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1:02 AM
I just started writing tests and bugs are popping up like crazy. Weird!
1:51 AM
@AndrasDeak you mean normal :)
2:38 AM
That's why tests are bad.
3:31 AM
from the same user
3 hours later…
6:04 AM
It looks pretty similar. I'll post a comment/question to the poster, but the later post will probably get dupe-hammered.
2 hours later…
8:01 AM
thanks for that
hope everyone is having a nice weekend so far
8:46 AM
import trio
import httpx

async def call(client, url):
    print((await client.get(url)).json())
    # how to return from here !

async def main():
    async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client, trio.open_nursery() as nursery:

        for item in range(20):
            nursery.start_soon(call, client, 'http://httpbin.org/uuid')

if __name__ == "__main__":
is it possible to return from call function?
What do you mean? The function will return automatically after the print call
@Aran-Fey i mean, i don't want to print there. i want to return from function call to append into list for example
async def call(client, url):
    return (await client.get(url)).json()
something like ^. how to pickup the return then ?
as it's not possible to pickup it from nursery
Ah, I see. I'm not familiar with trio, unfortunately
that's ok :) the docs stated it's not possible even :D
9:08 AM
@Aran-Fey i found a solution from the author of trio
2 hours later…
11:33 AM
@python_learner Yes it is
12:32 PM
1 hour later…
1:40 PM
I have a problem that I don't know how to search for: I currently have 2 libraries that I'm working on (with the first depending upon the second), and neither are installed directly upon my machine nor in my virtual environments.
I need to generate Sphinx documentation for the first library, which depends upon the second. However, when I try to do this, since the second library isn't found by Sphinx's 'autodoc' mechanism (since I'm still developing it and it isn't installed), Sphinx throws an exception.
Is there a safe way for me to 'fake' the second library only when Sphinx imports the first, so that I can still have nice documentation but also a functional first library?
Can't you just make the WIP second library installable?
It is, but I guess it feels wrong to have to install the second in order to document the first?
Yeah, but I know nothing about that :)
Especially since the first only uses its interfaces in the background, where the user shouldn't be able to see it...
Others do, so don't despair
1:46 PM
god I hate python imports & packages
Unless you have a practical reason not to install the second library, just install it.
If you do not feel like duplicating the library locally, you might want to do a development install using the -e flag. (Google should have some details on that.)
In general, Python imports/packages do not suck unless one refuses to treat them as proper imports/packages.
FWIW, services such as ReadTheDocs regularly do throw-away installations of huge packages and their dependencies, only to generate the docs.
facepalm yeah that actually is rediculous
hm well I have 1 more trick up my sleeve
Hi Guys @AndrasDeak, sorry for direct mentioning, but I asked why stackoverflow have a lot of trackers
got -5
@Mr.MintyFresh I was gunning for "don't worry about it" with that hint. :P
1:59 PM
welp that's impossible
I'm already halfway done with this trick
If you had just installed the package, you would be completely done by now. ;)
guys, Which framework is alot in demand?
Flask or django,
Which one you suggest to build an project?
Thank you
ew; I'm not gonna install miscellaneous dependencies just to generate files which (at least shouldn't) depend upon it unless it will be impossible otherwise
which is partly force of habit, lol
I'll just refrain from snarking and wish you luck.
2:18 PM
Hi guys,
How can I get the top N elements from a numpy array using np.unique ?
@nerd so don't ping me, simple as that
I try it with
uniquesInDataset, counts = np.unique(data, return_counts=True)

But I'm not sure how can I then see which are the elements which counts are biggest
@Richard take top N from the sorted unique values
@AndrasDeak how could I sort this ?
uniquesInDataset, counts = np.unique(data, return_counts=True)
should I assign the values to a numpy array as in
frequencies = np.asarray((uniquesInDataset, counts)).T
you didn't say anything about counts
the way you'd sort multiple arrays together is using argsort and index into each array
2:23 PM
can you please give me some example which takes into consideration the counts ?
i.e. extracting the top elements with regards to their counts from here uniquesInDataset, counts = np.unique(data, return_counts=True)
@Richard are uniquesInDataset and counts arrays with the same length?
