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1 hour later…
Can anyone tell me why the outer loop (for i in x) never continues to its next value?
x = [1,2]
y = [3,2]
for i in x:
print(f'i {i}')
for z in y:
print(f'z {z}')
if i == z:
print(f'match {i}')
@SushenBiswas Please don't crosspost fresh questions from the main site as per our room rules Also, these large boxed banners can become fairly disruptive in chat
@flyingtriangle please see the code formatting guide for chat and practice in the sandbox
Can anyone tell me why the outer loop (for i in x) never continues to its next value?
x = [1,2]
y = [3,2]
for i in x:
  print(f'i {i}')
  for z in y:
    print(f'z {z}')
    if i == z:
      print(f'match {i}')
And there's a "break" right after that last print(x) statement which I would assume means it will continue the outer loop
that should be part of the code
Yes sorry heres the correct code:
x = [1,2]
y = [3,2]
for i in x:
  print(f'i {i}')
  for z in y:
    print(f'z {z}')
    if i == z:
      print(f'match {i}')
I cannot for the life of me figure out why it only prints:

i 1
z 3
z 2
ok perfect, let's see.
uhm, mine doesn't print just what you showed.
i 1
z 3
z 2
i 2
z 3
z 2
match 2
However, i will address one core issue that you are also very likely running into. don't mutate the container while iterating over it, you'll be in for a bad time if you do that.
Yeah I was thinking that too. OK thank you
I must've just typoed something in interpreter.
yes, i think you probably just ran this twice, so the first time around x got reduced to [1], and then you never re-ran the line that assigns x to [1, 2].
@ParitoshSinghThanks for let me kno. I am sorry i was not awate.
2 hours later…
I'm a beginner in Python and now I want to release my own PyPI package.

I came across this [tutorial](https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/) and I can see that Python packages are still complicated and require a lot of files to be created.

The tutorial doesn't seem to say how quickly these files should be created.

Is there a better way than creating them manually, for example, some more popular example project, or a command line program to quickly generate PiPy packages.
All you need is flit or poetry and a pyproject.toml
Ah the joys of being able to use a debugger. An underappreciated feeling
If you just want to manage a package as a maintainer as painless as possible, I can wholeheartedly recommend flit.
@tripleee what's the target?
whaaaaaaat. I can set breakpoints in a running session? My life has been a lie. OMG so many years
that sounds like super fancy tech, was this always like this?
@MisterMiyagi there's a comment by Tomerikoo and one close vote already
Yeah. At least for Python it's trivial.
It's C++ though
@tripleee Then you probably pasted the wrong (target?) link. I see neither comment nor cv.
@MisterMiyagi oh, sorry
@tripleee RO please zap
duplicate, reopened (double sorry!) stackoverflow.com/q/68736417
I think you have to say things like "I'm wondering whether Andras is reading this" to spawn an RO.
that project just uses cookiecutter, which you can also use right away: https://cookiecutter.readthedocs.io/en/1.7.2/ it has a lot more documentation on the topic of packaging.
If you want to go for ease-of-use, I'd also suggest [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) though, which also offers `poetry new`
Is there a way to read from an io.BufferedIOBase that doesn't offer an EOF at any point without waiting for new output?
The docs alude to a "non blocking-mode". Are you restricted to blocking?
# my current mcve
import subprocess

