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How in the world do I remove a nested element using xml.etree.ElementTree?
how can i run this on windows?
import subprocess
import ipaddress
for ip in ipaddress.IPv4Network(''):
subprocess.call(["tor-resolve", "-x", ip])
3 hours later…
cbg guys o/
Interesting that Flask skips cache-ing for some random iterations when done in a loop.
Say there is a dataset which has 200 records and loop is running for 8 iterations. Each iteration it caches 25 set of data. It will skip cache-ing for random iterations. Sometimes for 3rd iteration it won't cache, sometimes for 5th or sometimes for 1st too.
This random behavior is making it difficult to debug and root cause it.
There’s no seed parameter? Usually randomness has this associated
Idk much flask just started out. But if it’s random there must be an option to set the seed value. Unless this randomness is from flask end
May be it will sound silly, but what is that seed parameter?
It ensures that the random always produces the same “random” value
In machine learning one does a 80:20 split of data. This is done randomly. If you set a seed you can ensure that the same 80% of data is always split into training and 20% for training. If no seed has been specified you get different data in training and testing
20% for testing you mean?
Yeah. My bad. Sorry. Even the standard library random has a seed method I guess
Thank you I'll check that
I think it could be this only
Since I am using uwsgi server
flask run is the only one I use for my apps :/ But if it works for you then yay :)
How on earth can Martijin answer all things python O_0 most of the questions I search is answered by him. I must be happy he answered one of my questions. :)
He answered: 19,767 questions. Even that much rep I don't have lol
Like someone mentioned here yesterday, he was here when basic questions didn’t have an answer. So he answered them and now they keep accumulating. And once you have a high rep people tend to subliminally vote things up. Just like some number one “youtuber” who gets subs just because he is number one. Martijin still knows way more than I’ll ever learn in python lol
I am doing Python for fun. My main role is to work on Android Framework Development and Customizing Android Build System.
I saw your blog the other day. Regex, some gradle thing. I realized that was android
Thanks for checking that out, I also wrote one for Python.
So android framework development, what language is that? Same as java for apps or kernel level stuff c or something?
Pyco something. Some class thing right?
There are mainly 4 layers in Android Architecture, the apps part which as a user we access it is Application layer below that Java Framework layer which has list of services/manager which help applications to interact with HAL Layer and Kernel. For example LocationManager, Camera, Bluetooth API etc.
@TheNamesAlc Applications are mainly written in Java, so there is no way they can understand driver level code directly; that's where Framework layer makes application life easy
Ahh, I just do basic python in my internship. Nothing fancy like you or what people here do
That's a lot for internship, I would say.
If I can say the truth in my internship all I did was time pass.
really though, nothing professionals do is really that much more fancy either. I've been programming for 18 years, nearly 14 of which Python being my primary language (was my choice, but not my choice now), and often times I feel more like a glorified plumber for helping others moving bytes from this one form to bytes in a different form
what is cbg?
urban dictionary says it's chill black guy
it's short for cabbage, see room rules :)
@TheLittleNaruto lol
@metatoaster melon
hey guys, whats the procedure for mvce when an api key is involved
@TheLittleNaruto lol, I am looking for full time jobs, nothing seems favorable here so far :/
@Skyler you can remove your api keys, you already know that, but if its something that needs the api to be called then someone who has an api access or the time to create one will go ahead and create one to try
just wanted to make sure Im not making folks grumpy by not providing a key
@metatoaster i am only 7 months in and I can already relate, dont know if its good or bad
it's just a thing, you will get used to it
please help guys
@Skyler if you are able to get a response you can manually assign that to a name in mcve, if the problem is with getting the response itself then its a hassle if people want to reproduce
@TheNamesAlc "manually assign that to a name" not sure I quite understood what youu meant by that
if you do an api call, you might get a json or maybe xml as a response, is this of that kind?
oh no, I had a project I worked on with someone that involved doing a lot of API requests on github issues. he said it was a very pain-staking process that took 10 hours for one project to properly pull all the data for some reason. Sometime tomorrow (since its pretty late), I was planning on looking at his code and making an mcve so i could ask about how to better do it
