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@davidism ah, ok! Now that makes sense. I really should have just asked you because there were numerous theories being presented :)
Nov 3 at 20:55, by roganjosh
Waaait a minute. Am I being stupid here? This references V2.0 but there is no V2.0 for Flask?
Ok, my google-foo failed. If I'd considered it in the context of pallets and not just Flask, I would have found this blog post straight away. I join Jon in applauding your efforts; thanks so much. It's the backbone of my workflow and in a few weeks I get to extol its advantages over Shiny (and new experimental Dash support) to our Data Science team
clip_norm(x, r) = x * min(1, r / norm(x)) # only 1 division
clip_norm(x, r) = x / max(1, norm(x) / r) # no division by 0
Any way to get the benefits of both?
That's a syntax error, surely?
What even is clip_norm? Tensorflow's clip_by_norm?
@roganjosh the answer is to use BytesIO, not StringIO. Basically, send_file could never handle text, only bytes, but due to the way WSGI works the failure resulted in an empty file with a 200 response. Now it immediately fails.
Makes sense. While I have your eyes on that problem quickly, my approach for a CSV doesn't use send_file but actually make_response. So are you saying that I should be switching to both BytesIO and send_file or would make_response also be appropriate for an xlsx file from memory?
I guess yours is technically fine since make_response will encode a string to bytes. But it would be more efficient to use a generator, and probably a bit more efficient to use send_file.
I have an answer that explains how to do that: stackoverflow.com/questions/28011341/…
Coincidentally, another answer was just added that uses Flask-Excel, which seems like a pretty nice extension.
Indeed, I've just started digging through their docs :)
2 hours later…
Anyone know how to sub a Matrix of equations in SymPy?
For example, suppose I have: system = Matrix([sin(x) + y,
cos(y) + x])
And I want to produce the matrix that results from plugging in some values for x, y
Just a reminder @KeithMadison, you've made no effort to interact with people trying to help with your previous issue and also didn't read the room rules about posting fresh questions. You didn't respond to your messages being moved, either. Please don't waste the room's time considering your problem if you're going to ignore feedback. Context:
6 hours ago, by Andras Deak
@KeithMadison And I answered your last question which you ignored, so I'll just move all this to a friendly place
@roganjosh insomnia cbg
@MisterMiyagi cbg :)
I've taken over the night duty :P
lights a fire and hands out some marshmallows
it's refrehsing to see who is around at this time of the day ^^
Lockdown has been killer on my the last couple of days. Sleep has been bad the last couple of days, but it's out of the question right now :/
I'm hoping the fact that I'm gonna throw 5 days of holiday in the bin and that I'm active till at least 10pm every night on the company slack channel fixing problems will be taken into account when I just can't function tomorrow :)
Oh my, that does sound rough indeed.
Mostly self-inflicted tbh. I'm not being pushed by the company, only the fact that I can't just take my laptop to the pub after work :P
That I can relate to. Homeoffice is giving me strange working habits as well.
I found out about the bubble chamber being a "thing" earlier, though. I mean, that's useful. It seems particularly ingenious considering what was in place, technologically, at the time
Spending the night productively, I see :P
HNQ --> Stuff + Things --> Google
(--> YouTube) but that's a side reaction that's lesser-studied
Is there a simple way to stop argparse from exiting if told to parse, say, ("--help",) ?
Aside from subclassing the ArgumentParser class and overriding its code, that is.
you could disable the automatic help (add_help=False) and your own -h/--help flag that calls print_help
though depending on why you want to do this, there might be a better way
@MisterMiyagi Basically I just want to verify that the output is as expected. A bit annoying to keep restarting the Python interpreter whenever the function (in which ArgumentParser is utilized) is tried with parameters that will cause error.
If you are on Py3.9, use exit_on_error=False
cbg, are these two same? with (f:=open('foo.txt')) and with open('foo.txt') as f:? just curious messing with :=
anyone worked with Batch script?
as in I need to enter password -
@python_learner Not in general. The former assign the context manager to f, the latter assigns the result of entering the context to f.
