@jigglypuff other alternatives are, as you say, some time of settings or conf file that you load in script2. Or you can accept a command-line argument that gives the path to the JSON file.
@Code-Apprentice script2 takes the output directory of where script1 has put the files, but it's the names of those individual files which I don't want to hardcode. And I'd rather not have to pass each files name individually to script2.
but yeh I'll consider that settings file, perhaps it'd be useful elsewhere in my package.
I think the walk solution will work, the contents of the JSON files are used to populate a jinja template, so it doesn't really matter what files the JSON data comes from
@wim Ok, there's no drop-in replacement for .walk, but there's .glob, .rglob, and .iterdir
@jigglypuff Yes. I'm suggesting that you might as well use JSON to store those file names, rather than some other config file format. But if you just need a bunch of file names, there's no harm in just writing them to a plain text file, one file name per line. Of course, that scheme doesn't handle file names that contain newlines (unless you store quoted file names), but only crazy people put newlines in file names. ;)
Path.glob is a replacement for glob.glob, Path.rglob is replacement for glob.glob(recursive=True), Path.iterdir is a replacement for os.listdir. As far as I know there is nothing powerful enough for a replacement of os.walk in there.
Cool I was wondering if we should do a new one to clean up the dead accounts but the good thing about dead accounts is that even I won't be in last place :)
@Dodge Technically, each user may have zero or one private leader boards, which something like 200 people can join. Someone just happened to donate their board to the cause here.
@AndrasDeak I'm sorry you took it in this way, my message had more the goal to thank the person who helped me. And ofc, I don't expect anyone, you including, to write code for me. I hope we'll be able to help each other in the future! Have a nice day
opinions please on monkey patching vs inheritance for modifying base class functionality a little, with this example here of extending an sqlalchemy model base class with a nicer __repr__:
Base = declarative_base()
Base.__repr__ = (lambda s: f"{s.__class__.__module__}.{s.__class__.__name__}({s.id})")
class Customer(Base):
# vs
Base = declarative_base()
class ExtendedBase(Base):
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}({self.id})")
class Customer(ExtendedBase):
@Aran-Fey is this Cunningham's law again? Get people to invest into you because they can't stand seeing you do a bad job?
@IljaEverilä but that decorator is only needed when accessing attributes that are specific to the sqlalchemy (meta?)class, right? Or is it good style / sane to always use it?
@Arne The point was to use the cls argument of declarative_base() to provide a class with additional behaviour, such as your __repr__(), to base the Base on :)
Iow no need for monkey patching.
There's also the as_declarative() class decorator, which achieves the same a bit differently.
In addition, the ExtendedBase approach would fail with InvalidRequestError due to missing __table__ or __tablename__ attribute, since the declarative meta tries to construct a model out of the class.
@Arne Consider this approach: how would you name the subclass? If you have a hard time coming up with a name, or they're all awkward, then inheritance is less likely to be a good solution.
Hello. I can do with some help on packaging. My goal is to exclude the tests package from being shipped. In setup.py I am using -> packages=setuptools.find_packages(exclude=["tests"]). Yet, when I create the sdist using -> python setup.py sdist, the tar.gz file contains the tests file. Is that normal?
is it misleading to describe an operation such as del my_dict[my_key] as O(1), since garbage collection can add overhead based on the size of the discarded value?
@MisterMiyagi Now I am wondering what is the complexity of dealloc (probably impl specific)? I actually don't know how dealloc works... I should probably figure that out.
@MisterMiyagi I'm just trying to find a lower bound. As in, what's the worst case you can do by turning off the GC and I'm hoping that it's worse than O(1) so I can show your statement is misleading :P
I'll have to get back to this problem during Winter break. I am actually curious, I need to get better at understanding memory things. I could probably write some scripts to give empirical evidence of this, but I'm too tired now.
I prefer to think about meetings as zombies. You start with the slow and shambling ones but as you survive them, the faster and cunning ones randomly appear on your calendar.
@MisterMiyagi I can't work out if I've been too slow once, and have become a meeting zombie that drags people down into meetings to chow down on their brains....
I'm stuck on 13 (2018). aocd gives the input data as a list of lists that describe cart movement on tracks an the idea is to predict collisions. I could hack away and scan every list for the character that represents a cart and iteratively update but I was holding out for finding a better data structure to manage the analysis... still waiting for an epiphany :)
guess its time I went back, I want to see a fully lit tree :)
The cart problem is probably the worst one in terms of required lines of code, since you have to track(heh) a bunch of state. On the bright side, it doesn't require cutting-edge optimizations or anything in order to complete in a reasonable amount of time
I was thinking of going back and redoing days 1 through 15, since I lost my source code for them, but now that I remember the cart problem, maybe half a repository is fine...
@ParitoshSingh I brute forced one answer that took over a day to run. I uploaded the input data and code to a virtual server and let it run while I tried to invent an optimization and, sadly, the brute force approach finished first.
