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@toonarmycaptain To clarify, this amount is per annum not monthly. The HSA contribution limit is currently $7100, which is a figure inclusive of any employer contributions (that's a national thing, not specific to any employer or HSA provider).
Just to confirm, functions that operate on a string always return the modified or new string. This is because strings are immutable so if you use the same string again you won't see the changes the function made.
@jigglypuff yes
except I'd say "modified and new string"
does Sir Bedevere very goooood!
if the output is the same as the input then it's a philosophical question whether it's the same string or not, if we believe immutability
@AndrasDeak Thanks, it's a rule of thumb for me just to help when chaining function calls.
just don't forget never to test strings with is
what do you mean?
no: if string_changify('input') is 'potato': ...
yes: if string_changify('input') == 'potato': ...
I guess this is a bit of a non sequitur, because if a new string is returned then you definitely shouldn't use is in such a context. But anyway it came to mind thanks to the whole "return a different string" subject.
ok cool, thanks
5 hours later…
cbg guys o/
how do i get ms/ns pricision time format needed by influxdb docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v0.9/query_language/… , i tried using date.today().isoformat() but it only print date
fresg cbg
@pythonRcpp Take a look at docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#datetime.datetime.now and utcnow. There are a few other options in docs.python.org/3/library/time.html#module-time but some of those are only available on Unix-like systems.
hello pythoners
what is "cbg"?
@Todd short for cabbage
heh.. well that helps.. is this some monty python reference?
(ps. salad is entirely optional)
nope, this is entirely the construct of folks in this room
well, cbg to everyone then
sorry, brain still asleep.
Hi I am trying to scrape all the teacher jobs from this url indeed.co.in/?r=us for this I wrote the script using selenium dpaste.com/0J9YDT1 but the problem is I am not getting all the pages data can anyone help me to achieve this..
have you tried turning it off and then on again?
"Say, a situation where <= is not equal to < or ==?" MisterMiyagi/someone else is there such a situation you can think of?
I don't think any sane inequality should do that, but it can be implemented as such
just a question that came up, essentially why do we define le separately
Contrived example: what if you only need <= for your class for some reason? Why would you have to define < and == to make that work? — Andras Deak 23 secs ago
I actually have a case where <, == and <= aren't exchangeable.
Just not sure whether that would be a satisfying answer.
I'd love to hear it
Ah, I misunderstood the question, as deceze pointed out
aye, also maybe my 6 word summary may not have helped too too much
it's my responsibility to read the question :)
@MisterMiyagi well don't leave us hanging :P
if you didn't define le separately, then it would take more cycles to process..
It's related to awaiting times, and I always need a couple minutes to remember why it blew up ^^
guess it's worth the wait. we've been promised an answer.
It's for deriving expression to await points in time. Waiting targets await (time >= 2000) (at or after) and await (time == 2000) (at) are well-defined, but await (time > 2000) (after) isn't.
Since these are invertible, the same holds true for time < 2000, time == 2000 and time <= 2000.
that personally makes me wonder why await (after) isn't well defined. But also makes me hesitate since i honestly don't really have the necessary underlying understanding of async await
it's not about await in the strictest sense, it's about time. "After" means "time + epsilon" where "epsilon > 0 and epsilon ≈ 0". There's no way to represent that accurately.
Ok, i think i can work with that, that makes sense to me.
my cat feigns comprehension
good kitteh
>= is like waiting for the girlfriend to get ready because you have a flight to catch.. you still haven't given up and there's a chance you'll make it at or just after the gates close... as opposed to > time where you stop nagging her and just walk down to the hotel bar and start drinking because you know she won't get her sh*t together soon enough
well, that's an impressive message from a cat.
he's been at it again I see
OP is not getting it
At this point it seems more like willful ignorance
Too bad, their loss. I actually genuinely liked the question
i find it interesting that syntax has been added to the language for async, but there isn't any special syntax for threading
you can actually use async syntax to do threading.
