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12:23 AM
Whatever it is you're trying to do, stop it right now @s13rw81
1:19 AM
@TheShortestMustacheTheorem Habanero! I think Habanero deserves a place in the salad language.
How long has it been since room six added a word
1:40 AM
@Dodge Habanero means the person saying that is very excited in Python.
Yes I agree that would be a good word for excited, exciting, excitement
Life today has been habanero.
Is banana salad?
Dull, boring, mediocre should be oats
Work this morning was totally oats
Python is in snake kingdom rather than salad. Snake fruit is delicious!
I just had breakfast with a plate of salad consisting of tomatos, cucumbers, red onions, shrimp paste, chilis, soy bean, salt, MSG, etc.
2:09 AM
salad with breakfast?
2:37 AM
Breakfast can include salad I think.
I am now struggling how to setup a minimal android+opencv project. Some errors happened.
2 hours later…
4:09 AM
@PM2Ring Yea something :/ I just say theses when its been over 2 days and they have not accepted an answer: "Would appreciate marking a below answer as the correct one if it answered your questions correctly. Click here to learn how :D"
2 hours later…
5:40 AM
Good morning.

r = requests.head("https://impradio.bytemasters.gr/8002/LIVE",timeout=10)

The above url is an mp3 stream, but the above code never ends (no timeout exception)