Hi all,
I am using python Django, Apache, let's encrypt
will read the Q linked @MisterMiyagi
the problem I seem to face is "http://www.domain.com" redirects properly to https
but "http://domain.com" open up the default Ubuntu Apache configuration page
I have disabled 000-default.conf, I have set the server name for my domain in Apache, I used certbot so the lines relating converting http to https was done by the same. Any way to debug what could be causing the same.
I have added ServerName field,ServerAlias.
I might be wrong here, but isnt this question more suited for server or network related?
you can get better responses in their sites, there are people here who use Django, so I am not saying you wont get responses
@python_learner will try there too
cbg-ning everyone
@holdenweb whats cbg?
(☉_☉) thanks
I use this to redirect - it seems to work for all URLS ...
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-SSL} !on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
Just pop that in your .htaccess file and see if it does the job ...
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName "domain.com"
Redirect permanent / "http://www.domain.com"
Thanks, @holdenweb currently am using the above to solve the problem, will try what you suggested thanks
@holdenweb Thanks it worked :)
cbg, what's everybody up to?
Meetings, Bloody Meetings. Meetings are becoming my working life!
This might even be the full version. Recommended: archive.org/details/meetingsbloodymeetings
@holdenweb meetings: Just say no!
Hey guys quick one if I had to choose between a hp envy 15 elcorteingles.es/electronica/… or a macbook 13 which is the better option bearing in mind that the hp has 16 gb ram
@Kwsswart Doesn't matter. They both run Python just fine.
Depends on your workload. Though I love Macs, with heavy use of containers I'd want at least 16GB. Wish I could take my Pro up to 32 ...
My Pro has 16GB and I'm pretty happy with it. But all my heavy duty stuff happens on much bigger servers.
Have an old mac, and I would not recommend one unless you dont want to run games (RIP Wine ;( )
How so? I'm pretty happy about Porting Kit, which uses Wine behind the Scenes. Then again, I grew up with EGA.
wait wine is still around why rip?
I have my cursor poised over the "Place order" button an a refurbished iMac. Any reason why I shouldn't? macstoreuk.com/product/…
A quad-core 3GHz i5 is not to be sniffed at.
I thought it was either Wine or Windows VM, thanks for letting me know of Porting Kit
@Hakaishin While it might be nice to be able to work largely alone (and much of my career was spent this way) no work of any scale can take place without communication, and meetings, when efficiently run, speed things up.
@Hakaishin wine doenst run on OS X 10.15 or above afaik, due to dropping 32 bit support
Yeah, but if things are going well you have meetings once every 1-2weeks I would say
I feel like screaming when a team member says "can we get back to work now?" like meetings aren't an important part of the job, and therefore (hopefully productive) work.
ah i see
@holdenweb yep, I'm that coworker :)
My advice? Stop orking cows ...
There should never be a meeting of more than 3 ppl. Otherwise it should be a presentation. A meeting with more than 3 ppl is a waste of time
@python_learner They have plans to work around that. The scarily megalomaniac plans that are just too crazy to fail.
@Hakaishin And of course you have research to back this opinion up?
@holdenweb I don't get the what this means, but I guess it's something along the line of mind your own business? I mean I know the individual words, just not what it's supposed to mean
@holdenweb Ofc, I always cite my oppions in rooms/6 :D Just personal experience with meetings
As said, meetings of 3ppl great can really be usefull. Presentation also great, very usefull. Meetings of 10 people everybody going on a tangent and everybody wanting to be heard, just because they also exist, meh
I'm asking you why you believe what you stated, in an attempt to discover how well-informed the opinion might be, that's all. I know a lot of people feel the way you do.
@holdenweb That one took me way too long figure out... D:
This underlines how badly meetings are generally run, hence my link to [repeates plug] archive.org/details/meetingsbloodymeetings
The place I work (jobs going, by the way) manages itself using a system called holocracy. We try to be focused in all our activities, particularly in meetings.