(this camelCase looks pretty bad by the way, consider swithing to snake_case)
If they are the same length you want duckduckgo.com/…
Let me check it out
Ok, I think I've got an idea! Thanks :)
2:39 PM
@nerd You do realise there's no simple answer to that question, I hope? Since you ask, I'd recommend Flask for a quick development start, but it doesn't have many of Django's convenience features built in. I suspect you'd learn more about the web quicker using Flask.
[PS: pinging people for no specific reason is considered a little impolite]
I am sorry :) , but i will make start project with flask thank you :)
the recruiters will love it
yes, thank you. :)
2:56 PM
Okay I solved the problem by generating a fake 2nd library on import errors and making its 'getattribute' method throw an exception. Now the documentation works since it never gets said library's attributes, and the first library will just throw a runtime error if a dependency isn't installed.
2 hours later…
4:48 PM
so, I'm trying to implement converting to hex the data that my python code output (for now just doing testing) but not sure how to pipe the output inside the code itself:
with open('/path/to/some/file', 'r') as fp:
    hex_list = ["{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in fp.read()]
the file is just the string "helloworld"
I don't understand the question. Are you asking how to create a file-like object that returns hex data when you read from it?
Or are you just asking how to replace print(...) with var = ...?
@Aran-Fey basically i want to integrate the snippet i posted (that convert to hex data) into the example on the link dpaste.com/4EKD28T4K.txt
hex_list = ["{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in fp.read()]
fp.read() -> fileslice.read()
and no additional context manager
seriously? i tried this yesterday and it didn't work o-o
4:57 PM
you should have one context manager for your open
@AndrasDeak what do you mean by context manager?
oh yeah
@NordineLotfi google is your friend
@AndrasDeak yeah it was just to illustrate
I'd rather not assume anything about your understanding, given prior history
So you want to use the hex data as input for the file slicer, right? But that makes no sense, because fileslice only works on binary files, and you're generating strings, not bytes
5:00 PM
basically in my testing, i use xxd to output data to hex:
Or do I have it backwards and you want to use the file slice as input for the hex converter?
testslice.py" 0 9 | xxd
but i wanted to integrate a function that convert said output to hex inside the same script i posted...
(so i don't need to use external process like xxd)
@Aran-Fey latter yeah :D
want to use the file slice as input for the hex converter
In that case hex_list = ["{:02x}".format(c) for c in fileslice.read()] should do it
and i put it before the sys.stdout.write(fileslice.read()) string or after?
tried before but that didn't output anything
Okay, I'm gonna go ahead then and guess that you want print(''.join("{:02x}".format(c) for c in fileslice.read()))
5:06 PM
received this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/user/fileslice/testslice.py", line 20, in <module>
    print(''.join("{:02x}".format(c) for c in fileslice.read()))
  File "/home/user/fileslice/testslice.py", line 20, in <genexpr>
    print(''.join("{:02x}".format(c) for c in fileslice.read()))
ValueError: Unknown format code 'x' for object of type 'str'
@Aran-Fey I wasn't kidding when i said i tried a lot of things before asking
seems this works:
print(["{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in fileslice.read()])
wait, i think i know why it didn't work: I was using sys.stdout.write instead of print...
thanks for the suggestions @Aran-Fey @AndrasDeak
6:05 PM
hi all
What are ways to estimate the system requirements needed by a Django project? I have read that databases like Postgres can take up to 10 mb per connection. So should instance I need to use depend more on the database of choice?
What are the ways a web application might consume system resources?
It will be read operations only
How big is this database, that is read only?
@PaulMcG Hi could have around 80k entries max.
You might get away with SQLite to start, and then move to Postgres if you need to.
How many tables in this database?
6:11 PM
@PaulMcG 3 tables I am using SQLite as of to play around with the data, SQLite3 does not have any full-text search features whereas postgres does have the same
I plan to allow users to run full-text search query
Break your app up into the web server and the query server, where the web server sends query requests to the query server. This way you can do connection pooling in the query server, and not have it muck any web service worker management in the web server. (Of course, you could use a connection pool in the web server directly to start, then decouple them later if it is not working for you.)
/me making note to add full-text search to littletable??? Maybe that would make it not so little though.
@PaulMcG I used this postgresql.org/docs/9.5/textsearch-tables.html to create the text search index for just 6k entries it seemed to take a while. I was using the Heroku free tier. Searches seemed fine, but loading took a long time is this expected because I was using the free tier.
