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I'm trying to order things according to rules
2 hours later…
"blah rightOf heroPost",
"blah2 leftOf blah",
These 2 looks like they'll be different if the 2nd line is done before the first.
heroPost, blah2, blah <- current order
blah2, heroPost, blah <- order swapped
These rules depends on each other so I don't think you'll be able to solve your problem until you solve how the rules are expressed.
I could require the rules be ordered and fix it
But i was hoping the order could be made independent
As there is only one correct rendering of a given set of rules
In that example there are two correct answers
What happens if you have the following?

"menu above content",
"header above content",


"header above content",
"menu above content",
They render the same currently
I do some fancy stuff like swapping items
Oh wait
Sorry, that's false
"header above content",
"menu above content" gives header, menu, content
"menu above content",
"header above content" gives menu, header, content
If you're using the layout2.html example, you have to delete the header, menu, content keys from the json on the left to see where they appear on the screen
is the problem that they are underspecified, you would need to decide what comes first, header or menu
If I add a third rule, the problem is less underspecified
Yeah, my point is that your framework will need to figure out whether the rules specified are underspecified.
Things move randomly if underspecified
Then you don't get a 1:1 mapping from an unordered set of rules as input
Thank you
I think I have a bug, which doesn't help
basically why in Python, a set cannot be hashed, as there is no unique solution
your problem is that you are trying to "hash" a set into a concrete checksum which you are trying to represent visually
What you want isn't strictly impossible - you just need to come up with a correct model for what you are trying to do
one suggestion is that you can model your framework as trying to fill out a 2-D grid, and each cell on that grid must be tracked - if a subsequent rule comes in and attempts to occupy an already occupied cell, the rule is ambiguous
That's really nice idea
Thank you
One problem I find with this kind of problem is one rule can change where another already-placed thing needs to go
So I have to swap items in some scenarios
Well not swap, but move around
The codes pretty awful, i need to think how to solve this problem differently
Inserting into lists and swapping items around feels wrong a little bit
In the python version, I use a constraint satisfaction engine (ORTools) which seems to handle every thing for me, but it's treating it as different sort of problem
I wanted to solve the problem imperatively too in javascript
also as a matter of interests - ordering of addition isn't as associative as you might think even in standard operation
   >>> 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.3
   >>> 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.1
That's frustrating
Seems to be a side effect of floats
Sure, but addition should be associative, right? Yet even for what people consider as a "primitive data types" don't even have that property.
It should be
I call the framework of what i am building, additive GUIs
I'm trying to get GUIs to be additive (associative)
and not depend on order
Yeah, I can see that, all I can say is best of luck.
Got any other ideas that might make it possible?
This is basically venturing deep into the territory of mathematics really
My dream is for GUIs to be easily to extend by making statements about what's on the screen
So I can even define a GUI via tweet
Apologies, it really isn't associative, the property I was looking for is Commutativity.
Should probably be called commutative GUIs then
HTML is not commutative
>>> 0.1 + (0.2 + 0.3)
>>> (0.1 + 0.2) + 0.3
Now that shows associativity
Thank a lot for your valuable insights and thoughts
I've updated my project description, the holy grail I'm seeking is commutative GUIs
unfortunately I really don't have an answer, because what you are doing can be a PhD
If you are truly serious about doing this, you may need to reference relevant papers - what they are I can't actually tell you because I don't have the background in this, but I know enough to know what I don't know
I'm really enjoying talking about it
It's a hobby project for now this is the github page github.com/samsquire/additive-guis
There's a programming language called Bloom lang which is about distributed computing. That's what gave me the idea. In that language the statements can arrive in any order and be eventually consistent
I could reference their papers
As an aside, this was the wikipedia page that I somehow found while looking for the most general problem to what you are trying.
