It's not the meta effect, because I'm using sam liew's DiscussedOnMeta.user.js script so I know when Q&A I'm visiting have been tainted by a meta discussion and this one does not have any
@roganjosh sometimes randomly, but not always targeting on the same question like that
Hi Everyone, I am trying to find False positive rate. I have false positive and true negative value and I am trying this line of code
fpr = fp/(fp+tn)
But its not working giving me unspupported operand type error. I guess values from tf.keras.metrics.TrueNagatives() are not int right So how Do I calculate false postive rate then
guys just a quick one if automatedly starting aws ec2 instances and running a python script within said instances. how could one check when said script finishes completely to terminate said instances once done? Trying to write it in a scalable way that would automate it all
@roganjosh Ahhh, this explains why, when somebody serially downvoted me one time (for some unknown reason), they only downvoted my questions (of which there are three), rather than my answers (of which there are many more). People really do care too much about internet points if they're not even willing to spend them to satisfy an unspecified vendetta...
@CodyGray Hmm, was it automatic? I remember my rep score going down by 6 for a few days before my flag was resolved. (Not that it matters, it's all resolved now anyway!)
Yeah -- just annoyed me that somebody would take the trouble, and it was clearly serial downvoting given that all 3 were downvoted simultaneously. So I flagged. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm a huge fan of downvotes as a quality-ranking system, and I encourage their liberal use. But serially downvoting someone out of spite? That's not only mean-spirited, but subverts and misunderstands the whole purpose of the voting system. We aren't voting on people, but on posts.
when i tried to do the conversion to a string like this, my senior manager didn't like it "Authorization": "Token token=" + str (os.getenv("CRM_TOKEN")), Any ideas what else I could do?
"null" as such doesn't exist in C++. Rather, you have "nullptr", which is a pointer literal of type "nullptr_t". So it is actually somewhat similar to the whole "None" and "NoneType" situation.
damn lol I have an entire process working except the sending commands which oddly is reporting success but doesnt seem to be doing anything inside the machines
@Kwsswart no doubt, boto3 is probably "the correct solution", but having never used it for this purpose myself, the best I can offer off the top of my head is "write a script that SSH's into the machine and runs <whatever> on it"
Is there any way to tell if a particular unicode character is one half of a pair? For example, "[", "{", "<" are all intended to be used with their mirrored counterparts
ooh bummer, I wish I'd known this yesterday - DuetDisplay allows only one external tablet for right now. They're "considering" adding support fore more devices, but I might need to multiplex with multiple such apps to get to use multiple tablets for this
@MisterMiyagi Indeed relevant. As I suspected, the consortium made an effort to categorize open/close characters, but they can't capture all the gray areas.
My universal character set project will remain in private beta until I can perform a political takeover on every existing universal character set consortium simultaneously.
It's the only ethical way to resolve the "now there are 17 competing standards" dilemma
Living and having to regularly discuss with an anti vaxxer is exhausting. I could finally negotiate an armistice. I care so little about the whole topic and just wish to be left to my devices :'D
@inspectorG4dget I heard there invented a nice new thing called monitors :D
I keep intending to look into remote desktop applications so I can monitor my home laptop with my phone. I occasionally leave home while I have some long-running process going, and it would be nice if I could check its progress on the go.
I've tried doing some rudimentary homebrew stuff over HTTP, but I think the router that Comcast installed for me has foot-shooting mode disabled
months ago, I would have recommended TeamViewer. But they changed their pricing model after (what I remember to be) the Oracle acquisition. Now, AnyDesk seems to be a good alternative based on the conversations I've had with people about my options
xD Which is how many? I have 2 at home 3-4 at work, but unfortunately some software I use starts running at 1-2Hz when attaching the 4th monitor, so I got 3
@inspectorG4dget sounds about right, give it 6months and anydesk will be the favorite
I wonder how hard it would be to securely open a TCP port on my router and home computer to the Internet, which my phone could then connect to. I'm guessing it's not super incredibly easy, or else there'd be a rich ecosystem of free open source remote monitoring projects on github
Haha. I didn't think of a VPN. "if only there were some way to... Create a sort of virtual network, which is private"
I guess it's because the only practical use case for VPNs I'm familiar with is "Kevin's computer A privately connects to proxy server B, which makes public HTTP requests to skeezy websites C D and E, without FBI surveillance van F knowing which proxy user is responsible"
Whichever approach I end up using, I think I need to disable training wheels mode on my router. Time to play "guess what password I set five years ago"
I'm tempted to do a factory reset but that might de-authenticate it from Comcast's whitelist, and require me to make two hours worth of tech support calls (not counting hold time) to fix it
@roganjosh Good! A little nutty as I'm really < half-time, and a good half of those hours are outside 9-5, but I'm learning...yet to actually really use any python, but I'm becoming vaguely competent with kubernetes, salt, AWS/GCP/DO, and so on, and getting paid more to do it than I was earning working fulltime before to learn while doing, so :)
"working when I can/during naptime" is a huge blessing for my family atm.