@justin Don't ask for answers to your recent Stack Overflow questions. Those who can answer are already watching the queue on the main site.
@TheNamesAlc I would suggest to work on problem solving skills. That way you can try big companies like Google, Amazon etc.
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη, when i can try this, i face command not found
tor-resolve kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion after sudo apt-get install tor-resolve in ubuntu
tor-resolve kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη, Thanks
tor-resolve kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion after sudo apt-get install tor-resolve in ubuntu
tor-resolve kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion
I am getting command not found issue in ubuntu
@justin You can use this for sharing code in this room dpaste.com Just a suggestion :)
@justin kindly don't flood the chat room with long codes ! you can share your code on pastebin
@justin aside from the room rules regarding not asking a question from main here for 48 hours, what you've posted here is just a wall of text. Almost all of it will be irrelevant to the error; you should consider how best to make problems accessible to people for them to help you. Narrow down the issue beforehand
@Jincowboy this is a Python chat room, this is not for asking Unix questions. therefor you already received an error stating that the command is not found which means you need to install it. you need to install epel release firstly to be able to install tor package.
@ParitoshSingh was that the question?
I don't know yet! I..think so, or was it?
History's dilemma
Well, thinking is a good start. At least we know you "are"! :)
Next part, should be " to be"
@roganjosh do you have kashmiri connection?
@roganjosh i am?! :P oh, guess i think, therefore that counts for something right :D
I do not. My name is terribly misleading, don't read into it :P
i think that SO need to reconsider the way of how the private chat rooms is. i think that's not good when starting a private chat room with any user and found someone came across our conversation ? there's no option to make it privately?
@TheLittleNaruto looking to start that, about time I started those, even if I dont get google at least I can get a lot of different options, thanks!
@justin please don't post fresh questions here
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη no, there are no private chatrooms for regular users
@Jincowboy stop posting the same question multiple times!
@AndrasDeak i see
There are still some things unclear to me for the Q. Most importantly, why they said (before the edit…) that they have "a list of text dataframe" but only show individual dataframes.
@MisterMiyagi The OP said they're a new user, you have to allow they don't know the right terminology
Not disputing that. Just which of the two incompatible pieces to correct is unclear to me.
Either way, yeah, I guess the dupes are adequate.
The Q is only marginally different from the others.
...and here's another unanswered 2017 asking How to Cluster Pandas Dataframe Rows by Fuzzy Matched String?
...also this, which was closed into something more basic Merge two dataframes based on fuzzy-matches in two columns
...and if we also want NA/NaN/NaT-aware matching, there's this Pandas unit testing: How to assert equality of NaT and NaN values?
Are you asking whether to dupe vote these?
I'm asking your opinions which ones of all these should be dupe targets for which. There's more than one distinct question here, e.g. Pandas unit testing: How to assert equality of NaT and NaN values? is distinct.
...and here's something slightly distinct: someone looking for pandas equivalent of R compare::compare() Compare two pandas dataframes for equality, under several conditions
Most of the above were about fuzzy-matching/comparison on strings. There's also of course the separate topic of matching floats(/ints).
It all deserves either a CW (similar to Pandas Merging 101), but CW's are out of fashion. Also, there are 2.x/3.x differences, and there will be pandas 1.0 differences with the new unified NA type. If SO doesn't implode by 2021, might be worth doing.
Just mentioning.
This stuff also gets asked from the unit-testing use-case. And also comparison between pandas.util.* vs pandas.testing.* vs other methods.
Dumping these thoughts so I can flush my brain of them.
@CeliusStingher seems like something that's destined to be misused as a vanity metric. See my comment to TimPost's answer
I've been having a problem with my code, this line in particular:
hello cabbage heads
class commandGUI(Rubik):
 def __init__(self,commandMaster):
      #Create the cube
      self.commandFrame = ttk.Frame(commandMaster)
 class menu(User):
 def __init__(self,master):
      commandRoot = Tk()
      commandRoot.title("move centre")
      print("User initialised")
It says there are no attributes for initailise cube
and so on
Oh, just figured out what it was
<a stir of heated debate and defensive abdication erupts during the code review over the naming convention... the class name wasn't capitalized>
Hi all,

