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there's one literally every day
"yeah" is a surprising reply
You asked what we should do about them. I suggested that they are dupes, implying that what we should do is close them as duplicates. "Yeah" as a reply implies either "yeah I know they're dupes" in which case I don't know what you're asking, or "I didn't know that" which is a weird thing to put as "yeah".
I didn't know you were referring to a specific question, but someone linked to it.
I'm glad we could debug it
2 hours later…
Should I use Kite and SonarLite ?
any objections ? :P
2 hours later…
@tripleee i am unable to make this guy inderstand what you told me yesterday stackoverflow.com/a/61356594/13062813
@JoshuaVarghese shrug and move on, you have made your point and future visitors can probably figure out what's wrong based on the comments if they run into memory issues with large data sets
Pandas on simple numbers is probably more likely to cope with pretty big data sets in-memory than anything which reads text line by line
1 hour later…
Should one bother with using exceptions when there is only one caller to the throwing function and it catches and handles it each time?
@jigglypuff hard to answer in the general case because it also depends on how often the exception fires etc
try / except tends to produce fairly pythonic code but if the exception is the norm rather than the exception it's often slower than the alternative
also depends on whether the code is never going to change or if you can expect to build out new callers eventually
but typically go with pythonic and change it if you notice a problem with that
Ok, thanks. It was just a general question as I've just seen a report of a piece of software from work that throws thousands of exception during a performance test. And was wondering how useful it is actually it is to know how many exceptions are thrown if it they all seem to be caught and handled each time.
it's common in Python code; see e.g. stackoverflow.com/questions/12265451/…
Nice, I'll try to use "ask forgiveness, not permission". How much is that in the front of your mind when you code?
@jigglypuff Generally it's still good practice. It depends on how reusable you intend the code to be, would someone else ever reuse/adapt/generalize it? And rather than skipping throwing exceptions properly, if it was really performance-critical and in your inner loop, you could always rewrite it e.g. in numpy or C.
@jigglypuff Yes, EAFP. Mind you if you write code that throws thousands of exceptions each call (what sort of code is it?), that sounds wrong, also not very performant, and users will be desensitized, and not notice if there's one serious excepotion buried under all those. So if you can reduce them 10x with a little LBYL code, I'd do that. Or else if they're not really serious exceptions only warnings, create a custom subclass XYZWarning and use it instead.
These are all judgment calls depending on how much time and energy you want to invest and what expectation of reuse (if any) for that code.
("easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" and "look before you leap" I guess)
Ok, thanks. Yes, I understand that coding is not unlike a dance between compromises.
So I just noticed that i check if a file exists with os.path.exists before using with open ..., how would I wrap a try clause around the with?
@JoshuaVarghese yes, what @tripleee said. You might mention the possible need for chunking in your answer, I did in a comment. As and when OP uses bigger data, flows, they'll come to that realization itself. Don't sweat it... (I'm dealing with an OP who insists is is reliable for comparisons instead of==, just because they get away with it on strings due to string interning... wait until they use objects and stuff breaks...)
@smci will my chucking be efficient than his method ? hes using pandas
if they are using Pandas, chunking may not be suitable for their actual end goal anyway, so I would probably just leave that particular answer alone
@JoshuaVarghese Well pandas has chunking builtin as an option. I wouldn't sweat it, chunking is good to do but it makes your plan Python solution less readable. Also I was looking st your code wondering whether it's more elegant to have two nested with open(finput) as fin: with open(foutput, 'w') as fout: and whether the order of those matters; it's probably best to try to open input file .
will with a,b as c,d: work?
Anyway my only suggestion to you is add a one-line summary at the start of your answer explaining what you're doing and why they'd care, instead of "Let's do this" I'd say "Here's a plain Python solution which processes the input line-by-line, so it doesn' t have scaling problems with memory usage. (The alternative would be using chunking, e.g in 64KB)." Anyway, if you want to call attention to why your answer has advantages over others, do it in your answer, rather than comments on theirs; ...
...new or time-pressed OPs mightn't notice it or care or understand otherwise. Lots of users don't care about scaleability or handling filesizes > say 50% of their machine's memory.
@JoshuaVarghese Excellent question, try it yourself and let us know :) with open('aardvark'), open('luxury_yacht', 'w') as fin, fout: pass
Ok here's the answer: with open('inputfile'), open('outputfile', 'w') as fin, fout: works and will throw exceptions in the order in which it's written. However it's bad programming practice for the folowing reasons: one line is doing too much work, readability suffers, non-obvious to non-Python programmers, line length too long. Also, from the point of view of throwing/ logging exceptions, debugging, can no longer easily tell from stacktrace whether if was the 1st or 2nd open that failed
The last reason alone should disqualify it.