I use their expression, a monotonically increasing set can be always eventually consistent
Not even sure how relevant that is, but yeah, you will definitely need to refer to any existing literature to this topic
you are onto a good start when you are already working with existing literature - better than many other there that try to YOLO their way through and come up with incomplete solutions which they then sell to the world
I've got a renderer that renders but it is order sensitive, so it falls short of the commutative property and it's not strictly additive
I kind of want my desktop environment to be commutative, so i can extend it at run time without digging into a complicated code related to grid views
and menus
Can add a button to a screen by saying
newButton rightOf existingButton
Maybe I should ask HN
Ask HN
I am kind of YOLOing right now, i know what i want to achieve but i have no idea how to get there
at least you recognize that as a fact and not releasing to the world as if it is a complete 100% solved solution
It has been a pleasure to talk to you
yup, gave me some food for thought, and again best of luck
Thank you so much
cbg guys o/
@user10662977 do you mind if I can use any of your ideas in github.com/samsquire/ideas for my hobby project if it stands out to me?
TheNamesAlc, I publish my ideas so that people implement them :3
Go ahead, I'd love to know what idea you're thinking of implement
also checkout iteration 2 at github.com/samsquire/ideas2
Section = collections.namedtuple('Section', ['number', 'title', 'text'])
x=Section(1,'some title','some text')
Gives output as: '[1, "some title", "some text"]'
How can I return the key value dict from a named tuple?
thanks! I am just looking for something feasible for me in a span of 1 month, for resume
Some of the ideas are harder than 1 month
I've sat on that list of ideas for 7 years
What idea is your favourite so far?
thats what I have been thinking :/
I like to discuss ideas
Desktop Windows and File Management FeaturesI have somewhat of a script that I did in my internship, its not like a context menu though
it tracks copy, move delete, add to back up, search but all is only for the current runtime
That sounds cool
all those ideas seem "advanced" to me, are you a student or? if you are one then those would look good if implemented
The ideas in ideas document 1 are for an operating system that i wish existed
There's more ideas that are achievable in ideas2
Like a mobile app that tracks peoples wants in a geographic area
I'm not a student, i'm at work (although sick and off work right now)
hope you get well soon, I am thinking of starting flask or django after nearly waiting for a year, so maybe I can find a way to do that and one from the list as a single project, wishful thinking
You could use Django to create a blog or a forum
Would be good practice
Human Query Engine is some thing I want, randomly generate questions and collect answers
I am sadly in the category of "Django or Flask" :/
Flask is far simpler
I've got an flask app that provides login by emails here: github.com/samsquire/human-query-engine/blob/master/server.py
been doing some reading, tl:dr was mostly django teaches more about django than about development. dont know how much of this is true
I never was a fan of the django documentation
Very wordy
once I fix on an idea that I think is doable I will @ you
I've got a computer with 32 cores and 64 threads... SO my computer can do 64 things at once. I am looking for a workload for it. Anyone got any ideas?
@user10662977 if you are into machine learning, we have a nice collection of spam over at Charcoal HQ which you could explore by clustering etc ... not sure how well that parallelizes but since your question was rather open-ended I'll throw this out
You probably also need 256 GB RAM to go with that
@SamuelSquire please don't ask for help here with your fresh questions on main, as per our rules. Cc. @metatoaster
I've got 128gb RAM
I have 2 lists, each holds dicts
Is it fine to use assertCountEqual to test that both have same values?
@variable try and see
It seems that for a dict assertCountEqual only checks the keys
it checks values as well for me
>       self.assertCountEqual([{None: 'a'}], [{None: 'b'}])
E       AssertionError: Element counts were not equal:
E       First has 1, Second has 0:  {None: 'a'}
E       First has 0, Second has 1:  {None: 'b'}
probably calls assertEquals on the elements, which looks into containers
@AndrasDeak sorry what, why the ping?
what I mean was, which rule I broke?
@Arne you are checking 2 lists. but it youc heck 2 dicts you will see it checks only keys
@variable You asked for checking lists of dicts
IIRC using assertCountEquals on dict was discussed here a few days ago.
the TLDR is: assertCountEquals works on iterables, and iter(dict) gives only keys. So assertCountEquals on dicts will only check keys.
