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06:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

cbg-late noon
@Aran-Fey interestingly enough with sharedmem the print works, not without
@Skyler that's not interesting
14 mins ago, by Aran-Fey
Pretty sure that actually prevents it from using multiple processes
at least i found a solution stackoverflow.com/a/60266617/507974
Let me uninstall this real quick
can specify backend='multiprocessing'
quick question on subprocess: Why when I use check_output, the results are in text format. When I do a a Popen, the results are in byte code ?
I got my answer here
That doesn't sound right, according to the docs check_output returns output as bytes, just like run and Popen
@MisterMiyagi You are very likely right. I guess I'm just being abundantly cautious because error in my time windows can cause cumulative error in my output, and it can become unsalvageable if it crosses a particular threshold.
To combat this, I ought to keep in mind that junk output is only unsalvageable for that particular program execution, and I can retool things and try again as many times as I like.
@Kevin If you are looking for something like a schedule, I recommend to go for a computed wakeup time instead of a fixed interval. That is very robust to drifts, and the jitter is not significantly worse than fixed intervals.
Hmm, I was thinking of doing something like "computed wakeup time" in order to support a particular nice-to-have feature... If it also reduces drift, it becomes a very compelling option
Think I'll move that out of the v1.1 todo list into the v0.9 todo list
@AndyK Are you sure that's what is happening? When I do subprocess.check_output("echo hi", shell=True), I get back the bytes object b'hi\r\n'. Can you provide an MCVE?
Also, be extra careful when reading old questions involving bytes and string objects, because the terminology for bytes/strings is very different in 2.7 and below compared to modern versions.
yeah, don't venture below python 3 for strings and bytes. That way lies madness.
I see the accepted answer mentions Python 2.6, which doesn't necessarily negate its advice, but it does tell you a little about what the author and audience at the time considered important
morning cabbage
Theory: the subprocess that Andy is executing is printing something to stderr, and nothing to stdout. Then when Andy does print(subprocess.check_output("the_program.exe")), the first thing he sees on the console after that is the program's error message, with no quote marks or preceding "b". The empty stdout b'' would then appear on the line below that, but it would be easy to overlook if this is just one diagnostic message among many in the program.
C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>type the_program.py
import sys; print("Error: no error found", file=sys.stderr)

C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>type test.py
import subprocess; print(subprocess.check_output(["python", "the_program.py"]))

C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>python test.py
Error: no error found
"Error: no error found" needs to become a slogan
Hello everyone, I hope everything is alright with you all. I have been working on a method called Conflation which looks into combining several distributions together (discrete or continuous). I asked the question and got a reply for it, however, I tried to modify the code but I am not getting the same results as the answer. The question is further explained in this discussion: "https://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/230933/conflation-distribution-method"
Solution: also capture stderr using the method suggested in the docs: subprocess.check_output(["python", "the_program.py"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
@WDpad159 Welcome. I'll give things a look over but statistics isn't my area of expertise.
has a Déjà Fu
I wonder if it would be appropriate for you to fashion your edits into a new question, since you would get more attention on the main site that way. However, it would have to be fairly distinct from your original question in order to pass inspection from wandering editors.
And all the usual quality standards apply, of course --
- provide an MCVE, with complete sample data if required;
- reproduce the error and stack trace in full if there is one;
- Try to give a succinct version of your question early in the post before going into extensive detail;

That kind of thing.
It looks like your code in Edit3 generates its own sample data, which makes it better than your average scipy question, IMO. But it comes a bit short of being an MCVE because I get a couple NameErrors when I run it. First st is not defined, then p_pd... I bet these are simple typos, but potential answerers are a skittish lot, and easily frustrated
a recent conversation:
Mgmt: "corporate wants us to start using The Cloud to host our source control"
Me: "Sounds neat. Vendor X? Vendor Y? Other?"
Mgmt: "Vendor X. {coworker[7]} has experience with them, so ask him if you run into any problems"