@JoshuaVarghese the proper syntax is with a as c, b as d:
@tripleee Uhuh. But best not to do it with compound open() statements, for the reasons I mentioned
@smci I don't know what you expect that to do; it doesn't actually bind outfile to fout
@tripleee Oh cr**, what does it do?
not entirely sure; I get a NameError from fout but haven't investigated further
@tripleee wow
@JoshuaVarghese with a, b as (c, d) works, but likely not do what you want
with [a,b] as l: ?
Hi can anyone please help me here??
@MisterMiyagi Should I use Kite and SonarLite ?
Multiple variables in a 'with' statement? . But I still wouldn't recommend doing it.
@NicolasGervais Aggressively close them, into a suitable target. If you're not sure what the suitable target is, ask here by posting it as: dupe don't have a good target <url>
@smci but w+ will handle opening issues?
@JoshuaVarghese I don't know, try it and see. Esp. if you meant in the context of multiple nested context managers/ with open(...)
I don't get why people ask questions like this: stackoverflow.com/questions/61359544/…
Whats so wrong with loops?
@JoshuaVarghese I have no idea what you just asked, or why you asked me.
@JoshuaVarghese That one is invalid. What you should do depends on what a and b are and what you expect c and d to be.
k, i meant about using the kite for python
is it good?
@RoadRunner It's ok and it doesn't deserve downvotes or Vtc. I left the OP a comment asking them to explain why. Maybe it's homework. Maybe they dont know what a list comprehension is. etc.
@RoadRunner The same as with break, early return, else, ...
Someone, somewhere, out there, got burned and proclaimed it The Evil. Then the cargo culters came along...
@JoshuaVarghese how should I know?
@MisterMiyagi You guys are reading assumptions into the question the OP never stated. They never said 'for/while considered evil'. They merely asked how to do it without. When we each started learning Python we each might have asked similar questions.
idk, i thought you guys did :P
I use PyCharm and have no idea what they are using for autocompletion behind the scenes. In general, I'm not convinced of using AI for problems that can be solved deterministically.
@smci You are reading assumptions into my statement that I never stated. I never said the OP of that question considers for/while evil.
@MisterMiyagi The inference is very clear: "Someone, somewhere, out there, got burned and proclaimed it The Evil. Then the cargo culters came along..." Who says the OP is a cargo-culter, or following cargo-culters? Maybe they're simply learning the language.
Please, before we do another round of this: Read my message verbatim. Notice the entire absence of direct references to the OP of that question. The context of my message was "what's so wrong with loops", not "... questions like this".
@MisterMiyagi I clearly said "You guys are making assumptions", includes RoadRunner who had said "What's so wrong with loops?", which the OP never said. Then they got three close-votes and three downvotes. I left them two messages recommending they explain their arbitrary-seeming requirements. Tag-teaming and brigade-voting newbies who don't explain themselves seems unwelcoming, I just tell them they need to explain their arbitrary-seeming requirements. I'm not "doing another round of" anything.
Hey I'm looking for the following:
I'm having difficulty finding the primary target for "'comparing using is instead of == considered bad, viz. ints, floats, strings and objects". I find lots of bad such questions, also I searched this room and SO canon.
Without knowing the question, I think these may apply?
@smci I see your point. I didn't downvote and maybe was too quick to close vote. I did vote to close because there is not enough context as to what the OP really wants, which was gone into details by others in the comments as well. I am always happy to vote to reopen when the OP clarifies their question.
@MisterMiyagi No that was one of the things I mentioned I already looked at and rejected. I said "'comparing using is instead of == considered bad, viz. ints, floats, strings and objects". There's lots of bad answers only about ints, or ints but not longs, or strings but not objects, or objects but not bound vs unbound methods. I think there's no good answer covering all of these.
"all of these" sounds too broad, to be frank
there is a point to is, so a blanket "use == instead of is" would be the kind of cargo culting I mentioned above.
hm, my autocorrect is strong today. just not correct.
Hm, the general answer would be "is is the identity operator, == is the equality operator. Use whichever operation you actually want" but I don't know of any such Q/A pair.
Most Q's are very specific to some type with which the OP encountered the "issue".
@MisterMiyagi No not really. We had previously identified some ok-ish dupe targets on these, I can't find them now. Anyway the reasons if str1 is str2 is unsafe is relying on cPython string interning, for float1 is float2 is F-P exactness, o1 is o2is "because that's usually wrong if your intent is to compare their contents, e.g. o2 might have been a copy of o1". But in all cases the takeaway is "is is generally the wrong way to compare two things" ...