I am doing a simple data insertion from excel into Mysql using python. I am able to print all the values into console but unable to insert data. getting an error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:/Office Projects/17feb/test_1.py", line 26, in <module>
cursor.execute(query, values)
er.. equivocation ..
Here is the code: import pymysql
import xlrd

book = xlrd.open_workbook('E:/Office Projects/17feb/NatureServicesFieldsOct03.xlsx')
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)

# Connect to the database
connection = pymysql.connect(host='localhost',

cursor = connection.cursor()
query = """INSERT INTO species_master (species_name) VALUES (%s)"""

# loop over each row
for r in range(5, sheet.nrows):
# extract each cell
species_name = sheet.cell(r, 2).value
have you tried turning off and then on again?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:/Office Projects/17feb/test_1.py", line 26, in <module>
cursor.execute(query, values)
File "C:\Users\Amvrin\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pymysql\cursors.py", line 170, in execute
result = self._query(query)
File "C:\Users\Amvrin\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pymysql\cursors.py", line 328, in _query
File "C:\Users\Amvrin\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pymysql\connections.py", line 517, in query
self._affected_rows = self._read_query_result(unbuffered=unbuffered)
there's got to be more info in that error message than just that munish
I am scraping the goodreads.com, I got stuck n getting the number of reviews and ratings as well as the book description.
Anyone can help.
let me crack open my old python sql code...
Number of reviews and number of ratings lies in same class. And, description is expanding with more option. I tried with selenium xpath, but not successful
@Todd I cross checked and table species_master is their with 2 columns(id (auto_increment) and species_name)
i need to read over my old code to refresh my memory
any help would be really appreciated @Todd
so you're getting a fresh cursor, then doing updates?
you're doing commits right?
let me check
still same error
oh.. I just expanded your stack trace.. the answer is right there
I am not sure why it says in the last line of error: pymysql.err.ProgrammingError: (1146, "Table 'api.species_master' doesn't exist")
you have a missing table
is that a table you're supposed to create or is that a table managed by the api?
I saw that but table does exist with just 2 columns:
column 1: id which is auto incremented
column 2: species_name
table is not managed by api, i created it separately
but what about species_master
thats the table name
when I get errors like this, I just create a simple table or whatever in my python shell (PyCrust) and execute the commands I expect to work to see what they do
hmm filesystem cache type working as expected.
also helps to have some sort of database visualization feature in the IDE to see the tables
All thanks to Martijn Pieters♦
sorry but I could not understand what you meant by that. Can you please explain a little bit.
use a python shell.. like pycrust.. or a python session in cmd/bash
then just manually import sqlite3 or whatever
and make a table
then try to replicate the failure
so manually create the table using pyshell
that's waht I do to experiment
hmmm.. ok let me try that and get back to you.
Thank you...
and if you have some way to visually see the tables using an IDE or other app, that helps
visualization is not required. it's a big excel file and I am just trying to retrieve 1 column into mysql database.
is there any package available for python 3 that can convert natural language to SQL query
it can be helpful just to get visual feedback on the structure of the tables or whatever
while you're manually experimenting
the error says the table doesn't exist.. but you're convinced it does.. so.. verify it
working on it
so, I see the comment says, "extract cells into pair", but I look at your query and there's only one string replacement (%s)
@Todd It worked. It was my silly silly mistake, Incorrect database name. I am sorry for the trouble and thank you for your time
awesome munish
always good to step through things and construct simple cases
you're welcome
Interesting mongodb pymongo lib shows sockettimeoutexception error when running on flask-uwsgi server while mongo is still accessible from terminal. And this happens only sometimes.
Quick fix is to restart the flask-uwsgi server but this is not fixing it forever.
@smci Yeah, it seems like that, although a few badges/milestones wouldn't hurt. 100k, 1m and 5m perhaps?
Wow, just checked jon skeet, he's it 296m lol
@TheLittleNaruto Yeah, but that's the kagebunshin's behavior, not really pymongo.
Fresh cabbages to everyone
@CeliusStingher lmao laurel
1 hour later…
I've got a handful of mixins that need to be initialized with arguments. What's better? 1) use positional arguments, and make the inheriting class call the initializers manually; 2) let the inheriting class use super(), but only have named arguments; 3) something else?
#approach 1

class A:
    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = x

class B:
    def __init__(self, y):
        self.y = y

class C(A,B):
    def __init__(self):
        A.__init__(self, 23)
        B.__init__(self, 42)