We are getting dangerously close to the warning track on my knowledge here (though I pride myself on being a good guesser). If the entries you are indexing are large, or have many different keywords, then locating the search terms and indexing them is just going to take a while. Be sure not to index stop words (the, and, a) if that is an option - they are useless for searching. But Heroku is not a tool I am familiar with, so I couldn't say how different priced tiers might compare.
@PaulMcG connection pooling as in say I have 20 resources they wont be closed and reused between DB queries. Only those 20 will be used new resouces wont be created?
Yes, that is the idea.
6:24 PM
@PaulMcG the entries I am indexing are product names, not big sentences it's like Corsair K60 cherry blue mechanical keyboard
"they won't be closed and they will be reused between DB queries."
Hmm, so the entries themselves might not be long, but you may have many different keywords, so the index might still be largish. Each keyword in the entry must have an entry in the search index to point back to the product entry, so in your example, there would be 6 different keywords. Maybe scan your SQLite db to see just how many search terms you have. (Just create a set of search terms, read the database entries, split on whitespace, remove stop words, add the remainder to the set.)
Even so, if you had 10 keywords per name, and 80K entries, that is still an index with only 800K index entries, so should be easily handled - again, I don't know what a Heroku "free tier" limits you to.
@PaulMcG curious but what Instance do you generally pick when hosting? I see digital ocean and linode offer a "CPU Optimized" instance for 40$ that has 2 CPU and 4 GB Ram :|
I know this sounds stupid but won't the system struggle to have Windows or some other desktop + chrome with 6 open tabs? :P I have seen people with mid-range gaming system that has 6 cores + 16GB RAM
My hosting applications are kindergarten stuff, so I just use pythonanywhere. In fact, I have several web "services", and they are all crunched into the same URL, with a single bottle web app handling all the endpoints. So I am not a good reference here. I've also heard good things about both of those. Of course, there are the Big Services too, likely higher priced.
Not sure why you would use a Windows OS for this.
I'm talking to you right now from a RaspberryPi4 with Chrome and 6 open tabs. Its not a gaming system, and I don't do any heavy data work on it (and the keyboard is a little bouncy), but it can easily do a browser with 6 tabs. What Windows system are you talking about?
@PaulMcG No I won't use Windows OS just made a comparison cause well I am just clueless what a server hardware requirements should be, most gaming system and laptops are more high end then this so just confused :|
@PaulMcG Windows 10 + Chrome I have seen/experienced with chrome have 6+ tabs makes everything a bit slow/sluggish. Is it the pi4 with 8 GB or 4GB RAM,
6:41 PM
4GB - it is this model (new for Christmas I think).
For some reason I put a 64GB MicroSD chip in it. It has LibreOffice on it, but I haven't tried that yet to see if it really holds up.
But back to your web app questions. I'd say stop analyzing/agonizing and start prototyping. You'll learn more that way than swapping hypotheticals here on chat.
@PaulMcG thanks for sharing the product link seems cool an entire Pc ina keyboard.
@PaulMcG yes I will do the same I feel the worst thing that could happen is the instance goes poof I am going to try with a basic instance for now and see
@PaulMcG thanks for replying :)
Sure thing - good luck
7:03 PM
@AAB I use that spec but it comes out at £24/month for me. It also goes way faster than I anticipated. $40 seems steep, given current currency rates
@AAB having tabs open is a poor example. If you're on windows, watch what happens to memory usage when you kill the Chrome process. They collectively just keep going with sucking memory in until you get to ~80%. The best I've managed to understand is that their philosophy is "well the RAM is there, just use it" and the processes slim down as you open more processes
7:42 PM
I decided to try Notion to document a side project. It's coming out better than I thought.
Oops, sorry about that - this doc isn't served on the web yet ... (UX suggestion: make uploads user-collapsible?)
you can add anything other than the link to the message to break oneboxing
How do you account for the JS/CSS of the website page?
Can't edit, can't delete - would appear to need consignment to the Knives ...
Do you want it to go to knives? For a one-off on a Sunday, I don't think it's too distruptive
It's not that obtrusive on my screen.
7:48 PM
<others may disagree>
you can always volunteer it of course
@roganjosh Currently unshown in the diagram are jinja templates.
Sorry, I did my volunteer time [backs aways from the keyboard]
Then I guess we'll let it live :)
Oops: "it"
But, I am confused about what you've managed to abstract away with the proposed toolchain
7:50 PM
Phew! :-)
What makes you think I am trying to abstract anything away? We (Alex Martelli and I) just want to use Docs as an authoring system.
