@shad0w_wa1k3r I tried with interactive shell even I am getting error at the items like that element is not found code is this dpaste.com/26AAS8F but in the website url the xpath is correct can you help me?
cv-pls simple typo - OP just did not read in the header row, thus attempting to reference column names throws KeyError Why is Pandas giving KeyError?
cv-pls [CORRECTED URL] simple typo - OP just did not read in the header row, thus attempting to reference column names throws KeyError Why is Pandas giving KeyError?
Hello I am trying to scrap the email based on name from this search.rutgers.edu using selenium code is dpaste.com/26AAS8F when I run this everything working fine opening in google chrome the results page after search but the email I want to scrap I want to print the email for that name but it is not printing anything even I wrote the print statement can you help me ??As I asked yesterday and tried through the python interactive shell even getting anything
@stack Please don't repost your previous questions. If you are not following along with what I said previously, I don't think you'll follow anyone else's solution either.
My instructions were there so you could debug things on your own. I'll try & post a dpaste (once I get free) with things that I tried, so you can see how I approached the problem.
Hello, what is identity of an object? For example, if I have something like integer, and my list is l = [1, 2, 3] , then the assertion 1 in l is true, here 1 act sorta identiy, what if I have to do the same thing for objects in general?
I just started using selenium and got a doubt, anyone up for helping me with a few lines of code? It's more of discussing the best approach for getting some information...
I am getting some information from yahoo finance using selenium. I have a list of companies I wish to get some info, I've managed to do this by finding all the XPaths for the elements I wish to get. However, it seems that this Xpath changes daily. Any idea on how to work this out without me having to manually adapt the xpath everyday?
Well it is a so-so thing, Yahoo uses its API with symbols as index, the problem is I'm missing this symbols, so the only thing I can do is search the company by name in the search bar and then access to the information
An alternative is indeed search the company, get its symbol and use it with the Yahoo API, that indeed is a possibility.
@CeliusStingher Just remember, searching by XPath alone isn't the only way of finding a link. If you have a general idea of where to look (i.e., a certain div), you can search for link text, too.
I'll leave it to you to work out the implementation details. Also, check out the API, especially if you're doing this work for business purposes. That's why it's there.
So, for instance this is my code (simplified version)
url = 'https://finance.yahoo.com/' driver.get(url) driver.find_element_by_xpath('searchbar').clear driver.find_element_by_xpath('searchbar').send_keys('company_name') time.sleep(2) driver.find_element_by_xpath('searchbar').send_keys(u'\ue007') #Enter to select the first result in the search bar new_url = driver.current_url symbol = re.findall('(?<=\/)(.*?)(?=\?)',new_url)[0].split('/')[-1] new_url = 'https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/'+symbol+'/key-statistics?p='+symbol
Yeah, what I've noticed is that these divs is what's beeing added/removed daily which is messing up with the XPath I set
XPath has much more functionality than just ids. You can select elements based on parents, which number child it is of its parent, any tag parameter, etc.
However, given the fact that Yahoo 404's the URL when entered directly is a pretty clear indication that they don't want you doing exactly what you're doing. You could very easily find your IP blocked if you keep doing it, especially at a larger scale. Research other ways of obtaining the info you're trying to get. Yahoo Finance isn't the only game in town...
Thanks Matt, I did not know about this. I find it strange you are getting 404, but I am totally new to this, I only asked compliance and the legal team to ensure there was no wrong doing nor the company would get in trouble, however, how yahoo deals with this it's absolutely their fair game and I respect that. Since I'm too new I might not understand these signals you mention, so I really thank you for telling me, last thing I want is to get myself / business in trouble! ~Troubled cabbage
Definitely. I got the 404 when I clicked on the link you posted. It works now, because I've been on the site and have a session cookie (I'm assuming). Good luck with your work!
