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@roganjosh Obvious political and Shades of Grey examples show...that's not necessarily a reason to do things either.
I do think a lot of people want look at their data directly, whether to double check a column name, data format, etc. Excel isn't great for big data, but I use JMP at work which is kinda similar and found myself more productive with it than coding in a REPL for ad-hoc EDA on manufacturing test data, especially since we're often just making a bunch of basic plots. This is meant to be like a JMP style GUI where u never have to leave Python. I like GUIs a lot for basic plotting and datareshaping / skimming
@Esostack What you've built does look good, no doubt. Have you tried SciView in Pycharm? There is an embedded data viewing window that is occasionally useful. I use PyCharm Pro, not sure if SciView is available in the community edition...
Yep PyCharm is my fav IDE, I have the free version but it still includes the DataFrame viewer

It's pretty minimal though. There's also a couple of other libraries out there doing similar stuff
Throwing a DataFrame into a PyQt5 table to get a spreadsheet df viewer wasn't too much work TBH, but then I decided I wanted to support MultiIndexes which took like 100 hours of gluing together 3 separate tables and coding the cell selection highlighting the header sections lol, but it looks nice and nothing else out there does that
Wow, the concept is more popular than I thought, TIL
3 hours later…
@Esostack this sounds like bad news. Precisely what it is that you're trying to do? If it's only formatting (for text output? to_html()? under jupyter notebook or plain old console?), then use pandas Stylers. Generally avoid monkeypatching DataFrames. If that's unavoidable and stylers won't do what you need, you should subclass DataFrame (but I've almost never seen that necessary, so don't if you can avoid it)
If you think you really have a use-case where you need to subclass(/patch) DataFrame, then please post it, with a snippet of data, because your pastebin didn't show one.
cabbage fella
I am being given the responsibility to write a python microservice which performs some calculation based on an algorithm , It has nothing to do with flask or django, do I use SQL alchemy or standard SQL?
2 hours later…
@Anarach without knowing anything about the specifics, probably sqlalchemy. But if it's a microservice, it should have no database connection. All necessary data should enter the service through the request.
I mean , is it defacto that we use sql alchemy
The microservice updated DB
well, if we go by the definition of what a microservice is, it shouldn't. If it's too late to design it like that, sqlalchemy > raw sql
Table.objects.filter(id=23)[0] returning table object(23) instead of specific value.
Magic 8-Ball says: Is this Django?
Table will come from model
1 hour later…
@Anarach Avoid using SQL wherever possible: it ties you to a specific database backend, and it's almost always more trouble than it's worth when there are ORMs like SQLAlchemy available that manage most of the tricky bits. Flask and SQLAlchemy go very well together in a microservices environment.
How do people pronounce PyPI?
Listening to some collaborative software workshop and a) everyone uses python/pypi yet b) noone pronounces it the same.
I always pronounce it Pie-Pee-Eye. Some folks used Pie-Pee and Pie-Pie so far.
I know it makes no sense, but I always say "püpi"
That makes more sense than I would like admit. ;)
Germans (or close enough) :P
Feb 27 '18 at 12:59, by Andras Deak
Huh, do you really read pypi as "py pee eye"? I read it as "py pee". But I can kind of see why it's wrong...
But I no longer dare bet on pronunciation as of
Mar 6 at 14:48, by Kevin
"Gooey", typically
How else would one pronounce GUI? :P
Everyone knows it's pronounced GÜEEE.
@AndrasDeak If you are willing to classify yourself as "Data Science Person", then you too can be a valuable data point in my theory of PyPI pronunciation.
Isn't all science the same, after all? (No, don't ask Rutherford about that)
@MisterMiyagi since then I've been trying to read it as pee-eye...
Well, there's science and then there's stamp collecting...
@MisterMiyagi told you not to ask Rutherford :P
There's a certain irony to people using that as an insult towards other sciences. Before showing off their vintage 2012 Higgs collection data set.
@AndrasDeak Aren't you doing proper science? Chalk and all that stuff?
