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12:49 AM
I've got 3.7 and 3.7m, but only 3.8
and both 3.7 and 3.8 were installed automatically
and yes, 3.7 and 3.7m are the same inode
1:26 AM
2 hours later…
3:44 AM
@PaulMcG (Same conversation, someone else had proposed using all() to consume, I didn't think of falsey values since I generally don't use those much)
@vevekseetharaman Excellent
4:10 AM
another mcvictory
4:23 AM
@wim on a Mac, obviously, neither. My Homebrew Python 3.7 installed /usr/local/bin/python3.7 and /usr/local/bin/python3.7m which are both symlinks into ../Cellar/python/3.7.7/bin which in turn further symlinks into ../Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin where python3.7 and python3.7m are not the same inode, but identical files
anybody using Webbot
need one help
never heard; the poor grammar on pypi.org/project/webbot raises some doubts about its author's abilities though of course this is purely circumstantial
@tripleee i think it is similar to Selenium
4:41 AM
@Sharath please review the room rules; you are expected to wait for answers for 48 hours before asking for assistance here
salt masters,minions pwned by mining botnet..ouch saltexploit.com
@tripleee thanks. you mean brew laid down two identical binaries? well, that's even stranger than a hardlink..
@tripleee ok
5:05 AM
@wim hardlinks are vaguely problematic too; I would probably do the same just out of superstition
5:41 AM
problematic how? I think they're quite handy
6:31 AM
@wim my memory is hazy on the specifics ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Hard_link talks about hardlinks to directories specifically but that's a pretty special case, and (by itself) an inherent part of the file system design
6:45 AM
hmm, what that answer calls a pitfall I call a feature (and the expected behaviour)
one nice use-case for hardlinks that uses that pitfall/feature is safer bulk renaming
it's better than mv because you still have the original fnames there in case you accidentally screwed up the target names. and it's better than cp + rm because so much faster (and you don't need the extra disk space).
7:06 AM
depends on the design of Homebrew too though; maybe they have good reasons to avoid hardlinks
7:21 AM
I'd assume they build both and never check if they are equal
1 hour later…
8:49 AM
@Kevin here it is (from the yesterday's discussion about floats and float('nan')
    from dataclasses import field

    def float_field(field_name: Optional[str] = None, **config_options: Any) -> float:
        if field_name:
            config_options["field_name"] = field_name
        if "decoder" not in config_options:
            config_options["decoder"] = Codecs.float_decoder
        return field(default=float("nan"), metadata=config(**config_options))
mypy will say Returning Any from function declared to return "float"
but if you inspect the signature of the field, it says
a field is not a float
field(*, default: _T, init: bool, repr: bool, hash: bool, compare: bool, metadata: Mapping[str, Any]) -> _T
so if my default is _T = float, then call to this function should give me back float
Hi Aran
well that signature is wrong
does it use a stub?
I have tried adding the stubs and adding the package with them to MYPYPATH but mypy doesn't pick it up
Not sure where mypy gets that from
8:54 AM
how do you make mypy pick up your own stubs?
I'd report it as a bug tbh
k. will do
let them fix it instead of trying to work around it
perhaps this is a typeshed issue
need to check
# NOTE: Actual return type is 'Field[_T]', but we want to help type checkers
# to understand the magic that happens at runtime.
@overload  # `default` and `default_factory` are optional and mutually exclusive.
def field(*, default: _T,
          init: bool = ..., repr: bool = ..., hash: Optional[bool] = ..., compare: bool = ...,
          metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = ...) -> _T: ...
from typeshed
whatever that means
so # type: ignore it is
It's related to this feature:
> If the default value of a field is specified by a call to field(), then the class attribute for this field will be replaced by the specified default value.
If you have a dataclass with a field and that field has a default value, then the field is replaced by the default value. But that doesn't mean field returns the default value. That happens in the @dataclass decorator
class Foo:
    x: int = field(default=3)

print(Foo.x)  # output: 3
^ like that
8:59 AM
makes sense
so using -> Field[float] fixes the typing issue
acutally, now that I have written that, it is not making sense. Because Field is a class
@Naz Type checkers don't understand the distinction between attributes and slots/fields. Such constructs are either faked (claiming a Field[T] is a T) or handled via special cases /plugins (e.g. for property)
As far as I can tell, it's a problem with Python's annotation specification. It includes certain shortcuts that make these distinctions ambiguous.
I need to jog my memory about the slots
Slots basically just mean that the class defines what attribute the instance has.