It still needs the full app context to get all the template inheritance right, no? That's most of the app
@holdenweb looking nice. Almost remind me of a medium blog for some reason
"to see more or less instantly how they would appear on the web"
The main significant part of the context is provided as a chunk of HTML which susbtitutes for {{ content }} in a jinja page template. At present the rest of the page content is pretty much static. I'm adapting an open source Bootstrap template for layout.
^^ I could embed it in my website to do that on the dev server, so I assumed there was some abstraction to get rid of the overhead? Maybe I misunderstood
7:55 PM
is it normal if a python file in the same directory as the "main.py" file can't be imported?
What control do you have over an embed? I've only worked with docs as JSON content and for collaborative content generation. Link me to that if you wouldn't mind, please.
whether a file can be important depends on two things: 1) where you calling the script from relative to where the to-be-imported file is, or 2) if the imported file is installed
@Arne both requirement seems to be done i think?
that's why I'm kinda confused
@holdenweb off-hand I can give you a PDF and the associated code, but not a google-doc. If that's not good enough as an example, then maybe I'm missing something specific to google docs. Now I think about it, are you trying to make an embedded, editable doc?
if it's installed it can be imported. are you sure it's installed?
7:58 PM
That could be kinda neat I guess; and then the bootstrap part is for responsive design?
yes, the file is just full of string displayed as question on the app
I looked at it and it *should work*
but it somehow doesn't...
Part of the bootstrap confusion from my side is that my PDF will embed in a modal when viewed on a website, and just download on a mobile
maybe your IDE just isn't aware of the site-packages where it's installed into?
@Arne I'm using latest vscode :) and it seems to work fine on other project i worked on
using pylance, and other mandatory python extensions from MS too
(on linux though)
My crystal ball says from gamelib.queB import questionBank is worth a try
8:04 PM
    from gamelib.queB import questionBank
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gamelib'
it's time to post your setup.py
but in a gist, please
@Arne yeah, ofc
technically though, this isn't my project so:
just managed to make it nearly work on py3
fixed everything except the error i previously mentioned
(the import error on the local python file)
there is not setup.py. how did you install it?
@Arne just git cloned it, then opened the directory in vscode, and fixed the couple bugs i saw, except the import error you saw :)
I already had most of it's import installed since i was already doing another tkinter and pygame project
so .. you didn't install it
8:07 PM
from .queB import questionBank it is
@Arne I...have to? I mean it's not the first time i did that; usually this method work for most repository (I'm doing it on a couple already)
next time before I start a discussion I should probably make sure the words I use are well understood ._.
asking for an MCVE seems easier :P
@Arne don't get me wrong; I did understood what you said, it's just I was used to doing it the way i described unless it was already packaged on PIP or had an actual setup.py made...
I mean, it worked on other repos i did it on...
    from .queB import questionBank
    ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package
@Aran-Fey welp, does your crystal ball have anything else? :P
...which file are you executing? Are you executing game.py?
8:10 PM
and coming back to 1), where are you executing it from?
executing game.py, but then the error printed show me it come from gui.py.
So I'm currently running it there to see the error on the window (like seen on the screenshot i posted previously, which is from gui.py, inside the gamelib/ folder
I'm i the only one always running into these small roadblock that seems easy to fix but aren't as obvious in fixing?
There's no way from .queB import questionBank fails if executed from gui.py, if gui.py itself is being imported as from gamelib.gui import play. No chance. None. Zero.
You must've changed something
@Aran-Fey that's why I'm confused too. It should work from what I'm seeing but it doesn't
@Aran-Fey maybe, but the only error vscode show is the import i mentioned
Did you actually run it? VSCode can be wrong
If you put a print(__name__) and print(__package__) in gui.py, what's the output?