@holdenweb Also I'm kinda involved in a larger organisation around 100ppl now, which is notorious for loving meetings and they are way too many and they are way to large. And I learned that I can just say no and nothing bad happens
If you aren't essential to the purpose of the meeting you shouldn't have been invited in the first place. This sounds like sloppy management to me.
Of course if you make some huge gaffe that you would have avoided by attending said meetings you might regret your attitude, but it doesn't sound like they're that kind of meeting :)
@holdenweb oh it is, but you know it's great for "team spirit" to have everybody in the meeting and you know we just gotta "keep everybody update, what everybody is doing". But only a few people always talk...
when I was an intern, I would be invited to all meetings just so I can get the feel of being in a team, I understood nothing of those high level discussions
As I thought. The meetings are ego massage for an elite group, probably self-selected.
@python_learner Lol in my first internship I fell asleep in the first meeting because it was so boring and my manager reprimanded me and I just thought **** off. This was so boring I could have slept 12h and drank coffee I would have fallen asleep
@python_learner That's a different case. Being allowed to absorb background with no expectation of contribution can be very valuable.
@holdenweb 50% true, 50% they are actually usefull, but only for about 50% of the ppl
@holdenweb Well absorbing background doesn't work if nobody is explaining anything
@Hakaishin Consider you may be in the wrong company?
"all meetings" sounds a bit excessive for background, though.
Haha, yeah I got layed of from that internship, because they were going trough a ruff time as a whole company. I can understand why. I was very happy to leave
The company I'm at right now is great, they let the dev team join in on meetings if they want, but 9/10 I just stay and continue working. And sometimes I present something if there is something to present. It's a really great approach to meetings
@MisterMiyagi I thought I'd get slammed for telling oldies.
does it actually mean: mind your own business or something else?
Stop orking cows ...
What does a coworker do but ork cows?
... I guess it shall remain unexplained
It's just a play on words, treating "co-worker" as "cow-orker". Like most of my jokes, it fails under the necessity to explain to those not blessed (burdened) with my bizarre so-called thought processes.
I see :D
Sorry it seemed so outré and hard to understand. I can be a bit opaque sometimes.
I'm just trying to switch my team from "refinement meetings" to a combination of "refinement process" and "progress report meetings" to get work ready for sprints. We currently have too many meetings where people aren't paying attention because they won't be involved in the dev.
It'd be in my notes scribbled during a meeting and I'd review it the next day to see "orc cows". Somewhere I'd make a note of "build Isengard" as an action point that would be both confusing but actioned anyway because they sound pretty badass
This conversation has given me the idea of stressing to them that better comment on the issues mean shorter meetings.
@holdenweb I insist you don't stop. :P
@MisterMiyagi did you get your sleep in the end? :) I forgot to turn off notifications on my phone and slack goes wild during work hours so I'm back up
cbg guys o/
cbg :)
Hey Rogan! How are you doing?
Deliriously tired but otherwise, can't complain! You?
all good here :)
@roganjosh I was awake for 4 hours by that point. ^^
Looking forward to this evening...
Y'all need to sleep
I shall have strong words with myself this evening to that effect
Since I went back to working more-or-less regular hours (8:00 to 16:30 give or take at the end) my sleep pattern has improved significantly. Got interested in it when I was at the stress company.
Hi all
what are these chats about? I'm new in the community
Not to throw the rule book at you, but we set out some of the aims in our rules. Basically, a less-formal medium for people to chat about python, which doesn't fit well in the Q&A format of the main site
thank you!
I'm currently working on project at work with Django. What about you?
flask, django, ml, networking
I actually took the day off so I could relax by doing exactly what I do every day (but without having to answer pertinent questions, I guess). I normally work with Flask
django, flask, currently noodling on turning Google Docs into blog posts for an upcoming project.
Interesting situation at work: moving to a new post in January. One task in the next six weeks is to write my own job description.
It will take me still further away from coding (no more code reviews, even :-( ), but I'm doing enough on side projects to keep me happy.
Do you actually like managing people, holdenweb?
