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On a slightly related note to browsers I just found out Microsoft developed Edge for macOS, chromium based. I’ll maybe try it out and see where it redirects me for search.
Is there no way of checking whether or not one of our own comments was deleted?
1 hour later…
@AMC Well, it would be there if it wasn't deleted.
@WayneWerner Right, yes. That does require you to remember the comments you’ve made, though.
4 hours later…
@AMC no
2 hours later…
I have done some recon and I understood enough that for my requirement "copy files from remote to local" paramiko would get the job done, my question here is if I have such remote machines on my network do I need to know which is windows or *nix so I can write appropriate copy commands or paramiko has something under the hood that does this? like shutil
Paramiko should take care of the platform under the hood as far as I know. If you talking about EOL characters differences paramiko does not take care this conversion. You will have to do it on your own. @TheNamesAlc
thanks I will ask someone here who can pip install on these hosts and try it out
@TheNamesAlc Is there a reason you are doing this yourself? There are very well-developed tools/libraries such as rsync that work well over ssh, regardless of the target setup.
actually I am open to anything, my end requirement is to do remote transfers between systems, I have been googling for an hour-ish and paramiko came across one too many times, I will look into rsync
@towc o>
cbg, just a quick question, in a django project, does the order of the GCBVS matters in the view.py? Thanks
Order of generic class based views do not matter, it is only the URL to view mapping that matters
@ArunNalla Thanks. I guess with the URL, the URL with parameters comes first. Is that correct?
I do not know if I understood the question properly, but the parameters should be the url regex and then you class name urlpatterns = [ path('test/', Test.as_view()) ]
@ArunNalla I meant this.
path('landlord_update/<int:pk>/', views.LandlordUpdateView.as_view(), name='landlord_update'),
    path('new_apartment_info/', views.ApartmentBasicInfoView.as_view(), name='new_apartment_info'),
Yeah this looks correct
@ArunNalla Thanks. Can I ask another question?
My form doesn't display to the templates. Could it be from the views.py or forms.py ?
The would be difficult to guess without looking at the code...
class CreateLandlordForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = models.Landlord
        exclude = ['user']

class CreateRentalPropertyForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = models.RentalProperty
        exclude = ['landlord','created_by']

class CreateApartmentBasicInfoForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = models.ApartmentBasicInfo
        exclude = ['apartment_pictures', 'video']

class CreateContractForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = models.Contract
(see full text)
@ArunNalla above is the form and i will paste the view below.
class CreateRentalView(CreateView):

    model = RentalProperty
    form_class = CreateRentalPropertyForm
    template_name = 'new_rental.html'

    def form_valid(self, form):
        form.instance.created_by = self.request.user
        return super().form_valid(form)
This is the list view
class PropertyListView(ListView):
    model = ApartmentBasicInfo
    template_name = 'property_list.html'

    #get current user
    def get_queryset(self):
        query = super().get_queryset()
        return query.filter(rental_property__created_by=self.request.user).order_by('-id')
@superv sorry, not able to figure out anything obvious... maybe something in the template html or maybe someone else will be able to find out something
@ArunNalla Thanks for your help. I didn't want to share all the codes because of the MCVE issues. lol.
Yeah I get it :)
@ArunNalla I have the full code here is you have a spare time to have a look. dpaste.com/2Q2ZHWH
Sure will do
@ArunNalla Thanks man :)
I am not able to post questions though moderators has said that my account is/never question banned. can someone tell me what is happening?
possibly too low rep for posting questions?
there should be a warning telling you why you can't post questions. What does it say?
I could post questions when I had 20 rep, I mean how can new users post questions then?
@TheNamesAlc by answering them first
I created an account so I can ask a question, the only place where rep was a problem was to get into chat and comment
I see, interesting
maybe that person must have been downvoted and lost some hidden rep count that makes them to not ask questions
@ArunNalla I noticed that if I comment out the qet_queryset function in the PropertyListView, I can see the new post from the form. Why could that be an issue as the idea of the function is to get the post of the current user?
there is no rep limit for asking questions
there is no rep limit for asking questions
It says we are no longer accepting questions from this account
there is no rep limit for asking questions
did you show that to a mod?
maybe you asked too many questions for one day
did any of your questions get deleted?
there is no rep limit for asking questions
It says we are no longer accepting questions from this account
I'm guessing you're experiencing some network difficulties
I thought it was impossible to send the same message twice in a row, on SO chat
I think i deleted the question asked earlier becoz it was not answered.