8:14 PM
@roganjosh I did! how would i know be able to show the previous error if i didn't? :D
@NordineLotfi if imports don't work, make the project installable. that's my hammer to any nail ImportError
@NordineLotfi People following the IDE and making changes they don't remember. Worth checking :)
@Arne I see; could work hmm
@roganjosh yeah, the only changed i made are logged though, and I'm seeing it can't be from that (those change being fixing old py2 stuff to py3 successfully) only one left being that pesky import error
pygame 1.9.6
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
the first two line of the output were already there, even with the error
That means you're executing gui.py, not game.py :/
yeah, BUT, here what happen when i run game.py:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/user/pokepython/game.py", line 7, in <module>
from gamelib.gui import play
File "/home/user/pokepython/gamelib/gui.py", line 3, in <module>
from queB import questionBank
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'queB'
nvm, doesn't show the first two line, but the error is the same as with gui.py
8:20 PM
so use from .queB import questionBank
@Aran-Fey I did, didn't work (showed the error when i did previously)
...I'm done
the error highlight on vscode disappear but the output is an error somehow
@Aran-Fey sorry :/
guess I'll rework the code so it use an external file instead of an import...would work better probably
.. just make it installable, solves every import error all of the time
@Arne hopefully. Thanks will try this
8:23 PM
installing gamelib won't help because the imports inside are b0rked
@roganjosh That is, indeed, the main point of the exercise: I am not using Docs to produce HTML, I am processing the Docs as JSON and embedding the content iside the templates of my choice, so there's some rendering to do..
@Aran-Fey gamelib is actually a folder named gamelib inside that repo i think
don't think it refer to the import with the same name
unless you install every single file and folder in that project as a module, your imports are still going to fail
even if they're in the same directory as what I'm running? (or following the logic of the import so it can find it)?

I'm asking because i seen this work with other repo i tried this on
I find it weird it doesn't here
@roganjosh I'm also inordinately pleased that I've managed to get as far as rendering footnotes.
8:26 PM
Yes, you can import modules from the directory where your main script is located. That's why you can import gamelib. But the imports inside gamelib are wrong, and the only solution to that is to fix them.
@holdenweb "inordinately"? Pftt, sounds like a full victory to me!
Honestly, I very much doubt that this code ever worked, even in python 2 (without a crazy stupid broken setup, at least)
@roganjosh That's ceratinly an issue.
Oh golly, no. Still have to think about images, and various other content elements we might consider using. But I'm certainly not planning to implement all of docs' functionality.
it did :) (if the image displayed on the repo README is anything to trust here). I mean it's nothing too fancy either; just some sprite running and question/answer done on top.

But i think i see what you mean when you say it's borked...
although, on 2nd thought, imports in python 2 were pretty dang crazy, so it actually might have worked
8:30 PM
@Aran-Fey lol, deleted python2 couple weeks ago, wonder if it would work on my end
does pip still keep old python2 import files or just migrated everything to python3?
asking since i read somewhere they might migrate and only support python3
@holdenweb I'm curious to get my head around what you're trying to do (or, rather, the impetus). I invited you to another chat room in lieu of me missing the main chats; perhaps you have a beer and a demo sometime? :)
@NordineLotfi pip doesn't keep anything, if you deleted python2 you deleted anything that you installed into its sid_packages
Would love to, though can't tonight. The current horrible mess is at github.com/holdenweb/as_blog
@Arne Sorry i meant, does pip still support py2 packages in their repo? or did they migrated everything/prefer to only support py3 now?
At your leisure :) (Also, I'm guessing the 404 is not through account permissions - best wishes on fixing that!)
8:35 PM
@NordineLotfi do you mean pypi?
@Arne yeah :)
sorry for the confusion
there is still lots of python2 stuff up there, but actively maintained packages are dropping their support one by one
@roganjosh Nope, was just private. Refresh, please. I have to rhubarb, it's family zoom quiz time!
it's too much work to maintain both py2 and py3, and since the py2 sunset start of this year (damn, that feels like an eternity ago..) most people feel compfortable dropping support
@Arne I see. yeah i did notice that too on some project i was keeping an eye on.
offtopic but, i noticed this chat is somehow more active than the Javascript room :D
this is slightly surprising
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1108:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/user/pokepython/game.py", line 9, in <module>
  File "/home/user/pokepython/gamelib/gui.py", line 331, in play
pygame.error: No available audio device
progress!!!! nearly made it work. Think the import problem is gone now @Aran-Fey @Arne :D
8:43 PM
best of luck =)
@holdenweb nice pair of names you've got there
Thanks :)
For anyone else running into this too, i used `from gamelib.ques.queB import questionBank` and tried to move the said file into it's own directory.
don't know why gamelib.queB didn't work, but i guess I'll check that later
license -> MIT
content -> gamelib/audio/Clean_Bandit_-_Rather_Be_feat.wav
@Arne yep, noticed that too haha
it is the full song btw...
given they have a remix in the same directory, maybe they thought of replacing it with that, but forgot
someone could tell them but then again, it's a 6 year old repo, so i guess they wouldn't care if it's dmca?
anyway, since apparently I'm way too bored on my Sunday evenings I made the project installable, python3 compatible and windows compatible. I'll make a pull request.