Python takes a shortcut here and says if a class has x: int, then that means x is a slot/field to hold an int, not an actual int.
looks like a cool way to get extra speed boost and some space efficiencies on leetcode :)
thanks MisterMiyagi
9:29 AM
I am facing a challenge
I have to make time series plot in 3d, using matplotlib. Search and tried a lot but have got nothing
I have no idea how to plot time in 3d
any hint or suggestion?
"plot time in 3D". What are the other 2 variables?
I wasn't aware that matplitlib special-cases time, other than for formatting
9:52 AM
that's it. it shows time as labels but not take it as a plotting axes
It can't be "it". You need to be clear on what you're asking.
Do you have code that currently plots a graph but has broken axis labels? Or is it a case that it just doesn't plot anything? I already asked what the other 2 variables are, which you haven't answered. I don't think I've actually seen a 3D time series but I could be easily mistaken on that
wibbly wobbly timey wimey and all that :)
timestamp, and bet value as x and y
10:09 AM
@JonClements oh. That's a Tardis plot. I don't know if matplotlib supports those
10:50 AM
timestamp does not get plotted on any axis that's the issue
but the plot does have three axis? what's on the one that should hold the timestamps?
numbers, as in the timestamps?
numbers, as in the TV show?
11:05 AM
:49303698 Please see the formatting guide for chat and practice in the sandbox if necessary
can someone help me understand the return statement here?
L = pd.Series(range(15))

def gen_strides(a, stride_len=5, window_len=5):
    n_strides = ((a.size-window_len)//stride_len) + 1
    return np.array([a[s:(s+window_len)] for s in np.arange(0, a.size, stride_len)[:n_strides]])

gen_strides(L, stride_len=2, window_len=4)
Thanks :)
@roganjosh sorry my bad
11:08 AM
@MisterMiyagi that's numberwang
Although it looks like that clip was recorded on a potato
@roganjosh my bad, I was thinking about NUMB3RS
I got the reference, I just like Numberwang :)
Feel free to spend hours wading through TVTropes anyways. ;)
@roganjosh not quite as good as Hole In The Ring :p
@PurusharthMalik what part specifically are you confused by? Did you look at the output?
11:15 AM
yes, I did and I don't quite understand what is happening in that return statement.
Question--How to create a dataframe with rows as strides from a given series?
are you asking about what return does, what np.array([...]) does, or what the list comprehension does?
Output: array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
[ 2, 3, 4, 5],
[ 4, 5, 6, 7],
[ 6, 7, 8, 9],
[ 8, 9, 10, 11],
[10, 11, 12, 13]])
@JonClements "Who's the turd in the hamper?". I think Anne missed a trick on that one
@PurusharthMalik That could be converted directly to a dataframe
Depending on the particular problem that you're trying to solve, pandas.shift might be useful. Can you give us a concrete goal as a MCVE please?
11:31 AM
@roganjosh thanks
peak_total_kms, lean_total_kms,odo_as_of_month_end
0	0	NA
0	0	NA
0	0	NA
0	0	NA
0	0	NA
0	0	NA
0	0	NA
1749	940	NA
1995	769	NA
747	718	NA
111	115	NA
2282	1162	NA
1611	1738	20648
1536	2610	NA
1821	1845	NA
603	868	31356

i have 3 columns here, i want to create a 4th column which says scaling factor. Means if the value in the third column is not null then i want to add the first two columns till that row where 3rd column value is not null and create a 4th column which is 3rd column value divided by sum of 1st and 2nd columns till that row
can anyone help with python script for this?
example i want is 20648/(1749+940+1995+769.....till the 20648 row values)
11:46 AM
@unknown14 it's borked when I try recreate that DF. Can you post as df.to_json() or something so that we don't have to faff with getting the column names to work locally, please?