@metatoaster it's easier if people around also don't encourage that behaviour :)
Hi everyone Actually I want to try a python script for scraping images from google arts and culture website Actually while searching google I found this git link github.com/gap-decoder/gapdecoder By running this I can download some images from google arts and culture website but I am not knowing where the particular url is specified in the code can anyone please help me
line 149 and line 159
@The NamesAlc in which script
` parser.add_argument('url', type=str, nargs='?', help='an artsandculture.google.com url')` this is obtained from when you call using `python3 tile_fetch.py --zoom 4 "https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/the-water-carrier-la-aguadora/UwE2fGsMlWHuMg"
url = args.url or input("Enter the url of the image: ") github.com/gap-decoder/gapdecoder/blob/master/tile_fetch.py
@G.Lakshmi Uhm? I am not sure what are you talking about?
@The Names so I want to take another url in which place can I customize this script
@Little about web scraping using python script
what do you mean another url?
not the other I want to collect many images at a time and store in a folder how can I achieve this?
I have not looked into the full code, but if you run the command they specify what is the output you get?
so you want to give a list of urls and want to download all images using that?
yes he is taking one url and the image with that url is saving but I want to take a bulk of urls at a time means how I should customize the code
the database will have urls to scrape from, and output file name for each url
dont pass in the url when calling, change url = args.url or input("Enter the url of the image: ") to something like url=['link1','link2'], the use a for loop and move all code below that to the for loop, should work hopefully
this is my requirement how can I customize this script
@MisterMiyagi If a list has dicts as items, then in order to check equality of 2 such lists using ==, how can we sort the list's items? Is this possible? Because if we dont sort the items, then == will give False (assuming each list item (dict) has various keys)
@TheNames I am having a database consisting of a list of urls and also the output file names so, the script should take these list of urls and and download images and save in a folder how should I customize I am asking? please help me
dpaste.com/3R9Q6VF something like this
do you know how to retrieve from a database?
Yes @TheNamesAlc something like this scriptingmysql.wordpress.com/2011/09/09/…
if you know then use the that in the for loop
with the for loop which you said I am getting this error @TheNamesAlc raise ValueError("unknown url type: %r" % self.full_url)
ValueError: unknown url type: 'link1'
you have to use your image urls
@variable if you want to compare equality after sorting, it means ordering doesn't matter. Perhaps you shouldn't be using a list in the first place.
frozendict :P
Yes I got it @TheNamesAlc thank you so to retrieve from database I should write that in for loop means?
can anyone please guide me?
I am refactoring a class that is having only class variables. No methods. Class name is EmployeeTypes. The fields are: NEW_JOINEE='new joinee', EXISTING_EMPLOYEE='existing employee', PROSPECTIVE_EMPLOYEE='prospective employee'. The 4th field is a list called list_of_employee_types=[NEW_JOINEE, EXISTING_EMPLOYEE, PROSPECTIVE_EMPLOYEE]. I think I am going to change this to enum and remove the 4th variable. Any suggestions?
Is there anyway I can apply multiple functions to an iterable? Instead of [(bin(x),oct(x),hex(x)) for x in range(5)] something like mutliple_map(bin,oct,hex,range(5))
[fun(range(5)) for fun in iterable_of_callables]
you mean this? it kinda works the way I want it to [x(y) for y in range(4) for x in (oct,bin,hex)]
http://dpaste.com/020VBQG @TheNamesAlc I did like you said I used in for loop then I am getting error as File "tile_fetch.py", line 171, in main
for url in url_list:
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
@TheNamesAlc oh, you want to map each of them. Sorry.
I want the same callables applied to individual elements in an iterable
wanna share algorithm service with clients without them able to see source code but being able to run on their servers. anything possible with docker encryption or so?
@TheNamesAlc it won't get more readable than that. But note that this line doesn't give you a list of 3-tuples like your originally asked
just don't call it x
yeah, i will use islice with 3, thanks
sounds like one of those rear-view mirror situations again
that way i get three tuples every time I do that?
[[fun(y) for fun in (oct, bin, hex)] for y in range(4)] if you're okay with a list of lists
thats exactly what I want lol
kiss: [tuple([fun(x) for fun in [oct, hex, bin]]) for x in range(4)]
not sure if that's more readable or applying a "take group of threes" on your original
@RE60K yes, an additional tuple call when it's not necessary is exactly "kiss"
@G.Lakshmi sorry, what is your url_list value?