How to contact moderator
hmm, every moderator I know seems to have stepped down
@It's_me why did you post that message 4 times here?
network issue
ah, nevermind, towc got it right
yeah, you shouldn't be able to post the same message twice in a row
@It's_me ping any of these people: stackoverflow.com/users?tab=moderators
NO don't ping them
@towc stop suggesting that to people right now
well not all of them
how should one handle it?
@It's_me moderators can be contacted with custom moderator flags, period.
@towc like that ^
I've always just pinged madara for whatever issue I had
Hi, this isn't a specific python question but hoping someobe here could help - I have notepad++ which i use for .txt files to default open - however i have files that are named e.g. INDIE.ZR06649.REPLY.20200203.154424 and I would like to associate any files beginning with "INDIE*" with notepad++ is this possible in windows?
@towc yes, that was Madara and you knew him. Randos shouldn't ping mods.
@AndrasDeak even when it's not a chat-related issue?
@towc especially then
custom moderator flag means @AndrasDeak
where even are these flags?
@towc blowing in the wind
I assumed you meant the ones on the right hand side of chat messages, but I guess not
@It's_me see the "flag" link under any of your own posts, if you click there's a bottom option where you can write a custom message
@towc you know what flags on main are, yes?
now I do
I never came across them
I'm a horrible user
you are :P
I've been on the platform for 7 years now
that's not helping your case you know
I'm just baffled
you and me both ;)
well, I guess I have to thank madara for always being on top my issues
@AndrasDeak is there any other way of contacting moderators without flagging question/comment?
@It's_me no
but flagging your own posts is accepted practice for when you want something that doesn't actually have a post attached to it
Jan 16 at 19:14, by Andras Deak
please see our code formatting guide for chat and practice in the sandbox if necessary
@AndrasDeak would be nice to pin another message, where the sandbox is also a link
@towc no, the sandbox is linked in the guide. It's a filter for people who didn't read the guide.
thanks for taking your time to do it right, @Vasilis
yes I want to see first if what I want to ask is feasible
sure thing, there's no rush
I flagged my own question to talk to moderator
The thing is, moderators are typically not there to chat with. They are human exception handlers. Exceptions can be conveyed with flags.
@It's_me you can monitor your flags here, you'll see if it gets handled with a message from the mod. Or some action being taken, if necessary.
oh, I have 2 helpful flags
from 2017
Thanks @AndrasDeak really helpful
@JonClements Thank you for this! That was an experience!
I need to ask one more question if someone has provided twitter or other contacting account in their profile is it ok to contact them?
flag again
@towc ?
make another flag, asking the second question
@It's_me yes unless you want to bother them with official mod business. Mods should be contacted with mod business via flags. And only flags.
cbg guys o/
@AndrasDeak "moderators are typically not there to chat with" - darn it... no one told me that :p
@JonClements too bad :P
where's that from?
I want my trophy
I don't know what any of those stats mean, but the numbers are high, so that's good I guess
Suppose i have a nested dict like follows:
nested_dict = { 'dictA': {'key_1': 'value_1'},
                'dictB': {'key_2': 'value_2'}}
and I do -> x = nested_dict['dictA']
Does the x point to the original list or is it a copy. If copy then shalow or deep copy. How can I find this out myself?
then x is a reference, and mutations will reflect
Ah, how to find out yourself? simple rule, all assignments are references. Every single one. even for immutable types.
When in doubt, you can use the id function though to check (oops! ty Arne)
@JonClements lol
@ParitoshSingh s/is/id/?
Yikes! ty
uh, well, is works no?
Im just confusing myself at this point. Use either id or, directly compare if they're references by using is. There.
I know that it is not good to delete item from list or dict when iterating over it. But how about when iterating over a nested dict can I delete item when iterating over it safely
Well, if you have a fundamental understanding of why it's bad to delete things, you can probably figure out when it's safe vs when it isnt
@variable as long as you don't delete from the container that you're iterating over you're good, i.e. manipulating its elements is fine
Ok while I am iterating a nested part of a list, I was planning to delete item from that list with end goal that original dict will have the item deleted. I now get it that it is not good idea
@ParitoshSingh Can you help in understanding why it is bad to delete from list or dict? Because in one instance we are deleting some of the key-values and reassigning the values to new keys.