"peak_total_kms": 0,
"lean_total_kms": 0,
"odo_as_of_month_end": "NA"
"peak_total_kms": 0,
"lean_total_kms": 0,
"odo_as_of_month_end": "NA"
"peak_total_kms": 0,
"lean_total_kms": 0,
"odo_as_of_month_end": "NA"
"peak_total_kms": 0,
"lean_total_kms": 0,
"odo_as_of_month_end": "NA"
"peak_total_kms": 0,
"lean_total_kms": 0,
"odo_as_of_month_end": "NA"
"peak_total_kms": 0,
"lean_total_kms": 0,
"odo_as_of_month_end": "NA"
"peak_total_kms": 0,
"lean_total_kms": 0,
"odo_as_of_month_end": "NA"
@roganjosh you can take this json format
12:06 PM
Not particularly proud of it @unknown14:
df['groups'] = pd.factorize(df['odo_as_of_month_end'])[0]
df.loc[df['groups'] == 0, 'groups'] = np.nan
df['groups'] = df['groups'].fillna(method='bfill').astype(int)
df['row_summed'] = df['peak_total_kms'] + df['lean_total_kms']
df['totals'] = df.groupby('groups')['row_summed'].transform('sum').drop_duplicates(keep='last').fillna(0)
@unknown14 it was my fault for asking for to_json but longer code snippets should be hosted off-site generally and linked to the room. But again, that was my fault for asking, sorry
@roganjosh here i should get 1.48 as my scaling factor right when i divide 20648/(1749+940+1995+769.....till the 20648 row values)
Ok, I'll be back at my laptop shortly. So we just need to divide through. I was more concerned about my circuitous route in creating columns
yes i mean i just want 4th column populated with 3rd column non null value divided by sum of all the values in 1st and 2nd column till that row number of 3rd column @roganjosh
df['groups'] = pd.factorize(df['odo_as_of_month_end'])[0]
df.loc[df['groups'] == 0, 'groups'] = np.nan
df['groups'] = df['groups'].fillna(method='bfill').astype(int)
df['row_summed'] = df['peak_total_kms'] + df['lean_total_kms']
df['scaling'] = df['odo_as_of_month_end'] / df.groupby('groups')['row_summed'].transform('sum').drop_duplicates(keep='last')
df.drop(['groups', 'row_summed'], inplace=True, axis=1)
I'm 95% convinced that someone better at pandas than me can compress that down, but it does what you asked.
I'm still trying to get my head around what the output is supposed to look like... does the ^^^ work for you @unknown14?
12:23 PM
peak_total_kms lean_total_kms odo_as_of_month_end scaling
0 0 NA 0
0 0 NA 0
0 0 NA 0
0 0 NA 0
0 0 NA 0
0 0 NA 0
0 0 NA 0
1749 940 NA 0
1995 769 NA 0
747 718 NA 0
111 115 NA 0
2282 1162 NA 0
1611 1738 20648 1.481524001

@JonClements@roganjosh, this is how my output should look
Well, that's what I gave you. Just fillna with 0 on scaling
@roganjosh i ran it in my jupyter, it shows NAN for 1.48152 value which should be populated in 4th column
No it doesn't
errr... I see NaN :(
12:27 PM
So what's the issue here? Is it a pandas version issue?
@unknown14 just to prevent surprises you should start a session using your own json-encoded output as input
Oh poop, is this because I can have a nullable int type?
It's possible there's some other state we're not seeing, or subtle data loss during the json conversion.
@roganjosh ah, makes more sense
You may have thought I was gone, but here I am! Cabbages everyone
12:33 PM
cbg =)
@roganjosh ok got it. Also one more thing, can i append 1.48 everywhere above wherever we see NAN. likewise 3.37 between 1.48 and 3.37 wherever i have NANs
@unknown14 firstly, I'm curious about the issue. Did you update pandas or something else?
I did one more approach. Did this:-
df['Total_kms'] = df['peak_total_kms'] + df['lean_total_kms']
df['CUMSUM'] = df['Total_kms'].cumsum()
df['scaling'] = df['odo_as_of_month_end']/df['CUMSUM']
now i am trying to append the 1.48 in NAs above it and average of 1.48 and 3.37 in between for NAs
mm, ok. I'm not sure that answers my question. For your second question, you can fillna and backfill with the scaling column
can you help me with that backfill one? @roganjosh
12:37 PM
Was wondering if a starting point is: df['scaling'] = df['odo_as_of_month_end'].cumsum()/ df[['peak_total_kms', 'lean_total_kms']].sum(1).cumsum()... but I'm still not clear...
@unknown14 do you understand how my code actually works? I already backfilled in the code you're using. I think it would be better that you answer that one yourself rather than cargo-culting the whole thing
ok sorry, i will check yours and use backfill from that! Thanks a lot for help :) @roganjosh
yes, i understood your code
Then backfilling will be trivial :)
1:19 PM
@unknown14 I'm trying to follow your discussion but it's too long, there are screenshots of code, and sounds hard to repro. Can you please post this as a question? Include the code that declares the MCVE dataframe. roganjosh can post his answer and we can take it from there.
