I am experienced in C++ do you think I should start learning python to pass coding interviews? I noticed that I spend a lot of time typing in C++. How can I overcome that?
Not sure of C++, didn't work much after Uni. But I would insist you continue writing code in C++ even though it's taking time in coding interviews since you're already experienced developer(in C++). Getting started with Python is easy but we should not forget it's another programming language which will take its own time to master.
But I have seen many C++ developers writing codes in Python in weekly contest on Leetcode to finish it in one hour
not directly related to what he said, I come across interviewers asking Pointer Arithmetic to c/c++ programmers, which is not in python, at least to my knowledge
if you are good at those then what he said is true, time spent on learning python can be used to do more problems
Morning guys, I'm trying to build my first web app. I need to pass the input and "build an url" from an form input...if that make sense... Now I have url = f'https://www.tennis.fr/catalogsearch/result/?q=918193-012' I want 918193-012 to be entered when the user hit the submit button
@TheLittleNaruto but than I have to change the way I'm scraping the url ? how is that part gonna look like ? url = f'https://www.tennis.fr/catalogsearch/result/?q=918193-012'
what is "this" supposed to be doing? Note that what youve given as, does not really help convey what you wanted it to do. the if i, j in enumerate(...) part makes no sense
Sorry, I will make this clear let desired_classes = [1,2,5,6] Output = [0,2] j in enumerate(...) should search for values and the output list should contain the indices i of the values present If its still not understandable, please do tell
[i for i, value in enumerate([1, 2, 5, 6]) if value in [1, 3, 5]]
Replace the [1, 2, 5, 6] and [1, 3, 5] with the variable names accordingly. Note that, common sense would say that "desired classes" is not the correct name for [1, 2, 5, 6]. But i'll let you figure out the names of things
Clearly, they are not all desirable if you're filtering them out?
Yesterday I very nearly used assignment expressions for a legitimate purpose. Something along the lines of if (s := next(tokens)) != "ZIP": raise Exception(f"Expected 'ZIP', got {repr(s)}")... But then I remembered my home computer is still on 3.7
This all started when I said "I've used assignment expressions once since their introduction" and despite me saying that one month after their introduction, somehow the math turned out to "once every three hours"
>>> with open('file.txt') as (foo:=f):
... pass
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: cannot assign to named expression
Interestingly, the SyntaxError didn't raise until after I finished the block. Compare to the try-except above, which raised right after the except line.
Every once in a while I toy with the idea of class blocks as namespaces, but I always run into a little quirk or two that results in surprising behavior
I forget when it occurs exactly but there's some scenarios where you get a NameError even though the variable would be visible if you weren't inside a class
I'm sure there's a very good reason for this, but the bottom line is, class blocks don't have the same semantics as my desired feature of proper namespace blocks
Well, functions defined in a class can't access variables from the class body, and comprehensions are implemented as functions so they don't leak variables. The combination of both explains the NameError, but there isn't exactly a good reason for it
Though I do think it's good that functions don't have direct access to class variables
I'm not going to read Martijn's three page answer, but the vibe I get is "we could do this a different way, but then it would still have surprising behaviors in cases X Y and Z, so why bother"
You can poke at the air bubble under the wallpaper all you want, but you'll never get rid of it
@Mirza715 Just ask your question. "Ask your question directly. Avoid asking if it's okay to ask, or if anyone knows about a topic. Users may want to see your question before speaking up, and users who join later can see it." (see: sopython.com/chatroom)
meanwhile screams at sqlalchemy to just use his index
Hi im trying to deploy a small webapp on Azure for testing, there are only two modules im using Flask and pandas. Both are in the requirements.txt, when running a small test application it throws a ModuleNotFoundError on pandas, but not on flask. I'm deploying via CLI directly in pycharm
I'd like to know what causes pandas to fail while Flask succeeds, which to me says that the requirements.txt is used.
might be that the python env comes pre-packaged with flask since it expects to be a web app. might also be that the import pandas statement is just before the import flask one, so both are not present but you only know about pandas
You might already know this, and this might not be relevant to the current situation, but the Windows command prompt does support copy-paste. you highlight the text you want and press "Enter". No, I don't know why it's not ctrl-c.