...(usually it's ==, except for floats, also beware when used on objects which do not sensibly override __eq__()).
@MisterMiyagi I know that, we had previously identified some ok-ish dupe targets on these, in discussions which you might have missed, I'm trying to refind them now. They exist, I just can't find them.
Hey I might get around to writing and self-answering "Why is is is generally the wrong way to compare two things (ints, floats, strings, objects, methods) in Python?" someday. Probably best. With the intent of offering it as a dupe target. Just don't want to be accused of rephounding.
FWIW, I disagree that "str1 is str2", "float1 is float2" or "o1 is o2" is technically wrong. It is wrong if the goal is to test for equality, because is is simply not the equality operator.
Saying "is is generally wrong" because people do str1 is str2 is like saying "& is generally wrong" because people do a & b and expect boolean instead of bitwise operation.
:49184813 yeah, sorry, my autocorrect really doesn't like me today.
@RoadRunner Right, the OP never said there was anything wrong or evil with loops, maybe they're just looking at other language paradigms, list comps, map(), FP... Or maybe a friend/blog/book gave bad advice (there's lots of that out there). We don't know their reasons. ..
...For a first-time questioner, I'd tell them via comment what they need to do and improve it and give them a few hours, instead of jumping on them with downvotes and closing within 30mins. Remember a large percentage of newbies will not know to edit the question and hope it gets reopened, they'll just have a bad experience. Personally if I see a bona-fide totally new user asking a question which could have good intentions (not "I am scrapping this e-commerce site givemtehcodez"), ...
@JoshuaVarghese pinging individual users for recommendations is not welcome, especially if it's a recommendation for something they probably have never used
FWIW, the OP self-answered their question.
...I give them 1-48 hrs to respond.
the union between "users of library X" and "people active in this chat room" is very often the empty set, with a minor exception for very popular libraries (and even then if you ask e.g. about Numpy or Pandas, a lot of people here -- quite possibly the majority -- don't use them, and couldn't help you even if they wanted to)
@MisterMiyagi Right but it's still closed, unclarified, and on the road to auto-deletion. And they might well have had a legit reason for asking. Also their answer shows they don't know about json package.
Python is a general-purpose language, you find people using it for web scraping and AI and web apps and numeric analysis and statistics and ... no one is an expert in all these fields, even if they are Python power users with an impressive reputation
@smci Might be worth knowing (I ran into this as well) that the first edit (and only this edit) of a question after it was closed sends the Q to the reopen queue. That includes cosmetic edits by people other than the OP.
even if you find people who use Python for mobile development, their specific niche within this niche is probably different from your niche and they can only tell you what work in theirs
@MisterMiyagi If it gets edited. Which the OP seems unlikely to; I'm not the patron saint of newbies. RoadRunner, Joshua Varghese, Ilja Everilä shouldn't have summarily VtC'ed it and people shouldn't have assumed the OP had bad intentions about loops. I think we can all try to be a little more welcoming to legit questioners, that's all. (on the other hand, the e-commerce givemetehcodez scrapers are a plague)
It's not just about bad assumptions. It's a requirement dump. For all we know this is OP's interview question or exam
The question holds no value whatsoever, answers included
@AndrasDeak The question holds no value, unless it's clarified, in which case it could, depending on the OP's reasons; we'll never know now. It takes less time to explain to the OP why they should improve it, than imply that it should be brigade-downvoted by insinuating that the OP said there was anything wrong or evil about loops, which they didn't. You yourself are strident that this room is not for brigade-voting. I don't want to discuss this any further.
my application has to fetch new data and broadcast data to all the nodes - web browsers every 30 minutes
what should I prefer, web-socket or scheduler at back-end and an api that will check for updates
@smci I very much disagree. It was a poorly formed question with unclear goals and was at that point receiving poor answers. There was every reason to close it. As to piling down votes, that's another matter.
Nooo he doesn't want to discuss :P
Yeah, but being called out by name ruffles my feathers.
It's easier to let it go in the long run
Welcome to the club :P
@IljaEverilä Everyone has their opinions. I wouldn't fuss over it. I have my reasons for close voting, and so do others.
Just like getting downvoted, don't take it personally
That's easy, those are anonymous anyway :D
Prolly someone just lost their keys.
2 hours later…
I am trying to implement MO'S algorithm. And I am trying to sort queries. Using normal dict it is working now. Link for dict code, Now I want to implement it using collections defaultdict code. This is what I have tried but it is not working. Any suggestions?
what do you mean by "it is not working"?