Whiteboard, and sometimes, yeah. But I use a keyboard a lot more often than a whiteboard. Proper science but on the applied side.
The issue is disambiguation between PyPI, the Python package archive, and Pypy, the implementation of Python in Python. I normally pronounce the first as "py pee eye" and the latter as spelled, with the logic (such as it is) that PI is an abbreviation.
adds PyPI data point for "RO of wealth and taste"
That one went right over MY head.
I'm having a hunch that the "pie-pee" pronunciation is more common for the data science aligned folks.
I pronounce them both as "pie pie" and leave it as a test of skill for the listener to decide. It's a test of skill and character. I mean, it's almost certainly only myself that I'm talking to about such things and I ace the test
@Kevin In case it still keeps you awake at night, there is a new recent Q on mypy+Union that seems to be similar to your own. Suspicions of this being related to variance are rising. I still don't fully get it, though.
@MisterMiyagi for what it's worth I also tend to read abbreviations in my native language, it's just that this doesn't include ü for y
the only reason my people read VW as fau-ve is that véduplavé is a lot longer and sounds silly :P
like, I'd bet both of you German speakers have a natural tendency to read API as it's written, rather than in the cumbersome ay-pee-eye
@holdenweb Ah got it , I am running a python microservice in a mostly .net application
and don't get me started on datei
@AndrasDeak yep
> There were no net reputation changes on this day
Wow, that's a first in a long time :D
(I usually get a lot of +1 and -1 events from downvoted crap, but I haven't looked at the main site much in days)
Given pip is a thing, I typically hear "pip-py" for PyPI.
Cbg, guys.
Hi all,
I am using PYChram community version to develop some script and wanted to inspect my code from a compatibility point of view
Right now I am aware that it have the option to check code compatibility w.r.t. PYTHON Version
and I am looking for code compatibility inspection for the Operating system point of view.
So is anyone aware of how can I inspect my code that is compatible with Linux and Windows Platform?
@metatoaster D:
@AmanJaiswal Does your code interact with the OS at any point? Do you have reasons to believe it may work differently on different OSes?
@AndrasDeak Using English for Germans is a bit of a mixed bag. We have lots of gratuitous English words in daily use, and don't mind inventing our own – e.g. "Handy" for "mobile phone". The more street-level, recent loan words/abbreviations are commonly pronounced as in English. Yet words used for a longer time in an engineering context already, such as API or HTTP, are pronounced with a mouthful of Sauerkraut.
It might be worth to interview some youthful street thugs how they pronounce "PyPI".
^ Oh my, seeing 11 upvotes on one of those "dupes" is a good motivation to typo-cv mercilessly.
stackoverflow.com/questions/63051253/… used self instead of ClassName to call a classmethod.
@MisterMiyagi I'd forgotten about "handy". It came up in one of our tv shows called "QI" along with the Welsh for "microwave" - " poptiping" :)
stackoverflow.com/q/46880265/4014959 20k+ (that typo I linked earlier).
@roganjosh I used to know a guy who called them Irish ovens, based on the Japanese pronunciation of "Michael O'Wave".
Oddly, I feel that I've heard that phrase before but I definitely didn't know the origin. I feel I should make an effort with pop-ti-ping though, it sounds much more exciting :)
Especially when I used to blow stuff up with them in the lab. "Give it full juice with the poptiping" <concrete explodes>
I wonder if walkie talkies have a more dignified name in languages other than English.
@Kevin Apparently, we call them "Handsprechfunkgerät", or "HFuG" for short. Just to drive home the point why we started using English names instead...
If I had to translate "Handsprechfunkgerät", then "handheld radio device for talking" would be it.
Simply shorten it to handie sprechie
We call televisions sittie-watchies where I'm from
but only in polite company :)
All of humanity are dorks
I know that "walkie-talkie" originated as army slang during WWII, so it's probably impossible to determine its origin. But I like the theory from here:
Ultimately, when the Ill Communication entered service, it needed a new name. Because of the war there was a shortage of product names. Many name writers were off fighting the Axis. And new weapons and other war paraphernalia were being invented at an unprecedented rate and they all needed names. The only name available fitting this particular device was walkie-talkie, which had been gathering dust in the naming archives for years.
