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@CoolCloud you edited indentation in the question, presumably to add the python syntax highlighting. Notice that you only had to do this because the question is missing the python tag. Avoid touching indentation in questions; it's very easy to introduce or remove errors. Instead use the language tag.
I did not know that.
Even then the initial indentation is wrong, but lets leave it to the OP :)
2 hours later…
cbg guys, can anyone tell me why I am getting MemoryError for this, I assumed both range itertools.product are lazy
>>> product(range(111111111111))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ok I am blind, ignore that, I did not see the paragraph below the example in the docs "Before product() runs, it completely consumes the input iterables"
2 hours later…
>>> from functools import reduce
>>> from operator import mul
>>> reduce(mul, range(1, 100))
reduce does do lazy iteration over the iterable. But don't use range(11111111111), you won't be able to ^C out.
4 hours later…
How to import a value from excel cell C4 by giving inputs in tkinter dropdown as row=4 and col= C?
A short story in 5 acts:
1) Google "gtk filechooserdialog with image preview"
2) Find SO question named "GtkFileChooserDialog with image preview". Score!
3) The answer says you have to manually load, scale, and display the image every time the "update-preview" event is emitted.
4) Think "No way, there *has* to be a better solution"
5) Notice the author of the answer is... me. Yam.
wow, what a climax, that was a fun story
never saw the plot twist coming
cbg :)
cbg. Making GUIs is a lot of work :(
haha yeah, i've stayed away for now :D
one time we had to make a gui that was even slightly more involved...we uh...copped out, made a flask server with html files, and bundled it in pyinstaller
10/10 would do again.
maybe i should look at that electron thing people keep mentioning, and saying how much it sucks and so on.
I like using programs with Gtk GUIs. Creating Gtk GUIs, on the other hand...
@ParitoshSingh yeah
My experience with it is MS teams. If it sucks as a user imagine the dev's experience.
1 hour later…
Fun problem I stumbled upon yesterday: MS Paint's "Stretch and Skew" window performs the affine transformations, in order: 1) x and y scale; 2) x shear; 3) y shear. Prove that almost any rotation matrix can be emulated with these transformations.
Only took me like an hour to notice that "x shear and then y shear" is not the same as "x shear and y shear simultaneously"
I've got 99% percent of a solution, but when I plug it into actual MS Paint, the results are squashed nonsense unless I switch my calculated x scale and y scale values. I don't know if I missed a sign somewhere in my work, or if Paint has defined its axes really weirdly or what.
@Kevin you can multiple transformation matrices, QED. But it won't be a rotation matrix. It will be a general matrix.
oh, hold on, wrong way around
hmm, probably not then
Multiplying the three matrices is in fact how I approached the problem, although I don't believe it gets you all the way to an (almost?) general matrix
here is my combined scale-and-shear-and-shear matrix. Spoilers for algebra.
I half-suspect you can emulate almost any matrix, since this is essentially a system of four equations with four unknowns, But things get a bit quadratic (moreso than the more constrained rotation case) so I haven't yet worked it out one way or the other
@Kevin yeah, I don't think it should
we could look at the eigenvalues/eigenvectors of the three transformations
Now there's a word I haven't heard since college :-)
I was looking at determinants, myself. If a matrix has determinant 1, the volume of any shapes you're transforming stays constant [citation needed]. Shearing doesn't affect volume, and neither does rotation.
Yeah, that's true.
I can try looking at it in detail later
Scale can trivially change volume, but if we impose a constraint that x_scale = 1/y_scale, that gives us a 1 determinant as well
@AndrasDeak If you want :-) I basically have a solution to my practical problem already, I just don't know why it works.
All these years, I thought rotating text in Paint was a myth... But real ultimate power is finally within my grasp
OK, so you have
[cx*(1+sx*sy)    cx*sx]
[cy*sy              cy]
in here cy = cos(phi) has to be true if there's a mapping
and cy*sy = sin(phi) -> sy = tan(phi)
That leaves cx + cx sx tan(phi) = cos(phi); cx sx = -sin(phi).
so that's cx - sin(phi) tan(phi) = cos(phi) -> cx = cos(phi) + sin^2(phi)/cos(phi)
From which sx = -sin(phi)/cx = .... Beware divisions by zero, otherwise it seems OK.