What would be wrong?
2 hours later…
7:56 AM
@roganjosh Actually it is for the OP to accept my answer, so its worth the rep at least :P
@roganjosh can you please explain what is it thats upsetting you so much ?
i was just trying out some IRC commands and who are you to decide what a user should and shouldn't do i have read the TnC and i think i was well within my limits.
If you want to test out stuff, do it in the sandbox
8:25 AM
Well technically speaking he is a RO, so....
8:38 AM
@s13rw81 Yes I can explain. I have no idea who you are (you haven't contributed to this room). We are not a test bed for your crap. It looks like you're trying to hook up some automated thing and I can see your deleted messages like "/kick Aran-Fey". I am a Room Owner, so I'm well within my rights to tell you to go elsewhere
Unlike those kind of messages, I can actually kick people
@ChrisP head is not a request type? You're just setting a header?
@Aran-Fey Couldn't tell if you were tongue-in-cheek trolling...
8:54 AM
Probably an error in your boolean, wait, Boolean check. Have you looked at your ==, or, wait, is it isTrue()?
I think the latter doesn't actually exist in Java. Bools didn't give me enough material to flesh out that commentary on Java :P I don't think I'd be surprised if isTrue() did exist, though :P
9:27 AM
10:14 AM
@smci It was like... 80% sarcasm
oh cabbage
It's short for Charles Babbage, the founder of this room
...okay, no, I'm joking
10:19 AM
@Aran-Fey not seen him around much lately. Hopefully he's ok
This chatroom is the history of CS
whats cs
Computer science
10:20 AM
ahh I was about to hit enter
why did you do that
This isn't a place for frenetic chat @Wolf. You really don't have to try keep a conversation going
@Wolf Because it's annoying and pointless. I think you misunderstand the purpose to this chat room
ok bye
2 hours later…
12:46 PM
Hi @ParitoshSingh I need some help again related to modelling. I am trying to use chi squared test for finding out correlations between categorical variables. However I am getting them to be dependent in almost every case(p value < 0.05). Is there a cutoff I should take instead (for the test statistic)?
Doesn't that indicate that they are actually highly correlated?
yeah the problem is its showing for almost all of the categorical variables which is making me wonder whether I did something wrong @roganjosh
Ok, so the problem is that you want independent categories and you can't differentiate?
yeah @roganjosh
You've pinged Paritosh but not as a follow-up so I'm not sure where to look for the context
What is the problem? Can you link me to where you first started explaining it and I'll follow from there please
12:52 PM
I didn't explain before , so I was trying to weed out multicollinearity for the categorical variables in my dataset and then I came across chi squared test and implemented it but I didn't expect very unrelated categorical variables to be shown as dependent using that @roganjosh
Then why are you pinging Paritosh? Are you suggesting that none of us know the context?
its not that, its actually he is usually the one to reply to most questions of this type :)
That's not fair, though. He's here for his own purposes, whether that be to chat generally or help others. Please don't do that
I will keep that in mind , sorry about this @roganjosh
If we don't know the context, it's not possible to say why you may/may not be able to segment the data into categories
12:57 PM
ok I guess I could start with the code
def compute_chi2_square_p_value(dataframe, categorical_columns):
    for column in categorical_columns:
        cat_column1 = column
        for column in categorical_columns:
            if column != cat_column1:
                data = pd.crosstab(index=dataframe[cat_column1], columns=dataframe[column])
                if chi2_contingency(data)[1] < 0.05:
                    print(str(cat_column1) + ' and ' + str(column) + ' are dependent')
                    print(str(cat_column1) + ' and ' + str(column) + ' are independent')
This is the code I am using to calculate chi2 square p values for all categorical columns in the dataset which is taking in this list called 'categorical_columns' for a particular dataframe I am passing as an additional input
But I have no idea of what you're trying to segment. Why do you think you can even get categories in the first place?
I appreciate the code, but I have absolutely no idea what we're talking about here in real terms
I have these categorical columns and I am just trying to weed out multicollinearity if present amongst them @roganjosh
Of what, though? The types of people that buy lipstick? The types of people that won't fly on a plane? The types of fluid that have non-Newtonian properties? ... I don't know what we're talking about
The context matters because you're failing to differentiate them. I don't think I can grasp this and help you without knowing that
yes so this is a churn prediction model for edtech data that I am trying to build based on features like 'language', 'gender', 'questions solved' , 'accuracy %' , 'SDK version' etc. @roganjosh
Thank you, now I know what we're talking about :) They already are categories, so your correlations should be real?
1:10 PM
I used that for the quantitative variables but for the categorical variables I am not able to use that as there are more than two categories for the categorical columns and they are not ordered in nature
1:26 PM
You realise that you've used the name column in both of your loops @RaphX?
Now that I look at the code in more detail, it doesn't make any sense. You're trampling over your own variable names
cat_column1 = column does not make a copy
def compute_chi2_square_p_value(dataframe, categorical_columns):
    for column1 in categorical_columns:
        cat_column1 = column1
        for cat_column2 in categorical_columns:
            if cat_column2 != cat_column1:
                data = pd.crosstab(index=dataframe[cat_column1], columns=dataframe[cat_column2])
                if chi2_contingency(data)[1] < 0.05:
                    print(str(cat_column1) + ' and ' + str(cat_column2) + ' are dependent')
                    print(str(cat_column1) + ' and ' + str(cat_column2) + ' are independent')
is this ok? @roganjosh
1:51 PM
The results are still the same
I was wondering if I should set up a cutoff
For example for quantitative variables you also have variance inflation factor which when above a certain cutoff is used to remove highly correlated quantitative variables
3 hours later…
4:53 PM
5:12 PM
3 hours later…
8:17 PM
I have a feeling that I've had libraries before that have optional extras that require cython compilation e.g. a submodule. Am I just imagining this or is there a nice example of how this is done? I'm drawing a mental blank
if I understand correctly that's not setuptools, but pip understands it
I don't remember whether pip install . and python setup.py install differ in this. It wouldn't be surprising if the latter ignored pyproject.toml, but I have a vague memory of seeing it work anyway. Not sure.
I'm surprised I've just seen cython in numpy! :P I need to take a moment over that alone
relevant PEP is probably python.org/dev/peps/pep-0518?
@roganjosh absolutely, there have even been issues that a non-trivial cython version was causing bugs
Well that's a new detour I'll have to take to see where they're using it. Numpy has always been talked about as "hand crafted, heavily optimised C" stuff, not something spat out by cython
$ find ./ -name '*.pyx'
8:28 PM
That's not to say that I don't think Cython can do a good job, but it goes against what I've understood and I'm surprised I didn't know this until now, actually
That's all the pyx there is. I don't know how cython is used there.
as far as library code is concerned, looks like it's just numpy.random
I guess it was just a case that it wasn't worth rebuilding a wheel for that module. Time to dig :) Thanks for the file list!
no worries
@RaphX a) I presume chi2_contingency() is scipy.stats.chi2_contingency(). b) Please post us a (small) MCVE with data, like several columns and 10 rows. c) Tell us what your columns mean, are they expected to be independent, otherwise how would we know if there's correlation and/or multicollinearity? e.g. if they're zipcode, house sq. footage and price then we'd expect correlation.
9:12 PM
if i send python class-objects through a function in another file, do i need a return statement to affect the original objects
Try it?
You should either modify the input value or return a new value. What you have there is fine. Adding a return a would make it bad.
Worth noting that "in another file" is irrelevant for everything but globals.
so by passing a user defined object to an external function modifies the actual object if i program to do so ?
9:16 PM
If a function gets something via arguments or returns something, it doesn't matter where it came from or ends up.
I'd like to inform anyone who's thinking of uttering the word "chaining" that I'm equipped with a frozen fish and ready to slap you with it.
9:28 PM
But pandas don't like fish
I think nobody likes a fish that just made contact with their face
Bold claim. Have you heard of the internet?
...good point
:P I nearly gave in to a search. What's happening to my defence mechanisms to silliness?!
1 hour later…
11:01 PM
@Kevin: remember our discussion on python formatters a few days ago? at least implementing quote normalization turned out to be super easy with parso (i could even copy most of the normalization logic from black)
github.com/ThiefMaster/pyquotes (still need to test it against a real codebase and put it on pypi though)
This is a really long shot, but there's this grid-based puzzle game where you have to draw the correct image based only on hints like "this row contains 3 blue squares followed by 2 red squares and then 4 more blue squares". Here's a screenshot of a (mono-colored) puzzle. My goal is to find out whether a given puzzle has a unique solution or not. An example of such a puzzle would be:
1| | |
1| | |
Because this has the two solutions:
1|X| |
1| |X|

1| |X|
1|X| |
Can anyone think of a clever way to do this without having to brute-force all solutions?
11:28 PM
Oh, if it helps, I know one solution. So the task is to find out if there are more
11:41 PM
@Aran-Fey infinitesimally helpful remark: they are called nonograms
I've done, uh, 862 of these (apparently) in this app I have, but I haven't discovered any regularity to tell when there might be multiple solutions
in the wild this usually happens with line-like patterns
If you have a bunch of ones in the columns, and, say, 1, 5, 3 in rows, you can't tell if the line goes from top left to bottom right or top right to bottom left. Things like that. But most such ambiguities are resolved by adjacent unique patterns.
@PM2Ring might have some insight knowing his Homo Ludens vein

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