In database I am having urls table and urls column I am having the url
what is the value you get?
check if it coming as int
instead of List[int]
How to check it can you please say
@G.Lakshmi print(type(url_list), repr(url_list)) before the loop...
then see what gets printed before your error
that's how you debug (until you learn how to use a debugger)
Yes I did it cam like <class 'int'> 1
before error
so there's your problem, as the error tells you
You can't loop over an int. If the name is to be believed url_list should be a list of URLs instead.
check your code where url_list gets assigned to before the loop, and see why it returns an int
But in database I inserted an url only I am not understanding why it is coming like 1 when I print
Why do you think we will understand it on your behalf? You have a bug in your code.
I suggest trying to find it.
Hint: careful reasoning here will not suddenly change what the interpreter does.
Ok Thank you @Andras
unfortunately we don't have access to your database so there's literally no way for us to test this for you
Are you storing a url or a foreign key to a URL?
how did you insert these to the table?
through phpmyadmin
And what technology is the database?
what is the query you use to insert?
INSERT INTO urls(urls)VALUES('https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/the-kiss-gustav-klimt/HQGxUutM_F6ZGg')
Then it's not possible. MySql will require the data type of the column to be set. It will not accept strings to an integer column... and IIUC you're getting an int back for the URL
in your schema there could be a default column set
I did not understood what you people are saying
that's mostly why I didn't ask for more details
Well, I gave it a shot. Theres too much info missing for us to help you
desc urls should give the table schema, if its nothing wrong with that I cant help you sorry
most of the reason is that I was afraid we'd get 1500 lines of code as clarification :)
The likelihood is that you're looking at the index of the data that was inserted
I didnot created any id column only just the urls column and inserted the url which I specified
So the table has a single column? I'm not talking about what you're inserting, I mean the schema itself. That wouldn't be particularly useful
this is just a column
Ok, that's a very odd setup. I'm out of ideas sorry
hmm ok
here I took only urls with varchar as datatype in my table but when I print the url_list why it is printing like 1 how it is taking int can you please clarify my doubt
No. That's what I tried to do but, as i said, I'm out of ideas. A single column in a database is basically unusable. If you dont have an id column, the data can't be associated with anything else in the database. It's just a standalone list
@roganjosh Indeed. @G.Lakshmi I haven't traced the question back, but if you are using SQL you may be assuming that the cursor.execute call returns the selected data, which it does not. After executing a SELECT you must then use one of the cursor.fetch* methods to retrieve the result.
A single column table indeed serves little use other than as a memo, but it's fine for experimentation. I have an idea that learning about primary keys is in somebody's future.
Ok Now I should use cursor.fetchall() method after cursor.execute(sql)
Once see this code dpaste.com/1AD9E3S when I print the url_list i am getting 1 can you say why
As holdenweb said. You need to use cursor.fetchall() after the SELECT to get the results
re-read what holden said
5 mins ago, by G.Lakshmi
Ok Now I should use cursor.fetchall() method after cursor.execute(sql)
@G.Lakshmi So...why are you not doing exactly ^ that??
this is getting ridiculous
Yes I had done that @Andras noe getting error as AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'timeout'
@G.Lakshmi so...you just removed it, and expected the original code to start working?
Sorry Not like that I am just trying in all the ways again by debugging my code
@G.Lakshmi You have already found your bug. Well, holdenweb found it for you. Explained what you have to do. You repeated what you have to do. So...do that. and when that doesn't work we can try figuring out why and how. The error you mentioned makes absolutely no sense to me, so I'd love to see your attempt.
Odds are the suggestion worked, and your code progressed until the next, completely unrelated error.
"I got an error" is never sufficient information, even when you're debugging on your own. Read the error message. Read the traceback. See which line of code the error is coming from. Figure out why the error happens. That's debugging.