Last year wim suggested that I bang my head against a wall and not look at other answers until I had derived a solution of my own (no matter how terrible). This year I am abandoning that approach and simply going to admit that I have no idea after about a day so that I can internalize a proper approach while the problem is still fresh in my mind
My 2018.18.2 solution kept giving the wrong answer for an hour and couldn't identify the problem until I copy-pasted @AndrasDeak's solution and compared outputs. Put an asterisk next to my name in the record books.
I didn't actually read his code, since I can't speak numpy, but it was still a less than stellar move by me
@MisterMiyagi ahh sorry, I glanced over the CPython specific part... maybe it does - it's not something I've ever really looked at to test...the GC spec as well as what id does are implementation specific, so, stuff could be delayed or stuff could happen immediately etc...
You can always get the right answer in finite time, if you just submit random guesses and narrow your search space based on the "too high" or "too low" response :-P
@MisterMiyagi what I believe that also happens is that depending on various bits, the interpreter might not tend to dealloc actually memory used and return it to the OS, it might hold it for a bit longer so it can just re-use it for something rather than giving it back and then request it again kind of thing.
In some of the assembly-based problems in '18, my code works for my input, but would fail spectacularly for maliciously crafted input. I'm pretty sure 100% of actual inputs are non-malicious, though.
Basically I assume that the "a = 1 if b > c else 0" instruction is always immediately followed by a jump, and a's value ceases to matter after that instruction
also, depending on the OS, it might also not necessarily dissociate that memory from the process (even if said process said it didn't want it) but might just keep it around for a bit until other stuff turns up where it really needs to be reallocated to another process... just to keep memory allocations/de-allocations - so if that process asks again for memory, you can just re-use the same block(s)
assembly problems were pretty hard for me to solve generic. I had to construct a "patcher" which worked regardless of which registers needed the patching in user input
the ones that print an ascii art message to screen that you read off were hard too. I had to do OCR.
@JonClements Even if it doesn't release it to the OS, the process still needs to internally track which memory it uses, though. That means at least doing something on each malloc/dealloc.
@MisterMiyagi indeed... I haven't checked recently, but I know a lot of stuff as complicated as Python tend to keep their own free memory, with some form of memory management, so that releasing something like a 2mb string will just end up being "meh.... might as well keep that - can use that later" vs... "alloc/dealloc frequently"
think there's only been a rare occasion when I've had to get really specific about memory stuff - and that was I need to make a request to memory but it can't be paged/swapped to disk
rest of the time - it ultimately doesn't really matter
Oh, i didn't mean it that way. Just mentioned it in passing as something that was interesting to me
Agreed there, it's not the opposite of tail recursion at all.
Or if we want to be very specific over it, head recursive and tail recursive together do not define all possible recursive calls, So the two aren't explaining all possible scenarios. Hence head recursive cannot be the negation of all tail recursive calls. (It misses out on all the calls that recurse in the middle)
I don't really know if recurse is a word though, hmm
If tail recursion defines the recursive call as being at the end of the function, and head recursion defines the recursive call as being at the beginning of the function, I'm not sure how much more opposite you can get...
so "head recursion" is probably a made up term which has even less of a reason to exist
doubt it, because not much point to use recursion in Python in the first place. there's almost always a better way to write it, for all but the simplest jobs.
It could be possible if the programmer promises not to do anything tricky. I'm imagining some kind of "do TCO on this please" parser directive. Not really in line with pythons philosophy, but technically feasible
Yeah, not too useful. If you're dying for TCO you can do the equivalent source code transformation by hand.
It might be a fun project to scan an AST for tail recursive functions and transform them into their optimized iterative form. Too bad there's no good ast-to-source decompiler, though, so you won't be able to admire your handiwork in plaintext
Hello. There will be people online but I'm not sure there's a huge amount of pymongo experience here. You'd be better just asking the question and people will pitch in if they can help. Please make note of the room rules beforehand, though.
Without seeing the question, it doesn't seem inappropriate question here, I just mean that I don't think many of the regulars use it so much, that's all. So, depending on the question, it might take a while to get a reply is all - it doesn't mean people haven't paid attention :)
Suppose a table T has tens and thousand of rows based on days. In laymen terms, my code has to first filter the table based on date, then add a specific variable V in column C. That's it. This is taking around 2 mins to show on angular frontend. Hence I am trying to reduce this to few seconds...
What is {}[()] = '1'? In the console, a dict literal like {'2': '3'} will repeat it back, x = 2 would give you access to a name. {} just repeats back an empty dict in this case. Looking in globals I can't find it. But surely an assignment has taken place in the for loop; it's just discarded with no trace?
@ParitoshSingh incidentally, I found this while searching for the background on why {} is an empty dict and not a set (which I 99% expect was just a point of convenience due to their relative prevalence). Not directly related, but interesting you can unpack the empty tuple to create a set. I'd never really thought about it.
That would be the 1% doubt; backwards compatibility. It seems strange to me that a dict would be a precursor to sets (which I would imagine are less complex) but I don't know C and the evolution of Python I guess was mostly along practical purposes rather than what could be implemented
That's a good point. I guess even if the implementation is simpler today between set and dict in CPython, that neglects the evolution of thought in what the language should do