Similar to what I did, except without 45 minutes of plugging in sin^2 + cos^2 == 1 in various places in the hopes that it would make things less scary looking
"Beware divisions by zero" -- yeah, I noticed I can't rotate by multiples of 90 because I'd have to shear by infinity twice
I find this surprising by the way. Good catch.
Matrices? That's just a plural form for films involving Keanu Reeves, right? :p
I don't think I'm the first person to tackle the problem of rotating images in Paint. I found a youtube video claiming to have an algorithm, but it was three minutes long for what should be four lines of arithmetic+trig. I'm a busy man, can't be spending 45 seconds per expression
The plural of "The Matrix" is "Thes Matrix". Same principle as "Attorneys General".
might be interesting to see how the 4th film works out...
I'm cautiously optimistic. If it's better than 2 or 3 (which are IMO serviceable popcorn flicks), I'll consider it a complete success
I'll also accept a runaway hit that sets the standard for the next decade of action films, while simultaneously igniting a zeitgeist of philosophical thought in the public awareness
If we get a satisfying explanation for view spoiler, I'll buy two tickets
ugh, I forgot about those movies
I usually go along with society's collective agreement to pretend they don't exist, but I think it's time to shine light down the memory hole so we aren't doomed to repeat history
wow, i was not aware that there's such a dislike for the 2nd and 3rd ones
I actually really liked a few moments of those, though yes the first movie was exceptional
I liked them well enough when they were in theatres :-) Past Kevin only desires physics-defying (yet mostly internally consistent) fight scenes
Bonking thirty Agent Smiths with a metal pole is still a beautiful thing, although the CGI needs about ten times as many polygons to meet modern sensibility
and that spoiler... ugggh
Occam's Razor suggests view spoiler, which would be the least surprising twist possible now that we've had 18 years to theorycraft. But in spite of that I think they could still explore the idea in an interesting way
yes, but still
I should dig up that xkcd...
I've read enough scifi stories based on simulation theory to know, you can take the basic concept and get real real weird with it
Alt text exactly replicates the conversation we just had
1 hour later…
Hi everyone. I have two embeddings in pytorch (notes and keys embeddings), for a lstm. Before passing the notes and keys embeddings to the network I want to concatenate the two on the channels dimension (our input has a shape like [Batch, Sequence, Channels]. As the number of elements is different, I want to replicate the keys on the sequence dimension (1) to have a size according to the length of the sequence
I know that I have to use the repeat function, but how?
@AndrasDeak @ParitoshSingh @roganjosh Hopefully this MCVE and question are better structured than last night - stackoverflow.com/questions/67357814/… . Got close and thanks for the help yesterday!
pytorch is not my area of expertise, but I'll poke around in the docs
@Kevin Thanks. I am sure that I have to use the repeat function, because it is an hint of my teacher for this homework
@Inthu you missed the part where Paritosh said you have to mask the left-hand side as well
19 hours ago, by Paritosh Singh
im going to go on a good faith assumption and assume that locations_df[mask].apply(calculate_dist, axis=1) this portion gives you the results you need. So then, locations_df.loc[mask, ['lat','lng']] = locations_df[mask].apply(calculate_dist, axis=1) Should do the trick. If it doesn't, i'd love for you to try making the MCVE again, with the minor changes i suggested. Primarily, give us code that lets us get a usable dataframe without any external files.
Note the mask on the left
oh gosh, AD that thing happened. looks like in this MCVE, pandas happily eats the mismatched assignment and fills NaNs at the bottom.