I only ask because you mentioned earlier that you've mostly worked alone (which I have too) but career progression always seems to move you away from coding. I did, however, catch my boss with 4 pandas tabs open in one of our meetings where he shared the screen
Sometimes I enjoy it, sometimes I don't. We've just come through a period of fixing bugs in a system implemented by a contractor in three months. He then left before final testing, and we effectively put a prototype into production, so I've been visiting the escalation board requently and talking with customer service a lot.
Coding is much simpler!
Now we've got the worst of the bugs cleared, so for the first time this week I was able to get to Sentry, pick up a bug that manifested itself (at a low level) two months ago. The fix goes into production next Tuesday without a single customer report. That feels better - more like we're on top of things.
I doubt I'll ever stop coding, though.
That's reassuring at least :)
@holdenweb Im partway through watching this, and someone just setup a new recurring meeting right now. The irony was pretty amusing
My (limited) personal experience has been mixed on this so far. ive seen both good and bad meetings, and i can pinpoint the ones where Im a part of the meeting for absolutely no good reason.
Where I'm at, the HR team just pulls people from a lottery and builds groups. Someone in the group then has to find time in a calendar to make a "coffee meet" (I actually only drink tea, thank you very much). It's then a 15-20 min block to just chat to people
There's another guy who just picks people at random and drops 15 min meetings in their calendar with no warning
Both of these are remarkably effective in getting things started, vs. meeting with agendas
We've found that semi-random "coffee and chat" meetings really help - preferably with people from outside your regular circle.
In some way, it's better than the old way. I've met a few directors talking about how their dog is the star of the call, or something silly. Thing is, every agrees to put aside time for the unknown, I guess
I've had good experience with asking for a "mornings only" rule for all regular meetings in my groups. With that in place, I'll at least have the afternoons for coding.
Nothing drags me down more than looking at my calendar for the next day and seeing 8 hours of meetings
Yes, time management can help. Though as a manager I have to be more available, as I'm basically channelling all outside influences for the team, letting them do the executive work.
it's a tough job, I don't envy my own manager for it
cbg , I was working with my flask app.
Whenever a user provides correct "username" and "password" in the admin panel , flask should render
"dashboard.html" which is in my templates folder. But instead I am redirected to /login endpoint .
Actually the admin panel is loaded in /login endpoint only . But after sign in the user should be in "/dashboard" endpoint. Below is my code for "/dashboard" endpoint.
@app.route('/dashboard', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def dashboard():
    if ('user' in session and session['user'] == params["admin_username"]):
        return render_template("dashboard.html", params=params)
    if request.method == "POST":
        # redirect to the admin panel
        uname = request.form.get('username')
        password = request.form.get('pass')
        if (uname == params["admin_username"] and password == params["admin_password"]):
            # set up session variable
            session['user'] = uname
So you've rolled your own login system?
vs., say, flask_login
Sorry the admin panel is actually loaded in /dashboard endpoint not in "/login" .
And after filling the required details flask should render "dashboard.html".
And the answer to my question...?
@roganjosh Yes I am writing my own login system.
Ok, so you presumably know better than the established library. Like, how details in the browser session will be exposed etc.?
I mean I only managed back-end of the login page , the js css everything is from bootstrap
I'm tired --> I'm grumpy sorry, but you're not answering my questions
The session, if it's not backed up by some storage on the backend is in the browser
@roganjosh Well I don't know much about it.
@roganjosh How can I backup that?
By using an established library like, say, flask_login. That's the point I'm getting at. Why are you rolling your own when a) a library exists and b) you admit to not knowing about this stuff
Not knowing is fine, but surely you see that rolling your own is folly in this case?
