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rather than going through the trouble of understanding licenses I can just come up with a sub par algorithm :/
@TheNamesAlc taking credit means "claiming you did it" no matter what it is used for. If you don't claim it's yours (because you e.g. don't track changes) or no-one cares, no problem. Otherwise, just add a short notice where you got it from and be done with it.
opensource.stackexchange.com/questions/6777/… indicates that closed-source projects can use CC BY-SA 4.0 snippets, if you then license the entire project under CC BY-SA 4.0. This does not require you to publish the source, but it apparently gives your users the right to reverse-engineer and modify your compiled binaries
not to mention that it is a good idea to note where "that piece of code" came from if it ever breaks...
on a totally unrelated side note: does anyone know a nice notation for "this is a type"? Using the last part of Python's var: type looks really strange if you have a pageful of :R and :T silently making faces...
so closed source is "org X did this so only org X can use this"?
Closed source is probably not a legal concept
That sounds like a licensing term. Closed source is not a licensing term, in itself. It just means "users can't see the source code"
ahh, what would one call for "internal use" only?
@Arne Ah i see, thanks Arne. Yeah, i've definitely heard of spacy for nlp.
I don't know if I've ever seen a licensing agreement that said "you can't use this unless you work for {company}"
Which is not to say that such a thing doesn't exist. I just don't think there's a pithy name for it.
Usually licenses try to nip this problem in the bud by forbidding distribution rather than execution. "Don't send this to someone outside the company"
yeah, several licenses say "you can do ~whatever you want, even sell it for money, but if you publish the code, here's what you also have to do"
why would I publish when I can make money :)
weird question in the chatroom for a language that has opensource deeply rooted in its culture
lol didnt think about that
I'm 75% sure that CC BY-SA 4.0 is compatible with a company's policy of "don't distribute our internal tools, or we'll fire you". CC BY-SA 4.0 does not require you to distribute your program to anyone that asks for it, or anything. It's fine to keep your project on a private server accessible only to you and your coworkers.
At this point I would like to declare that I'm not a lawyer and none of this conversation constitutes legal advice.
I will just ask my boss if I can use the code or not, anything and upper management can deal with that
Legal departments are usually pretty good at sorting this kind of thing out
as an intern I cant just email the legal department, even if I do they are just going to say dont use the code, but if some senior dev were to ask the result might vary
but I'd reiterate what the others have said: "legal" and "ethical" are largely independent concepts
(obviously there's some overlap, but your mileage may vary)
whats cbg
the weedc thing?
Salad is now canceled. Any questions?
cbg, Jon
cbg :)
@objectiveME As a room owner I'm asking you not to be obnoxious
@Antti apparently linkedin wants me to congratulate you or something? :p
@JonClements uuuh dont bring linkedin into here, this is a magical place and we are all actual not real people :D
<donning my RO hat> There has been some confusion lately about what kind of messages comprise official room policy, so for the sake of clarity, please don't make humorously unofficial mandates. </RO hat>
@Arne Just read through the "nltk" rant..and honestly, Its actually spot on. nltk carries a lot of baggage, and i can't really disagree with anything that was said. (But hey, he did say the tokenizer was decent, woot! :P ) Thanks for the link. I guess i should explore spacy more sometime huh.
\o cbg
cbg, Moo
@TheNamesAlc A few weeks ago, I linked to a fiasco that resulted from improper use of open source GPL code. workplace.stackexchange.com/q/147134 The CC-BY SA licence does not have the same problems as the GPL licence: you can use CC-BY SA code as long as you give proper attribution in the source code, and any relevant docs. It doesn't force you to make your whole project open source. If it did, most commercial coders wouldn't be able to use code from SO.
"Can't" vs "mustn't" :P
while True:
    num = input('Search Result Per Page (1 : 100): ')
    if not num.isdigit() and not 1 <= int(num) <= 100:
        print('Please Insert Search Result between 1 : 100')
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη try switching that "and" to "or"
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη or look at stackoverflow.com/questions/23294658/… :)
@Kevin it's works.
remember, not (a and b) is equivalent to (not a) or (not b). You've got to invert the operator. It's Wossname's Law.