Sounds like a win-win! Kubernetes is all my company thinks about so it seems popular. "I've got a function for fibonacci numbers" --> "great, we can dockerise that and put it on kubernetes so you just have to spin up a new container and it'll auto-scale to demand... with a only 30 sec lag while it launches extra services. It's much easier"
Bane of my life on some of our stuff; for some things it makes sense, but they've built it so that everything works in a container. The one time I managed to get an EC2 instance, I solved a multi-week problem in 2 hours
how did you guys learn to architect large systems? I've architected frameworks before, but I just realized this system is larger than my previous definition of "large". There's a bunch of exceptional cases that don't quite fit into a mathematically elegant model
I'm starting to wonder if what I lack is experience or education. If it's the latter, is there a resource someone could recommend, to help me improve?
and too many people who know how to build skyscrapers (probably because they've fallen off wobbly ladders too many times) build phenomenal things like Airflow, Kafka, Docker, Kubernetes, and terraform; and leave mere mortals like me in the dust
Kubernetes is taken care of by our engineers (note, plural). I don't think a lot of this stuff can really be learned in isolation from an actual problem; as the company grows, a lot of bats gets thrown into the ring, lots of problems with the existing system are collated, and a new iteration of an architecture is born
there was a time that I had a longish-term plan to master a bunch of technologies including kubernetes, terraform, kafka, and airflow. I've since realized that such lofty goals were likely borne out of a naivety of likening tech to pre-Gutenberg era books. Not unlike how there was once a time when a person could have "read all the books", there was likely a time when a person could have "mastered all the technology", but even my example subset may be past the possibility-horizon these days
for anyone who remembers the time my mom had a stroke (some seven years ago), here's what she's up to today (shameless self promotion - use YT's closed captions for English-ifying the Tamil bits):
I made a post on stack overflow that got locked they said I posted too much? I'm getting an error but I'm not sure what part of the code is actually causing the syntax error, I've been trying to read about how to trade where the error is located
Let's see.… was closed because it was caused by a typo. You don't need to feel bad about that or anything, that's just how typo-related problems get handled.
Why don't you use a Python IDE that warns you about errors like those? You can even tell that something's wrong by looking at Stack Overflow's syntax colouring. — Selcuk18 hours ago
Ideally typo posts only get closed after commenters explain where all the typos are. If you applied their advice and still got a SyntaxError, I guess they didn't find them all.
@PIngu many thanks (I'll be sure to pass it along). More than anything, there's a huge load fo gratitude that goes out to r6 here for helping out during that time
You might already know this, but if you're getting SyntaxError, that's almost always caused by a typo. If you're getting any other kind of error, for example ValueError, that's almost never caused by a typo.
Just want to make sure we're on the same page because I've seen people ask things like "why does print(seq[10]) give me an index out of range syntax error?". Only SyntaxErrors are syntax errors.
I notice that the rooms = { assignment statement has nine "{" characters, and eight "}" characters. A mismatch of brackets/parentheses/etc is a common cause of syntax errors.
Okay I am really sucking at this dictionary stuff, maybe I can read more about it somewhere, I tried updating it to this: Master Bathroom doesn't show indented extra on pycharm, I have no idea how the brackets and commas and colons are supposed to be positioned for it to run
AW surprise dog I could kiss you that has something kind of working new error but progress!! lol
Okay here is updated: new syntax error says ''' continue ^ SyntaxError: 'continue' not properly in loop ''' I'll be honest I'm not even sure how continue works or if it is necessary I just found that online
Well I took out both the continues and now I'm not getting any error it just says ''' Process finished with exit code 0 ''' which I don't understand why it's not printing out the game instructions and it's not asking for my input??
I'm looking through the error warning thing it says dictionary has duplicate keys 'items' but I have a different item in every room..
So it won't print the first line I said to print for some reason? When I indent it prints the other 3
this stuff crazy how does anyone know how to indent on this stuff
Okay so I've updated to this: It's kind of working, it prints the instructions and let's me type an input but it just keeps saying You are in the Foyer