@AndrasDeak Yes I had tried what holdenweb found so now I am able to print the url so now the error comes in the for loop
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tile_fetch.py", line 196, in <module>
File "tile_fetch.py", line 177, in main
image_info = ImageInfo(url)
File "tile_fetch.py", line 51, in __init__
page_source = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/urllib/request.py", line 223, in urlopen
return opener.open(url, data, timeout)
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/urllib/request.py", line 517, in open
req.timeout = timeout
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'timeout'
This is the full traceback I am trying to find
I'm glad to hear that
@G.Lakshmi you've found it. the bottom two lines are from the urllib library. Your own code ends before that:
That's a timeout on requests. It is totally unrelated to mysql
File "tile_fetch.py", line 177, in main
image_info = ImageInfo(url)
File "tile_fetch.py", line 51, in __init__
page_source = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
That being said, that's a weird error.
Yes @AndrasDeak
Actually I am customizing the script present in this github.com/gap-decoder/gapdecoder
According to my requirement
I don't know urllib and friends at all so I'll let the others try to figure out how that error can come from inside the lib
Ok ThankYou @AndrasDeak
Actually If I given two urls manually in the url_list variable the code is working without errors but when getting from the database only this error came
Sql returns results in tuples
Yes right @roganjosh
That's relatively simple. You can print the results that are returned. However, I'm not sure exactly how that feeds into the error
Yes when I print it came like this (('https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/the-kiss-gustav-klimt/HQGxUutM_F6ZGg',),)
the urls prints like this
OK, passing a tuple of URLs instead of a single URL will raise that error in urllib
seems like quite an oversight in stdlib
Yes @AndrasDeak
>>> url = "https://google.com", "https://yahoo.com"; urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/urllib/request.py", line 222, in urlopen
    return opener.open(url, data, timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/urllib/request.py", line 516, in open
    req.timeout = timeout
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'timeout'
@G.Lakshmi so...fix it by passing only a single URL
and finding out why you don't have a single URL
How odd that it gets to that line before it complains
If I give url_list=["url1", "url2"] it worked
But the result is a tuple inside a tuple
What you've given there is a flat list
Yes the urls are coming like this (('https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/the-kiss-gustav-klimt/HQGxUutM_F6ZGg',), ('https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/1935-white-relief-ben-nicholson/vAEn4KAcs2Melw',))
I know. We're going in circles. You need to fix it by indexing the result to get the url string
I didnt get you @roganjosh
@G.Lakshmi Flatten your tuple of tuples. In other words, convert them to a single tuple or list of URLs. And then loop over that.
@G.Lakshmi unfortunately communication with you on this problem is proving very difficult. We are spending a lot of time trying to help you, and we are barely progressing. I have to ask you to consider working on this problem on your own for a while. It seems there's not much we can say to help that will go through to you in a way you can implement it. I'm sorry.
Ok Thankyou for everything upto now @AndrasDeak
no problem, and thanks for your understanding
Fresh cabbages everyone
l1_num = 0
while l1:
      l1_num = l1_num * 10 + l1.val
      l1 = l1.next
in one the solutions it walks the linked list
seems reasonable so far
but i would have thought the code given would give the wrong answer
@Permian why?
Input: (7 -> 2 -> 4 -> 3) + (5 -> 6 -> 4)
the loop you showed constructs the first number from its digits
there has to be a similar loop for the other number, and the answer is the decomposition of l1_num + l2_num
but the loop has to start at the start
hence *10 wont be enough
and you would need to know the lenght of the linked list
@Permian with each new digit each previous count gets multiplied by 10
step 1: l1_num = digit1
step 2: l1_num = 10*digit1 + digit2
step 3: l1_num = 100*digit1 + 10*digit2 + digit3
super clever
LC is so hard
im struggling with mediums still
got amazon onsite next week
You are struggling with a solution. That doesn't make the problem harder
my idea was to walk the linked list first
You could have collected the digits into a list of strings, converted to an int and done the summation like that. Dumber but straightforward.
til you find a null value
but this would only work in a doubly linked list
Well you definitely should walk the linked list first, one way or another. Since you can't know in advance how long each number is you have to parse them separately first, then do the summation, then convert back.
if the linked lists were big endian you could've computed the sum on the fly
but it would have the same complexity anyway
@MisterMiyagi IDK if you got an answer. You've not told Singleton what type S is. With the method you define it as the input, so the output knows to output the same type. I would assume, untested, class Singleton(Generic[S]) would fix your problem. You'd then have to actually say what S is when you use Singleton, foo() -> Singleton[int].