#approach 2

class A:
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.x = kwargs.pop("x")

class B:
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.y = kwargs.pop("y")

class C(A,B):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(x=23, y=42)
Comedy option: use identical positional argument signatures in every mixin class, and ignore 90% of the ones you don't care about
class A:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x

class B:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.y = y

class C(A,B):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(23, 42)
This one is liable to get wordy since I already have half a dozen classes with at least one argument each
It also shares the weakness that #2 possesses, which is that argument names must be unique across all mixin initializers
Make all mixins inherit from a baseclass that takes **kwargs, and copies them to instance attributes. Then get rid of __init__ on all mixin classes.
isn't a non-empty __init__ on a mixin a code smell?
^^ also what I was thinking
@Kevin The **kwargs variant looks best to me, though I'd list the expected attributes explicitly. E.g. B.__init__(self, y, **kwargs)
I basically never use multiple inheritance of any kind, so my code smell detection is diminished here
As long as object is the final part of your super chain, such a pattern also detects unexpected arguments.
diamond inheritance makes everything better :)
This is for a GUI system, and each mixin represents a way that an entity can be interacted with or displayed. For example, Inheriting from the Clickable mixin means that you will receive an on_click call when the user clicks on the entity. Inheriting from Drawable lets you render the entity on screen using an image, rather than a dull gray rectangle.
Drawable has a non-empty __init__ because the user needs to be able to specify the filename of the image that's going to be rendered
How do English-speakers read "GUI"? Spell it out? Or say it somehow?
"Gooey", typically
neat, that's how it reads in Hungarian
Yes, "Gooey". Noone ever spells out Gee-You-Eye
I suspected that there's a spoken term for it, but gooey, which is natural to me, seemed like a stretch to expect from English (on account of i usually being more like eye than ee)
I considered doing all of this with a more compositional design, where nothing inherits from anything and you would construct entities by attaching ClickManagers and DrawManagers to them as attributes, but it felt like I was reinventing a lot of the existing class system
Yeah... wonder why GUI is said as "gooey" but UI isn't said as "ooo-e"...
I recall one piece of media where a character with the name of Ui really is pronounced that way
0 credit to the English language for this though, since it was in Japanese
def match(text, pattern):
    if not pattern: return not text
    first_match = bool(text) and pattern[0] in {text[0], '.'}
    return first_match and match(text[1:], pattern[1:])
how does that return work? if first_match is false on the first attempt then surely you are setting a continusouly false recursive return
If first_match is falsy, then match(text[1:], pattern[1:]) will not execute at all, thanks to the short-circuiting nature of and
>>> def foo():
...     print("foo is being called")
>>> True and foo()
foo is being called
>>> False and foo()
clearly they arent looking for a pattern within the string then
Sure they are. That's what pattern[0] in {text[0], '.'} is doing.
yeah but this would short circuit string = "aaaaa"
pattern = "aaa"
If you're saying that match("aaaaa", "aaa") returns False, I agree. Is that not what it's supposed to do?
my misunderstanding
Incidentally I feel that this function would be 100 times more clear if it wasn't recursive
it's probably written by a random person for a random code challenge problem, so don't set the bar too high
Insert my usual rant here about how 90% of all tutorials on recursion make the concept more confusing by providing examples where recursion is not actually useful
you guys are very smart though
non sequitur
def match(text, pattern): return len(text) == len(pattern) and all(p in {t, '.'} for p,t in zip(pattern, text))
@AndrasDeak the bar seems high to me haha
@Kevin English is now the international language i guess
is there a way to reply to a particular message like in Whatsapp?
@Manik yes
@AndrasDeak got it
no worries
asparagus, is there a way to get data from mysql convert it into html using Python?
i don't want to use php
that sounds like a flask or django web app
@PaulMcG using mysql connector?
Using any of a variety of Python modules, nearly all freely available for download from PyPI. What does Google tell you when you search for "python mysql"? Or maybe "python database"?
@PaulMcG it'd be nice if it came back with: "Did you mean python postgresql?" :p
@JonClements AI have to read user brain while he searching :D lol
at a first glance, these seem like pretty different problems
it's not. he just want to collect the href links which I've actually collected on my provided answer on his previous question.
Cool... another "Yearling" badge... been on SO for 8 years now... doesn't time fly...
Congratulations :)
@JonClements 8 years...wow..!!
@JonClements How many years have you been writing code?
~25 years I guess (professionally anyway...)?
cabbage should i learn programming by understanding the very basics like computer architecture, bits and bytes and stuff or just by understanding in abstract as in understanding phrases not understanding the words?
I mean, bits and bytes are always worth understanding, but beyond that you don't need much low-level stuff
@Manik you need to know the Infrastructure to be able to build over it
@Aran-Fey poor ol' nibbles always get forgotten :)
I'd like to deny that, but I think I've actually heard of nibbles before... so yeah, I forgot about them