I am getting the output but it is not sorted :( I have tried many things but it is not working
@neferpitou you are printing data, not res
although sorting a dict will probably just give you sorted keys, not an actual sorted dict
oh sorry but even then ans is not correct. [1,3] should be first element I guess
I found this but it is not working for Python 3, it uses defaultdict and I am having hard time getting through this. Like how does x_left got mapped
Both of them are wrong i guess. Will try something else
Hey @RoadRunner, you there?
@d4rk4ng31 Yep
@d4rk4ng31 Please don't discuss fresh questions here. Go to a separate room.
RoadRunner can start one with you
Oh, the room opening page recommended me to join this room
Room opening page?
Ah, yes. It's a very dumb machinery, just ignore it.
after ~5 more comments the comment system itself would offer you to start a separate chatroom
Oh. XD
You're welcome to stick around for general python chat of course, within our rules.
Yeah sure. Thanks :)
@RoadRunner can you start a new room for d4rk4ng31? Or do you need help?
I suggest deleting your original comment and replacing it with a link there. So others who read it can follow up.
@AndrasDeak I'll create one
Oh nvm
looks like @d4rk4ng31 has one
my bad
I wasn't sure if 200 rep was enough to start a new room.
@AndrasDeak Honestly I always forget how to create a new room. I never see that "create a new room" button at the bottom or the rooms page
Today I have much sympathy for all the users that ask "is there a version of [built-in module/function], but, like, faster?" as I run my parsing-2.84-GB-of-json program for the tenth time
Python devs show me the secret light speed json parser
there is a much faster third-party parser
I... just don't know which.
Google's top hits for "python fast json" are orjson and rapidjson and fast-json
Usually I'd just walk down the hallway into my hyper-competent student's office, and return with the truth.
'Tis not that day.
That's fine. I want the authentic help-seeking experience, where the sages teach me to fish by pointing me to google and extolling the value of benchmarking
orjson requires a Rust environment, so I think I'll put that at the bottom of the to-test list...
@RoadRunner you can also "start a new room with this usera' in a user's chat profile
@Kevin is the project about json parsing?
rapidjson's project description is just "this is long desc", so maybe I'll look at that one later...
@AndrasDeak I'm doing static code analysis on c sharp code. I'm using a pre-existing executable tool to turn the source files into a json-encoded AST, which I then manipulate in Python.
Can't you pickle or something? Wouldn't that be faster?
@AndrasDeak Well I've learnt something new today. Thanks buddy :)
The project is not about json parsing in the sense that json is the fun part of the project, without which I would lose interest
@Kevin It seems you need Rust only for building the package. Isn't there a wheel available for your environment?
I'm not opposed to the idea of doing a one-time pass over the data to turn it from json into a faster serializable data structure. I don't know offhand whether pickle is typically faster.
Me neither. Or marshal. Or dill. Or something...
@MisterMiyagi Not among the usual place I search for wheels, but I can poke around elsewhere
Pickle has a C backend and the modern protocols are framed, so I'd assume it to be much faster than the json module.
@Kevin There are some wheels on pypi that include the string win. I assume that's good enough for windows?
@neferpitou You might be interested in a related data structure: the Fenwick tree, which is suitable when the data in the main list needs to be modifiable, and you have lots of ranges that you want to query.
If speed is a concern then why use python?
Hmm! I don't know if I've ever seen a wheel file hosted on pypi before. Probably because I almost never click the "download files" button. pip install has spoiled me
@RoadRunner That's my line :-)
Mostly because all of the other languages I know are explicitly typed so it's more of a pain in the butt to navigate through unstructured json in them
@MisterMiyagi Oh dear. So it looks like the OP created the question purely to show off their "clever" solution. If they don't provide some feedback soon, I'm going to delvote that mess.
Perhaps I should back up one step and compare the time spent loading json files against the time spent navigating through them. I'm quick to blame I/O when things aren't fast, but that may be an unfounded assumption here
"You're only saying that because you got ERROR: orjson-2.6.5-cp38-none-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform., aren't you?", you hypothetically say. Quiet, you, I'm trying to look dignified here.
Are you on 3.7 or 32-bit windows?
I'm on Python 3.8.0 (tags/v3.8.0:fa919fd, Oct 14 2019, 19:21:23) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32. Windows is 64 bits, despite the name
But your python might be 32-bit...?
Not sure if [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] implies that
True. I thought that might be a problem, but this is the only cp38 wheel for windows, so I figured I'd try anyway.
My fuzzy recollection tells me that I usually have a better track record with "x86" wheels than "amd64" wheels.