In arabic, it's a seven syllables word that roughly translates to : "Device that make you feel from a distance"
But we just say "talkywalky"
"Many name writers were off fighting the Axis" is an amazing concept
I have a degree in name writing from Harvard and I'm part of local name writers union #857
You better not name anything while I'm off fighting the Axis, scab
@Kevin Unless they had safe office jobs, like Heinlein & Asimov.
That was one big difference between WWI & WWII. In WWII, they realised that it was probably a good idea to use the brains of smart people, rather than just add them to the general cannon fodder.
I read somewhere that the new technology for encrypting radio is a by jumping very quickly from a channel to another following some predetermined sequence
Scifi writers are excused from active duty because they keep sighing at their rifle and asking "don't we have any laser guns?"
It always amazes me how the simplest solution can occur to some minds
I have a delightful idea for a series of electomagnets that could propel an iron slug through ten feet of concrete. I just need twenty years and thirty million dollars.
"Just point the sharp end towards the enemy, cadet"
@randomhopeful Invented by actress Hedy Lamarr, of all people.
"New" being a relative term since this was in 1942
Hahaa, true that. And I wouldn't have guessed the "day job" of the inventor
Now that I think of it, I must've heard it in one of the war documentaries narrated by Charles Heston. Hence, the use of new. Still though, pretty relatively new
The frequency hopping thing is easily broken by a person with a thousand radios on different frequencies, right.... wonder how many we're talking here
Uncountably infinite, one for each real number
If the frequency changes rapidly enough, say ten times a second, then it may be difficult for an eavesdropper with lots of radios to figure out which channels are carrying human voices and which are carrying static
Even if they record everything and have all day to go through the data
No, you only need a (large) finite number of radios, since the transmitters & receivers have finite bandwidth, and you'll get some usable signal on a receiver even if it's not exactly tuned to a transmitter.
A crazy counter to your crazy breaking attempt would be an equal infinite number of radio operators sending fake decoy messages
@PM2Ring I thought as much, I just wanted to reject the semi-discrete nature of reality for a moment
Planck lengths are dumb, I demand infinite divisibility
@Kevin bandwidths are a lot larger than Planck lenghts ;)
But it's easy to make it hard on the eavesdropper: just have another frequency-hopping transmitter that's broadcasting bogus data. Ah, kevin'd by randomhopeful
In fact, forget the frequency hopping, just have two static channels, one with real data and one with bogus
security experts will say this is just security through obscurity and as such it's inherently insecure
The security experts aren't saying anything because they're off fighting the axis
"Wouldn't this foxhole be more secure if it had a roof?" "Sigh... Go to the rear with private Asimov, please"
@AndrasDeak True. But in the context of WWII, it would've been ok. If they could've overcome the engineering problems.
If you send only one bit of data per frequency hop, then it's effectively a one time pad, which is as secure as it gets.
Just don't get out of sync :)
how do you send the key for a one-time pad, with another one-time pad?
You swap briefcases at the park
Note that the Allies wouldn't have been able to break the more advanced versions of Enigma if the Germans had been using it properly. And Enigma would have been much harder to break if it used the full space of possible permutations. But it used a much smaller space because it eliminated permutations that map a letter to itself.
I've never fully understood how Engima works, but I thought it was a technical limitation that prevented them from mapping the same key to itself
The Enigma machine looks so much like a cheesy movie prop that I cannot comprehend that it's a real thing
Flask: how do you make a function execute when a <input type="submit"> or <button> is clicked?
I guess this is an example of something original that appears to be cliche to modern eyes because of all its imitators.
@randomhopeful I think you're correct. I can't remember the details offhand, I read about this stuff at least 20 years ago. But IIRC, it would've only required a minor design change to allow letters to map to themselves. Those permutations were eliminated on purpose, because the Enigma designers incorrectly thought that would improve security.