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη I disagree... a basic understanding helps but you don't need to get bogged down in the details until you need to... I can still build physical things without having a degree in quantum mechanics...
Pretty sure they were spelled "nybbles"
... or drive a car without fully understanding hydraulics and combustion engines...
@PaulMcG think you're right... wasn't sure and couldn't be bothered to google it :)
@JonClements understanding the basic infrastructure is very helpful to know how you will walk through in programming. to understood how threads relay on, and the speed is based on what. more advanced knowledge is completely providing a higher benefits of deep into hard codes
sure understanding what you need to in order to accomplish a task is good... but not to the point of not seeing the forest for the trees
@Manik I remember when I first started learning about floats I looked up IEEE, and it scared me away. I then used it and was like huh that's easy. I still don't know the internal mechanics, because I've never had a need to know.
I don't understand what threads rely on, and I get by OK. And I base my optimization analysis almost completely on big O complexity, which is basically completely independent of hardware architecture
I don't need to have a comprehensive knowledge of how hashing algorithms and bucketing works to be able to use a dict in Python... it's arguable whether there's any benefit to it at all
I don't need to know the internals of how my file system actually works to save/load files
There is a big gap in my understanding between "a computer executes a single sequence of simple instructions very quickly, utilizing a very large single sequence of contiguous memory cells", and how modern computers are actually constructed
(although - should I want to write some defragmentation tool... then I'd need to research that detail... but otherwise - who cares?)
that's why there's a Job for System administration.
@Manik You don't need to know the literal bits and pieces, but it helps immensely in the long run. Consider learning practically with high-level languages, but reading up on how computers work on the side.
Trying to accurately understand the fundamental basics is generally futile, unless you are prepared to study quantum mechanics, solid state physics and heaps of engineering as well.
A practical knowledge of how things work is generally enough.
@MisterMiyagi which books/videos should i see to learn how computer works?
I'd recommend learning any of C, C++ or Rust, actually.
Man, its been forever. Cbg!
That's why i mentioned understanding the basics infrastructure . etc primary memory, secondary memory. at least to know where your code loads and where your variables stored :D
@GamesBrainiac 'ello stranger! :)
well i think it depends on what one wants to do if he just wants make a website then he doesn't have to know so much right?
@JonClements Its been forever puppy, how've you been?
same old, same old mate... how's yourself!?
Well, I got a new job. I'm now developer advocate for pycharm at jetbrains.
Indeed, it's all depends your goal and what you will use the code for
@GamesBrainiac oh sweet! :)
@JonClements Yup!
@GamesBrainiac when the next person asks which IDE to use we'll know whom to point them to :P
I never thought it'd happen, but it did :)
Does it need much advocating though... don't think I've met anyone who doesn't think pycharm is really quite good :)
@AndrasDeak ;)
For most practical purposes, IMO it's enough to roughly know what L1 to L3 caches are, and how a computer word relates to integer operations of various size. That covers the most critical bottlenecks that high-level languages miss.
@JonClements See, thats why I took the job. The product does all the work for me ;)
Smart move :)
Yup, but all in all, love the team, and the company
Guess I should google caches and what "computer words" are...
@JonClements How are you though? Hows your business going?
@Aran-Fey "cloud", "AI", "blockchain"...
@GamesBrainiac ticking along mate... can't really complain :)
I think those are "marketing words"
@JonClements Good to hear! :)
But other than that, whats new?
@Aran-Fey if you have a rough idea about vectorisation, that's the most important part.
My understanding of caches begins and ends at "caches make memory accesses faster. The number of cells a cache can memorize is inversely proportional to the speedup it can offer"
@GamesBrainiac nothing interesting I can think of!
Or possibly the relationship is "The more speedup a cache offers, the more money it costs to build" which would imply the previous relation
@MisterMiyagi @JonClements @αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη @Kevin and any others melon for the guidance!
@Kevin How are you? Its been forever.
Not bad. I had a hectic week but things are finally winding down
Well, the ups make the downs worthwhile.
Glad things are getting better.
so in python functions are objects, right?
does this mean there's a way for one function to inherit another w.o. it being part of a class?
no, inheritance is a feature of classes, not objects
oh snap. i thought it was a feature of objects
cool. thanks :)
You can just call a function from another function, though. What would you expect function inheritance to do?
I, too, am intrigued by the idea of function inheritance
Perhaps you mean macros? They are generally considered black magic in Python.
@Kevin Count me in as well.
I mean technically, any object with a __call__ method is a function.
Mmm, AST transformations
if i have a series of functions that have the same arguments, something like it would do in a class (w.o. those functions actually being related enough to warrant a class). a stupid (but illustrative) example might be something like:

def onething(user_id, **kwargs): return do_something_that_necessitates_user_id
def anotherthing(user_id, **kwargs): return return do_something_else_that_necessitates_user_id

instead of re-writing the args just say like:
def basefunction(a, b): do the thing that requires user_id
it's kind of a convoluted example—but right now i have a series of functions that all take a few of the same arguments, and pretty much do the same thing with that argument (but the argument itself isn't the same function, because the functions themselves are otherwise independent and aren't related to one another)
are you aware of decorators?
decorators!!!! i am aware of them, but very rarely use them—and when i do, it's applying them (never making them), but decorators would be perfect here!
excellent suggestion
thank you :D
also, i meant "... the argument itself isn't the same object", not the same function. i can't edit it now though
I'd be inclined to just call the "do something with user id" function from within onthing and anotherthing
Certainly you can use decorators to cause code to execute before the main body of the decorated function... But you can also do that without decorators
but you'd still have to put the argument into onthing and anotherthing explicitly if you did that (in order to pass it to pass it to the "do something with user id") right?
(part of what brought this question up, actually, was that: i am anal with documentation, and i found myself documenting "args" for these functions repeatedly)
it's easier to just document the decorator once
Yes, but you'd have to do the same thing with decorators, too. Unless I'm misreading the requirements.
I would personally just make a class, pass user_id in the constructor and then you don't have to document it in the methods.
in my case, one of the repeated arguments is some instance of boto3.resource.Queue (not the same instance, mind you. just AN instance), so you give the function reference to some queue. all of these functions take a queue argument, but the functions themselves aren't related to one another (or even related to the same queue)
i think it's easier, then, to write a decorator that takes the queue argument and puts whatever [onething] or [anotherthing] returns into the queue
Just define a class - future you will thank you for not obscuring this business inside a decorator.
idk how to focus on copy direct link for my answer on a question
ops, found it by clicking on share under the answer.
@AmagicalFishy So you want to take the return value of a function and put it into a queue, which is provided as an argument to the function?
Do the functions themselves actually use the queue?
right now they do. what i'm going to do i think, though, is just have the function return the thing it should return and do the queue-stuff via the decorator (the reason i don't want to create a class @PaulMcG is conceptual, mostly. the functions are not conceptually linked outside of using a queue)
I think a class wouldn't do anything different than the decorator. Probably better to use a decorator, then, to avoid confusing future you why there is a class that magically attracts feature creep.
If it does one thing, and only one thing, it should probably not be a class.
i concur, yeah
git-flow dying, github-flow winning
What governs which interpreter is used when running a .py file from the command prompt without supplying an explicit 'python' call? i.e >script.py instead of >python script.py ?
depending system path for Python
So the PATH variable?
The PATH variable dictates what gets run when you do python script.py, but I don't think it dictates script.py by itself
Yeah, that's what I've found, which is why I'm asking. Basically I'd been puzzling over why my venv wasn't working properly, and just recently figured out why