proc = subprocess.Popen('while true; do echo "foo"; sleep 1; done', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for _ in range(5):
@MisterMiyagi maybe, lemme check
ew, subprocesses...
So instead of waiting and returning 'foo\n', you want it to return '' immediately?
On my system, stdout is a BufferedReader. You can peek into them.
@Aran-Fey yes
peek also waits for content
Doesn't look like it's possible to do that. Are you fine with using threads?
before I try that I'll see if supplying my own file-like can also solve the problem
There's a recipe using fnctl to check if data is available. Might want to try that.
Should work on UNIX at least.
Is UNIX like PERL? Along with other TECHNOLOGYs?
Unix is apparently trademarked as UNIX. PERL just makes me want to allcaps...
Remember kids: Optimise for Pearls, not PERL
@MisterMiyagi huh, ddg excerpt omitted that remark
German wikipedia also only mentioned it after the introduction.
Makes me doubt the pedantry of my countrymeatbags.
this is surprisingly tricky. I can also just write something with a timout, since my actual usecase just wants to collect a dump from the process and closes it afterwards.
Obligatory mention: asyncio has a process interface that handles this.
hmm, but then I can only read one byte at a time if I want all of the output 🤔
But I do remember that whenever I needed this, it was a pain. Threads were usually the least painful solution.
@Arne Perhaps the readinto family works to recover partial reads.
Do you have a 2-sentence explanation as if I'm 5 of how threads help here?
@MisterMiyagi yeah, readinto1 works and is non-blocking. the bytesarray is fixed length though, so I still need a funny if bytes_read > len(my_bytes): try_again_with_bigger_array() construct
no, bad test setup. it's blocking too ._.
I'll just stop trying to process stdout myself with a pipe, connecting it to the parent stdout is good enough. especially if it means I don't need to mess around with threads
@AndrasDeak Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Thread1 – oh, but this beauty was trapped in the evil clutches of proc.stdout.read! In comes the mighty Thread2, striking down the villain with a swift proc.kill, saving the beauty and living happily ever after.
^ not enough emojis, could not parse
@MisterMiyagi so just a timeout?
@Arne heh
@Arne ⏰ 👧 🧵 🤚 📖 ! 💪 🧵 ⚔️ 💓 🕰 .
@AndrasDeak Yeah. Option 2 is feeding a queue from a thread so the other can read non-blocking. No idea how to make that kid friendly.
@MisterMiyagi much appreciated! 🍔
@MisterMiyagi I see, thanks
@MisterMiyagi I see, thanks
Does somebody know a plugin to show the age of code in colors, preferably in pycharm but other editor works too. Something like the question asked here, but not for the whole project but for a file and a per line basis: sqa.stackexchange.com/questions/40783/…
huh, that's kind of cool
@Aran-Fey thanks. I just realized that 'flit' and 'poetry' are two new tools.
@Arne thanks.'Cookiecutter' does look better.
@Aran-Fey In honour of both your suggestion here and also for bringing the HTML code to my attention some time back, you'll be pleased to know that this is now handled by the server responding with a 418 if it sees a version mismatch in the payload
406 seemed too lame and mainstream. Given that the server is only ever called through my wrapper, it gives some scope to spice things up
haha 418 is amazing
I was going to ask if it shouldn't be a 5xx error code, but then I looked up what 418 is, and so I guess it really doesn't matter :D
omg there are conditional breakpoints :O I should learn more about debuggers
Omg I can decide to not suspend execution but just log things. Live, wth in C++. This is so fancy <3 Sorry for the crossposting :P
@Hakaishin yes
Question: how should i go about doing a pandas join that's in a sort of priority? I want to join two tables based on col1 of table 2, except when col1 doesnt have a match, then i want to try col2 of table 2 instead.
Huh, I think this is the first instance where the SQL approach was the first that popped into my head because I think it's probably easier than in pandas
import pandas as pd

df1 = pd.DataFrame({"key": [1, 2, 42], "val": ["a", "b", "c"]})

df2 = pd.DataFrame({"key1": [1, 0, 0],
                    "key2": [1, 2, 0],
                    "val2": ["x", "y", "z"]})

# desired
out = pd.merge(df1, df2, left_on="key", right_on="key1", how="left")
# lower prio join
out.loc[1, df2.columns] = df2.loc[1]