Ok I shall use that
But I mostly copied the code from a youtuber and it worked fine for him so I was rather confused
Oh god
It's worse than I thought :/ Don't tell me "sentdex"
why does sentdex get hate? :D
Is it a youtube channel?
he does intro to mid level tutorials
Because the code is hacked-together and awful. I actually loved his vids when I was learning but there's plenty of problems that have come-to-light afterwards
it is enough to get you started, again that applies to all tutorials, after a point docs are the point to start
It's ok for understanding what's possible, but it's not ok for making workable solutions
Time to go for flask_login then
Dare I ask what you've been watching?
jumping straight into docs has never worked, at least to me
@python_learner Yeah the docs expect you to know some advanced topics before you actually get started :P
I cannot tell you how broken that tutorial is
@roganjosh But I trust that guy :/
My Hindi is rusty (I can't speak a word) but what he's doing is just awful
@roganjosh :(
@roganjosh BTW do you understand hindi ? (a little bit)
I feel like going full-keyboard-warrior on that. The room rules don't allow me to swear but it's outrageous. Please stop watching that. Unless he's playing a long game and saying "we could do this", it's nonsense
@TanishSarmah I don't speak any other language than English :) I learned French and Latin at school but that doesn't help me much. My name is misleading
@roganjosh Yeah sometimes I too get frustrated for "we could do this"
@roganjosh Oh
Do not do what he's advocating. It's comparing plaintext passwords
That's not building a "back door" into your app, it's just ****ing broken
@roganjosh Haha today you have gone furious :D
Do you blame me? I need to take a few min to calm down.
@roganjosh No I didn't blame you ..that's because of the youtuber
the so-called "information age" has been replaced by the misinformation age in the blink of an eye, hasn't it
@roganjosh big oof
@Aran-Fey what have you been working on lately?
nothing really. I don't think I've opened an IDE in the last 2 months. I've turned to video games (:
morning cabbages, folks!
hahaha, nice, which ones? I'm playing so much modded minecraft it's lovely. Ftb interactions to be precise
The only quibble I have is that loading the game up takse 5-10min, makes me feel like I've been playing games in the 80s
@Aran-Fey only 15k potential developers saw it :/
Vikas Rai
vor 4 Monaten
I am getting an error UnboundLocalError: local variable 'username' referenced before assignment.
if anyone know how to solve plz reply
ah the comments are hilarious :D
I'd see the funny side if it had a handful of views. This is just awful
@Hakaishin YeAh :D
@Aran-Fey tbh, I think information never cared if it was true
Philosophical Phriday rbrb
Meetings you just ..... meet. Ah gonna watch that one to the end :D
@roganjosh Much the same is true of PTHW ...
@holdenweb I double-dare you to watch that video for 2 mins :P
No thanks, too fond of my sanity.
Just.... <head-explodes>
That's way more messed-up than LPTHW because they have an application
Throws me back to the days when comp.lang.python was a sensible forum. I used to look at the Microsoft forums and wonder how long it would take for c.l.py to reach the same stage.
Hi everyone, if you had two choices to fill nans using either fillna function or loc which one would you prefer and why?
Answer: between 13 and 17 years.
@holdenweb sounds about right, it's the lifecycle of good things :D
@holdenweb I'm 15 BTW
well your times up xD
@Hakaishin Genshin Impact, which, coincidentally, also has awful security practices pretty similar to the ones we just saw in that youtube video...
@RaphX what's the point of the question? We do have a choice
Time it?
@Hakaishin Ah, modded minecraft. I was never able to play FTB itself because my computer wasn't up to snuff, but I did enjoy quite a few of the other packs in that genre
that's the only reason why i got the new beast in my room, i9, 64gb ram and some crazy gpu, don't even remember. It's good :D
which packs did you play?
I gotta say all the packs are amazing, ic2 back in the days, astral sorcercy, thaumcraft, blood magic, so many great mods :)
Currently rummaging through my mind's attic to see if I can retrieve the name of the pack...