8:53 PM
@Arne wow, thanks a lot!
@Arne did you check if it worked? seems the only problem on my end that need fixing is the way it open the sound device
(I'm sure it's coming from the code given other pygame project work fine with sound)
oh yeah, it works now too. forgot to add that to my list of achievements
problems were
1) all imports were broken
2) all resource loads were broken
the 2) is probably why sound didn't work hmm
welp, at least i did fixed all imports on my end :D
@Arne oh yeah, since you know more than me on using setup.py...mind telling me what's the main file in a repo I'm working on?
I'm sure it's easy to know given how import are placed, but there a bit more than usual and I'm still studying the code for a couple days now :)
it's this one: github.com/honix/Pyno
I already installed it using setup.py but, i wanted to know the main file, so that I don't need to install it (to make quicker change in vscode by directly using the main file)
There isn't really a main file. Most modules are supposed to be imported, not executed. The "main file" is somewhere else, completely unrelated to the module.
9:02 PM
@Aran-Fey I see
didn't thought of it like that
@Arne Nice! Thanks a lot :D
@NordineLotfi I don't understand what you mean by main file
@NordineLotfi you're welcome
@Arne from what I'm seeing, the "main" file is Pyno.py but, looking at it inside...it's just a couple regex being done. What is actually making it launch in the file?
# EASY-INSTALL-ENTRY-SCRIPT: 'Pyno==1.2.0','console_scripts','pyno'
__requires__ = 'Pyno==1.2.0'
import re
import sys
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw?|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
        load_entry_point('Pyno==1.2.0', 'console_scripts', 'pyno')()
is it the load_entry_point string?
9:05 PM
I see :O
@Arne Huh, what's the point of the / "" in Path(__file__).parent / ""?
they defined a script entrypoint in their setup.py
@Arne never seen that before, that's why i was confused :D
@NordineLotfi this here, means that after installing the package, you can run it by typing pyno into your terminal
or rather, run whatever function they are pointing to in the script entrypoint definition
@Arne I see! that explain why it work the way it does.
9:07 PM
@Aran-Fey typo =D
Whew. I was getting worried that pathlib had some kind of silly behavior that I wasn't aware of :D
no, just me who is silly and doesn't clean up properly
oh yeah, does anyone use jupyter notebook a lot here? (without conda that is)
I only managed to make it work with conda but, it never does with python3 (default one that isn't packaged by conda ofc)
I only manage to make the jupyter notebook connect but that's it. No module that is imported seems to work
(but said code work outside jupyter)
I guess i could use it with conda since it work with it, but that would make me install duplicate module as far as i know...kinda want to save space too
I'm having a great time playing the game now btw
"what gets printed? print(type(1/2))" - oh, you silly py2 people...
@Arne glad to hear :D It looked fun when i found it, so i thought why not?
9:17 PM
I also lucked out and random-rolled straight into bulbasaur
the One True Starter
so how could I not try to beat it?
@Arne given you found this one fun, maybe you'll like another pygame?
found this one fun (you receive the code too, though you can still unpack it from the .exe anyway...)
9:38 PM
thanks, I'm good for now. still got plenty of other games that want to be finished first
that's understandable yeah :D
Talking pygame, the only one (though not technically made entirely in python, but still) i found that was fun _and_ open source is this one:
have like 30 hours+ on it and still not finished :D
1 hour later…
10:55 PM
@roganjosh Pushed a lot of tooling stuff and the web templates if you felt like trying a build ... authoring tips: just use plain_text and Heading2 for now, please. Code is a sequence of one-line paragraphs all in Consolas font and no other formatting.
@AndrasDeak names?
Holden and Martelli :)
By the time I joined SO Alex was only a legend here
Well, round here I'm just me. At one time Alex had as part of his resposibilities at Google answering questions about AppEngine, IIRC, and regularly collected 200 points. A bit like air miles when you have to travel for business :-)
re-rhubarb all.
rbrb :)

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