Ok. I was just worried that you were laboriously transcribing the traceback for me character-by-character. I wouldn't make anyone go that far for troubleshooting help.
puts his MCVE hypocrisy hat on Any advice on debugging why sqlalchemy is not using my perfectly good index? A manual SQL query completes a query in 1.3s, but sqlalchemy seems to be using the normal scan (takes hundreds of seconds)
@OldTinfoil I have heard efficiency is an issue with ORMs, but then again I had a question closed for that very reason. So.... yeah.
best bet is to check what SQLalchemy "compiles" down to (not saying it necessarily actually compiles to anything, but what are the underlying calls and how do they compare to your custom code...
@roganjosh yes it can. The point is that fitness is a module that you define by yourself, to suit the needs of your problem. So you could easily rewrite the fitness function in fitness.py and make it fit whatever constraints you'd like to impose. One important point to note: pyvolution has changed since that presentation. My above comment is true of both versions, but I'd recommend the newer version for py3 compatibility
Now to get a PHD in all other fields of study. You just have to take the procedure you carried out for the first one, and swap in the appropriate variables for eg philosophy and business management and architecture etc.
You just need to prove that choosing the placement of load-bearing beams in bridges is an NP-hard problem, and then you can port over your existing dissertation with a couple find-replace operations
in the event that not /all/ PhDs can be reduced to one, could we come up with a minmal spanning set of PhDs to cover all dissertations? and a dissertation generator to enumerate all theses? All of a sudden, advanced degrees just turned into a computability problem
It is an odd thought that the entirety of all communication in this room is simply a collection of thoughts in the minds of a set of individuals, potentially resulting in strong communal bonds, but without a single word ever being spoken or heard
Maybe later in the day... should probably be looking to having a bit of sophistication before we all end up going: "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!...." etc... :p
hello guys, suppose if you did vars(foo) and get a huge list of variables in the interpreter...can you do something like more/less so that you can read/peruse the output...?
in other words page the output so you can read it at your pace...
My boss thinks you should exploit the entire width of the monitor. I really don't like that idea, I feel like it makes code hard to read. Just wondering if his view was particularly common
length of each line is probably the most flouted feature of the PEP, but making your lines bigger than they should be is silly. You will have lines with different lengths, the point is, doing do too many things in one line
I just tried pydoc.pager("\n".join(f"this is line #{x}" for x in range(400))) in my REPL and it printed a page-worth of lines and then the -- More -- prompt
>>> import pydoc
>>> import pprint
>>> def more_vars(obj):
... pydoc.pager(pprint.pformat(vars(obj)))
>>> import math
>>> more_vars(math)
{'__doc__': 'This module provides access to the mathematical functions\n'
'defined by the C standard.',
'__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>,
'__name__': 'math',
'__package__': '',
[skipping about thirty lines because otherwise the output would be really long]
'frexp': <built-in function frexp>,
'fsum': <built-in function fsum>,
I had a larger merge with a few hiccups, after which I scared myself for a good few seconds because the results were all different. Then I remembered that I upgraded numpy between the two runs and there was a major rehaul of random streams, which explains most of the difference...phew!
Is there a wavelength of light which is objectively the most red? Wikipedia only tells me that red is somewhere in 625–740 nm.
I'm guessing the answer is "no, because anything involving an RGB model of color is rooted in human biology, and thus varies depending on the observer's cone cell responsivity curves"
Yeah, I thought it might be the case that the red line doesn't directly correspond to perception of red. I'm a little rustled at the misleading line colors.
Not intentionally misleading, surely, but still. Don't underestimate my ability to be a fool.
What I'm trying to determine right now is whether you can add colors together to get a color that appears spectral (i.e. is composed of only one wavelength of light)
if you add multiple wavelengths it will have multiple wavelengths, but it might appear the same to a human as a single wavelength, see blue+yellow == green
physically "blue + yellow" is exactly that: blue plus yellow
Adding in the additive sense. If I have to give a physical definition, I'm creating light in narrow bands of wavelengths and bouncing them off a white wall.