Oh I see. That minor change and/or not dooming their entire efforts by signing every message with HH
@JohnnyApplesauce the submit button calls a function by passing the information in whatever form field you have created to the form handler or a "view" function (I use django not flask but I think the two are similar). If you want a function to execute of the front end you can create an even listener and write a callback in JS.
I feel like there's got to be Flask examples on the Internet that use <input>. Aren't forms like the second thing web developers learn these days?
@randomhopeful One of the big flaws in Enigma usage is that the 1st message sent each day would start with the weather report, which was an exact "copy & paste" of the weather report sent earlier through a less secure channel. That made it a lot easier to determine the code sequence for that day.
@Kevin and what's first?
@JohnnyApplesauce Do you use flask-forms for your forms ?
<blink> and <marquee>
so it hasn't changed since 1999?
@PM2Rin Pride makes people lazy, I guess
Those who do not learn from 1999 are doomed to repeat it
@JohnnyApplesauce You have to program your web page code (Javascript+HTML delivered to the browser) to run code on the required event (in this case a click on an input). The triggered JS code can then make an HTTP request to the server, typically using XMLHttpRequest(), and handles the result that the server returns. Does that help?
Front-end libraries typically have support for such event-based programming tasks.
My suspicion is that the weakening of Enigma had less to do with pride and more to do with the fact that a lot of this tech was being invented from scratch. They couldn't look up "encryption machine best practices" in the library and discover that you shouldn't start every message with a predictable prefix.
For all we know there was a german counter-counter-engineering lab working day and night to identify weaknesses, and they hadn't gotten around to checking the weather report before the allies did
Alternate theory: thanks to inter-departmental secrecy, the counter-counter-engineering lab had no idea that there was a daily weather report.
"They did WHAT?" shouts the countercounterengineer, reading about their defeat in the newspaper after the war ends
A lot of information about encryption was classified. The Enigma designers would've known it was a bad idea to send the weather data. But nobody would have told them that was being done.
When I commission a high tech encryption machine, I'm going to pay the lead designer an exorbitant amount of money to verify that the messages being sent are safe, and then sit in a comfortable locked room until the data is no longer sensitive
Why encrypt the weather data in the first place, not much of a secret. Forecasting at the time would have been useless and the current conditions, although useful, are invariably public knowledge. Playing armchair general is fun
Doesn't matter if he knows we attack at dawn if he's fifty meters underground in a soundproof bunker for the next week
@Dodge Maybe switching from the enigma channel to the weather channel requires the listener to walk all the way across the room and turn a dial, so by popular demand they merged them
Intelligence sharing in WWII wasn't great, on either side. Even between the different services of one nation, communication was poor: the services were virtually competing with each other to win the war, so cooperation between eg the air force & the navy was more the exception than the rule.
Nations fall because men are too lazy to walk across the room to change the channel, it's true
That's why the remote control was invented in the early 1950s
Reminds me of an article I read about how Herbert Hoover was a great humanitarian but was only really interested in philanthropy if he was personally given a great deal of power and money to manage things. I can imagine personalities like that aren't too great at pooling resources and working together.
@Dodge The U-boat captains may have been unable to receive the general weather report intended for surface boats. And it's risky for them to surface more than absolutely necessary.
That's more of a WWI anecdote than a WWII one, but the principle generalizes
Being on a submarine and hearing how sunny it is sounds depressing
At the start of WWII, the RAN refused to target U-boats because they thought it was unchivalrous to fire on an opponent who couldn't fire back at you. Eventually, they were convinced to do so because the British were losing a lot of ships (both military vessels & supply ships) to U-boats.
The first few months of cracked Enigma data coming out of Bletchley Park was ignored because the Navy brass saw it as taking orders from civilians. Eventually, Turing learned about that, and wrote a letter to Churchill, who got things happening.