but then you can just as well do proper async
i thought it was mostly for task based cooperative multitasking
that's the thing though.. we've made it easier to support async.. and maybe the syntax could apply to threading, but it doesn't make threading any easier
other languages have special syntax to make it easier to lock resources and synchronize
granted, using with self._lock: isn't bad
It has been 277 0 days since the last bug being caused by the python2/3 switch
it was a good run =/
i think there's a general trend these days with people preferring single threaded concurrency models.. like javascript/node.js and twisted
it's a trend in web development, where you're much more likely to run in i/o bottlenecks that can be solved with just asynchronicity
I'll have to use async in a project to appreciate it and understand its appeal
as I read that, I wonder to myself.. but using threads solves those problems
I wouldn't know, I tried multithreading a couple of times in python and always hated it. So now I avoid it from the get go and am a happier person for it.
i'll have to finish reading this in the morning.. it's after 2am
threaded programming is a lot more straightforward
i don't know why some people have trouble with it
to me, multiprocessing seems more straightforward honestly
well.. i've done both
but this is coming from a "i had to just read through blogs till i understood parallelism in python" viewpoint
i need some sleep.. good night guys
just saying, I had no problems writing multithreading code in C++
rbrb Todd
@AndrasDeak Ugh, should have taken the hint.
I close the tab right after, so fortunately I have no idea what happened :)
This is the second meta'ish question in the past weeks that seems interesting on paper, but has a super-pedantic OP.
People need to be more pragmatic with their votes. Sand or pearls, there's a kind of oyster that you don't want to touch.
Dunno, I'm already dishing out way more downvotes than upvotes. There's probably no value in me being even more paranoid and grumpy.
@Todd To add some more background: The async/await language support just provides suspension/interrupts. The entire concurrency and synchronisation layer associated with async/await is not part of the language. Rather, libraries like asyncio, trio and curio implement it explicitly. One could write a concurrency layer based on threads/processes just as well.
All common async/await frameworks use threads, in fact (to handle file I/O and interoperability). The real problem ties back to why we have the GIL as well: Proper concurrency (as in parallelism) requires to know "when things happen", or the functional approach of "nothing happens implicitly". Python is really bad at making that apparent, and one would have to re-engineer large parts of the interpreter to infer sufficient information.
The good part about the current async/await developments is that people are building lots of experience in the desired semantics of concurrency. Current open questions are concurrent cleanup and concurrent exceptions. Threading/Multiprocessing could basically just hush-hush these issues, but async/await requires finding answers.
Fresh cabbages everyone. Dumb question, what defines the order of the chat rooms? The time after the last message sent? I almost panicked I got banned from this chat room when I couldn't find it in the first 10 rooms
good question
@CeliusStingher actually there's sort button by active (last active user in the room) , event( last created event), people (number of users inside the room) and finally with created (the date where the room created in )
Gotcha! Thanks a lot
Hello guys, I am so new to python and I just need to run a project on pycharm but I,ve got an error, Is any one can help me please?
@mahsa you could post the error so we could help you if we can.
first I must mention the project is on python 2.7 but I try to run it on python 3.7 as the owner said it will be compatible with python 3
config['exp_dir'] = exp_directory # the place where logs, models, and other stuff will be stored
TypeError: 'method' object does not support item assignment
this line is in python 2: config = imp.load_source("",exp_config_file).config
but as imp is not exist any more in 3 I changed it : config = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader("", exp_config_file).load_module
config['exp_dir'] = exp_directory
well, first of all, creating a SourceFileLoader isn't the same thing as importing the module. And secondly, you're accessing .load_module instead of .config
@Aran-Fey was going to type the same part about .load_module
It's like you looked up how to import a module from a path and then only copied one of the 5 lines of code
Did you find this snippet already? It looks to contain imp.load_source replacements depending on python versions github.com/epfl-scitas/spack/blob/…
import importlib.util
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("module_name", "/path/to/module_name.py")
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
config = module.config
oh ok I did wrong thing I just try to replace the code with suggestion of idea, ;) and with .config I got error I searched and thought it maybe work
Thanks so much guys
does anyone know what is the equivalent of socket.io of Node.JS in Python?
hi , i have a question
what is the best way to organize a massively nested table with some modified data and others aren't before uploading

i'm talking about something like this
{"A":"a8s7d6","B":"ljk345","C":"asdasd9","D":["s1":"asdasd","s2":"4534rf",...."s10":"value" ], "E":[{"A":"as8s7d6","B":"ljsk345","C":"asdsasd9","D":["s1":"awsdasd","s2":"4w534rf",...."s10":"value2" ] ,........etc}
What is your goal @diamond?