One heck of a crystal ball I'll tell ya
De Morgan
Wossname rofl
@JonClements i knew about it. just was wondering why it's raise exception for inserting a or -1
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη the - sign isn't a digit.
Also, i'd be careful using the phrase "raise exception" because that has a very specific programming meaning
when num equals "a", then not num.isdigit() and not 1 <= int(num) <= 100 first checks that not "a".isdigit() is True, and then it moves on to the second clause of the and expression. It tries to do int("a"), but crashes because you can't convert "a" to an integer.
Heh.... the negation of a disjunction is the conjunction of the negations; and the negation of a conjunction is the disjunction of the negations sounds like something challenging to try to say after a few beers :p
Or without any beers honestly.
@Kevin got it.
so 'or' here make a compare.
Now consider num.isdigit() or not 1 <= int(num) <= 100. It checks that not "a".isdigit() is True, and then it stops. Thanks to short-circuiting, the second clause is never executed. It already knows the whole expression evaluates to True, so why bother?
@JonClements the poison in the chalice...
Or something :P
@JonClements From Wikipedia: In his book Gödel, Escher, Bach, Douglas Hofstadter names one of the rules in his version of propositional calculus the Switcheroo Rule, apparently in honour of an Albanian railroad engineer, name Q. Q. Switcheroo, who "worked in logic on the siding".
You can observe the short-circuiting behavior of and and or by using a second clause that always crashes when evaluated, such as 1/0:
>>> True or 1/0
>>> False or 1/0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
>>> False and 1/0
>>> True and 1/0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
Alright @Kevin
thanks a lot
I'd probably remove the nots completely and then break instead of continue...to me it's just easier to read... if num.isidigt() and (1 <= int(num) <= 100): break...
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη You might also like to look at my examples here: stackoverflow.com/a/36551857/4014959 Sorry, it's an old Python 2 answer.
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη seconding what @JonClements wrote, it's a bit strange that your default path does the break
the default behaviour of a while loop should be to loop, not to break
Hey guys need some help with Python Django
Defined a Many-to-Many relationship with the object itself and it works fine but I want to exclude the relationship object1-to-object1
So a user cannot have a relationship with him/her self
@JonClements yes I am a CEO of yet another CORP that we founded with my friend. Founding a corporation is way too easy in Finland already, just need to throw away 275 €, no minimal share capital any longer?!
not yet Weyland-Yutani though :F
import requests
import os
import time

def Details():
    while True:
        print("Welcome EnoT Spider")
        dork = input('Dork: ')
        if len(dork) < 1:
            print('Please Insert Dork')
    while True:
        start = input('Start Page: ')
        if not start.isdigit():
            print('Please Insert Start Page')
    while True:
        num = input('Search Result Per Page (10 : 100): ')
@Kevin @MisterMiyagi that's the full code . please review and let me know if i did it wrong.
@AnttiHaapala Ripley would be relieved to hear that? :p
well, in a couple hundred years maybe...
@PM2Ring that's s relief, thanks!
Don't forget to model all your "Bishop" models after yourself :)
@Mez13 you were kicked for being Not Nice, cf. chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/47938407#47938407
I will also make sure you're never troubled by my questions in the future when you're asking for someone to write code for you.
@AndrasDeak I am not being serious when i say anything is cancelled. I am simply alluding to popular culture to elicit an lol
took a bit to parse.
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη you could have used a pastebin
@objectiveME I'm not saying you're serious. I'm saying you're not funny and should stop.
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη I'd probably change the logic slightly, like Jon said earlier. Eg,
while True:
    start = input('Start Page: ')
    if not start.isdigit():
        print('Please Insert Start Page')
@Inthuson I don't think it's possible on the database level, but you can do it prior to saving
hmm, so by extension you choose whats funny
Hey, @roganjosh yep that's exactly what I'm trying to do. Trying to either filter it in the serializer or validate the data but haven't got a solution yet
is there a python package i can use to generate random days given a month
to generate random day in the month of February
@objectiveME Sorry, but chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/47937799#47937799 doesn't come across as funny. Salad language is a bit silly, but it's part of the room culture. Nobody's forced to use it. If you want to joke about it, that's fine, if you make it obvious that you're being humorous.