I like the phrase "only calculate the values if they are missing NaN" because it has inspired me to create a convenient filter condition, Not_a_Not_a_Number, or NaNaN for short
it must be the result_type='expand' param, ive never seen that before. but dang
NaNaN is distinct from the colloquial meaning of "is a number", because float("inf") is NaNaN, but it's also not a number
@Kevin well, pandas already ships with a notna and a notnull term, would you consider them satisfactory or shall we have them include a naNaN as well?
which i suppose are all superficial considering we could simply flip isna and get the same thing
but pandas believes in multiple obvious ways to do the same thing, often with surprising results just to mess with you
notna returns False for None. isNaNaN(None) should return True, because None isn't a NaN.
@ParitoshSingh and as we agreed we're not too surprised
I read that five times before submitting it and I'm still not sure I got the double negatives right. Just pretend that I did.
@Kevin don;t worry, even if you get them wrong, we'd be mentally doing the same conversion on our end with the same questions in our mind, so it's also in our collective benefits to assume we also got it right
@AndrasDeak :P indeed
Mutual benefit achieved
People that don't proofread       People that don't read
Still poking around with matrix math... It seems like a stretch-and-skew-x-and-skew-y matrix can match any matrix of the form
[W X]
[Y Z]
As long as Z != 0, and ZW - XY != 0. I wonder if ZW - XY has some geometric meaning that merits its own name and Wiki article. Google doesn't turn up anything for "difference of products of matrix diagonals"
Wasn't that used in vectors?
Difference of products of matrix diagonals I mean
That's what I'd like to know :-)
Half-baked guess: ZW - XY = 0 implies that the transformation matrix flattens the plane to a single line.
Why that would make it ineligible for representation as a SaSXaSY matrix, I don't know. It should be able to flatten along some lines, in particular the X and Y axes by stretching X or Y with a factor of 0
Maybe it's a "dividing zero by zero" situation where there are solution(s), but you can't find them symbolically unless you shuffle things around.
Maybe invoke L'Hopital's rule for funsies
Hmmm is it possible to call a function every microsecond? Using after() tkinter? I don't think this is possible because it accepts miliseconds and to convert that to microseconds we divide by 1000 and then it becomes decimals, which after() wont accept. But there is no official confirmation on this
terminology nitpick: dividing an integer by 1000 can't get you a decimal, but it will get you a float
Oh, float then
But yeah, I expect you can't go below one millisecond with after. Consider using after_idle, which fires as soon as the window doesn't have anything else to do. Or perhaps create a thread that doesn't have to be limited by the speed of tkinter's mainloop.
Create a thread?
I mean this guy in discord was asking, since it is not possible in simple ways. I will ask him to post a question on SO.
Making Python go faster is rarely simple ;-)
@Kevin it's the determinant
2x2 case
What the... I could have sworn I cross-checked my expression against the determinant wiki page, and they didn't match. Now they do. Darn these crazy eyes of mine.
Matrixes are real interesting.
Google suggests that a transformation matrix with determinant = zero will squash the unit square into a shape with 0 area, which is I think isomorphic to my collinearity conjecture
I was intrigued when I found this and then realized there are more interesting facts.
@CoolCloud The official plural is "matrices" from Latin
Vertices, vortices, matrices
@CoolCloud you don't have to know this
But boxes, foxes, axes (plural of "axe", but also "axis), reflexes
I wager one quatloo on "The pluralization of an X-word usually depends on what language we stole the word from," and a hedge bet of 0.1 quatloos on "English simply makes up whatever rules, as a prank"
@PaulMcG box, fox, axe, famous Latin words ;)
en.wiktionary.org/wiki/box#Etymology_1 suggests that "box" may have come from the Latin or Late Latin "buxis". It meandered through languages since then, but the first time it ended with an X was the Old English "box"
So one may argue that the x suffix is an English original, permitting us to apply our regular* pluralization rules to it
(*insofar as anything in English can be described as regular)
Oops, revision: '... from the Latin "buxus" or Late Latin "buxis"'
Compare to matrix which ended in X in Latin
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plural_form_of_words_ending_in_-us confirms that sometimes English does whatever it wants
campus -> campuses campii
I suspect you only get two "i"s if the root already contains one :P
Radices. Probably the last one I know.