Identify which part of the table have been changed only so i can update the database
I wonder what would be the Ideal best way to do so
please clarify what you mean by table. A pandas dataframe or dict/list mashup?
What do you mean? When it is already changed then why you are want to update it?
@MisterMiyagi its a table that have been created from JSON object that has been extracted from the database , now I just want to update it with the new changes only
@AjayMishra changed on front end only
should I add key and call it"modified" to each part of the json ?
or name each position
@diamond It's pretty irrelevant what it's outside of your program. Python doesn't have a native table data type, and JSON is a notation, not a type.
@diamond How does the POST, PUT or PATCH endpoint want the data?
@MisterMiyagi I understand that that is way I'm looking for the best method to create the json object and easily find it's location on the server
as you can see there are multiple keys with the same name and they are nested
@Peilonrayz it should be patch endpoint because I'm updateing the database
@diamond Do you have the primary key in the data? If so can you not just get the current data from the database and then update it as if it were a new object?
Are there any way to optimize any of these two version of code[preferrably the second one as it is relatively faster]? I am stuck due to inefficient code from almost a week now.
If you need detail regarding the problem which I am trying to solve please tell me.
@Peilonrayz what do u mean by primary key? u mean like adding a primary key to each level ? I thought about that but I'm asking because I wonder if there is a better way out there that I dont know about.
this python code using pyserial package is giving error i want to listen to the serial port `/dev/hidraw1`
```import serial
with serial.Serial('/dev/hidraw1', 9600) as ser:
x = ser.read()
s = ser.read(10)
line = ser.readline()```

this is the error:
```Traceback (most recent call last):
File "sensor.py", line 2, in <module>
with serial.Serial('/dev/hidraw1', 9600) as ser:
File "/home/manik/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/serial/serialutil.py", line 240, in __init__
File "/home/manik/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/serial/serialposix.py", line 272, in open
@diamond Primary key in databases. The information needed to find the data in the database.
@Peilonrayz oh yeah for sure , it has it
How to make it work?
sorry I've not been coding on python for a while i forgot some of the names.
@AjayMishra did you profile it?
@Manik please see the code formatting guide for this room
Yes, seems to me for the heap one, 1/3rd of the time is taken in reheapification, and for the first one, it is the proper placement of the element[I am basically doing insertion sort in the first code]
I have checked for 41*41 maze it takes about 0.14 second for both of them to solve.
brief cbg
please help _/\_
@AjayMishra Can you document your code, please? It's really not clear how the pieces fit together. For example, what's the purpose of node.cost, node.totalCost and related? Is node.getTotalcost reliably called to initials node.totalCost?
Sure, I can.
at a glance, it seems like your code is doing a lot if list searches. An auxiliary set/dict to track content usually speeds things up.
e.g. Open.container is a list, and you do if not(other in self.container):, only to scan through the container again in case of failure.
even `stty` gives error invalid argument
$ sudo stty -F /dev/hidraw1 9600 1 ↵
stty: /dev/hidraw1: Invalid argument
/dev/hidraw1 is the mouse connected to my laptop
*how to make this work?*
are you sure /dev/hidraw1 actually is the device? see stackoverflow.com/questions/45418935/…
@MisterMiyagi Is this fine, somwhat?
@MisterMiyagi What is the time cost of setification of a list?
@MisterMiyagi yes i used diff on ls output to know which device gets connected hidraw1 was the difference before and after connecting and i confirmed this manually also
Doing something like if not(other in set(self.container)) slowed things down.
you have to create the set up-front!
/dev/hidraw1 is the device i tried cat /dev/hidraw1 and it's outputting when i move the mouse
@MisterMiyagi do you know how to make this work?
@MisterMiyagi What's that?
@AjayMishra Your Open class should have two members, a list and set/dict
Ideally, the dict maps from node to index. That would also allow to replace the self.container[self.container.index(other)] search with a direct lookup.
Just a guess: does the second code scale better?
What do you mean by scale better?
I didn't understood your statement regarding mapping node to index, I can surely store them in set, but, what is the identify or name of the node is, I mean how should be dictionary look like?
I think I got it.
But doing by dict would be slower.