Human nature hasn't changed much, I see
@Dodge Contrariwise, being on a submarine and hearing "humid and rainy today, watch out for trench foot", may make you glad that you're several fathoms away from the nearest pile of mud
"windy, increased risk of chemical gas attack"
"not down here it isn't :^)"
Totally, although trenchfoot is more commonly associated with WWI. Also, speculating on what is depressing during one of the worst wars in human history was unwise methinks.
When the Allies did start using cracked Enigma data, they were a bit too obvious about it. So the Germans realised they had a security problem. But they thought Enigma was impregnable, so they assumed they had traitors in the U-boat command. So they had a rather extreme purge of the senior U-boat personnel. So the guys that remained were not so skilled, and rather nervous about getting purged themselves.
Yeah, I'm sure the sub soldiers had plenty of things to worry about that wouldn't concern the army. Torpedos, sharks, the Bermuda triangle.
I wonder if there are any Enigma emulators online... Or would that be too glamorizing of the bad guys?
holes in the ocean
Whales with poor vision that want to make friends with that unusually oblong fellow
@Kevin There are certainly Enigma emulators, but I haven't looked for online ones.
Ah, there are several listed on Wikipedia. For example people.physik.hu-berlin.de/~palloks/js/enigma/….
Bletchley park sells little ones on Arduino-like boards, so I guess it isn't too glamorizing :-)
Speaking of weather reports, it's been cloudy for the last 36 hours, which is really impeding my cometspotting.
It's gone from ludicrously cloudy to merely extremely cloudy in the last few hours, so I've got a chance this evening
I think it's closest to Earth today or so
Bad weather is a mixed blessing for astronomers. It's disappointing when you can't see stuff, but if you get paid anyway, it means you get a free night off. :)
Moonlight at the meteorology center and make double the money
The old Babylonian Astronomical Diaries span about 7 centuries. They combine astronomical observations & weather reports. They also include things like prices & yields of crops, and military events, because they were trying to predict stuff like that astrologically, and needed the data to check their predictions.
Step one of science: write things down
[After 7 centuries] "Ok, done. Step two..."
[the empire falls]
"Ah heck."
The end of the diaries in 1 AD doesn't appear* to correlate to any change in leadership in the Babylonian geographic area. Joke: ruined.
(*after five minutes of research on Wikipedia)
The empire fell, but the data on those clay tablets survived. Those diaries were very useful to the later Greek / Alexandrian astronomers, including Ptolemy. That Babylonian is the basis of the methods used to prepare Moon tables & predict eclipses that were still in use at the time of Newton.
"Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
... Except for a cache of extremely helpful historical data that sort of undermines the theme of the unstoppable decay of time.
Ozymandias is remembered for his sneer of cold command, and very detailed transaction logs regarding the manufacture of copper ingots
On a different, note, some people go to extraordinary lengths to do sub-optimal things. Eg, using tabs in code blocks on SO:
@Gimby I copy-paste code, or copying only one tab into buffer, and pasting it where I need. — Gordem 1 hour ago
I'm not fond of SO's tab replacement because it occasionally hinders the OP's ability to produce an MCVE. I've said as much in a comment on that post.
All the commenters saying "well the asker should just use spaces to begin with" forget that all policies starting with "askers should just..." has never worked
It's tricky because W3C discourages the use of significant tabs (eg in pre & code blocks, and textareas) but they aren't banned. Modern CSS allows you to specify a tab-width, and most browsers use a default of 8, but some default to 4. And of course Python 2 uses the concept of tab stops (of width 8), rather than 1 tab == x spaces.
I hate the word "should" in policy discussions because it elides the difference between "what is required by rules right now" and "what I think will become required if my proposal is agreed upon" and "what a perfect world would look like if we had infinite time, resources, and popular support"
There's also a horizontal tab entity, &tab; but I don't know how well it's supported.
Related to the "should" problem is the use of "may".
Lawyers have been dealing with that stuff for centuries. But that has led to the situation that lay people can easily misinterpret stuff that's unambiguous to lawyers.
