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02:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

If you have a 'private' utility function that only a single class uses, and it doesn't need access to the object, what is your preferred way of declaring it? where does it live? static method with an underscore prepended? outside the class? in a utils module?
If it's a survey, I've become a little obsessed with @staticmethod but I have no idea if that's the accepted way
I also don't prepend my static methods with an underscore, though. I'm not sure why that's a thing for you
module level function with underscore prefix, in same module as the class definition
@roganjosh No, that's not in general---just in this case, where it's not part of the public API of the object
@staticmethod is for java weenies and may as well be removed from python
It's only since I got into SQLAlchemy that I've used them
@wim I mean, namespacing your functions is not unpythonic, so nothing wrong with it really.
get_all_departments on the Departments class seems like a pretty reasonable staticmethod?
@roganjosh might be a classmethod instead?
I agree with wim. It makes sense for normal methods and classmethods to be defined in a class, but if you have a (static)method that doesn't access the class at all, why not just define it outside the class instead?
Well, this could be complete nonsense to you, but it relies on join()s of the class it's in, so I thought it should be placed there
@Aran-Fey I do the same, I'm not sure I buy the 'scoped with the class' argument since thats the point of modules in the first place.
@roganjosh Isn't that easier to implement as a classmethod, then?
I need to look at the difference between my usecases because I'm actually not sure what changes
@Aran-Fey I think 'relies on' just means the arguments accepted, not needs to grab from the class (since it would otherwise not be possible with static methods)
err I guess, impossible without hardcoding the class name
why do i need to import built in modules in python? Is it to make the code to run faster? (If all modules is not used/imported).
No, "relies on" still hard-codes the join() and filter() parameters that are hard-coded into the method
@boss yes, importing a module takes time. It'd be stupid of the interpreter to auto-import the whole stdlib
Plus lookup can take marginally longer if the namespace is full of things
Try it yourself, just import like 20 modules and time it. also it would just be annoying as...there would be a lot of nameclashes too
just don't time it with timeit
mm, I may have gone well off-course. I will post some code for review tomorrow.
@alkasm are you aware of any clashes in stdlib names?
@AndrasDeak as someone who never uses timeit, why not?
@alkasm because only the first import will take time, the rest is almost a no-op
@AndrasDeak nah I just mean you would have to be cognizant of shadowing tons of standard lib names
@alkasm because the import will be done once
timeit reruns your code a lot of times for smaller error bars
@AndrasDeak yea isnt that the point?
indeed, but imports only import once per interpreter session
OH. got it. didnt see your other msg.
@alkasm I see
MATLAB has one big bucket of a namespace and I don't care for it
@AndrasDeak Indeed. Namespaces are one honking great idea.
He's not keen on Spyder either, and plenty of issues come from the shared namespace :)
Heh. Guess the output:
from timeit import timeit

def main():
    print('hi there')

timeit('main()', number=1)
I guess staticmethod is used a lot in tests. Classes are often used for structure instead of modules in testing code...so it makes sense. For actual code though, modules already provide you with the namespacing and structure for helper functions.
@AndrasDeak nope
apparently not
I've never actually used timeit directly I think
dont you want repeats=?
I guess that param is only when calling timeit as a module. and number is the one you expect anyways
@alkasm I think I've misunderstood the point of static methods when it's linked to SQL. Maybe I needed classmethods. I need to rethink why I went this way
@roganjosh wdym by "linked to SQL" --- using sqlalchemy?
@alkasm if nothing but the class needs the functionality - a staticmethod it is. no point ripping apart things that only make sense together.
And now, fight to the death
@MisterMiyagi Yea, I see that. My one complaint about doing it that way is only that if you want helper functions to reference each other, since they're static methods, they now have to hardcode the class name. If they were just floating about in the module, it's not a problem.
@alkasm promote them to class methods if they need each other.
But then you have things which are class methods, which means they operate "on the class" even though they functionally don't. So it seems like useless promotion to give a function just so it can reference another utility.
(its admittedly a pretty small gripe)
I really don't see what else a classmethod is required to do to be considered to operate "on the class".
most of my classmethods are just alternative constructors, they literally don't use anything of the class but the class itself.
if a method needs access to the class, not an instance, it's a class method.
yeah, when alkasm asked about their problem I first thought of class.from_stuff methods, only to realize those should be classmethods
well yes thats trivially true but it begs the question I'm asking. does a utility function need access to the class? no.
if they are functionally inseparable and you don't want to hardcode the class name this might just be a good enough reason
but then you can just....keep them outside the class definition
and then they dont need the class name
nothing needs anything. we could all be doing spaghetti all day long. classes are a means of organisation. if a function is best organised as part of a class, it's a classmethod.
@alkasm ah, right
Genuine question: are we splitting hairs here or is a particular track likely to cause real confusion?
Is "splitting hairs" truly a good expression? Has anyone tried splitting hairs? It's very difficult.
I posed the question originally to see if there was consensus or if there was anything I was overlooking with the differences. Often if there's many ways to do something, there's a preferred way :)
I doubt there is consensus about anything, other than Rust's type system being a frigging cool thing.
@AndrasDeak That's the point of my question :) "Splitting hairs" is an expression in English for focussing on the minutae
@MisterMiyagi welp, pack it up everyone. questions are useless.
for real now, how to do proper OOP is probably a question for the gladiator's pit
at least we can all agree: whatever proper OOP is, it's not Java.
@roganjosh I know
and my response was an answer :P
@AndrasDeak I was being slow, sorry
one can never be sure on the internet
At least I have a Spirit Guide now. Night guys.
"Proper Object Oriented Programing" is just what the acronym would suggest
@wim lol
Black is already under the PSF? And as of months ago?? That was fast!
@Aran-Fey don't you need to send globals and/or setup?
@alkasm huh!
yes Ɓukasz mentioned he was going to hand it over directly after PyCon 2019
And he's only mentioned as the original author
I also didn't know he's a python core dev
in light of this the handover to PSF seems less striking
I'm not sure there is any difference between core dev and committer now discuss.python.org/g/committers
oh he's the release manager for 3.8 too. neat.
hey guys, I have an ImageView inside a ScrollPane. When I'm scaling the ImageView and when it gets bigger the the ScrollPane then no scrollbars will appear. Does anybody have an hint for me howI could accomplish this, so that i can scroll around the zoom images?
@AndrasDeak he's a pretty active one, no? I remember him talking on talk python I think about being the person in charge of the releases?
@wim ah yes. that.
@JumbleGee I googled those words, and I think you might have the wrong room. Have you tried the Java room? chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/139/java
@AaronHall damn it! yes, wrong room. sry
@alkasm I never said it's his fault ;)
@MisterMiyagi No it's not, the OP's code contains the bug for i in lst[0] instead of for i in lst. That's a common bug. For some reason we seem to be seeing a lot of it. (Does anyone know which tutorial site this sort of bug is coming from?)
@smci their first problem is calling the function
They couldn't have called it, not with those shadowed names
@AndrasDeak Obviously. There are two problems: 1) calling a function 2) not screwing up iterating over a list with this nonsensical for i in lst[0]. So the answer to MM's comment here and on the question "Is this question seriously just "how do I call a function?"" is "No, there's a second bug." And this matters because anyone could wrongly have closed the question for the first issue only, if they relied on MM's comment. That's all.
@AndrasDeak You yourself also said it should be closed, without seeing the second bug.
Talking of whether things are dupes...
02:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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