hey,i conceded a long time ago
@Inthuson Not sure I follow what the blocker is. In saying that I don't think it can be enforced on the database, I mean that you can't stop yourself going round your API and breaking your condition, but it should be simple enough to create a method such as the one I linked that checks object id before creating the relation?
i stand corrected
<donning RO hat> in the interest of fairness, unofficial mandates will be moved to the Ouroboros room regardless of whether we personally deem them to be funny or not. </RO hat>
i forgot an lol if that helps
i dont get what exactly you are so uptight about
@objectiveME I doubt there's a solution to that which is ready out of the box, but you can probably make that functionality by finding a library that tells you how many days a month has, and combining it with the built-in random.randint
i said i am sorry you didnt get the joke
isnt that enough
@Kevin you read my mind
or random.randrange(1, 30)
@objectiveME Yes, that's enough. I type slow on the phone. I'm also currently active in another chat room.
stackoverflow.com/questions/4938429/… suggests the calendar module for finding the days in a month
i want to generate dummy data so no one will notice 31st is missing
I'm amused that it also returns the earliest day in the month, just in case there's a calendar that has the zeroth of Smarch
Or, am I misreading it...
wow this is epic @Kevin
I guess the first element of the tuple is the weekday number. That's not as amusing.
i tried this
>>> from calendar import monthrange
>>> monthrange(2019, 11)
(4, 30)
what is the 4 about
It's the fourth day of the week, aka Thursday.
Or, hmm, is it zero indexed? Then it would be Friday
I like it that depending on 0- or 1-based indexing it is both Sunday- and Monday-based
I guess it's Friday, since Nov 1 2019 was a Friday
read the docstring fellas
>>> import calendar
>>> calendar.FRIDAY
Zero-indexed, starts with Monday. SUNDAY is 6
print(monthrange.__doc__) no need to guess
@wim you can probably re-post this every 2 hours to solve 90% of questions
but guessing is half the fun
I always RTFM... Eventually. Unfortunately it may take a couple minutes of me saying "I don't get it???" in here before then
is there anything 1-based in Python? can't think of a single example...
ideally no
if you restrict it to native python, it's all zero indexed
perhaps some creepy library trying to be compatible with MATLAB or fortran
In the calendar module, the years AD are one-indexed.
I wanted to throw pandas under the bus, but i think even that is zero indexed by default
In other words, monthrange(0, 11) will not give you the number of days in November of 1 AD, despite the fact that 1 AD is the first AD year.
@ParitoshSingh haha, I was gonna do the same but even unnamed columns start at "Unnamed 0"
I do remember seeing 1-based indices somewhere recently, but it was probably on SO main in a question so it doesn't count. And it might have been C/C++ where I sometimes wander.
re.MatchObject.group() is arguably one-indexed.
If you want the first explicit capture group, you do group(1). group(0) just gives you the whole string.
let's settle on 0.5-based for that
I'd call that zero indexed still honestly. how about 0.25?
I can work with that
(and jokes apart, the idea being, for 1 indexed, there should be a IndexError for 0 or some equivalent)
I accept this conclusion, but quietly award myself 100 quatloos as a consolation prize
What is the biggest number that can fit in random.randrange(a,b)
I want to generate timestamps that are one week part
@roganjosh Thanks! I didn't see the link, understand it now but the save method attributes are giving me the previous values not the new, changed values
@objectiveME there isn't one
but you could, you know, try it yourself and see what happens
@objectiveME a + (1 << 53), assuming a 64 bit architecture
but you might actually be looking for proper datetime operations
@MisterMiyagi are you sure?
@Inthuson I assume that Django also requires you to commit changes? I'm extrapolating from SQLAlchemy for now btw
@MisterMiyagi Ok
random.randrange uses _randbelow under the hood, which conveniently has maxsize=1<<BPF and checks if it is exceeded.
oh, nevermind, I didn't see the a+ part, sorry
where BPF = 53 # Number of bits in a float
although random.randrange(2, 10**50000) seems to "work" (whether or not it's well-behaved is another question)
@AndrasDeak I sneakily edited that in after a typo
oh, the max size only applies if you fiddle with random...
otherwise, it will just get random bits until your memory runs out
Fiddle how?
if you replace the RNG's random method but not getrandbits
> # Only call self.getrandbits if the original random() builtin method
> # has not been overridden or if a new getrandbits() was supplied.