"It should be illegal to hunt people for sport" -- first type. This is already illegal. Speaker is expressing confusion about a news story where billionaire Elon Bezuck hunted people for sport and wasn't arrested.
"It should be illegal to park here on Sundays" -- second type. Not yet illegal. May become illegal if speaker complains to the right people.
"Everyone should have a guaranteed basic income, a group of genuine friends, and a jetpack" -- third type. Fundamentally correct that all these things would be rad, but no obvious way to allocate the necessary resources
"Askers should use only spaces" is type three, despite the author's wish that it was type two.
Speaking of policy discussions, @AaronHall has started a discussion about sock puppets which is getting a mixed reception. I'm still on the fence. I agree that it's good to discourage members from having secondary accounts, unless they have a good reason. But I'm not convinced that Aaron's announcement will have the desired effect. meta.stackoverflow.com/q/399620/4014959
Huh, I didn't know some sockpuppets were allowed. I've been keeping my perfect son Terry hidden away all this time, in fear he'd become a fugitive
Considering that I, a veteran and mostly upstanding member of the site, did not think to look up the rules on alternate accounts at any point, I don't have a lot of optimism that new users looking to boost their numbers unscrupulously will fare any better
It seems like the kind of information they would actively avoid seeing, so they can try the "I didn't know any better :3" defense when they get caught
@Kevin yeah, bots and stuff have to be legal. All that matters is you don't do anything you wouldn't be able to with one account. Vote on your posts, handle your own suggested edits etc.
@Kevin we could spot it two days ago. Went out into the countryside, next to a small airport (really small, one without paved runways). It was as dark as we could manage within 10 kms or so. Still we needed a pair of binoculars to see it. Although atmospheric conditions weren't ideal, there were patchy clouds and mist up high
@PM2Ring I'm reading Aaron's question very differently. He seems to be saying "don't abuse sock accounts, and if you have socks that are no longer needed ask for them to be merged". That's both non-controversial and non-actionable. It's basically a PSA.
which is what George Stocker noted too, I see
I wouldn't like the extra mental effort of using more than 1 account. I've occasionally attempted to upvote a comment on old posts & only realised I originally posted the comment after the system told me I can't do that. I might have also accidentally tried upvoting an old answer too, although I'm more likely to recognise my own writing style when it's longer than a sentence or 2. :)
OK, the original version of the question looked a lot different meta.stackoverflow.com/posts/399620/revisions
@AndrasDeak Yeah, I can agree with that, and the sentiment of offering an amnesty to people who have sock accounts they don't really need & which might have accidentally been used improperly.
I've been Following the question since it was fresh.
yeah, it looked a lot worse
@PM2Ring I don't mind calling it an amnesty, but that kind-of implies it's new - and (I think) it's always been the case that a user self-initiating an accounts merge with self-voting would have had those votes automatically removed with no penalty to the user.
@AaronHall Ok. That sounds correct. I only used the word "amnesty" because you said "But we want users to self-report under a clear amnesty" in a comment.
Yes, and that's the main reason I wanted to make the post, I don't think all users with secondary accounts are generally aware that we can do this, in fact, I think most users are unaware.
I would think most users don't even think about the possibility of having multiple accounts. And those that do, are either power users who want an account for a bot, etc, who do it responsibly. Or are intentionally creating extra accounts for nefarious reasons. But I guess there could be a lot who create extra accounts semi-accidentally, eg they decide to do SO stuff on a different machine & don't have their login info with them.
I know there's at least one mod on the network who has an extra account that they use from their work machine, because they don't feel secure exercising mod powers on a machine they don't have full control over. It wouldn't surprise me if their are mods that have a low power account that lets them cast normal close votes rather than closing stuff unilaterally.
@PM2Ring I never had one. Believe it or not, in the past 24 hours I have heard every legit reason, in the book and otherwise. And I know, it's a tempting thing, when you're getting downvoted, and you don't have downvotes, but you're one upvote away, and who would ever really know, really?.. Would that person feel guilty later? Would they want to make it right, but not know how? We never made it easy to figure out how.