... I think I was just volunteered into spearheading the The Cloud initiative.
Gotta dig up that children's book that explains what Docker is, need to refresh my cutting edge knowledge
'Kubernetes uses labels as “nametags” to identify things.' Kids will love it!
Ok I think I want my architecture to be: The Cloud -> Kubernetes -> Cluster -> Namespace -> Volume -> Replica Set -> Pod -> virtual environment -> zip file on the desktop named source_code_1_0_0_final_final_final.zip
At its core an elegant design from a more civilized age
blank face 20391
as long as nobody puts My Computer into the trash we're safe
If you're worried about version control, don't worry. In addition to a full copy of every tracked file, there is also the entire zip archive for the previous version, source_code_1_0_0_final_final_Kevin_Tuesday_the_thirteenth_at_two_in_the_afternoon.zip
@AndrasDeak reminds me of a company I worked for and one of the sales team decided to put all the documents on their desktop into the recycle bin because it was tidier... after a bit of panic and much laughing, we decided to explain the concept of folders...
I wonder if Windows' Recycle Bin is just a regular directory with a dash of paint, or if it's meaningfully different at (or around) the hardware level
I always assumed it's just a folder with maybe a countdown that deletes things (or not even that)
Yeah, like maybe the data gets sent to the far reaches of the hard drive where cosmic ray strikes are more frequent. The data can get erased a little bit, it's not that important
Cannon fodder memory? I like it.
You get an all expenses paid trip to Sector F Minus, don't worry the name is just a coincidence
what is the time complexity of removing an item from a set?
IntelliJ is autocompleting my dict keys for me. Anyone know when that feature was added?
Anyone know how to merge XDP file with XFA-compliant PDF?
@bobtho'-' you can link your question for some additional context stackoverflow.com/questions/66994612/…
I fixed your tags which should help with discoverability, but this sounds like an awfully specific thing so we'll see
@Kevin Well my problem is more into scipy than statistics.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trash_(computing)#Microsoft_Windows makes it sound like the Recycle Bin is a regular directory in the file system. If you looked at its entry in the File Allocation Table (or equivalent for non-FAT systems), you wouldn't see anything interesting
Has anyone seen a convolutional neural network that can predict square and rectangle figures in images?
With the resizing of inputs I don't think it'd be easy (would it be possible?)
... Unless you have multiple hard drives, in which case the singular Recycle bin is a boring virtual file composed of the individual boring Recycle Bin files for each drive
I appreciate that Andras, but I guess it is very narrow.
Aha, one could feed the network the input image's dimensions and the problem is solved
I thought finding rectangles was easy with conventional image recognition tools
Easier than the average image recognition problem, I'd say
and by "conventional image recognition tools" I meant openCV
Hmm, we're converging towards a similar idea :-)
I need a little bit of image recognition for the most intimidating feature on my project's nice-to-have list... It would save the user about thirty seconds of labor spread across a twenty minute program execution
Any ways to help the recognition? Putting marks on whatever is fed into the recognition algorithm to help the code?
I think I can finagle in a high contrast color
I'll give it a 2/10 on the Actual Difficulty scale and a 8/10 on the I Don't Know What I'm Doing Scale
My flailing will be most educational
but also entertaining for outsiders
I do try. (-‿-)
where can i find a programmer chat?
promoting things other than SO questions is so rare that I don't think we ever made an explicit written rule against it. It might go against sitewide policy though.
Are hacker meetups still a thing? Maybe they'll become a thing again once things settle down in real life
There are a lot of virtual meetups going on.
I've started to get involved in some.
How am I supposed to schmooze in a virtual meetup, I can't hand out fun sized candy bars with my business card taped to them
Talking about meetups... I've got my PyCon US 2021 ticket... yay!
@Kevin handing out fancy gifs
And I love that "shmooze" makes sense in English
I was going to say "That's my second English word borrowed from Yiddish today" but much to my surprise, the etymology trail for "finagle" stops dead in pre-1920s Britain
I offer meshugge and chutzpah for future consumption
ooo... I like chutzpah :)
Oy, help me finagle this schmutz before I get verklempt
@JonClements nice! When is it?
I should ask if my company will buy me one...
@JonClements thanks
2 hours later…
Man, why can't the stdlib just be normal? Turns out that dataclasses don't chain-call parent constructors
perhaps they aren't meant to be subclassed :P
It's documented behavior that @dataclass won't replace your class's __init__ if it already defines one. It's also documented behavior that dataclasses can inherit from each other. But inherit from a dataclass with a custom __init__ and it'll never be called :| dpaste.com/52347D9XL
I was a little confused. I just wrote a dataclass with a __post_init__ because I was initializing it with a timestamp string, but needed a unix timestamp attribute also.
The thing is, my code isn't really related to dataclasses at all. What it has in common with @dataclass is that it's a class decorator, it relies on annotations, and it creates some instance attributes in __init__. If the dataclass implementation wasn't so awful, there would be no problem with using both decorators in tandem. But now I'm gonna have to mimick @dataclass's terrible design just to be compatible with it
06:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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