   key val  key1  key2 val2
0    1   a   1.0   1.0    x
1    2   b   0.0   2.0    y
2   42   c   NaN   NaN  NaN
For some data to play with, this kind of output is what i would like
solved my buffering problem by giving subprocess.Popen a file handle and just reading from that. As long as nothing writes to the file while I fp.seek(0,0); dump=fp.read(); fp.seek(0,2), all is well
what's the seek doing? the (0, 2)
seek to end of file with offset 0
oh cool
"That file you have there. it would be a shame if something were to... write to it!"
im wondering if we could have a separate independent file handler for the same file
just open it again.
didn't think of that, nice catch
@ParitoshSingh just noticed, the read already advances the file's position to the end, so no need to do the second seek
yep makes sense
i was thinking of it but wasn't a 100% sure, so didn't want to ask sheepish grin
Hi folks, has anyone used tftpy (Python based TFTP) server in Windows successfully?
I've been thinking about ways to hinder casual inspection of Python source code. Of course, a sufficiently determined adversary with access to the computer that runs the code will be able to overcome any protection. But I'm more interested in the insufficiently determined. For example, bored teens looking to cause a little chaos on the demo laptops at Best Buy.
pyarmor is probably your first stop shop.
also, thinking out loud, perhaps you could repurpose cython or nuitka to help. some kind of compilation should throw a wrench in things
Let's see... Yes, it's very much like what I was imagining. My prototype is less obfuscated, but the basic design is similar
ooh, you want to build one? nice, that's fancy. (also, rip pastebin)
import codecs
obfuscated_code = 'vzcbeg zngu\nsbe v va enatr(10):\n    cevag(s"{v}! = {zngu.snpgbevny(v)}")'
clear_code = codecs.encode(obfuscated_code, "rot13")
For those with overzealous web blockers
I'm impressed by the amount of runtime protection that pyarmor has -- even when the program is executing, it only de-obfuscates the parts of itself that it needs for the current scope. Debuggers that inspect the running process wouldn't gain any information about any functions that aren't currently running.
Compare to my rudimentary approach, where a debugger could quite easily snatch the entire source code from the clear_code object.
I'm not too despondent about that, since bored teens usually don't know how to attach debuggers to foreign processes anyway
I was curious if pyArmor had an interesting way of obfuscating and bundling projects with multiple source files. If your file "a.py" imports your other file "b.py", then it would probably be challenging to obfuscate those into a single string that exec could make sense of. I'm a little disappointed to see that it obfuscates each source file independently, then bundles them with PyInstaller.
Practical, yet not interesting to me
Which is faster, Opengl.GLUT with PyOpengl or Pygame with PyOpengl?
I suspect GLUT, simply because a C++ program tends to run faster than its Python equivalent, all other things being equal
Or, hmm, I may have misread the question...
Between "a C++ program that uses GLUT and GL, and has zero Python code" and "a Python program that uses Pygame and PyOpengl", I expect the C++ program to be faster. Between "a Python program that uses GLUT and PyOpengl" and "a Python program that uses Pygame and PyOpengl", I expect them to be about the same.
@CybaTronX I haven't, but I've worked with FTP and SFTP. Are you sure that your question is totally reliant on TFTP?
@Kevin The easiest approach is probably to just remove the .pys and only keep the .pycs.
Aren't there tools that trivially reverse that?
Yup. That'd put you a 2-second-google-search away from the answer. Then again, I don't have a good feel on the proportion of people that would even attempt that
Should be enough to prevent drive by vandalism.
I don't really get the bored teen at best buy use case. What would the vandalism entail?
@Kevin I'm mildly bothered by your choice of codecs.encode there
rot13 is the strongest and best encryption, it is known
I mean choice of codecs.encode over codecs.decode
Going with the first thing that works is the strongest and best design methodology
Of course, nobody would suspect rot14. I guess you're keeping that bombshell of encryption in the bag for grander ventures?
I want a reciprocal cipher for ease of use, so rot14 doesn't qualify. I could switch to the next valid rot, which is rot26.
nobody will see that coming
Hmm. I'd never heard of that before, so thanks for introducing me. But I don't understand what purpose that property serves today? I can only think of its practicality in terms of a physical drum that rotates or something similar?
or being there, or going, for that matter
@roganjosh the property helps Kevin not to think about encode vs decode :P
Lol. Maybe I should leave it there :P
I would like my rot{n*13} cipher to be an actual mechanical device, a la The Da Vinci Code. Having to interface with the physical world adds security, that's why cloudflare has all those lava lamps
I bet Room 6 could design an app that uses image recognition on an Abacus pattern to decode messages. That sounds super-secure in the 2 seconds that I spent pondering it. Old meets new; it's a winner.
Does anyone know a nice way to browse a huge json file? I need to (manually) find some data in this unformatted mess, so it would help if I could expand/collapse individual nodes and stuff like that
notepad++ can let you collapse with plugins.
but that's windows only i suppose