it's about to give the caller the phone :) so give the script the ring by python
On Windows, I'm pretty sure it's the default file association
Right, I guess that makes sense!
something like code . where vscode just shorten the name of script.py by dot
i.e. the program you select when you right click and choose "open with..." and check "use this program every time"
or whatever filename :)
the interpreter is actually taken a commands to apply. so once you type a file name ! it's just not understand what to do since there's no order to apply
Melon guys!
I had a heck of a time changing the default file association from Python 3.7 to 3.8 the other day. I effectively told windows "please use c:/programming/python38/python.exe instead of c:/programming/python37/python.exe" and it effectively replied "both of those are named python.exe, therefore they're the same, therefore I don't need to change anything"
Windows is window
I had to rename python38/python.exe to python38/newpython.exe and bam suddenly it was happy to use it
that's a bad idea :| as the path of python38/python.exe is involved with site-package and dist as well and other relative on dll
It's fine, I kept a copy of the executable with the original name.
Are symlinks a thing in windows?
That's gross
I am aware of the Python launcher and I am not interested in using it because it's too much work to type out py script.py instead of just script.py
Or maybe you're saying "try setting the default program for .py files to C:\windows\py.exe, which should magically find the highest-version install of Python on your behalf"
Which is probably what I should have done in the first place yeah
nope, it's fine as your configuration
@Kevin i vaguely recall you fighting with this sometime earlier if im not mistaken
It wasn't a very successful battle from what i recall, had to resort to a name change in the end
I could be misremembering though
@AndrasDeak Wikipedia tells me Windows has "limited support" for symbolic links
@Kevin that is ridiculous
@AndrasDeak not particularly. closest analogy would be shortcuts
It certainly felt ridiculous at the time, yeah. It's not outside the realm of possibility that I missed some simple and obvious solution
@Kevin I thought I'd heard that somewhere, but I looked it up and other than the most bolerplatie PS command no one said anything bad about it.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link#Microsoft_Windows discusses both shortcuts as well as a number of other things that are considerably more symlinky than shortcuts
does windows have any analogy of the shebang
i.e. each file itself gets to specify the executable to use, rather than it being coupled to a file extension.
I'm 75% sure it doesn't
the fact that it hides extensions by default makes that even more frustrating
and I'm sure it doesn't help people who happened to download a file called like kimkardashian.mp4.exe
py.exe will still try to honor shebangs in .py files, I think
Q: Set up Python on Windows to not type "python" in cmd

orschiroHow do I have to configure so that I don't have to type python script.py but simply script.py in CMD on Windows? I added my python directory to %PATH% that contains python.exe but still scripts are not run correctly. I tried it with django-admin.py Running django-admin.py startproject mysite gi...

That's a far cry from the OS letting the file decide which program to use of course
solution: don't use windows :D
haters gonna hate :D
or at least use the Linux Subsystem
Today was a good day because I realized that all of the MS office software that I miss when I am logged into the Ubuntu portion of my dual-boot desktop is available through an online interface. So now I never really need to leave Ubuntu.
@AndrasDeak I'm this ( ) close of understanding a fraction of your understanding of SO.
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