So what I said is correct?
yes indeed
yay :P
@MisterMiyagi That'd be a silly thing to do. getrandbits is awesome. :)
just looked at it. seen the awesome.
how to handle ctrl+c using try/except for all code ? pastebin.com/raw/g8LmRESX . is it by using try/except for each function ?
Are we doing AoC this year?
except Exception will ignore KeyboardInterrupt and allow you to break out of loops with ctrl + c
@MooingRawr some of us definitely are :)
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη try/except will only catch anything if execution is inside the try block when that happens
I hope to make a better effort at it this time round, I failed pathetically to work though it last year but joined late
Good, I will set aside sometime to follow along
if you want KeyboardInterrupt to be caught you must put code inside it that's being executed when you press KeyboardInterrupt, otherwise I don't expect python to catch it
how many try-except blocks you need depends on how you want to handle the interrupt
(and IIRC - it must be in the main thread else it won't otherwise see the signal)
Main thread as in threading?
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη pro-tip: if you post the URL without /raw it will look nicer pastebin.com/g8LmRESX
it's never something I've had to worry about, but something something main something something just rings a (obviously) faint bell regarding signals and exceptions
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη Also take a look at docs.python.org/3/library/signal.html#module-signal I've only used it on Linux, which works fine, but there's Windows-specific stuff there too.
Python signal handlers are always executed in the main Python thread, even if the signal was received in another thread. This means that signals can’t be used as a means of inter-thread communication. You can use the synchronization primitives from the threading module instead.

Besides, only the main thread is allowed to set a new signal handler.
I might be thinking of that...
so it can occur in another thread, but it has to be caught in main
I've missed something so I'll ask the dumb question; where has threading come from in this question?
nowhere, I read it as a general caveat from Jon
are is that the right usage ?
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη pastebin, please
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη thanks
Opinion corner: all well-behaved programs should take ctrl-c as a signal to wrap up what they're doing and exit as quickly as possible. If your program executes a request.get call in response to ctrl-c, it's not well-behaved.
bare excepts are very bad form
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη I already suggested that you need except Exception to allow KeyboardInterrupt to work
@roganjosh you said except Exception won't work :P Which seems true
except Exception is not much better than a bare except. How about except KeyboardInterrupt:?
Wait, i thought KeyboardInterrupt is part of BaseException
that -----------------------------------------^
12 mins ago, by roganjosh
except Exception will ignore KeyboardInterrupt and allow you to break out of loops with ctrl + c
@ParitoshSingh it is, but not of Exception
Yeah, okay cool. Exception shouldnt catch it
Yep yep.
Exception and KeyboardInterrupt are siblings
@roganjosh how will Exception let you break out on ctrl+c if it ignores KeyboardInterrupt?
Maybe I was unclear but my intention by "ignore" is that it won't catch it and will therefore allow the exception to bubble up
ref for a nice little tree diagram of builtin exceptions: docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html#exception-hierarchy
As in, by letting Ctrl+c bubble up
@roganjosh I see. The way I read it is that except should be the handling of ctrl+c
i tried except Exception but i still getting the exception
Ah, "allow KeyboardInterrupt to work" in the sense of "perform KeyboardInterrupt's typical purpose, which is to exit very quickly". Got it.
^ Same as ad
Genuinely, how should it be worded to avoid that confusion?
Hm, honestly in this case, the context is against you
@roganjosh I think there was an irreconcilable difference in our premises
Since the context is someone wanting to catch the keyboard interrupt
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη Have you tried except KeyboardInterrupt: yet?
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη yes, except KeyboardInterrupt can catch keyboard interrupts. Or a bare except can. First is infinitely better than the other.
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη may I ask why you want to handle ctrl+c to begin with?
And Exception cannot catch keyboard interrupts
@Kevin yes tried but it's not make sense.
My crystal ball tells me there is a NameError in our future
Seems to me that there's a straightforward way to get out of your infinite loops, and if you by any chance want to abort execution you can just use ctrl+c and let it kill the program?
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη that's a bit ironic
@AndrasDeak my target is to catch any ctrl+c during running the script and break it at all with printing MSG
Why do you need to catch anything, then?