I was not just asking in terms of efficiency, probably as a best practice thing @roganjosh
Does it do the job?
for now both does the job yeah
Cool, that approach wins
If we're not comparing things based on timings, I don't know what else we can do. I'm reasonably sure there will be dark corners for both approaches, but I'm not sure they can be anticipated
Maybe they can from people getting burned
The name escapes me. It was a skyblock map with the typical Ex Nihilo start, then opening up into thaumcraft, bees, magic flowers, that really complicated multiblock digital storage thing, and either IC2 or IC2's competitor
Tying it all together was a quest book that you could feed items and retrieve goodies, some of which were necessary to unlock other packs
and your thinking of applied energistics
oh that is actually the same as the one i'm playing right now, first time going for that approach, it's really fun
Who would have thought that programmers enjoy constructing big interconnected systems from scratch
haha, yes modded minecraft feels so similar to work, but better
looking up things in the documentation to know how to build something
Since we have a few minecraft players here, how hard will it be to get a) minecraft running on a raspberry pi, and b) run a local server on another Pi (or other machine if necessary). Asking for my grandson.
I think Jon already had a server?
Mar 20 at 13:04, by Jon Clements
Minecraft Server live at mc.sopython.com if you've got too much free time :)
Alas I know next to nothing about server hosting
@Aran-Fey "I saw it in a youtube tutorial" is the programming version of "I bought it off a guy in a trench coat under a bridge"
you get what one might expect
An artist I admire said on one of their Youtube streams, "programming is easy, you just google your problem and copy the code you find", and I took 2d8 psychic damage
still, we wouldn't regularly get people asking "Does anyone know if XYZ is a good resource?" if misinformation wasn't a real problem
Yeah, misinformation is absolutely a problem. But youtube videos are simple to handle with the magic ctrl+w filter
Responsibly curated information will have an increasing value in the future. This may not save us from Idiocracy.
Ah well, enough of these gloomy thoughts. Anyone doing anything interesting this weekend?
@holdenweb minecraft :)
@holdenweb java write once run everywhere, right ;) Never done it, but should be doable in a weekend
why Java? for the exercise?
I think he means that, because Minecraft is written in Java, it should be compatible with a wide variety of devices, including the raspberry pi
Minecraft is written in Java, in case that was a serious question
man, sarcasm and determining if something is some convoluted joke or not are soo much harder on the internet, like i'm 3 meme levels deep trying to find the joke to later realize it was a simple question :D
also I too often assume things I know is common knowledge, like I told my roommate about minecraft a few days ago and he went, minewhat? I thought he was messing with me, but he actually never heard of it, well the world is big
Recursion: see recursion. Yes, it's difficult to determine the intent when you only know people superficially.
Minecraft is the best selling video game of all time by a wide margin, so it is indeed surprising that he hadn't heard of it
google says tetris was sold double than minecraft :P
yeah I know that one
It depends on how you measure it. For instance en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_games puts Tetris at #3 because it counts each different version of Tetris separately, so only the mobile port by EA makes the list
@holdenweb then again, if you tell somebody I wrote this awesome program and they say, what is a computer, haha well
@TanishSarmah You were born during Python's youthful adolescence.
@holdenweb :)
I remember being creeped out when I first saw a birth year starting with 2
even more so when it's a university student of yours
Yeah, police(wo)men look real(ly) young nowadays.
Goals for aging:
- don't gain a "kids these days >:-(" attitude
- try not to freak out when I act like my parents
- retain as much hair on the top of my head as possible
@Kevin 3rd point is important xd
@Kevin it's gonna be hard :D
All of the older men in my family made it to ~70 with only a two inch diameter bald spot centered at the crown, which is one of the less embarrassing patterns IMO. The genes are in my favor.
And none of them say "kids these days". Not sure if that's inheritable.
I got it going on the hair part, but most of my family says kids these days :P
It's OK to acknowledge that young people are idiots, as long as you also acknowledge that every previous generation were also idiots when they were young, and most of them continued to be idiots for their whole lives
of course there are quite a many things that are not plain java.
It's that last bit that difficult to rectify.
Have Raspberry Pis evolved into full featured computers with ordinary OSes yet, or am I thinking of a different product
@AnttiHaapala Already it's a yak shave!
@Kevin yes, you can slow it down with Windows too. If you're st00pid
Not with ordinary OSes, but they're getting better. The new 400 (integrated into keyboard housing) is a nice package.
I disagree, can't have Finnish kb layout :(
or well can buy UK layout.