@Kevin FWIW, my hyper-competent student assures me that orjson is indeed the library du jour.
Capital. I may have just enough give-a-darn points to actually install Rust today, so I'll give it my best shot
Two days ago I installed docker. It really is spring!
@Kevin On Python 3, you can check the size by looking at sys.maxsize. There might be other ways, but that one's pretty easy to remember.
Let's see... It's 2**31-1.
Definitely 32 bit Python.
Oh dear...
the shame
I don't recall ever opting into 32 bit over 64 bit, so I think the Python Windows installer keeps choosing it for me every time I upgrade. I wonder why.
Do you have proof of the 64-bitness of windows?
Maybe I opted into 32 bit in the 2.7 days and that preference has been permanently logged in some user configuration file somewhere
Is the "4 GB addressing issue" still a thing?
@AndrasDeak Yes, when I look at system properties in the control panel, it says "system type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor"
OK, thanks :)
The limits of memory addressing is Deep Magic and I have no knowledge of it
I remember the statement that 32-bit OSes can't address more than 3.6 GB of RAM or something like that, but I don't know if this is universal or a linux thing or what.
it's due to the pointer size.
My semi-educated guess is that it's universal
a 32-bit pointer just can address only so much.
Modulo page-swapping trickery or suchlike
@MisterMiyagi but then wouldn't that also hold for 32-bit programs on a 64-bit OS? I don't actually know what the 32-bitness of a program entail.
Is it something like the range of size_t which is OS-defined?
yes, a 32-bit program can only address 4GB of RAM. On a 64-bit machine, the OS can map those 4GB onto a larger address space, though.
What does that mean in practice? Can you have a 5GB object on 32-bit python? Or does it just mean that if you allocate the 4 GB it will be spread over the 8 GB the system has?
In Windows' case, Wikipedia tells me: "processes running executables that were linked with the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE:YES option, which is the default for 64-bit Visual Studio 2010 and later,[7] have access to more than 2 GiB of virtual address space: Up to 4 GiB for 32-bit executables, up to 8 TiB for 64-bit executables in Windows through Windows 8, and up to 128 TiB for 64-bit executables in Windows 8.1 and later.[4][8]"
it means that you can have several 32-bit Python programs, each using 4GB of memory.
TLDR: 32 bit programs have smaller address space than 64 bit ones, even when run in a 64 bit environment
@MisterMiyagi OK, that makes sense to me.
Following on from My Miyagi's remarks, a userspace executable doesn't see the true hardware memory space, it sees a mapped version where it can pretend it's the only program running on the machine. Unlike in Ancient Times (eg on the early Amiga) where badly written (or rogue) programs could easily clobber each other.
Interesting. The German wikipedia article on 32-bit architectures praises it's advantages versus... 16-bit architectures. I'm not feeling old today. Hooray.
I have an executable on an hpc cluster that when run will crash at least one of the nodes it's running on...same executable used to work two months ago. Must be advanced programming on my part!
I was vaguely aware that the conceptualization of memory as one long contiguous array is mostly a polite fiction, which is why I was hedging all my guesses about what 32 bit executables are capable of
@PM2Ring Thanks. I have been reading about it and various ways in which I can solve those and recently implemented it with square root decomposition and now I am trying MO's algo. I am having trouble sorting the query dict. Here is the code
@AndrasDeak I know that feeling. All six frontends to our 40k core batch farm have just decided to segfault hourly.
For all I know, there's a win32 function that lets you pierce the veil and access memory directly, using an arbitrary number of bits of addressing
Such a thing would probably be a thousand times slower than just dereferencing a pointer, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@PM2Ring I was rather shocked when doing an embedded programming course and being shown how the heap could just grow and eat everything in that board's memory. Kinda makes you appreciate the modern times.
@neferpitou Sorry, I'm not too familiar with MO's algorithm, but your problem reminded me of that Fenwick stuff (I have an SO answer that uses it). I will read the stuff you linked earlier, and take a closer look at your code. But one thing I noticed: BLOCK_SIZE probably needs to be an integer.
I admire the straightforward* design of earlier hardware, but if the modern generation's myriad protection features lack in elegance and simplicity, they make up for it by not crashing when I'm halfway through my term paper
(* rose-colored glasses level: 85%)
@MisterMiyagi It was fun doing fancy pointer stuff on the Amiga, especially in assembler. If you did bad stuff, even attempting to access memory without it being properly aligned, the machine would crash and you'd have to reboot. That was especially slow on machines that only had floppies & no HD. :)
Later machines had a hardware memory management unit which gave you some protection so you could sometimes recover from such errors without rebooting. But of course if a process did clobber another process's RAM it was often unsafe to continue without rebooting.
stackoverflow.com/q/61367925/4799172 exact dupe (I've put in comments. The first answer of that target, not the subsequent dupe, is exactly what's been asked)
why does this have three upvotes? D:
@neferpitou Ok. I now understand MO's algorithm, and I've had a closer look at your code. I can see a few big problems, and a couple of minor issues. Firstly, the minor issues.