I had a similar problem the other week, for certain definitions of "huge". jsonviewer.stack.hu was satisfactory for my needs.
But if your "huge" is too big to fit into the copy-paste cache, then perhaps it's not so great
Open it in firefox
@Kevin Perfect!
@Kevin stack.hu, huh
Just to prove I wasn't joking i.sstatic.net/OX4P8.png
it's again Developer Edition, not sure what vanilla firefox does
Surprisingly, Firefox just displays it as text. Probably because it came from a PHP site?
I also got some useful info by writing a tiny "schema generator" that described the type of each layer, and the keys of each dictionary. It wasn't a perfect model, because it assumed that lists never contained heterogeneous types, but it did well enough for a high level view
@Aran-Fey hmm, is it named .json?
And if yes, are you using Dev Edition?
No to both. I don't have it saved as a local file at all, I just visited content.warframe.com/dynamic/worldState.php
no, that doesn't trigger the JSON reader for me either
I saved it as a file and opened it again
> SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
ah, there's a DOCTYPE HTML header in my file
Weird, because the page source doesn't seem to have that
here is my little schema maker, plus an example output file because I worry that I didn't really convey what the program actually does
OK, saving it as a text file from the "view source" tab works when loaded back
Exercise to the reader: write a function that takes a json-like object as an argument, and returns a bool indicating whether all lists in the data are homogeneously typed.
@Aran-Fey Chrome does too
Also, I'm not even slightly surprised by this result, so whatever FireFox normally does, I guess it's caviar to your browsing experience
@Kevin return True # they're all List[object]
I can't reply to your humorous implementation because I've trapped myself in a philosophical maze after wondering what the strong type of [] ought to be
I wonder if KevinScript has a non-object/non-type ancestor for types
I believe I did my best to plagiarize from Python in regards to type ancestry, so it's probably consistent
Perhaps KevinScript's evil twin, KyleScript
[I shake my fist] Kyle...
if I want to test various functions whose endresults are the same for the time they take, what should I search in google?
like summing up all natural numbers until n for example
Check out the timeit module
Your question is unclear. "Test" how?
If the question is "how do I verify that my algorithms are O(N)?", I too would like to know the answer
You probably can't prove it with 100% certainty, but maybe you can get pretty good certainty
You can prove that it's practically O(N) for whatever upper bound you expect it to be used.
for example simply adding the next natural number on top of a variable is inferior to Gauss formula
but I would like to see by how much
Ah, I get it, the mental parentheses are "I want to test (various functions whose endresults are the same) for the time they take"
Yeah, timeit. Or if you're being lazy: perfplot pypi.org/project/perfplot
is O(N) big O notation?
In your example, Gauss formula is O(1), and summing the numbers up is O(N).
so it simply says how many steps(calculations) the function makes?
Weeelll.... sort of. See wikipedia for details.
The idea is asymptotics. For very large sizes of the input, you get "roughly" a dependence on the size of the input as given by the argument of the O.
O(N) means that for very large inputs, twice the input size takes roughly twice as much time (or less).
Technically O(1) (roughly constant time) is also O(N).
And the argument doesn't have to be a polynomial (monomial): sorting is typically O(N ln N)
is deviding by 2 easier for a computer than deviding by 3 or some other real number?
base 10
yes, dividing by 2 is just a bitwise right shift (at least for integers, not sure about floats)
Keeping in mind that "easier" might not be the same as "faster"
but also note that this is rarely the right question in python
are simultanious functions of interest as a beginner? for example let one function be "state every x seconds gauss y" and another "change every z seconds y"
what do you mean "of interest"
is it what I should learn, I mean
Do you need it?
I can only guess, and are willing to be corrected, but to a certain agree you can fake simultaniousness, so a big maybe no?
There's an argument to be made to say "yes, you should learn it" for everything. If it's not immediately necessary for you then I get the suspicion that you're better just focusing on what your requirements are for what you're running.
IMO there's so much stuff you have to learn as a beginner, you really don't need to go out of your way to search for things that might be worth learning
I reinstalled windows, could someone link to "The" variables tutorial again? (forgot to export my bookmarks :(
If one day you need 2 functions to run in parallel, you can still learn how to do that then. There's no benefit learning it now "just in case"
ah ok
how can I circumvent this: a=[1,2] b=a a.append(3) print(b) (prints [1,2,3]) I want to let b stay like it was before a.append
without hardcoding b like I did with a
b should act like a snapshot of a
b = a.copy()
ok, so if I want a universal (for all datatypes) snapshot of a variable I should use copy(), even tho it may not be necessary? (like for imutable types)
@SAJW no
Immutable types typically don't have a .copy method. You might need copy.deepcopy for an almost-silver-bullet.
@AndrasDeak I tested integers, strings and tuples and all of them support copy()
(in the latest python)
import copy