@smci the only screenshot is mine, and it's to show the output in my console. I think it's solved and they just need to backfill from what I gave them
@roganjosh: it sounds interesting, but when code, date MCVE and discussions go on for that long, its' best to drive it to a question. Easier for me to pick up the MCVE all in one place. And you get to post your answer. Better for reuse, also. I'll see if I can polish your code.
@roganjosh Your code has quirky idioms, like what is df['groups'] = pd.factorize(df['odo_as_of_month_end'])[0] supposed to do? Instead of a groupby or what?
@smci create something to groupby
But why the [0]? That looks very weird.
Try it without the index
1:23 PM
@smci below is my code which also helped me give answer
df['Total_kms'] = df['peak_total_kms'] + df['lean_total_kms']
df['CUMSUM'] = df['Total_kms'].cumsum()
df['scaling'] = df['odo_as_of_month_end']/df['CUMSUM']
df['sacling'] = df.scaling.interpolate()
backfill works too @roganjosh :)
@unknown14 I can't follow you guys' discussion, no MCVE, details scattered in comments... will you please post it as a question on SO with an MCVE code and data, already? (no screenshots)
That doesn't add anything; it's already been said
And I had enough to go on to put forth an answer. You mentioned screenshots, smci - I'm the only person that posted a screenshot in this, after answering
perhaps there is an issue with Pandas versions but I think that was just a miscommunication
@roganjosh I completely can't follow that without seeing an MCVE. And if there does turn out to be an issue with pandas, even more reason to post it as a question. Then people can link to/from the pandas github if one is eventually created. Or other people can help figure out the syptoms (pandas minor version number 1.0.3 v 1.0.2 v 1.0.1? package dependencies? etc.) Anyway all I'm saying is when a Q&A interaction gets beyond the coherence point, best taken to an actual question. Better for reuse
@smci maybe they should post as a question on main. They can copy/paste my approach over and I'll be happy to see how it can be improved. But I don't think it needs revisiting in chat; I think there's enough info for someone to improve on my approach if they know it, without starting from asking the OP for details from scratch
1:51 PM
@roganjosh and unknown14, here's how to read in pandas data in the format you showed: comma-separated header, but space-separated data rows. And without the huge flabby waste of space and newlines that is json. One column per row will not work when you have tons of columns. Here's the code to read in:
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO # don't use pd.compat.StringIO anymore, it's deprecated

dat = """peak_total_kms, lean_total_kms,odo_as_of_month_end
0       0       NA
0       0       NA
0       0       NA
0       0       NA
0       0       NA
0       0       NA
0       0       NA
1749    940     NA
1995    769     NA
747     718     NA
111     115     NA
2282    1162    NA
1611    1738    20648
1536    2610    NA
1821    1845    NA
603     868     31356

# You have mixed separators: commmas on the headers, but space-separated everywhere else
@smci just a copy to unknown14's message to the clipboard and doing df = pd.read_clipboard(sep=r'[\s,]+') is also sufficient without the extra stuff there
@JonClements pd.read_csv will break on mixed separators, it's useful to know how to use it without either hacking the input or resorting to json.
@smci df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(dat), sep=r'[\s,]+', engine='python') is fine there...
@roganjosh But that's very convoluted code like I said, very hard to read. You're hacking around the pd.factorize() na_sentinel value. Are you aware that df['odo_as_of_month_end'].isna() and df['odo_as_of_month_end'].unique() exist and do what you need?
@JonClements Ok that's even better. (except the corner case where the data rows were to have commas inside a single column, which mercifully this doesn't). Oh and engine='python' is slower performance, not that that matters here.
@smci I think he's aware of that... in fact, there's been over solutions offered as starting points including mine that just needed a quick backfill to then correct columns after... everyone seems happy :)
ahh poop... you know when you create a copy of something so you can copy and paste stuff from it, then change one of 'em, but get confused so you copy and paste a bit from the copy back over the original instead of the other way around... I might have just done that and broken something... facepalms
2:06 PM
Hi folks
hi there
I am facing again with this semi-usual pip3 problem
on Google Cloud Platform, I launch a VM
do pip3 install tensorflow
"requirement already satisfied" - returns many lines like this
when I do pip3 show tensorflow
errr... does tensorflow support some versions of 3.x yet?
it shows a version
@JonClements It's hard for the rest of us afterwards to wade through it, when I type rj's first solution, the line df['totals'] = df.groupby('groups') errors out with ValueError: Length of values does not match length of index. Just suggestion for next time. I hear you
2:08 PM
but when I do
then import tensorflow, then it doesnt find that module
any idea why this is happening?