@holdenweb that sounds like it started as an april fools joke made real
It seems sacrilegious to install Windows on an rPi. I want to feel like a hacker, which means no GUIs, only text shells
Not at all - it's quite a serious quad-core machine.
@Kevin Plus with ssh access you don't need a screen.
I bought 4B yesterday and two power sources, and a fan case
GUIs are only acceptable if the housing contains a 3d hologram projector
ssh is very good because I can accurately say "I'm in B-)" without much legwork
For some value of "in" ...
as a Finnish nerd with no life I am proud that all software that makes things usable were started by Finnish nerds with no life.
Here's to you, Finnish nerds
Even though Linus is Swedish-speaking he's very much Finnish in that he'd just rather be at home in bathrobe by the computer and getting #pantsdrunk. Almost everything he does professionally is to make that possible.
I'm considering immigrating to a Nordic country in the hopes it increases my programming power
@Kevin just remember to come to Europe proper and not that North American island or otherwise KevinScript will be something horrible...
"Lerdorf was born on Disko Island in Greenland and moved to Denmark in his early years. Lerdorf's family moved to Canada from Denmark in 1980, and later moved to King City, Ontario in 1983." Hmm, technically he's learnt all that tshi from Canada.
Ideally I'd also like free health care and a cabin whose closest neighbor is ten miles away. Sunlight during the winter is optional, I'll be on my computer either way
@Kevin you got it.
And below Arctic circle you'll have sunlight during winter.
@TanishSarmah please follow the Flask mega tutorial. I broke my own rules by commenting on the awful vid tutorial that you've been following. I wish I could burninate it
@Kevin oh no, sorry, I made an error. You can't get a cabin whose closest neighbour is ten miles away. You'll have to settle for one where the closest neighbour is 16.09 kilometres away.
@roganjosh ok
Hmm, not sure if that's sufficient, I can't count that high on my fingers
I'll just have to repel visitors with my American aura
also I am not sure if you really want to have it 16 km away, because getting electricity there could be a bit tricky. You could use solar power of course... .. if only the sun were visible during winter...
@Kevin also a hospital ten minutes away when your appendix ruptures
After all dying alone in a snowdrift, only to be found a week later when the mailman comes on his snowplow, is as free healthcare as it gets ;)
Maybe I should get a cabin that is not geographically distant but rather emotionally distant
Within walking distance of town, but the folks there murmur about the solitary occupant of the Kevinson estate
Hmm, is it possible to put gargoyles on a cabin
Becoming a bald curmudgeon who says "kids these days >:-(" all the time helps people stay away, just saying ;)
Possibly being friendly and loud and interested in everyone's business would be even more effective, so I've got options
@Kevin well, my appendicitis started manifesting itself on Easter Sunday, or the night before and I went to hospital in the morning and got to bed in the evening because they were having a rush there. And it wasn't free. I had to pay something like 150 € out of my pocket by invoice later on.
Mar 27 '16 at 18:03, by Antti Haapala
fun way to spend Easter holidays: suspected appendicitis
It is good that I've recorded this in public chat for posterity :P
ah friday, potato salad, bread, cheese, minecraft and twitch :) Life is good
How to save an image without normalizing it?
@nerd closing as unclear
please try harder
I tried to look up answer `imsave` of scipy depreciated now, I need more answer to this
@nerd ... you can't be serious?
"deprecated" pops up in google auto-complete, but you can actually type letters to search for what you want. If you are serious, you need to be specific
Yes, other suggested to use pil and imageio, but imageio.imsave requires image to be normalized. But i want to save it unnormalized image.
May be i've got idea, saving image to png format.
and this also required to normalize image
You never want to use PIL. You want to use Pillow
I use from PIL import Image to use to convert to png , still it needs image to be normalize
If you've got ideas to do it, please leave more answer to that question.
Thank you
It's hard to take requests seriously when obvious sources of information like a web search for "scipy imsave" whose auto-complete offers to show you the replacement are ignored. Perhaps you'd like to do that search?
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