Anyway, can you tell me how the dictionary should look like?
Quick question, if I inherit multiple objects - if I do super() what class does it initialise??
the left one
If i place the parameters of the class im inheriting in the super does that initialise that particular class?
not sure what you mean
def __init__(self,master):
Is this valid?
If I am inheriting both user and commandGUI
then yes
Okay cheers
it probably doesn't do what you want, but it is valid
wait, actually, not like that. It needs to be super(User, self) and super(commandGUI, self)
how can i build a sound equalizer bar in python
Will that then initiate them separately
eh... hard to explain. You should probably read up on the MRO and super
who is MRO and super
Aran-Fey .... can you help
what about you Govind75
morning cabbages, all!
Definitely not
I am trash at coding compared to the rest of the people here
@Govind75 that is not right, don't do it.
dont do what?
Don't call super twice from your init.
yeah i haven't I realised how to do it
class menu(User,commandGUI):
 def __init__(self,master):
      commandRoot = Tk()
This worked fine
what are User and commandGUI?
They are other classes - one of them is a database the other is a Tkinter GUI
"prefer composition to inheritance"
They sound like very different things, maybe one of them holds another? why are you subclassing both into the same object?
Which is
composition is where you put a thing inside of another thing
Oh, I am doing it because I need to bring all the methods together and use them in one class
Ah that might be better
good ol' is-a and has-a and all that :)
@AjayMishra Sorry, needed to re-evaluate just what exactly you are trying to do. Just to clarify, your class Open is a priority queue?
@AjayMishra I don't review in chat, so you might want to post this on Code Review. After running the code through a linter first.
@Manik why did you post the exact same thing twice? :(
can exclamation negate a Boolean like in other languages, for example

if(file.name.startswith("something") && !file.name.endswith(".csv"))
Why should it? Try and see that it doesn't work?
neither && nor ! are legal python
hey guys, I have a function that calls an API for certain data, then does a calculation over the obtained data, and finally saves the data as CSV. It however takes quite long, so I am thinking of ways how to increase the speed (threading?). Anyone experienced with this ;)?
@erotavlas Python uses not to negate a boolean.
@JonClements perhaps you are willing to help me once again :)
@Leon There isn't enough info to help you. To begin, are you querying the API over something like a range of dates between a start and an end?
Or, it doesn't have to be a date range. But some range that can be logically broken down into blocks
I am querying the API over a range of specific tickers with date combinations
Basically a long list
The range can definitely be broken down into blocks
@Leon What part of that takes long? Querying the API? The calculations? Saving the CSV?
@MisterMiyagi thanks, sorry the computer I'm connected to is remote and doesn't have an ide for me to debug, but I changed to if not i.name.endswith(".csv") and i.name.startswith("train") that should work when I run it
Querying the API in combination with the calculations
Although I believe it is mostly the latter that takes most time
@erotavlas this room is a very cumbersome debugger
The code itself isn't that long, would it help if I put it in here? It's fairly straightforward
If you have an interpreter you have a REPL
I normally would ask a fellow co worker a quick question like that but no one here knows python :/
here as in at my company
I'm trying to piggyback a tool onto my existing domain as a blueprint in Flask. For this particular blueprint, I want to render a different sidebar for all of its routes but it would be convenient if all blueprint templates inherit from the same base.html file. This, in theory, would be a simple if/else for which sidebar to render based on the blueprint url_prefix, for example, but I'm not sure how to get at that. Is this idiomatic or should I pursue a different approach?
@erotavlas Please be aware that not is a rather basic Python feature. If you're not aware of it, there are likely other mistakes in your code as well. Consider running at least some static verifications on your code, such as flake8 or mypy.
In other words, I think it can be solved in base.html simply with the following, but I don't know if there is a hook I can catch, or what it is if I can catch it (without returning some flag on every route)
{% if some_test_for_blueprint %}
{% include 'special_cased_sidebar.html' %}
{% else %}
{% include 'standard_sidebar.html' %}
{% endif %}
I might just be wasting your time here, but couldn't you pass a variable to the template that tells it which sidebar to use?