Hi @AndrasDeak I had converted the tuple into list now saving the url image in my computer but storing the second one not the first one why ?
now I am having list like this ['https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/thomson-no-13-northern-lights-douglas-coupland/tgHW8jr59sj8jg', 'https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/urban-light/5AE6CdRt5m2tjA'] but the second one is taking into consideration
I wrote for loop dpaste.com/19HBYAT is anything wrong in this code
There seems to be some problem with swagger validation - it is failing for string containing date examples since yesterday. The spec was getting validated fine earlier.
filter(lambda v: v is not 'nan', newu)
newu =[-0.57378285 -1.3198509 -1.3192258 -1.36159759 -0.58177154 -0.0139598
-0.25127638 nan nan nan 0.54036561 0.82577486
0.94075617 nan nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan nan nan nan
@Pandasncode I don't follow what you're asking
@Peilonrayz The point is that S will always be a Singleton subclass. So I'd have to define something akin to class Undefined(Singleton[Undefined]): which seems like overkill
I want to remove the 'nan' from the list. the error is use ==!= to compare bytes to str ect. Just changing the "is not" in the filter to ==!= ?
@MisterMiyagi Why are you using TypeVar if the type can't vary?
@Pandasncode yes, you should use != if they are strings. But is it the actual nan type?
I dont know what ==!= is that you've mentioned twice
@Peilonrayz Because it does vary. So far it's either Undefined or Error.
that is in the error.
It doesn't vary in the subtype, but in the base type its a type var.
What error?
the one I'm getting on the filter line.
What filter line? You haven't shown any code. Please at least give us a shot at helping you by explaining the setup clearly. We can't see what you can
I hvae shown code
Does anyone knows in python-docx, locating the title
@roganjosh there's a filter(lambda v: v is not 'nan', newu) at the top
The first line of my post above is : filter(lambda v: v is not 'nan', newu)
@Pandasncode huh, indeed. It's a scrollable window and the first line was cut off for me sorry
No worries! Thank you for being helpful :D
Does anyone knows how to locate the title in python-docx,?
They don't look like string "nan" to me though
anyways, use != for both "nan" and float("nan")
@MisterMiyagi Then use the 'overkill way', cause that works?
Is it a numpy array?
Wow, what a day
List. the way that I get newu is by interpolating over values with np.interp
@AndrasDeak it's barely after lunch, still lots of time to get worse =)
np.interp will return an array. You can see it's not a list because there are no comma separators in the printed version
I'm not convinced it's a list nor that they are "nan". I think you want stackoverflow.com/q/11620914/4799172
That's really odd....... That one example of what newu is then is ... I'm ...
When ticking off of another variable This is what is stored in newu
array([ nan, 0.00885601, 0.01712613, 0.00924569, 0.01102533,
0.00267604, 0.00298883, 0.00240304, 0.00278768, 0.01741269,
0.01685279, 0.00639893, 0.00738385, 0.01422593, 0.01272451,
0.00595777, 0.00311531, 0.00719915, 0.00485938, 0.00752721,
0.01132434, 0.00169845, 0.01068379, 0.00536913, 0.00320194,
0.01273516, 0.00671141, 0.00445194, 0.00527037, 0.00392732,
I still think the link I gave is what you want. I suspect the nan values are something that you shouldn't be getting in the first place but I don't know the context of what you're trying to do
That's why I was just trying to do a short set of code for it... There's so much. But I'll check it out one moment.
That wasn't what I meant. I mean that it looks like you're now trying to clean up a problem that happened earlier in your code
Anyway, I need to head out for a bit
@Peilonrayz I do, but I'm not particularly a fan of "works if you sacrifice a dodo while chanting the dark lords name on a full moon night at noon".
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