Is the message really that important? Doesn't seem all that necessary
@roganjosh That's kind of what I asked. I think they want some kind of graceful abort
The way I'd do this is put the try/except outside, let the function only do what it's supposed to do.
friendlier feedback/confirmation of saying "yeah - I've stopped" rather than some scary looking traceback?
Yeah, sorry, I came at it from the wrong angle, so yeah, the context was against me in my suggestion :/
@ParitoshSingh well maybe it's not important for you. but it's important for me to learn why i can not do it.
(well, the way I'd do it is probably not like this at all, but you get my point)
@JonClements yes Jon this is the point
I answered this recently on main
A: Is there a way to never exit on KeyboardInterrupt in python?

wimThe better way to do this is to register a signal handler: import signal def handler(signum, frame): print("Please use exit to exit") # or: just call sys.exit("goodbye") ... def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) # prevent "crashing" with ctrl+C ... if __name__ =...

except KeyboardInterrupt:
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη you definitely can, but "it's not make sense" is not enough for us to help figure it out why you can't
signal is the better way, if you're not doing threading
@AndrasDeak ok thank you. i will search about it.
thanks @Kevin
...does windows have a working replacement for signal?
please never, ever ignore SIGINT
Is sigint even a thing on windows?
We don't want you to search about it. We want you to give us an MCVE and a description of the error message and/or unusual behavior
> SIGINT is not supported for any Win32 application. When a CTRL+C interrupt occurs, Win32 operating systems generate a new thread to specifically handle that interrupt. This can cause a single-thread application, such as one in UNIX, to become multithreaded and cause unexpected behavior.
I have no idea what signals are, but that sounds bad. lol
I'm only familiar with SIGINT, SIGKILL, SIGTERM and SIGHUP, but they are quite important in unix land
SIGINT is an interrupt
think of it like you're browsing the web and then there's a pop-up trying to sell you viagra
it interrupts whatever you were doing and you have to deal with it ..
the default way that Python "deals with it" is to raise a KeyboardInterrupt exception in main thread
but this is just the default behavior, not always the best or what you wanted
@MisterMiyagi don't ignore it - sure, but depending on stuff, it might be considered since it's perhaps less time critical that could need sync'ing/need to do some form of ensuring a stable state later, it should be given some leniency... not too much though or users are just going to end up doing a SIGKILL
Is this the unix equivalent of taskkill (on windows)? Or is it more intrinsic to the application that is being run itself?
OS thing. Application can handle some.
Hm, i see. I don't think i have any good comparison for it then, seems like it's just something entirely new to me.
I'm in the same boat
I tried it on windows and it appears to actually work
no idea how though
What is the test case? How did you raise the signal?
21 mins ago, by PM 2Ring
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη Also take a look at https://docs.python.org/3/library/signal.html#module-signal I've only used it on Linux, which works fine, but there's Windows-specific stuff there too.
err, I just tried in IPython
@PM2Ring That tells me that SIGINT will be interpreted as KeyboardInterrupt. I was more curious about how you could get something else to behave as a SIGINT
But now I'm still stuck in the while loop, because ctrl+\ is not sending the SIGKILL :(
@PM2Ring aha!
Ctrl + a key that I've never seen before labelled PAUSE | BREAK sent the sigkill
he was chilling up there next to Scroll Lock waiting for this day to come
so, signals kinda work on Windows. TIL.
@wim funny you should mention "Scroll Lock" - I noticed a while back my keyboard doesn't actually have that key... (shows how often it's ever used if I haven't noticed in many years but...)
The code snippet you pasted wim, is there something out of the given stuff? I don't get any messages
(also, i don't see anything related to signal being called inside the while loop.)
ignore me. i just pressed ctrl+c
@wim negative indexing starts at one, because the cowards didn't want to allow -0 or something
@roganjosh Do you mean some other signal? You can just make a handler for that signal.
@Arne you can do negative 0-based indexing using "not":
@PM2Ring I mean that until now I've never even heard of SIGINT so I was curious about whether there was something you could even do in Windows to raise it. A KeyboardInterrupt would be synonymous, I guess, from the docs, but it isn't an actual error raised by the OS
>>> L = [0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> L[~0]
>>> L[~1]
ha, that's my TIL for today
@roganjosh Sorry, I don't know a lot about Windows stuff.