That's what I mean about "without returning some flag on every route". If I end up with, say, hundreds of routes, it's a bit of a faff. I was hoping there was something more intrinsic that I could catch (but there may well be no other way, in which case it's probably convenient to create a new base.html)
sometimes, pandas read_html responding back with 403 Forbidden, but running requests on the same target, will pass through with 200 OK without a header involved. seems that pandas using urlib3 in background without passing any default user-agent such as requests. is it?
the docs not referring for which module used to call the web on the back-end. pandas.pydata.org/docs/getting_started/…
@AndrasDeak because @MisterMiyagi told me to read the code formatting guide so i wrote the message again after reading it and wrote it wrong again :'D
did I randomly get pingged in a edit o.o or am I going crazy, either way cbg \o
rawr cabbage!
@Manik OK. Please practice in the sandbox until you get the hang of it.
what is sandbox?
@Manik it's here - it's a room where you can practice formatting your posts
@Manik It happens to be linked in the formatting guide you were supposed to read
Just wondering does anyone know how to go about DB modeling so as to render dynamic tables on the frontend
Basically I want a global list of valid column headers for each ui table
@AndrasDeak I thought it was similar to the SO's question details where code and text are written together so didn't read carefully
And each UI table will have it's own specific column headers which you can optionally add/delete those from the global list
And obviously the row items must adhere to the column headers
Is there a way to do such a thing?
@Manik yeah, all that fluff that's written everywhere on SO? You're supposed to read them.
@MisterMiyagi Yes.
then we could prevent questions like "why is my question downvoted?" and "why was my question closed?" and "how was I supposed to know what's on topic?"
@AndrasDeak should i repost the question with proper formatting?
only if you still need it answered and you've figured out formatting in the sandbox
Anyone know how I can write "[*a]" (without quotes) in a question title? The stupid system keeps rejecting it because "Title contains a [tag] prefix;".
@StefanPochmann ah, one of the dumb edge cases. Not sure...
perhaps someone in SOCVR knows, they are good at meta stuff
perhaps you could rephrase so that [*a] is not a prefix
@AndrasDeak Ah, got it. Apparently it's only rejected if I start the title with that. In the middle it got accepted.
@AndrasDeak To me it sounded like it's a prefix of a tag, but apparently they mean prefix of the title.
@StefanPochmann yeah, it's very dumb so don't expect too complicated filters
mmm, I appear to be getting closer with bp.add_app_template_global but I really can't get my head around that little bit of documentation. I can set it when I register the blueprint but then the name becomes true for every blueprint, not just where I set it. I've tried a lambda for f but that doesn't work. The docs are... sparing on details :/
(i'm posting this again sorry)this code using Pyserial package is giving error i want to get input data from the serial port /dev/hidraw1:
import serial
with serial.Serial('/dev/hidraw1', 9600) as ser:
    line = ser.readline()
this is the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "sensor.py", line 2, in <module>
with serial.Serial('/dev/hidraw1', 9600) as ser:
File "/home/manik/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/serial/serialutil.py", line 240, in __init__
File "/home/manik/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/serial/serialposix.py", line 272, in open
File "/home/manik/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/serial/serialposix.py", line 326, in _reconfigure_port
raise SerialException("Could not configure port: {}".format(msg))
i'm trying to read input data from my mouse(or any input device) but 'invalid argument` error is coming
it's a bit weird that it mentions port 22 (which is usually used by SSH)
but when i do $ cat /dev/hidraw1 it works and outputs data when i move mouse
wonder where it gets the default from, and if the value matters
@AndrasDeak seems unrelated, not a network port. other people have the same issue: stackoverflow.com/questions/45418935/…
I guess 22 is the error code, TBH
Ugh. Thanks.
I'm 50% just blindly guessing, admittedly. ^^
when i do $sudo stty -F /dev/hidraw1 9600 it gives output :stty: /dev/hidraw1: Invalid argument
are you sure that's the correct port, and you don't have to read, say, the USB port your mouse is connected to?
please help _/\_
@MisterMiyagi $ cat /dev/hidraw1 shows output only when i move the mouse so that's the port if that's what u r saying
@MisterMiyagi Ah.. that's pretty cool then. I'm interested in learning more about it.
@Arne I have streamed in the past, yes. I'm by no means an expert on process or content or logistics.
i am first here. how should i act here?