@variable WHen I need to do this, I iterate over the dict and keep a list of the keys to be deleted. Then I iterate over that list and delete the keys in the dict. So I never delete from a dict (or list) while iterating over it.
@TheLittleNaruto It is okay to modify a value that a key points to in a dict while iterating over the dict. And it is not a bad idea to delete from a dict, just a bad idea to delete from it while iterating over it.
@PaulMcG What's difference? Isn't it doubling the effort?
The difference is that you are safely modifying the dict while not iterating over it.
@variable Consider using a comprehension if your goal is to "remove" items during iteration. Comprehensions lends themselves more naturally to not doing the wrong thing.
^^ +1. I was just about to say the same.
By comprehension you mean: iterate_over = { k,v for k,v in original_dict.items() }
And then when iterating over the iterate_over variables, I must delete from the original dict?
I guess that's what he meant
No, it would look like: reduced_dict = {k:v for k,v in original_dict.items() if not ... whatever condition means you want that key-value deleted... }
This does not modify the original dict, it creates a new one. The last step is to then assign this back into your nested dict at the original_dict's key.
Got it now.
Out of curiosity, below code uses a copy of dict (.items()) to iterate, so why it it giving exception that original dict was modified?
for key, value in result["nested_level_1"].items():
	if not key == exp_value:
		del result["nested_level_1"][key]
In your example, it might look like this (delete all items that end with an odd number): nested_dict['dict_A'] = {k: v for k, v in nested_dict['dict_A'] if k[-1] not in "13579"}
We turn it around, actually. We don't really delete the items with odd-numbered keys, we just keep the ones that don't.
@variable items() is a view into the dict, it isn't a copy.
(IIRC, in Py2 it was a copy.)
This is good if the list is not super-large. But if you are going to filter out 2 or 3 items out of 5 million, then maybe better to build a list of the keys to delete and then iterate over that list to delete the keys from the original dict (as I described earlier).
yes, py2 has items (a list copy) and iteritems (a view reference)
Wuh???!! I never heard of viewitems. Oh you mean iteritems().
It has been a while
looks around innocently
indeed, that was embarrassing. ^^ My Py2Foo has left me, it seems.
Python 2.7.12 (default, Nov 19 2016, 06:48:10)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> dict.viewkeys
<method 'viewkeys' of 'dict' objects>
>>> dict.viewitems
<method 'viewitems' of 'dict' objects>
Help on method_descriptor:

    D.viewitems() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items
wait, they had all three of items, iteritems and viewitems?
archaic times indeed
Was this intended as some kind of bridging API, to help people write code that would more easily migrate to Py3 eventually? Use viewitems in Py2 as a view, then change it to items in Py3?
I think the only time I used one of the view* jobbies was for stuff like: dict1.viewkeys() & dict2.viewkeys()
@PaulMcG IIRC they were back ports (introduced in 2.7) because views are usually just better.
unless someone tries to delete their own foot while walking with it, of course.
Ah, makes (some) sense. Not totally clear on the distinction between view* vs iter* methods though. I don't think I've ever used items() or keys() as anything other than an iterator over the dict.
So Py2 had .keys() which returned a list - which is now list(d)... then as @MisterMiyagi mentions... to path the way for Py3 .keys() being "set-like" - Py2 got .viewkeys()
@AndrasDeak OK, that may not have been a revenge downvote. Downvote yesterday, question roombaed today...
@PaulMcG Most cases of keys and friends are for iteration, so not making lists was a huge gain. The iter* are just raw iterators, no length or set merging or any fancy stuff. So view* basically combined all the good of iter* with all the capabilities of the bare ones.
is there a close reason for "wow, your Python is really old"?
I want to save a dict to a file. I have opened the file in wb mode. But I get error that a bytes-like object is required, not 'dict'; same error for str. How to convert a dict to bytes?