What the... My script to print out all matrix-matrices word pairs won't upload to pastebin because it contains a "potentially offensive word". Guess I'll sift through the hundred or so results and hope it's not a scunthorpe problem.
Or I'll just use dpaste. dpaste.org/7ESs
Don't forget to pay your taces this year guys
Suffix but no prefix? Sus.
on wiktionary both prefices and suffices are listed as "nonstandard"
99% of words ending with "trix" and pluralizing to "trices", are the feminine form of a noun that usually ends in "tor", i.e. "aviator'. The presence of "matrix" in this category implies the existence of a more masculine way of grouping numbers in a grid: the mator.
Phew, the plural of the SI unit "lux" is not "luces" but rather "lux". I hate discovering that I've been using a word wrong.
... Not that I've done much lux math, even in school when SI units were on the curriculum
On the other hand amperes can't be abbreviated to amps
amps are for long haired musicians, we are well-trimmed scientists
-- the uptight frenchmen that came up with that rule
When they name the SI unit for "amount of derivation from baseline reality" after me, I officially decree that it may be shortened to "Kevs"
Sorry, units spelled out are lowercase :P
Very well, I'll compromise down to "kevs". See, I am a reasonable tyrant
Folks, what happens when I call a class constructor without assigning it to a variable?
foo_class() instead of x = foo_class()
Does Python create a "free floating" instance?
@NickAlexeev it creates then soon destroys it
with no references it gets killed, unless in a REPL where there are references to it for a while
Unless the class does something nasty like add the instance to a global collection
For instance a class might keep tabs on all its instances
@AndrasDeak Out of curiosity, if I keep a reference to one of the methods, would that keep the instance alive?
@NickAlexeev How would you refer to the methods without referencing the instance first?
I could refer to a method in the ctor. Garbage Collector is guaranteed not run until the ctor has finished. [Perverse that this may be.]
@CoolCloud you could at worst reference the method then delete the reference to the instance
@NickAlexeev I'm not 100% sure but I'd expect that x = foo_class().method would preserve a reference to the instance it's bound to. I don't know how python works exactly in this regard. And I don't know if things like staticmethods might behave differently. I suspect not, but as I said I don't know.
and you obviously shouldn't
@AndrasDeak If I have one instance of a normal kind x = foo_class() and never use the instance x for anything, would the interpreter optimize-away the instance?
There's no code which does anything withx, other than that one line with initialization.
Is there any point to this? If you have some esoteric use case in mind why you'd keep a reference around you should say it. Otherwise this is moot?
the interpreter is famously short on optimizations
Detecting whether a variable is never used is probably NP hard
(for good reason; anything can refer to nonlocal names etc.)
@AndrasDeak Not moot. Theoretical. Having said that, I do have a use case.
Or at least it is as long as globals()/locals() is a thing
And maybe closures?
that might be the same category
I suspect closures behave pretty similarly to ordinary container types W.R.T. refcounts, but I haven't thought about it rigorously
@NickAlexeev there is no way for the interpreter to know that creating and destroying foo_class is free of side-effects. not creating it or reaping it too early would alter program behaviour.
and yes, methods keep the object alive. they keep it bound to self.
I more or less design my projects under the assumption that everything I instantiate will continue to exist for as long as python.exe is running
Garbage collection is for people who aren't running their code on an idealized Turing Machine with an infinite amount of tape
My use case for all this is setting a callback for sys.excepthook . My hook class has a reference to a logger, the exception hook method, and a constructor. There's probably a more Pythonic way of setting this up. [With a lambda?]
Hmm, I'm not feeling a lambda vibe here. I think you can do without it.
not exactly a python question, but there is some dirty data I wanted to load into a database and I was wondering what the most general schema type you can declare for a row is. For now just being able to get that data in a DB would be a victory enough
Does the answer to that question not depend on the type of database?