@AndrasDeak good news: I remembered I refactored the code so that random numbers a pregenerated, which means that the same input goes along a different path even if the seed is the same.
Subtractive color, is used to model the appearance of color (absorbing) from pigments or dyes, such as those in paints, inks, and the three dye layers in typical color photographs on film.
Adding spectral blue and spectral green light causes a human to perceive yellow. It's unclear to me whether this "hybrid" yellow would be 100% indistinguishable from spectral yellow. Or would it be less intense, or less saturated, or something? What is intensity and saturation anyway?
In any case a spectrometer would be able to distinguish hybrid yellow and spectral yellow easily, but I'm interested in people right now
@Kevin until humans can calibrate their vision there's no point in trying to distinguish them I think
you can mix a lot of "hybrid" yellows so I would expect some of them to look just like monochromatic yellow
What's really going on is that color vision is like a weird neural network with heuristics that sometimes fall apart. It worked good enough in nature, because there are no yellow LEDs there.
if evolution were subject to LEDs then perhaps color vision would be more sophisticated than "try to integrate the spectrum with these three profiles and try to find a point in multidimensional space using that"
Right now I'm focusing only on the physical responsivity of cone cells, and pretending that there isn't any especially fancy post-processing after that. A single cone by itself can't determine the wavelength or intensity of light, since responsivity is dictated by a mixture of both. A single cone reacting at half strength could be due to half-intensity light at the peak of its response curve, or full intensity light halfway up its response curve.
If you have two different types of cones, then this reduces the possible wavelength/intensities that can produce a particular combination of reactions. If you have three different cones, it reduces it even more.
One thing I'm trying to determine numerically is whether there are any pairs of spectral colors that are indistinguishable from one another if you only have S and M cones. Empirically this must be the case since that's what colorblindness is, but I want to get an idea of which colors are indistinguishable.
You could think of the problem as "given the functions f(x) and g(x), find all pairs (x1, x2) such that f(x1)/g(x1) == f(x2)/g(x2)"
protanopia - missing L cones deuteranopia - missing M cones tritanopia - missing S cones Cone monochromacy - missing any two cones Rod monochromacy - missing all cones
I wag my finger at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_blindness for using the phrase "red retinal photoreceptors" when we just established that the red line doesn't peak at red
With only M and S cones, there are plenty of solutions for the f(x1)/g(x1) == f(x2)/g(x2) problem, because s has zero responsivitiy for half of the visible spectrum. So for all wavelengths "w" in the range of 500 through 700, S(w)/M(w) == 0 / M(w) == 0
The paragraph in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_blindness that starts with "Protanomaly and deuteranomaly can be diagnosed using an instrument called an anomaloscope" at least partially answers one of my questions. It produces a mix of spectral red and green, in varying ratios, until the testee declares that the color exactly matches a spectral yellow that has been provided for comparison. This means that you can produce a hybrid yellow that's indistinguishable from spectral yellow.
... But perhaps this is cheating because the S cone has (nearly) zero reactivity during the entire test. Perhaps it would be impossible to create a hybrid blue that's indistinguishable from spectral blue, since all three kinds of cones have reactivity in the blue wavelength.
@wim IIRC, it does require root permissions. YMMV because the last time I did that was py2k in 2012. I use pyenv now, which does not require root permissions
People who understand (perhaps literary) references in English, could you please explain to me the definition/usage of "Mandarin" as an adjective in the following paragraph?:
America is thus a nation rapidly drifting towards a state of things in which no man of science or letters will be accounted respectable unless some kind of badge or diploma is stamped upon him, and in which bare personality will be a mark of outcast estate. It seems to me high time to rouse ourselves to consciousness, and to cast a critical eye upon this decidedly grotesque tendency. Other nations suffer terribly from the Mandarin disease. Are we doomed to suffer like the rest?
I think it's a florid reference to China's educational system, which prioritizes rote learning. A detractor of the system might say that the students learn to pass tests without actually learning the fundamentals. So the diplomas and credentials they receive don't necessarily reflect their practical ability.
Or perhaps there is a more widespread social phenomenon of credentialism in China, of which their eductional system is but one symptom. I'm not super versed on the topic.