Is there any reason one would return in a generator? Or it’s only applicable for None? I always assumed yield took its place, in a way( not referring to the hold and execute after yield part)
I remember writing a generator that returned something other than None, but I don't remember why
Use temp=json.load(your_dict) then use that in json.dump(temp,open(‘file’,’w’)) is that what you want?
@TheNamesAlc return signals that the generator finished
Use context managers
@variable Lazy solution: str(the_dict).encode(). The correct approach is to use a serialization module, such as pickle or json.
But that way I loose the nice formatting of the dict and it gets saved to the file as a signle line. ANy way I can keep the formatting
@TheNamesAlc json.load takes a file object, not a dict.
@Kevin in before "I have this json file but the quotes are all wrong"
@variable why do you want to keep the formatting in a binary file?
@variable json.dump has an argument indent which controls whether the output is on one line or not
All that said, I'm not actually sure whether json.dump works on a file object that was opened in "b" mode.
Is there a particular reason you're using "wb" rather than "w"?
@AndrasDeak Don’t we already get StopIteration when generator is exhausted? Is there any reason one would want to end a generator with a return? My mind just goes to some generator where you’d end it if a certain value has met your condition. :/
@TheNamesAlc return <value> is useful for coroutines, i.e. yield from and await style programming. It's been a while since I've seen anyone doing yield from coroutines, though.
does anyone know or is moderator here? my issue is still pending
Is it OK to use == to check if 2 dicts are same, irrespective of key order?
Even if they are separate objects?
To jigglypuff: Remember asking how a class could call a function exterior to the class but located in the program where the class is defined? I really liked your question because I did not know or even think that this was possible. I thought the methods would be out of scope to the class. Well, now I have found two ways that this is possible. (I believe you found one of the two because you later said that your mistake was a simple typo.) It can be achieved by defining the exterior function before the class is defined, and then calling it directly from within the class; or you can pass the m
(see full text)
@variable if they're not separate objects, why check for equality in the first place?
what's up guys..
For a dict, does assertCountEqual (docs.python.org/3.2/library/…) check only keys? or both keys and values?
@MisterMiyagi Am I correct to understand that it checks only keys and not values
AssertCountEqual takes "sequence" objects, aka lists. Lists do not have keys and values.
@Kevin dict is a sequence. so does it mean only keys?
... Are dicts sequences? I can never remember where this is formally documented
@variable == on dicts checks both keys and values
Before I learned about dictionaries, I used pairs of lists to do the same thing. One list held the 'key', the other held the 'item'. Dictionaries are so much nicer.
@Kevin decently sure they're not
Where does Python keep the fake abstract parent classes again... It's not abc, is it...
>>> isinstance({}, Sequence)
@Kevin collections.abc
Mystery solved.
@variable Ok, so we've established that dicts aren't sequences, so the behavior of AssertCountEqual is undocumented* when you give it two dicts. I can't check right now, but if I had to speculate, I would guess that it compares only keys. Code that expects a sequence often interacts with the object by iterating over it, and iterating over a dict gives you only the keys and not the values.
(*or undefined or implementation-specific or whatever you want to call it)
Since a dict is guaranteed to never have a duplicate key, there isn't much point using AssertCountEqual on it. Surely there's an existing unittest method that's a better fit for whatever you're trying to do... How about assertEqual?
@It's_me wait patiently. It usually doesn't take more than a few weeks for a flag to get handled.
@It's_me And if I see you testing the waters here again about bugging mods you're getting kicked.
then where to ask questions?
Reddit or quora.
If you're thinking "but assertEqual checks both keys and values. I want to check only keys", perhaps you could do assertEqual(dict_a.keys(), dict_b.keys()).
can we ask code realted question on quora?
Ask people on quora.
sometimes I miss having certain buttons to click on... whistles
That's a new one... A recent post on the main site asks why a is 1 doesn't assign the value 1 to the name a
baba is you...
I wonder if there are any languages where is is the assignment operator.
Guys I question, I am not sure if it is plausible. I would like to rearrange the keys of my dictionary.
thisdict = {
1: "Ford",
3: "Mustang",
2: 'ferrari'
but have as an output the same dictionary just with the values rearranged
sorted creates a new list. it doesn't change the dict keys, least of all the dict itself.
Is there another way? or what I am trying to do is not duable
Semantically, dicts aren't "supposed" to have an order, so they make it intentionally difficult to rearrange keys in a dict. You should carefully consider whether you really need a sorted dict.