Yes, they support copy(), but the question is what copy().
I was the only person in this discussion who mentioned the copy module.
sorry, didn't want to @ unnecessary :(
can you explain what you mean with "what"? I don't get your point.
I meant that your message was confusing, because you didn't specify which copy() you are talking about. It sounded like you were telling me that I said something wrong, whereas I was talking about something completely different.
@SAJW copy.copy(a): yes. a.copy(): no.
ah ok, if I understand you correctly: I mean b=copy.copy(a)
it depends on whether you use from copy import copy or import copy
Ah, I learned now that you can import inside of a function. (as a sidenote)
but normally shouldn't
mmh, I read this: stackoverflow.com/questions/3095071/… and gathered, that it can be ok, IF the function is rarely called.
so I should only ever use it for edge cases?
(from the comments of the first answer)
It is generally considered bad style, so only use it when it's absolutely necessary. Imports go at the top of modules. Exceptions include optional dependencies, or avoidng circular imports.
hint: it won't be absolutely necessary for you for a long time
is this just bad in general?
def a():

def b():
no matter what else is in those functions
Are you following a tutorial?
@SAJW Does this make sense to you if you reason it out?
it seems to me that if you now call a(), that you are in an unbreakable loop (the way it is written)
@AndrasDeak I get drifted away alot, I confess.
Separately, I can't believe I've not seen Supreme Court Justices as dogs before. Yes, I did also watch the 10 minutes of stock footage in silence afterwards. Why can't this be the de facto standard for political reporting of courtrooms?
@SAJW that's alright, I just wanted to make sure you're not following a terrible tutorial that just harms you rather than help you.
I think I just memorize for now all if statements (with elif and else), while loops and for loops. From what I can gather a for loop is used when you know certainly how many times you want to run a code and while if it is uncertain
(of course only how to write it)
Yes, learning basic syntax is important. But your recent questions where semantic, and somewhat surprising for someone learning the basics.
@SAJW It wasn't that long ago that I started programming with no instruction, but I would argue that this isn't the right approach. I can jump between multiple languages and I still have to look up the syntax sometimes for a for or a while loop. This is a concept that's pretty much intrinsic to most languages, so you should seek to understand it rather than memorize it
There's loads of stuff that I hand-wavingly know in different languages and frameworks, so I just Google that when I need it. But this is something of a core principle
well, I think I understood already the IF-statement. if: means if a condition is met, make something. else: means if a condition is not met, do something else, and elif is simply a second(or nth) if
@AndrasDeak s/where/were/, ugh
so if I have if a: do x, elif b: do y, else: do z. then z only ever gets done if both a and b are not true
but I test now what happens if a and b are true
What did you find from that test?
y doesn't get executed
only x
And that makes sense, right? Stuff is executed top-to-bottom so why should it continue?
The whole point of elif and else is to create a chain of checks that breaks on the first criteria that matches. If you wanted both to happen, then you just keep adding more if checks and never use elif or else
so if any of if or elif conditions are met, the rest of the if elif else statement is ignored
from top to bottom
Well, not if checks
just ask yourself what the "else" in "else if" means in English
You can think of if as starting a chain, and elif and else continuing it. So if you just used if checks then you constantly start creating a new chain of checks - every if condition will be checked (provided it's in scope but let's not complicate things).
ok so is this the correct way?
def divisble_by_2_andor_3(integer):
    if integer%2==0 and integer%3==0:
        print(str(integer) + ' is devisible by 2 and 3')
    elif integer%2==0:
        print(str(integer) + ' is devisible by 2')
    elif integer%3==0:
        print(str(integer) + ' is devisible by 3')
        print(str(integer) + ' is not divisible by either 2 or 3')