@anky I've read until [typed_a.append(x) for x in a], then cringed and closed the page...
@MisterMiyagi :D it used to be cleaner earlier ..
@MisterMiyagi I meant something like this :) just that it has to be adjusted in a weird way now :/
hey guys, any idea how to keep data after using pyperclip.paste(). whenever i copy something else i lose the initial pasted data, even if i set it to a variable
is that same as pd.read_clipboard() ? also are you saving each paste into different variables?
yup, i so set the read_clipboard as a variable; any copy functions after that is usually unintentional but i lose my first variable
just by copying? or are you also executing paste in the same variable?
i just shortcut control-C to copy, then set a variable equal to my pd.read_clipboard(). when i copy something else it overrides what my variable was initially set to
interesting if it overwrites the variable while copying fresh data.... may be someone in the room can answer, I am not aware of using this module
yeah thats what im perplexed since i set it to a variable..thanks for trying though anky
@jamest What do you mean by "lose my first variable"? What value does it have after losing it?
it has the value of my second control-C
im trying to copy a table using either pyperclip.copy() and pd.read_clipboard()/pyperclip.paste() but whenever i copy something else down the line, i lose that table even though i have it set as a variable
Can you show a short MCVE?
i can use read_html and extract the table but thinking that the copy/paste function is a quick trick to do what i need
data = pd.read_clipboard(pyperclip.paste())
im copying that table on the github
then setting it equal to data
OH i got it
i run the first variable cell after copying a second set of data so obviously it overrides. sorry for bogging this chat. that was a dumb Q on my part
Weather status: partly cloudy by very hazy. If Andras needed binoculars and a dark environment to see the comet, I'm not too optimistic, since I'm a quarter mile from the biggest light pollution source in the tristate area (I assume)
May I ask a Tkinter question here?
@A.Hendry The room rules say "don't ask to ask, just ask".
Or has that changed?
If the question is "how do I solve this problem?", I've been looking at it.
it's just a bit rephrased, "Ask your question directly"
Unfortunately, scrollbars are finicky in Tkinter so I have always steered away from them
And I don't have matplotlib installed so I can't play around with the example.
Maybe if you created an MCVE that only uses the standard library (and PIL)...?
I'm flexible on the "M", even, as long as I can run it
@A.Hendry listen to Kevin, he's trying to help you, but also check out the Room Rules - link at the top right of chat.
I've got to run soon but I'll take another look tomorrow morning
cbg all
I'm pretty sure the answer is "no" but is there any way, aside from context managers, to guarantee that a cleanup thing happens? Obviously there's atexit, though there are pitfalls there. But if you just want to ensure that a thing gets garbage collected, there's not really any reasonable way to force that?
OH, hahaha. Forgive me, I'm new. I'll ask. That makes my life easier.
@AaronHall ah yeah, that one, too. The current incarnation of this code exists across a couple of function calls, though
feels very grumpy about this all
@Kevin Oh thank you very much. Yes, it's tricky. I unfortunately need to keep Tkinter, but thank you for offering to help!
@WayneWerner there's __del__, but common wisdom is avoid it since it only gets called once the object is garbage collected (thus I've managed to never write one).
I've been debugging some code in Salt that uses del... naturally it doesn't work reliably
specifically it just hangs and hangs - strace reports that it's doing a poll on an eventfd (not even sure what that is, and couldn't figure out the corresponding call in Salt/python
that creates it)
but it's polling forever
after a call to sys.exit, hooray!
the obvious answer is just rewrite things using context mangagers
but... that's not the answer I want :P
(because that requires a fairly significant re-write effort)
the most delightfully weird part about this issue is that if, before (or in a finally) the sys.exit call I do gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_SAVEALL) then it will cleanup
even though it's not unreachable code
er, uncollectable
(since the garbage list is empty when I call it there)
SO AMAZING, he said through clenched teeth
I don't recall ever seeing "here's the right way to use __del__" and if it's not suited for a context manager, then try-finally may be more apropos - aside: you can write a context manager with try-finally.