But yes, it's possible. (in modern versions of Python)
>>> thisdict = {k: thisdict[k] for k in sorted(thisdict.keys())}
>>> thisdict
{1: 'Ford', 2: 'ferrari', 3: 'Mustang'}
or dict(sorted(thisdict.items()))
Insert handwave here about how that has slightly different behavior when the dict contains keys that compare equal, to cover the fact that I just didn't think of that approach
Thank you guys, btw @Kevin what would you use instead of a dictionary in that case? I am new in python so it could be handy in the future
@Vasilis first you should explain why you think you need ordered dicts
I think the most justifiable reason to want a sorted dict is "I'm about to display the dict to the user and I want it to look nice"
Often there's confusion about representation of data vs. presentation of data. Typical example is "I want to truncate my float to 2 decimal places" whereas the user actually wants "I want to print my float to 2 decimal places"
I had used parsing and I passed some values into dictionaries. Now I want to combine some of this dictionaries and that's why I used sorting
@Vasilis that's not a reason as far as I can tell
Hm? You don't need to sort dictionaries in order to combine them.
Kevin speaks for me :P
>>> a = {1:2}
>>> b = {2:3}
>>> a.update(b)
>>> a
{1: 2, 2: 3}
Tadaa, combined
@Kevin pprint will display a dict with keys in sorted order
... Or do you need some kind of custom logic to handle when both dictionaries have the same key? You can also do that without sorting.
thank you Kevin let me work on the things you said already
When debugging with pdb, I'll often do pprint(vars(thing))
because I used sth different
@Vasilis as always if you want to clear ambiguity you should present a short MCVE that explains why you think you need sorting
Which is great except when thing has an instance var that is a list containing 1000 items, then not so good
@AndrasDeak I will keep it in mind, I will back shortly
Today I am annoyed that googling "Python hash" gives zero links to docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#hash on the first page of results
Any recipe links?
(as in "cooking", not "code")
@Kevin but in well-behaved code, you can't have two keys in a dict that compare equal, because two objects that compare equal are supposed to also have the same hash. You're describing a scenario that should never happen.
I thought that sounded weird when you posted it...
And how did you reply to yourself? I don't get the "Reply to this message" option on my own posts.
@PaulMcG what types of recipes you looking for?
As you say, there's no "reply to message" option for me, either. I went to the message above mine, clicked "reply to this message", and manually replaced the message id with my own message id.
@AndrasDeak ... or... pprint(thisdict) ?
I forget, is it well-defined which comparison operators need to be implemented in order for sorted to work? Is it just __lt__?
__lt__ is enough, also for min, max and friends
@JonClements for printing yes, but I wasn't talking about printing
@Andras ahh okay - my bad...
@biggi_ I was just commenting that "Python hash" could take on meanings other than a hash function in Python, and so Google might give some interesting alternative links.
The sort routines are guaranteed to use __lt__() when making comparisons between two objects.
I'm trying to contrive a numerical type where (a < b) == False and (b < a) == False does not imply that a == b. I'm not sure that's a real mathematical concept though.
I need... antiantisymmetry
Two numbers might not be pairwise ordered wrt. a partial ordering
@Kevin I thought you might try complex values, but '<' is not supported for complex type.
@Kevin as in.... symmetry?
All partial orders are antisymmetric, apparently, so most likely the type I'm imagining wouldn't make sense to sort
it works for sets, though
should be doable for areas/volumes/... as well, if you define < as "fits inside"
basically any R^n (n > 1) with some notion of || can do
Hmm, after playing with frozenset, I think not even antiantisymmetry can dig me out of the hole I dug myself into
Recap: I'm looking for a dict object where these functions return different values:
def kevin_sorted(d):
    return {k: d[k] for k in sorted(d.keys())}

def andras_sorted(d):
    return dict(sorted(d.items()))
But even frozensets, with their wacky less than behavior, don't do what I want
If anyone would like to take another swing at my "safe eval" arithmetic evaluator (ptmcg.pythonanywhere.com/arithrepl), I tightened it up based on experience from last time. I also pushed the underlying plusminus module version 0.1 to PyPI. The GitHub repo examples dir includes DiceRoller, Combinatorics, and DateTime arithmetic parser/evaluators.