a=int(input('Enter an integer:...'))
You tell us. Does it give you the correct answer?
yes, tested for 4,5,6
but I think the conversion to str and int is somehow clumbersome
That's a separate issue. We were just asking about logic
I agree.^^
print(f'{integer} is divisible by 2 and 3'). It's still doing the conversion but you're not having to specify it. Does that help?
Once you're happy with the logic working (which is the main thing) then you can look at "string formatting" and "f-strings" as your next target. But make sure you've got the logic right first and you're happy with it
how can I make a variable if, elif, ..., elif, else statement depending on the number of arguments that I pass to a function? I want this: devisible_by_numbers(a,b,..., z) but it can also just work with a,b. Like it makes basicly the same, just for an unknown number of arguments. What should I search?
oh, I mean devisible_by_number(x, a,b,...z) where x is the input and a...z are also inputs
Sorry, I first gather what I want.
def check_divisibility_n_by_arguments(n,a,b,...z):
it should work for any number of additional arguments and z is a placeholder and can be any finite integer
So you need an if inside a loop
for every input argument, check if it divides the number
and *args
def check_divisibility_n_by_arguments(n,*args):
    for x in args:
        if n%x==0:
            print(f'{n}'+' is divisible by ' + f'{x}')
            print(f'{n}'+' is not divisible by ' + f'{x}')

tho, I don't know how you can make a single print like: it is divisible by 1,2,3,4,6 and not divisible by 5,7
maybe with a 2 lists?
def check_divisibility_n_by_arguments(n,*args):
    for x in args:
        if n%x==0:
    print(f'{n}'+' is divisible by ' + f'{divisible}' + ' and not divisible by ' + f'{not_divisible}')

works as intended
You really don't need to create and + multiple f-strings
f'{n} is divisible by {divisible} ...'
ah, so f' converts any variables in brackets to strings, I suppose
I did suggest that it would be your next target, and by that I meant research
I like python
I don't understand why f'{2*7}' as shown here realpython.com/python-f-strings doesn't print to the terminal.
i need to use print(f'{2*7}')
And why wouldn't you have to use print() unless you're using a REPL?
Even then, I can't repro
[Clang 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.2)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> f'{2*7}'
@SAJW realpython is running a repl. maybe you arent. anyways, in general, you need to print to print, if you're running as a script.
ah ok, I use windows powershell, not the python interpreter. (using visual studio code)
You can't be simultaneously using powershell and visual studio code?
Actually, none of that makes sense to me. Maybe you could configure your Terminal in VSCode (or Visual Studio itself) to be Powershell, but I honestly don't understand why you'd do that
I never configured anything, just use as it was. Anyways if I click "run and debug" on the bottom it runs the code in a powershell. So I should change it?
Well powershell has its own syntax, so yes. It's not even running Python by the sound of it
I think I need sleep and this is beyond me to investigate tonight. It's also probably beyond the room to help you with. VSCode wouldn't be doing anything with powershell at all for this kind of code if things were set up right. I can't say the same about Visual Studio, but it's obviously related, and also overkill for learning python...
@roganjosh ah, but now I know what to change, thanks. Good night :)
That was my hope. Something seems wrong with your setup so I think it's worth some time getting VSCode set up and re-basing your programming environment on Windows (then we can talk about virtual envs. or shells or.... you get the point). Good night and good luck :)
1 hour later…
Yes I'm trying to boot devices via TFTP (that's the only file transfer protocol they support), hence looking for Python based TFTP server that work on MacOS, Linux/Ubuntu, and Windows.

Tftpy works fine on MacOS and Ubuntu, but having issues on Windows

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