Graphics3d object. But then they'd all be the same colour.
In simple programs, you just create a single Graphics3d object & show it. But you can combine multiple objects if you want. Each object can be transformed as a unit.
The actual 3d rendering is done by three.js, which is far more powerful that what Sage gives you access to.
OTOH, it's often a lot easier to build simple stuff in Sage than to fiddle around with three.js directly in JavaScript.
And of course if you need to do mathematics on a curved surface, Sage has a bunch of stuff for that. Eg, for these Lagrange points diagrams, I used Sage to do the differentiation to locate the Lagrange points. space.stackexchange.com/a/57679/38535
Sage is full of strange APIs. Partly, that's because it's built on top of a whole bunch of things, "NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, Sympy, Maxima, GAP, FLINT, R and many more", each with their own way of doing stuff, and Sage attempts to unify them. That 3D plotting stuff started life before three.js even existed, and it appears that two different underlying 3D apis got merged together.
Yesterday, I was doing colour space conversion stuff with skimage. I wanted to use the CIELuv space, but strangely, it's not mentioned in the docs. scikit-image.org/docs/stable/api/… But a GitHub issues page claimed that skimage does support that space. It's not mentioned in the help page of that module, but I finally found it lurking in the source code. ;)
2 hours later…
Hello folks!!! I have joined this room for the first time lol
Welcome :)
In case of the following
x = some_function(a, b, c=1)
def some_function(a, b, c=0):
#do something
the value when some_function executes for c will be 0? I suppose. is that correct?
Tata always raises memories of my job when I was a teenager (though I left before it happened). The company was installing some renewable energy setup and accidentally cut a power line while one of the blast furnaces was running.... All the steel set solid in the furness. I take some comfort in my decision to have left the company when I did :P
@AshwinPhadke No. 0 is the default and you actively overrode that in the call itself by passing c=1
@roganjosh so something in the function definition is default even if you define it explicitly, however while making a call to that function if you define some other value it changes to the value from the function call rather than function definition, right?
"so something in the function definition is default even if you define it explicitly" No, that's the opposite of what "default" means. It means "if the caller doesn't supply a value for c, take the value 0. In the case that the user provides an argument, take that, always"
That happens for each individual call of the function.
@roganjosh okay, caller always wins, interesting, well not, but I hardly encountered functions that have arguments defined at both places and this got me thinking, interesting.
Functions like that exist all over the place. The next thing you'd want to look at is mutable default arguments and functools.partial. These are not directly related, but probably a progression of understanding from where you're at
Particularly functools.partial. You don't really see that a lot tbh
@roganjosh I had no clue this even existed lol.
Now you do :) The mutable default argument is one to worry about because it will bite; partial was kinda just for completeness (I've probably forgotten something much more common between the two)
@AshwinPhadke surely we've told you before: try and see
@roganjosh oh yeah mutable default argument still has me worried many times, never knew that's what it is called. Thanks for sharing, I guess I can move ahead with this info now.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні yeah but that doesn't get me to the why part which I learned from the links.
@AshwinPhadke before you get to "why" you must learn "what", so instead of asking us, ask the interpreter
1 hour later…
How do you control how your class behaves in various contexts? Like if I do {**obj_that_unpacks_like_dict} how do I define my class type(obj_that_unpacks_like_dict) such that it will behave that way?
You need to implement the mapping interface, whatever that means exactly. Maybe keys() + __getitem__ is enough
Alternatively, play it safe and inherit from collections.abc.Mapping
In any case, there is no specific dundermethod that enables ** for a class. For better or worse, your class must be a mapping
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Whatever maps your ping :P
>>> class SortaMapping:
...     def __getitem__(self, key):
...         return 'potato'
...     def keys(self):
...         return range(3)
... {**SortaMapping()}
{0: 'potato', 1: 'potato', 2: 'potato'}
that is helpful. ty
but earlier we agreed that relying on __getitem__ for an iterable is bad form
So I'd probably define everything mentioned for Mappings at docs.python.org/3/library/…
Well, without __len__ it's not actually iterable :D
if it has feathers and sits on water it's a duck
1 hour later…
f(**x) compiles to CALL_FUNCTION_EX, which unpacks the double-star argument using _PyDict_MergeEx, which uses PyMapping_Keys() and PyObject_GetItem to examine objects not inheriting from dict
TLDR: implement __getitem__ and keys

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