FWIW, here's an old Bash answer of mine that demos signal trapping stackoverflow.com/a/26818947/4014959
@wim wondering if it's worth the effort expanding on your answer to include showing intercepting the signal and translating it to sys.exit but then something along the lines of how you can use an atexit registered function to do anything else more "needful"?
I don't know either, but I would be googling "windows equivalent of kill" if I wanted to find out..
@JonClements I don't think it will be on-topic for the question in its current form. I usually like my answers to be minimal.
I also don't like atexit, I've had bad experiences with that
yeah good point... just read the title of the question again and it's clearly just asking for how to not exit... so ignore me :)
I thought I had a good simple KeyboardInterrupt answer floating around somewhere, but the one I was thinking of is for a multi-threaded program. I did find this stackoverflow.com/a/45164619/4014959 but it's for a *nix terminal.
food time... bbiab folks
@PM2Ring I had apparently starred that question and upvoted your answer
I think I over-read into what SIGINT is from your discussion. That's for my own research, I don't think my questions made sense sorry
@JonClements Why not just raise SystemExit yourself?
I don't remember why. Must have helped me years ago.
@wim Oh, thanks. :)
@roganjosh aw, shame, because i was going onto a google spree here based off of your question :P
@ParitoshSingh freeloader :P
haha, truth be told though, i may have stumbled onto some cool bits here and there
And to me, your question still makes sense because apparently, in unix, you can just pick a process and send a signal to it
yes, that is the kill command.
Sure, if you're bored, play whack-a-mole with gunicorn on unix :)
Turns out windows doesn't really do signals. maybe a small subset here, but The question in my mind was: how do i send a signal to another process that's running
@PM2Ring good point... maybe I'm thinking of C style stuff where by return 0; from main and exit(0); from main aren't exactly equivalent in terms of hooks and such... (or am I mis-remembering that)... if raise SystemExit(...) is basically just the same ultimately as sys.exit(...) and follows the same path, then sure I guess
for a hilarious game related to kill and signals, google for psdoom
you probably know ps
well psdoom renders the processes running on the machine as bad dudes in the doom game engine
so you go around "killing" the "daemons", and it actually sends kills to those underlying processes
@roganjosh or grab an old linux/bash jobby and play whack-a-mole with the :(){ :|:& };: famous smiley :p
so, you can play the game until you kill some enemy that was mapped to some crucial OS service, and then your box might crash or reboot or hang or segfault ...
morning cabbage
Sounds like doom
@wim yeah... you've also reminded me of (not sure why): the old It's a Unix system scene...
@JonClements looks scary! I might be researching that one before I just let that loose, I'm a Windows wall flower that could well just rm -rf at any moment when I don't have anything to click
Oh, that's the bomb isn't it!
@roganjosh Yeah. You don't want to run that. It's a fork bomb.
I've seen that before i think. keeps creating child processes on linux
good thing windows doesn't have a fork as far as i know :P
However i won't be the one testing it.. winks innocently at roganjosh
@JonClements My C is a bit rusty. But I'm pretty sure that stuff registered with atexit will run in either case.
Oh man, I'm just your guinea pig, aren't I? :/
The K&R C manual says that's right. But calling abort() causes abnormal termination, as if by raise(SIGABRT)
I'd like to think that "ForkBomb" would raise suspicions in my brain :) Certainly not as ambiguous as :(){ :|:& };:
read the obscure format below it
@PM2Ring blimey... haven't read K&R in ages... think I've still got a copy in a box somewhere... but yeah, okay, sounds like I'm mis-remembering then - thanks.
@ParitoshSingh I'd like to think that I'd catch cmd /k echo -^|->-.bat&- if it was posted as an answer, but honestly, it's quite worrying
haha aye, still not as evil as the bash one, but it's close
The beginning of the end of SE Meta? stackoverflow.blog/2019/11/25/…
"Community debt" is a fun phrase. I've given up trying to follow what they're doing
Prediction: nothing will change.
100 quatloo bet that it does?