I am trying to get onion url from onion server ipaddress using python
@Jincowboy welcome. Just generally be nice. For some specific "do"s and "don't"s you can read our rules
when i run with this syntax: return socket.gethostbyaddr(addr)[0]
i don't get onion url
I get name with result from above code
name = lookup(ip)
I don't see anything obviously wrong with that code. Perhaps an MCVE would be illuminating.
when i try except with socket.gethostbyaddr(addr)[0], i get unknown host and timeout also.
But i am not getting onion url means darknet web url
i am getting like this
None is for unknow host or timeout.
I want to know how i should get onion url from ip address correctly
Hey guys
Does anyone have experience with the Requests library? I'm wondering if there's a way for a page to return full links for a site instead of just symbolic links.
I don't understand what "symbolic link" means in the context of html. I thought that was a file system thing.
@Kevin do you have experience with torrequest? Do you know way how get onion url from onion server ip address?
so if im on localhost/spiderman/index.php, and I find a link on the page that says "../index.php"
How do I get the full url of that link... to where it says "localhost/index.php"
@Jincowboy I'm not interested in helping without the MCVE I asked for
@Barakados I think urljoin can do that.
that is 100% what im looking for
>>> import urllib.parse
>>> a = "localhost/spiderman/index.php"
>>> b = "../index.php"
>>> urllib.parse.urljoin(a,b)
I am wanting to know way how should get onion url from onion server ip address using python
@Jincowboy i think that you are asking " how to resolve to host of onion ip " ?
Thanks @αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη
you are right
Well, be informed that "Onion" is actually using ipv6, so you will just resolve the host from ipv6 as the same way of curl
Q: Python resolve a host name with IPv6 address

AmirI wonder if there is a way to use python to resolve a hostname that resolves only in ipv6 and/or for a hostname that resolves both in ipv4 and ipv6? socket.gethostbyname() and socket.gethostbyname_ex()does not work for ipv6 resolution. A dummy way to do that is to run actual linux host command ...

Okay thanks@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη I will check it soon and i will get back to you.
So should i convert ipv4address to address like that?
@Todd For a quick intro, I'd point you to my "how does asyncio work" answer. The best most exhaustive resource for understanding coroutines is still David Beazley's talk for building your own coroutine scheduler.
@Jincowboy pay attention for >> socket.gethostbyaddr is both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled.<<
I worked with it. but i cant get onion url
    return socket.gethostbyaddr(addr)[0]
except socket.gaierror:
   print(addr+":nodename nor servname provided, or not known")
   return None
except socket.herror:
    print(addr+':Unknown host')
    return None
except socket.timeout:
    return None
alright, I'll check it out @MisterMiyagi
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη, i already tried like that but not getting result
>>> import socket
>>> print(socket.gethostbyaddr('2001:4860:4860::8888')[0])
>>> print(socket.gethostbyaddr('')[0])
@Jincowboy make sure that you are passing a valid IP
What is dns.google ? and do you know onion as darknet web url well?
yeah, i am passing valid ip
i just giving you an example while am resolving to ipv6 and ipv4 of google dns
Can you show me that you get .onion url (forexample.onion) from ip address using python?
provide me with ip of any active onion url
I don't know it also. I am rotating from to except internal ip address. but i can't find out onion url in result excel
you know that you should be connected to tor network to be able to resolve ?
can you give me clear solution for solving it?
@Jincowboy no, nobody here can.
I mean, you will not be able to resolve or ping the ip outside of tor network, which means you should be on their land firstly.
Q: Python requests fails when tryign to connect to .onion site

JonesI'm trying to get a webpage which is hosted in the tor network. I'm using the following code: import requests def get_tor_session(): session = requests.session() session.proxies = {'http': 'socks5://', 'https': 'socks5://'} return ...

@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη thanks.
So after i connect like this, and should i try to get onion url with gethostbyaddr?
Ops, my mistake. @AndrasDeak is correct. you will not be able to resolve to it.
Q: .onion Domains DNS lookup

binfalseHow does Tor resolve .onion Domains? Are there also some central DNS servers in the Tor network that store these records? Is there a chance that two hidden services generate the same domain name?

@Jincowboy there's a way to do it using tor-resolve
root@localhost:/# tor-resolve kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion
good. how can get url from ip then?
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