@neferpitou Sorting using a key function is much more efficient than using a cmp function. You can use cmp_to_key to turn a cmp function into a key function, but it adds even more overhead. It's just intended as a temporary fix for old Python 2 code that used cmp. The good news is that it's not too hard to write a proper key function for MO's algorithm.
More minor stuff: data = dict() is redundant, since you immediately overwrite that empty dict. You don't need to use the global directive on BLOCK_SIZE in your comparison function, since you're only reading it, not assigning to it.
@neferpitou Now onto the bigger stuff. Your compare function gets called by sort (via cmp_to_key) with the actual values to be compared. So in your program it receives 2 tuples to be compared, but your compare function acts like it's receiving keys from the data dict. So Bad Things happen. ;)
@PM2Ring I updated the BLOCK to int and removed unnecessary lines, actually I was playing with user inputs and later replaced it. Thanks for having a look, I am having trouble while sorting the queries. Thats where i need to work. Thanks again i have a look on what you said
I won't bother fixing the compare function. But I will show you a proper key function. But first I need to eat, so please be patient. By the way, data doesn't need to be a dict. It's a lot simpler if it's a list of tuples.
I tried to print data in compare function, a1 and a2 what I got is key value so I treated them as keys and tried further operation. I guess having a proper key function will solve that. Yes sure take your time :)
I'm still eating, but this should get you started. Assuming we have data = [(0, 4), (1, 3), (2, 4)]. We can sort it using data.sort(key=lambda t: (t[0] // BLOCK_SIZE, t[1]))
The t arg to the key lambda function is one tuple from data. The lambda returns a new tuple that acts as the sorting key.
@neferpitou Ok. I've never passed a dict to sorted. I guess it just returns a sorted list of the keys. That's because if you iterate over a dict, eg for k in my_dict: it just loops over the keys, it doesn't look at the values in the dict.
My code calls the .sort method, so it sorts the data list in-place (and returns None).
@PM2Ring using list of tuples seems more easy to comprehend. I have done the changes and it seems to be working i will just test on other data and update btw thanks a lot :)
@PM2Ring I think it will fail over some edge cases where we need to sort query in accordance with RIGHT value ( which is second value in the tuple). That's because: ` All queries within a block are sorted in increasing order of R values` following that there was second return statement in the compare function to handle this case and thats why I avoided lambda in the first place. There are two conditions to be checked in the compare function. Any thoughts?
@neferpitou No worries. You should probably test it with a much larger list of tuples, at least 10, so there are several blocks with several tuples in each block.
@neferpitou My key function handles that. When Python compares 2 tuples, it compares them item by item, until it finds a mismatch. So (0, 9) < (1, 2) because 0 < 1. And (1, 2) < (1, 8) because 2 < 8
a = [2, 2, 1, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4]
data = [(1, 2), (1, 5), (1, 3), (2, 8), (3,3), (5,8)]
output: [(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 5), (2, 8), (3, 3), (5, 8)]
Expected Output: [(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 5), (3, 3), (2, 8), (5, 8)]
Please have a look at this example
Have a [look](https://blog.anudeep2011.com/mos-algorithm/):
All the queries are first ordered in ascending order of their block number (block number is the block in which its opening falls). Ties are ordered in ascending order of their R value.
For example consider following queries and assume we have 3 blocks each of size 3.
{0, 3} {1, 7} {2, 8} {7, 8} {4, 8} {4, 4} {1, 2}
Let us re-order them based on their block number.
{0, 3} {1, 7} {2, 8} {1, 2} {4, 8} {4, 4} {7, 8}
Now let us re-order ties based on their R value.
@neferpitou All the queries are first ordered in ascending order of their block number (block number is the block in which its opening falls). Ties are ordered in ascending order of their R value. Yes, that's exactly what my key function does. With len(a) == 8 the block size should be 2, assuming you round down the square root.
@PM2Ring Thanks it is working. I was using ceil for BLOCK_SIZE but on floor values it working fine :)
@neferpitou No worries. :)
@robmiller505 Can't post unanswered questions here unless it's eligible for bounty meaning if 48 hours have gone by and you haven't gotten an answer you needed
@Rez first time using chat rooms, my mistake.