Many databases have a "big thing of bytes" type that you can cram anything into. What it's called and how you work with it tends to vary.
A Binary Large OBject (BLOB) is a collection of binary data stored as a single entity. Blobs are typically images, audio or other multimedia objects, though sometimes binary executable code is stored as a blob. They can exist as persistent values inside some databases, or exist at runtime as program variables in some languages. Blobs were originally just big amorphous chunks of data invented by Jim Starkey at DEC, who describes them as "the thing that ate Cincinnati, Cleveland, or whatever" from "the 1958 Steve McQueen movie", referring to The Blob. Later, Terry McKiever, a marketing person for...
trying to setup a big query database (queried through SQL) so then I can programmatically access it through python down the line, this is more a PoC to actually see if I can get our data in there at all
Consider also using a non-relational database, which doesn't require you to define any schema at all (... I think)
BQ isnt exactly relational but yea
Relational status: it's complicated
@Kevin I ended up doing a class which keeps a reference to a logger and has one method that's used as a callback. I don't know if it smells like a lambda. But it doesn't smell like a class all that much either.
class uncaught_exception_hook:

    def __init__(self, logger):
        self.logger = logger
        sys.excepthook = self.exception_hook

    def exception_hook(self, ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback):
        self.logger.critical(f"Unhandled exception.", exc_info=(ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback))
Why keep an attribute that's a reference to a method?
im curious, does pandas have any good way of taking its dtypes and directly translating it to a schema
I'm not much for using excepthook to begin with, I'd rather do:
    #create logger and log the exception here
@Skyler like to_sql?
hmm, that might not help
@AndrasDeak yea
it cant really be 1 to 1 obviously
@AndrasDeak @Kevin That class works, by the way.
Having said that, I'm not ready to advocate that that way is Pythonic, or proper, or has worthwhile advantages that I'm aware of.
@NickAlexeev if you need logger you need more than a function, so the class can be OK. But why not def excepthook and just store the logger attr?
I only object to the superfluous-looking attribute
@NickAlexeev Yeah, my preferences aside I would expect the logger to stay alive even if you don't assign uncaught_exception_hook() to anything
Oh derp
@AndrasDeak How would I store the logger attr? [Python beginner here.]
@NickAlexeev sorry, I misread your init. Let me try again
Everything sys.except_hook needs will last as long as sys.except_hook does. Which is to say, the entire lifetime of the program
basically something like taking the dtypes from a pandas df and then turning it into a json schema file for sql:
Or let Kevin explain what I should have meant
performance anxiety activated
not a simple zip though because the dtype/schema conventions dont map 1 to 1
@Kevin not on my account you don't!
I wish I knew more about the idioms of logger usage, but I kind of just go with whatever works, myself. Maybe excepthook is the cool and good way, and I'm just being stubborn.
OK, so assuming the excepthook approach is merited, why not just a function?
def exception_hook(*args, logger=logger):
    logger.critical(f"Unhandled exception.", exc_info=args)

sys.excepthook = exception_hook
Side note: what is the benefit of doing this instead of letting the unhandled exception crash as it normally would?
If you drop the sys.exit(1), then maybe you could make this a lambda...
guys im trying to see if python has some library where you can create your character
sort of like select skin tone, hair,
anyone know of anything like that
AFAIK, blender and python comes in handy
That sounds like the kind of thing that might be ready-made somewhere, but you have to pay money for it
Hmm, maybe a better idea is I use one of those things where you upload your face picture and it turns it into CGI or something...
ooh, yearling badge
@12944qwerty I received mine last month Hefty one year
Don't think it deserves a gold for being here just 1 year. Maybe a silver seems worthy.
Yearling badges aren't gold, are they?
no silver
Perhaps you're confusing it with Fanatic?
they're definitely silver
maybe say it two more times to drive the message home
sorry 😬 habit
@AndrasDeak Oops my bad
3 hours later…
I can't wait till I get 500 rep

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