Hmm semantic question - if I in a method docstring reference another method, do I refer to the second method as using other_method to xyz or using self.other_method to xyz. That method isn't a name elsewhere, but I presume if it was the convention should be the same.
I figured out the answer, so didnt ask you guys here.
The question was that a global variable not affected by changes within .apply function. I had used %timeit before the function to understand efficiency, turns out it was the culprit, didnt know this before.
once i increase the max_workers than 1 worker within ThreadPoolExecutor, i miss some of the results. but if i run under one thread, the result is accurate ! , what am missing here?
Hi guys, I have a Django rest framework question. If this room is not suitable for questioning about Django, I am really sorry. Is it good practice to change that data in def validate_field_name methods in Django serializer? So If the answer is No as I expected (because the method's name is so clear we define this method for validating the field, not to change it) why we have to return value at the end of method?
"f strings are bad because f"{x+y}" crashes if you move it above the assignment statements for x and y" is not a very convincing argument, given the same thing happens for "{}".format(x+y)
"f strings are bad because it's hard to lint them because our parser has never needed to look inside string literals befoere" may or may not elicit sympathy in me, depending on whether the complainant is being paid to maintain their linter
I was just about to say, "ast shows you the expression tree of any to-be-evaluated code in an f string, so how hard could it possibly be to inspect?". "hard, because the interface changes between versions" is a reasonable answer.
Perhaps KevinScript should take a page out of JS by having an unconventional type as the basis of its number system. Proposal: 1.0 and 1.00 in KS are distinct numbers that do not compare equal.
cbg. what is a nil value for a float type in Python? When returning float('nan') from a function whose return type I set to float, mypy says that I shouldn't be returning Any in a function that is supposed to return float
looking at type(float('nan')) gives me <class 'float'>
awesome. thanks. I think I have tried that but had other issues. Let's see :)
this is a scraper and these decoded objects will later go into a db, so None is a valid value, but if transformations are done in between I would need to check for not None
the data is sparse, it is still useful even if some of the data is missing. i don't want to be dropping all of it if just some single value is missing. but in such a case i cannot use a valid float value for the missing spot, like a -1 or whatever, i have to use something like None
@MisterMiyagi I am catching those exceptions, i.e. they are in try / except block. I log them, and in their place will now put None instead of the float('nan')
@MisterMiyagi not quite putting. this implementation uses dataclasses_json and so I can define the decoders per field. And so when I fail to decode a value for a particular field, I have to use some value
Sounds like you're referring to the question in this comment which was asked yesterday. A little close to the "no solicitation of recent questions" deadline, but I'll allow it
So the question is effectively, how to get "62.07" from the string "<div class="hiddenBox" id="afn-selling-fees">62.07</div>"
I don't know anything about webbot, but most html-handling projects have a method or attribute for extracting text from an element
Or, hmm, am I misunderstanding the question? It seems like your answer, "Got the value using text in place of get_attribute('outerHTML') web.find_elements(id="afn-selling-fees")[0].text", ought to get the text
I have a pair of sqlalchemy queries that looks like:
device_id = 14
device = Device.query.filter(
# ... Something that checks if device is None, returns if it is
user = User.query.filter(
and I'd like to combine them into one query. i uh... kind of suck at SQL (I'm using SQLAlchemy)
i think I'd use a JOIN, something like:
device, user = Session.query(Device, User).filter(
from what I've read, this should give me all the results in the Device table, and only the matching results in the User table. is that correct?
i mean, i know i'm doing something incorrectly because it's not working :D
I'm thinking of maybe going for a light blue background, but the problem is that even if it looks good to me, that doesn't mean it's a good light theme
I think they specify more text-on-background kind of things, while the website as-a-whole may need 5 or 6 colours. You can google colour palettes that gives you this for a theme, but I'm not sure whether they consider screen readers etc
It probably doesn't matter if you have 20/20 vision (which I don't, but I see just fine up close. And I use a blue light filter so colours change anyway.)
I'm a fiery Scorpio and I find such comments as blustering. I can't help it; Jupiter is in its second quarter and Mercury is just around the corner. Duel. At dawn.
@JonClements There was a study (I'm really not gonna look it up) and I'm pretty sure they said that the Brummie accent was the most trustworthy re: telesales
wait... "used to be"... Brits aren't even worth mocking now... that can't be good :p
those kind of things are normally desperate "oh beep... we've still got funding to spend - think of something to research before we lose it!"
Think there was one uni here that spent something like £90k to come to the conclusion that people go to coffee shops to buy coffee and meet people... Now, my approach might not have been quite as scientific, but bloomin' sure I could have done it drastically cheaper :)
Eh, I could justify it. Silver nanoparticles are incredible in washing machines to prevent damp clothes going mouldy. Samsung uses them in their washing machines. 20 years down the line we may find that they accumulate in x and do y to z
@AndrasDeak Thanks but that's not exactly the same. That one keeps the data as numeric, but overrides the xticks with text labels. The one I cited has alternative answers tht actually transforms the series from integer to string with x: 'Male' if x == 0 else 'Female') or np.where(df['sex'] == 0, 'male', 'female'), like a poor-man's categorical.. These each have subtly different implications.
@AndrasDeak Not necessarily. Best practice is to convert a series that's essentially categorical to categoricals with string labels, or else string (from the days before pandas had a useable categorical). That way the label also shows up in tables, pivot tables groupbys etc. Anyway, no worries. But yes that's a wider context than that OP asked for.
@wim the biggest wtf is that the itertools does not have consume... instead the deque has a fast-path for maxlen=0, whose sole use is to consume an iterator.
@AndrasDeak That's worthy of being added to the canon. But that question as currently phrases doesn't say 'could be infinite'. or 'consume'. or 'without wasting any memory'
@PM2Ring That prime-sieve code is seriously cryptic and tricky, it would be well worth posting a fully annotated version as an answer that explains all the speedups and memory tricks.
@AndrasDeak Is that better than doing all(it) and not assigning it to anything?