@robmiller505 no worries, welcome to the room :) You can find our rules here
Note that different rooms will have different rules; those rules are specifically for this room
@robmiller505 All good.
Please also note that stars in chat don't work like upvotes from the main site. We prefer to reserve them for things that are likely to be interesting for others in the room
@roganjosh I will keep that in mind from now :)
@smci it looks like wim edited the answer stackoverflow.com/a/61356540/13062813 to how said :)
44 minutes, and my question is to be migrated :)
*to how you said
stackoverflow.com/questions/61371123/… needs more details, there's nothing wrong with their first code block
Unless it's just one of those fun tasks where they literally can't use the datetime library... but gave 2 examples that import it anyway
he could use the timeit
Why would you do that for calculating the time difference between two strings, unless you wanted to benchmark different approaches?
oh, ya . he isint benchmarking
I'm trying to join a bunch of elements which are collections.UserString instances
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, WhoWhatWhenString found
do I need to override join somehow or is this just not easily doable?
my understanding from docs.python.org/3/library/… is that this type exists specifically so that we can create (apparent) subclasses of str
@tripleee items = [1,2,3]

user_strings = [UserString(x).data for x in items]

Gives me 123
>>> from collections import UserString
>>> one = UserString('a')
>>> two = UserString('b')
>>> UserString(',').join([one, two])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/eriker/.pyenv/versions/3.7.2/lib/python3.7/collections/__init__.py", line 1240, in join
def join(self, seq): return self.data.join(seq)
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, UserString found
hah, nice
They never said it'll create usable subclasses of str...
@RoadRunner hmmm, so why does that work, but not my attempt?
@tripleee because .data is str
@tripleee Because .data is str
ahhhh, how did I miss that
Which I'm pretty sure just gives you the repr or str of that
Cant remember, been a while
but the .data should not be necessary, that breaks quack-like-a-str
@tripleee yup
so is this a bug in UserString or perhaps in join?
there's a UserString.join...
UserString(' ').join will probably work
but I need to interface to something which also recieves proper str arguments
@AndrasDeak Why wouldn't UserString(',').join then?
the whole point is that these should be interchangeable with regular str instances
@AndrasDeak good find, thanks
@roganjosh oh, I missed that tripleee tried that. Hmm...
@roganjosh bugs.python.org/issue39944 says it can only join str, ugh
if I replace UserString with str I get
relevant comment from a month ago (the newest one by rhettinger) bugs.python.org/issue39944#msg364001
TypeError: str() takes at most 3 keyword arguments (5 given)
@AndrasDeak you're on fire at finding things from the bug tracker right now :)
@roganjosh site:bugs.python.org does wonders
so do I need to override __new__ instead of __init__ (and then what abominations will meet me down in that rabbithole?)
@tripleee replace where?
in my subclass which tries to inherit from either str or UserString
wouldn't it be better if something like "deprecated-version-warning" label was available to add to some questions which use deprecated versions of some tools?
@aderchox Maybe. I suspect there has been vigorous discussion about that on MSO...
handling obsoletion is a known sore point with some promises of improvement
Similar theme; is there something we can practically do to assist the domain change for numpy docs? In my last answer, I was hit by the same banner, as in something as simple as np.ravel(), on every single method I looked up. And that banner just takes you to the new domain, so I searched in there. I found what I wanted, but I don't think that will help with Google rankings?
@AndrasDeak what promises for instance?
along the lines of "we'll try to think of something"
@roganjosh THAT is annoying as well.
@AndrasDeak LoL much obliged
reading treyhunner.com/2019/04/… I guess I should try ABC instead
@PM2Ring thanks
@tripleee overwrite __init__ if you inherit from UserString but __new__ if you inherit from str.
thanks ... should I super().__new__(seq) at the end?
apparently not
super().__new__(seq, *args, **kwargs)
TypeError: str.__new__(X): X is not a type object (str)
don't forget about the str(b'foo', encoding='ascii') constructor
thanks, though my use case is fairly limited, I just need to read a few lines from a file and add a couple of attributes
@tripleee IIRC you need to explicitly pass the cls in when using super().__new__ inside __new__.
Does your line have to satisfy isinstance(x, str)? If not, then contain and delegate using __getattr__.