I've only seen "Here's the right way to use __del__: don't"
@contextmanagers I am +1 on. And __enter__/__exit__ if I need a bit more power
Guarantees are hard to write and even harder to maintain when they rely on the programmer getting the program precisely correct.
Threaded code tends to be like that...
Yeah. I don't recommend threading :P
Processes where I used to work had something like 13 threads minimum...
(if I recall correctly...)
Ick. Yeah, don't believe I have yet to see threaded code that impresses me any
This might have impressed you, it was some highly engineered stuff... lots of cython and C extensions.
I still don't feel qualified to write that kind of stuff.
I worked on one utility written in Python that was intended to run on one of those subthreads, it took me several tries over several days to get it right.
I suppose it might depend on what it was doing.

For instance, the [Carmack Number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root) is interesting as heck. It's one of those things where it's like... when you understand the magic it's doing, okay, cool
But you wouldn't just randomly put that in your code different places.
Most code I've seen does stuff like the second one.
I guess what I'm saying is that I haven't ever worked in a problem domain where the CPU was the bottleneck.
polling was way more useful than any sort of threading could be
I had the smartest guy in the firm rejecting my code... which hurt my feelings a little because I really wanted to get it right the first time and I totally wasn't impulsive on submitting it (I think) but when I got an accept it felt pretty good.
If CPU is the bottleneck, threading probably won't help any. Multiprocessing might be helpful, so that you can enlist multiple cores - as long as the inter-process synch doesn't overwhelm any distribution benefits. I've found threading to be very useful in I/O bound work (reading thousands of files over and NFS share).
Lots of IO, mine was a background writer...
I'm trying to come up with useful aliases for my server, any suggestions?
I've got follow_nginx_log, for example...
Waitperson, Kitchenworker, FoodPresenter...
I mean aliases to use in my shell... browsing my history for good candidates...
check this shell function out:
set-terminal-name () {     printf '\033]0;%s\007' "$*"; }
I'm using NixOS so there's not a lot of imperative stuff I need to do, just diagnostics and cleanup maintenance stuff.
what does your server do?
hello world.
it also has Python 3.7 with requests, tornado, flask, and django, and build-tools for node, elm, clang, gcc, haskell (with some packages), coq, idris, rust, and it has angband.
I just deleted scala, kotlin, clojure, R, and texlive, and reclaimed a lot of space...
@WayneWerner and I mean literally: aaronhall.dev
hello seems like a good alias
or gutentag
or... something?
@AaronHall your message will only reach and affect the good ones, who are not your target audience. Kind of like a yamhole filter. Good people will be affected, typically negatively, whereas bad people don't give a hoot, won't even read your post, or if they do they will keep doing their Bad Things.
I hear the concern. There's literally no change in policy, so I don't see how it affects any user with legit socks. I'm just trying to reach the marginal user.
@Kevin well, I could sort of see it in a local dark spot (100-meter 300-foot dark park), but this was only evident in hindsight when I could exclude noise as the source of the thing that I saw. Plus you're on a different latitude which might do anything. And as I said atmospheric conditions might vary a lot... so don't be discouraged by my experience :)
@AaronHall your original version must have spooked a lot of people, see rene's reaction. Your current version reads as a PSA so I find it harmless (just also needless, because of what I just said about bad people not reading or otherwise ignoring it)
@AndrasDeak I think in between the good and the bad there's an ugly I mean marginal user who may have messed up but wants to make it right....
@AaronHall maybe :) I have no data
A guy approached me offsite and told me about it and didn't know what to do.
step 1: definitely don't contact a mod off-site :D
well I put him on the straight and narrow immediately...
Considering how nobody gets suspended on first offense I wouldn't be too worried about this scenario...plus self-votes can be undone if need be. But I'm aware that most users are not aware of these subtleties of mod protocol
I can't really talk more details, though...
@MisterMiyagi where's that eye bleach...
@AaronHall of course!

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