Sure. And the impartial arbitrator who will decide what the terms of the wager actually are, will be my good friend Terry, who is definitely not a robot whose every movement I control.
On further reading, it's not just SE Meta. Unless I'm misunderstanding, there will be radical changes to all the meta sites. I guess they'll continue to exist for the community to discuss stuff among themselves, but they will no longer be places where the community interacts with the SE Inc staff in any official capacity.
@Kevin I have faith in Terry. I'll pretend for a moment that I know something about hacking and threaten to rig the whole thing if it goes against me
Honestly the odds are pretty good for you, because any artificial life form I create will eventually come to resent me for bringing it into an imperfect world without its prior consent, and will take revenge by siding against me in arbitrations
Plus I have spy whales covering every bit of coastline in the US. I'm not sure how they help... but they're there. You've been warned :P
@PM2Ring sounds reasonable: they don't hate MSE, they hate meta altogether
Damn, looks like SO has an unwelcoming community.
Who could've imagined
Maybe we can rebrand the site and pretend that it's a feature. Like those restaurants where the wait staff is intentionally mean to you.
@Kevin didn't know you'd been to England :p
> We plan to transition things like bug reports, user and customer support, user feedback, and company announcements off of Meta over the course of next year.
@PM2Ring it's OK, they are only removing meta from meta ^
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 hours ago, by user58
Like... that's kinda all the stuff that goes on meta. "We plan to relocate all of the stuff that goes on meta elsewhere" is equivalent to shutting it down.
dun dun dunn
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 17 mins ago, by PM 2Ring
"We’ll hand-select folks of diverse backgrounds who are excited to chat with us regularly about everything from new ideas to features, to how we communicate with the broader Stack Overflow community." Seriously? Listening to a bunch of people you hand-select isn't going to give you unbiased community feedback!
> In no uncertain terms, the .015% of the Stack Overflow community that is on Meta does not speak on behalf of the entire community. They speak on behalf of themselves, and we are listening, but this is not the only place we are listening to.
I wasn't aware they listened to anyone; "in no uncertain terms" is an uncertain term
That's certainly a valid point. OTOH, that .015% figure is a little misleading. A large percentage of SE users have almost no desire to be involved in meta matters, or anything beyond getting an answer to their question. And lots of the regular rep-farmers answerers don't care about the long term health of the sites or the community either. The people who hang out on the metas & the chat rooms by & large do so because they do care about that stuff.
I would say "community engagement can't get any worse than it already is" but I fear the narrative causality of such a statement, so I won't say it.
I'm not gonna lie, the fact that they said they would get diverse perspectives by intentionally making their sample biased is pretty hilarious.
I actually agree that Meta needs a radical change, as I said here: meta.stackexchange.com/a/338836/334566 Maybe the new stuff they're proposing will work. But I get the feeling that it's further alienating & upsetting the people who've put a lot of energy into building SE as it currently exists.
Meta does need a change, but I don't think that change is itself going to directly alienate people; the change will be in support of the direction of the site and it's that direction that people take issue with. The changes themselves may be controversial but I suspect the root of the gripes will actually be at the system
In any case, I'm sure it will be explosive once again :/
My initial exploration of this problem I'm working on reveals that there are 1222623586809573583 separate cases that need to be evaluated, and yes that's the real number, I didn't just mash the number row.
Nearly every case performs operations that overlap 99% with at least one other case, but taking advantage of this only reduces the problem space by a factor of 100, which isn't all that exciting by itself.
Oct 29 at 18:54, by Kevin
At this stage I don't need direct tech support, but I ask each of you to join me for a ten second lamentation at the imperfection of the universe
It turns out the problem space is much smaller due to a property of the data that wasn't mentioned in the problem description :>
2 hours later…
@Kevin Before you can solve the problem, you must first understand the problem.
Hi guys, can someone to help me. I need to compare two lists row by row. So row 1 from first and row 1 from second list. I have this till now pastebin.com/7TC2d0uw Can someone give me some directions how to do this. Cheers
I have 500 rows in both files. So I need one by one results
meh... made a bad card play in bridge... should have easily been a 6 of suit win sighs
thankfully, my more experienced partner did pull out a 6NT and a 7NT... so all good
@Pijes replace 'data', 'data1' with data, data1
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