Any obvious optimization of this code, other than implementing the priority queue in the form of fibonacci heap? I think most of the work is being done in searching the minimum and presence of node in cl(closed list)
Alright, I've got a kind of silly question my statically typed brain cant handle. I am using VSCode and I write this line: mydataframe = pd.read_csv("input.csv"). Now intellisense is interpreting the output as a "TextFileReader", but I'd really like to see the functions of DataFrame. At runtime it appears to just create a Dataframe so I'm ignorant about what's going on here with the types
@JossieCalderon Several of the senior devs in my office use it. I like PyCharm myself, and willing to give VSCode a try.
@Govind75 Tkinter goes back to the dusty early days of Python, trying to quickly bolt a UI lib onto Python 1.x or even 0.x. Tkinter originates from Tcl/Tk (pronounced "tickle-tee-kay", hence "Tkinter" should be "tee-kay-inter", not "tee-kinter"). Tcl being "Tool Control Language" and "Tk" being "Toolkit". You might find some Tcl/Tk docs to be as or even more helpful than Tkinter docs, especially if you get a grasp on a mental translation from the original Tk API to Python's Tkinter impl.
Gosh, then 3GB is a huge memory footprint then. Even with Spyder holding data in a central namespace, I'm rarely close to that unless I've been piling things into the ipython console. I've never used PyCharm
I use travis-ci but there was controversy about that recently. I didn't have reason to move off of it yet (it ain't broken), but if I was starting a new project I'd be trying using github actions first, and if that didn't work for me then i'd try circle-ci
alright. Then, one more thing: Could you give me a short step-by-step description of everything that happens from setting up to publishing a project? Like, "step 1: run poetry new", "step 2: set up a virtual env", etc
Having trouble putting this last question into words. Basically, it's about how to structure your project in regards to... entry points, or console scripts, or whatever mechanism allows your users to actually run your program. The obvious beginner way to do it is to have a python script that imports all the stuff from the module and does the job, but of course the problem with that is that they get ImportErrors because they don't know how to actually make their module importable
So I've been offering them the easy solution of putting the module and all the executable scripts into the same folder. Would you say that's an acceptable solution or is that gross?
.whl is declarative (I'm a zip file with metadata that tells pip what to put where), .tar.gz is imperative (I have a setup.py file inside me, extract me and execute that file and it will do whatever it needs to do to install)
setup.py can literally do anything, up to and including wiping your hard disk or spinning up a bitcoin miner ...
@Aran-Fey ...or by specifying a dependency on a project which publishes an sdist !
that's why I was surprised to see dependency from github links allowed. you could have something that appeared harmless at the time that you last checked it, but then got swapped out for something harmful at a later date.
the most straightforward approach is to use the iterator directly, and call next on it to three times
alternatively you could split the problem into two, where part 1 iterates on the desired +3/-3 lines, and part two looks whether line 0 contains the key
lines = config.split('\n') # read all lines into a list
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
if "interface" in line:
This worked for after but not before
I am trying different things but not getting desired results
Ok, we have switches in our network that have configuration txt file saved on a server. I am creating a tool, that will let users search anything from all the configs and display on page
There are plenty of people who can address the Linux side better than me, but I'm wondering if there is a gap to be bridged. Andras is asking what the data is going to move on to
"I am creating a tool, that will let users search anything from all the configs and display on page". I'm focusing on the search. That's either freetext or a dropdown. It doesn't matter in this case. You have to translate their input into some action that retrieves relevant data
so the webpage has an input box where the enter lets say "Vlan101". I used that keyword, and run a sql query to the database of the server where config are stored
The server returns the config file contents that get stored in a config variable in python
I then need to only show line in the config that has VLAN 101. The page also has a drop down for lines up and down
so if user want to see 3 lines above the search term and 4 below, that is what I need to do in python and return to webpage
User enter a search term on a page, when user hits submit, the python scripts gets called via flask. The python script then uses that search term user entered to run a sql query to config server
I'm getting a sense that something is very wrong with your setup so I'm really struggling to address your problem. The best that I can suggest is that the config should be parsed into its own table so that it can be used in filtering queries. I will say that you've crossed multiple different domains of knowledge (Linux and now into Flask) and I think you've confused us all. That might be a trigger to learn more about what you're doing