@aderchox No kidding. I'm happy to just keep the new numpy domain open and search internally there for all my links and bypass google (their internal search is really good) but I don't think it will help push the new links up the google rankings. I don't know enough about the SEO side
@PaulMcG hmm, that's probably the way to go actually
@roganjosh I think if you don't get somewhere through Google, it cannot use your activity to update its rankings, unless that website has allowed/enabled a Google analyzer internally. I don't know much SEO as well though.
hey, this works:
>>> class Another(str):
...   def __new__(cls, seq, one, two, *args, **kwargs):
...     self = super().__new__(cls, seq, *args, **kwargs)
...     self.one = one
...     self.two = two
...     return self
>>> ','.join([Another('one', one=1, two=2), Another('two', one='i', two='ii')])
@aderchox I suspect it also can take into account the active links on sites, so I was cautious to only link the new docs on SO. But I bet that's out-weighed by the fact that I ended up double-searching, first going through the google result (which was the old domain in every case)
thanks everyone, @MisterMiyagi in particular
@tripleee As long as you don't need any dunder methods (which won't forward with getattr), or methods that return strs. See this paste for sample with workarounds: dpaste.com/2C3D1BK
But calls like z.upper() or z.title() will work via the getattr delegator.
@roganjosh nice new addition! It was missing a few weeks ago
If overriding __new__, is there a nice way to make sure that methods like upper() return an Another and not a str? (A quick test shows that doing upper() on an Another returns a str.)
Good old "you might see weird things when subclassing builtin types"...
Can one write a metaclass that enforces that children are created? :D
@PaulMcG I'm afraid not. Most builtin methods directly instantiate their concrete class, without checking if they are called by a subclass.
@AndrasDeak IIRC a metaclass works for regular methods (via __getattr__), e.g. join, but not for special methods, e.g. +.
A straightforward way would be to have a class decorator that creates wrapper methods for anything that isn't overwritten by the subclass.
A metaclass can do anything a decorator can do, though
True, if you use it to generate the methods that'd work.
@MisterMiyagi s4 = "seno sowt eerht ruof evif" just reminds me of "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
Which could possibly have been a unit test case
Feel free to ask for the excepted result to this. Something tells me they did not think this through.
:) I think you gave them enough to think about before we pile Cthulhu into the mix :P
Both closed btw
@MisterMiyagi so at least it could work for upper()
Hey guys, Is this correct in Django? Basically, I have 2 objects , Convo object and Message object. Convo has a foreign key to Message. I am creating a form. I want first to check if the request.user, user are apart of a convo already, if not, create one, and then pass to messages. In my Message object, I want the sender to be request.user, conversation is a foreign key to my conversation model, message is message, and date is date_now. Haven't made the form yet, but that's where I'll do saving
@Rez Please practice in the sandbox to reformat that code. I managed to correct it on my end here.
stackoverflow.com/q/61374686/4799172 needs more detail. Also, is there something to be earned from the utterly pointless edit that someone made?
@roganjosh, sorry about that. But utterly pointless is an hyperbole. But does it even give points anymore for edits?
I see after 2k rep, I am able to edit anything, earlier it use to give 2 rep for every edit accepted, but I dont see rep increasing anymore for any edit?
i dont do it for rep anyway
@MohitC can you explain to me why my statement is hyperbole?
Everyone knows that when 'programming' a complex application, you're spending actually more time planning, designing, and modelling than actually typing code... Does somebody know an article about that? That explains the ratio between planning and actual coding, showing that planning takes up most of the time?
@MohitC I don't think you can earn any more rep for those edits. I also didn't correlate it with someone in this room or I would have asked you directly. That's my bad. But that edit was pointless
Well I atleast separated out word 'html' inside code to be 'HTML file'
Its less useful than what you did but not utterly pointless
@MohitC In future, if you are going to edit a question, please at least fix the obvious issues rather than a quick edit. As you're finding, you can't gain rep from it now that you can make edits without it going through review. This question should just be closed, IMO, so either edit fully or flag for closure (at 3K you can cast close votes)
@roganjosh Cool cool.. sorry mate.
@MohitC All cool. As I said, had I correlated it to someone in the room, I would have addressed this differently and to you directly. Not the best footing to get off to, but it's been said now :)
@roganjosh Oh no, I dont mind at all. All good. and thanks
@O'Niel Not an article, but can be summed up in a favorite of mine: "Weeks of coding can save hours of design."
@MisterMiyagi I came up with this class decorator. At first I didn't like enumerating which methods needed to be wrapped, but then it didn't seem so bad, since a number of the methods on str don't return strs.
@O'Niel you could probably estimate it taking your code output and typing speed. Calculate how long it would take just to write the code, versus how long it actually took.
Writing the code is still a fraction of the total cost, compared to maintaining the code over time.
1 hour later…
this one too (1 more vote needed) stackoverflow.com/q/61367925/674039
resolver (alpha) coming in the next pip release github.com/pypa/pip/issues/8099

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