@Kevin nan doesn't help :(
So it goes.
Hello python friends ! :) I'm trying to develop a web app that provide a video stream for each client that connect to the application, and the video stream is affected by user input.
Regarding that, I was trying Flask, and I found this, I'm not quite sure if I understand the comments of this question properly : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39767778/concurrent-video-streams-with-flask
Does that mean I cannot do what I want with Flask ? ie Having a video stream / client with Flask ?
Thank you.
(see full text)
@PaulMcG That's pretty cool :)
@PaulMcG Hmm, it doesn't presume the magnitude? ie mag xi+yj = root(x^2 + y^2)
No, you have to abs() them to get the magnitude, but then you are just comparing floats again.
If < was implemented for complexes, they'd probably want to guarantee that real_a < real_b implies complex(real_a) < complex(real_b)
If we went with magnitude, then complex(1) < complex(-2), which violates that guarantee
That's fair I guess. It doesn't unfair that for complex numbers without imaginary parts it would defer to the regular operator. I haven't used complex numbers in awhile, so that may have some implications I'm oblivious to.
lazy solution: a < b if and only if (a.real, a.imag) < (b.real, b.imag)
So this makes sense to me:
complex(4) > complex (2) > True
complex(4) > complex(-2 + 1i) > True
complex(24) > complex(-2 - 2i) > True
complex(24) > complex(6 - 6i) > False
I can't read most of math.stackexchange.com/questions/487997/… but I think it's saying that inequality operators on real numbers have a number of intuitive properties, and you can define inequalities for complexes so that you get some of those properties, but not all of them.
But maybe there's some abs or something that basically takes the magnitude of the vector/multi-dimensional scalar rather than a single property. I always understood complex numbers (with imaginary parts) as essentially a vector or 2d scalar.
I believe my lazy solution satisfies i and ii, but not iii
@Kevin Any order difference for these depends on values, not keys
they keys will be sorted exactly the same in both cases, since sorted is stable
I'm not sure what you mean by "the magnitude of the vector/multi-dimensional scalar rather than a single property". Are you saying this function should return a tuple? What would it return for 1-1j, for example? (1,-1)?
I also understand complex numbers to be essentially a vector. abs(1-1j) returns the square root of 2, which also happens to be the magnitude of the vector <1,-1>. So that at least is consistent.
complex numbers can be represented as both a + bj and z e^{i\phi} and you get wildly different contradictions when you try to "order" either.
point is, they're two-dimensional and total ordering is inherently one-dimensional.
meh... "one, two, many, lots" - we don't need to complicate numbers, surely? :p
so if you define some total ordering for complex, you always have one degree of freedom left that squats on your couch and makes rude comments about your hairstyle and/or weight.
@JonClements it's too warm in my office to think that through... :P
Hello CBG
hi hello
'abbage there, mate!
@toonarmycaptain it actually is abs, both in math and in python
@MisterMiyagi For well-behaved dicts that don't contain duplicate keys, I agree with you. But if you contrive a scenario where k1 == k2 and hash(k1) != hash(k2), then you can force different orderings. Example
I am aware that this violates the requirements of what a "hashable" object is supposed to do
@Kevin That's because "Y" < "Z".
you sort the keys, Andras sorts the key,values
It wasn't clear to me earlier whether breaking hashability was necessary to force different orderings, or merely the most convenient way to do so. My explorations with frozenset et al lead me to believe that breaking hashability is necessary.
def miyagi_sorted(d):
    return dict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[0]))
@MisterMiyagi Yes, I know. I worry that I haven't explained myself very effectively, since the basis of the thought experiment is "how can I exploit the difference between sorting by key, and sorting by (key,value)?"
To the MCVE mobile!
Ruprecht all the way
1 demerit to unittest.TestCase.setUp for having a camelCased method name
unittest is all in camelCase - owing to its junit origins
Blame Kent Beck
1 demerit to Kent Beck
Ah, the famous programmer whom black was named after, to fix all style mistakes.
black is a portmanteau of "(bla)me Kent Be(ck)"
^^ closed
Sanity check: there's no way to redefine dunder methods for built-in types such as str, right? No way I can do "foobar"()?
does it have to be portable?