@smci understand that, but it's just been for now a back and fro chat - if you'd have joined the room a day/two later you'd never had known to want to do that... if you want to work on making it a great Q&A that isn't already covered with various other techniques (eg: not a dupe - as it does remind me of something) - then please feel free. For now though, everyone's moved on to other bits
arghghg... yep I definitely broke something somewhere along the line... bbiab before I get moaned at :p
@JonClements Right. I was giving roganjosh some advice to avoid the hack around pd.factorize() returning a 2D array where the first column is na_sentinel value. Thats what df['odo_as_of_month_end'].isna() is for. And df[df['odo_as_of_month_end'].notna()] ['odo_as_of_month_end'] or whatever to get the non-NA values. (shouldn't use `unique(), there could be duplicate values)
@smci I would be interested in how you would go about getting the same output
Specifically, the screenshot that you weren't happy with. But I think that's what the OP was after, sans a backfill
@roganjosh Ok I'll do it. Why did you only assign df.loc[df['groups'] == 0, 'groups'] = np.nan and not df['groups'] == 1, or everywhere df['odo_as_of_month_end'].notna() ?
Why would I use df['groups'] == 1? The point was to categorise non-NaN entries
2:19 PM
@roganjosh Because in the original input, odo_as_of_month_end was everywhere NA except for the rows with values 20648.0, 31356.0. But you only set 'groups' to nan for the first row, not the second, why?
Good question. I think I dropped a fillna somewhere along the way and replaced them with 0
No, you're confusing me. The first group is NaN
df['groups'] = pd.factorize(df['odo_as_of_month_end'])[0] is enough to see that
Hello, is there anyone in the round who has time to take a look at this (in my opinion wrong) answer? stackoverflow.com/a/34877016/2932052
Ok, I looked at it. Can you elaborate on how it's wrong?
The asker creates products as I see it isn't he?
2:35 PM
I don't think he wants the cartesian product exactly, because the cartesian product produces tuples where elements can appear in any order. The if a <= b <= c <= d <= e conditional in the question indicate that he wants the elements in ascending order
@Kevin Well, thanks, seems I have really a bad day. ;)
I wag my finger at the OP for not providing an MCVE, or expected output, which would have averted this confusion
Yes, absolutely. Thanks again for your time.
2:50 PM
And a half-wag at the accepted answer for providing code that doesn't produce exactly the same output as the code in the question (although it can still be used as a basis for doing so)
OP doesn't want a list of tuples of integers representing the results of rolling 3 d4s, OP wants a list of lists of strings representing the results of rolling N d6s, for each N from 1 through 5 inclusive
@roganjosh Ok right, pd.factorize(...)[0] is just an obfuscated way of saying df['odo_as_of_month_end'].notna(). But here's a neat way to partition the df into groups according as the third column isn't NA: df['odo_as_of_month_end'].notna().shift(1).cumsum()
@smci please give a complete approach for the question. It's hard to benchmark if the component parts don't come together
@roganjosh Yes I'm working on it was we speak, I'm nearly there, here's a two-liner, then I just need to backfill these ratios into the original df:
grouped_df = df.groupby( df['odo_as_of_month_end'].notna().shift(1).cumsum() )
grouped_df.apply(lambda g: g['odo_as_of_month_end'].tail(1) / g[['peak_total_kms','lean_total_kms']].sum(1).sum(0) )

# 0.0                  12    1.481524
# 1.0                  15    3.377787
Is it too soon to put money on my approach being faster than apply?
Maybe no in space, but in runtime, I think that apply won't be great
@roganjosh ? I'm looking for short code. Its efficiency is good enough.
3:04 PM
@Kevin thanks for reworking the question. The somewhat vague relation between question and answer is not affected by your changes. And maybe there is a better place for other answers now :)
@smci mm, ok. You've criticised my response on the basis of what, exactly? This is a slower approach but will save on space
@roganjosh Just I couldn't recognize your idiom to create groups and partition according as third column is NA. So that we can then do aggregation. Sometimes .apply() is the right tool for the job, it's not to be avoided.