For my real problem, yes. But on an academic level, I'd still be interested in seeing a non-portable approach.
Love me some bytecode-modifying monstrosities or whatever
@Kevin I'm slightly surprised that this is not a syntax error to begin with
no good reason why it should be, just aesthetics
Similarly, I'm surprised that str.__call__ doesn't give AttributeError, although I bet it will make sense to me if I think about it for more than thirty seconds
Probably something along the lines of "object has a definition for all dunder methods, even if most of them are just raise TypeError("You can't do that to an object"), because otherwise the inheritance system acts weird"
With a side bet of "the inheritance system would work fine, but "foobar"() would crash with AttributeError: __call__ instead of TypeError: 'str' object is not callable and the latter is clearly preferable"
@Kevin forbiddenfruit allows adding a call method to str, but not to replace __call__.
Though I don't see why that should be impossible per se
Boy am I learning a lesson. I'm working on tacking a database to an app I wrote awhile back (rather than JSON/txt files). I decoupled the UI from the logic pretty well when I built it. The persistence layer...more of a solute in the logic.
str.__call__ is coming from type
it's "".__call__ that is the attribute error
we still need str itself to support str()
@Kevin it seems that __call__ isn't mapped. curse(str, '__len__', lambda self: 5) works as expected.
str() is equivalent to type.__call__(str), isn't it? Or did I take the wrong turn at Albuquerque...
@Kevin Apparently TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 'str'
So in principle you should be able to delete str.__call__ and still be able to do, say, str([1,2,3])
str.__call__ is used for "Kevin"(), but type.__call__ is used for str("Kevin").
Ok, makes sense
So I have a list of .ipynb files, and in one of those I exported a file with a certain filename.. but I forgot in which one. Does anyone know a convenient way of searching through that list of notebooks for that specific string?
You can actually throw stuff into str's __dict__ (if you know the right place to find it). This will allow you to do stuff like "hello".call(). It won't help you to do "hello"() though, because that doesn't look in the dict.
Hmm, I thought type.__call__ would be a lot more complicated
It's basically just "make an object, call __new__ on it, call __init__ on it, return it"
>>> import gc
>>> gc.get_referents(str.__dict__)[0]['call'] = lambda self: print("monkey!")
>>> "hello".call()
I'm not sure if this same idea can be extended to type, maybe you can in pypy but I would strongly doubt it in CPython.
anyway, if you want these kind of features, use not python. anything goes.
The question this was for is now closed, so my interest is now only academic
@user129412 isn't ipynb basically json? In that case you can just use grep
I don't think OP was even interested in changing the behavior of built-in types, to begin with. I was just planning ahead for the inevitable "one more thing..."
But that turned out to be evitable, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Kevin So None?
Before Python can call a(), it must first call type(a).__call__(a). But before Python can call type(a), it must first call type(type).__call__(type, a). But before Python can call type(type), it must first call type(type).__call__(type, type).
nah, methods are not syntactic sugar.
Therefore Achilles never overtakes the tortoise a function has never successfully executed
The key word in the documentation, I expect, is "x[i] is roughly equivalent to type(x).__getitem__(x, i)"
The lies-to-children explanation of dunders skips the bits that ensure you don't recurse forever
What CPython actually does during a function call is incomprehensible to me, mostly because call_function calls _PyObject_Vectorcall, and I can't find _PyObject_Vectorcall's definition anywhere
Ten demerits to Github, for once again having seemingly useless search results
This might be one of those situations where the function definition doesn't include the function name in plaintext because it's using preprocessor directive trickery to create it at compile time, but that's usually for platform-dependent types and stuff. I do not consider PyObject to be a platform dependent type.
Could it be due to "showing the top [two] matches"? There might be more relevant matches in a file lower down.
Possibly. Five minutes ago I couldn't easily find the TARGET directive for CALL_FUNCTION because the search results for ceval.c only showed the first two hits.
But nonetheless it's there.
at least ceval.c is a usual suspect
ceval.c is a real chonker so many things may be hidden in its depths
I continue to pine for a "go to definition" shortcut in Github. Devs, please do the needful.
that's a thing now for some repositories
it seems it isn't a thing for .c files, just .py, and not all
you can hover over the function name in github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/bisect.py#L46 and it will pop up. I can try looking for a function defined elsewhere
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