I think it's probably best that we leave the debate here :)
If I run object detection it gets completed correctly without returning False at the end of the video, however in my flask app everytime the video ends it throws an exception which means there are no frames whereas it shouldn't because the base obj detection tensorflow code is same : here is the apstebin : pastebin.com/kByf7Wnt
3:21 PM
Then you just pass it off to tensorflow, apparently
3:42 PM
Ok here's my final solution. @unknown14:
df['scaling'] = np.nan
grouped_df = df.groupby(df['odo_as_of_month_end'].notna().shift(1).cumsum(), as_index=False, group_keys=False)
df['scaling'] = grouped_df.apply(lambda g: g['odo_as_of_month_end'].tail(1) / g[['peak_total_kms','lean_total_kms']].sum(1).sum(0) )
Note the use of df.groupby(..., group_keys=False) so the result of the grouped_df.apply preserves the row-index of the original df, so we can directly assign it back into df['scaling'].
I couldn't find a good way of doing the bfill all in one go, then this would only need three lines. Anyway this is good enough.
@roganjosh ^ Actually, thanks, you reminded me how to do df.groupby(..., group_keys=False) so the result preserves the row-index of the original df, and can be directly assigned back. That's not at all obvious from the doc, or questions with highly-voted obsolete answers like this
4:10 PM
@unknown14: yes please do post and self-answer the question on SO, it was useful and interesting, and a a reusable resource, we each have solutions we can post.
1 hour later…
5:27 PM
I just saw that [wxpython] and [wxpython-phoenix] are defined the same namely as "a Python wrapper for the cross-platform C++ GUI API wxWidgets", I tried to find a differentiation in the tag wiki but only one of them is defined. Wouldn't it be good to show the difference in the tag info or are they (meanwhile) synonyms to each other?
5:39 PM
I have no idea what wxpython phoenix is, we'd have to figure it out if it merits a tag on its own on SO
5:51 PM
@AshwinPhadke please don't ask for help here with fresh questions on main, as per our rules
Okay, thanks @AndrasDeak
thanks for understanding
6:11 PM
i am banned from asking questions but i do not understand why. the ban happend after my last question, but it got positives upvotes? what can i do and where?
sorry if this is the wrong place i mainly asked python questions
@user3680510 you should see a link or two pointing you to "why" and "what can I do?".
deleted questions count too in case you have downvoted ones
your visible question record doesn't seem bad, I agree
Are you sure it's a question ban and not just some rate limiting or warning?
5 years between asking and slapped with a question ban (apparently) :/
might be some edge case
I've balanced the books on one case where it deserves it. No idea if it fixes the current problem
6:51 PM
Dropping in to say GitHub Codespaces looks cool, anyone planning on setting it up on their project, I'll gladly test drive it for you.
7:23 PM
it just says
You have reached your question limit
and the help side just say i should improve my question. but i dont know how if they already have upvotes. in the history i dont see that i have deleted a question, so probably i don't :(
@roganjosh Done
@user3680510 "question limit" sounds like a rate limit, not question ban. Question ban is "we are no longer accepting questions from this account" or at least it used to be
@PaulMcG thanks :)
OK, the dupe here does suggest a question ban
@user3680510 from the dashboard I can see - it says: "Question ban:yes (last blocked 4 mins ago)"
last deleted Q you have is from 2015 though... that's err, weird
7:40 PM
and there was only one non-deleted question with negative score (positive now)
any chance there's a bug/edge case in the heuristic due to the long hiatus between questions?
seems so unless I'm missing something (I'm a little rusty at reading all this stuff :p)
yup, completely baffled
@user3680510 can you bear with me a bit, I'm going to see if I can't ping a staff member and hopefully get an answer about this
8:08 PM
@user3680510 seems you've got a vote or two that's lifted it - just make very very sure your next Q is the best you can make it please!
that question record should not reasonably trigger a question ban
thank you very much :) i will give my best efforts next time :D
did the staff say something about this?
it's something that'll get discussed later - that's about the most I can say I'm afraid
8:23 PM
that's more than what most people can expect, at least :)
What's a good well-documented ML program (preferably for TensorFlow) to show off how ML programs should be written and structured?
8:39 PM
I already asked for the distinguishing feature between [wxpython] and [wxpython-phoenix], I tried to find out myself by reading some of the questions and looking up some wxPython pages. To me it seems that [wxpython-phoenix] addresses the new version wxPython 4, do you agree with this conclusion?
3 hours later…
11:25 PM
@Wolf This looks like a good question to post on Meta Stack Overflow
@Wolf it would seem so. A rewrite of wxpython from scratch, but ultimately just a new version. In my experience we don't keep track of library versions, see e.g. django, pandas, numpy. With this reasoning the tags should be synonyms. But I don't use or know wxpython.
Old repo was archived last year

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