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This consumes a couple more bytes of memory but that's probably not going to break the bank
That looks cleaner than the try-catch variant.
hey guys, does anyone have any thoughts on why __builtins__.print = myprintfunc works in the REPL but causes AttributeError: dict object has no attribute print when executed from a file?
@inspectorG4dget any chance that something overwrites the module with an eponymous dict beforehand?
(I can't repro)
as always an MCVE would help ;)
Thanks for the help on Friday all. Got something working in the end. Now I'm putting a proposal for the next major revision change
@AndrasDeak hmm... I'm not able to repro in an MCVE. I'm gonna have to recheck what in my codebase is playing around with __builtins__ and tripping me
@inspectorG4dget __builtins__ is an implementation detail; it's a module object in the __main__ file and everywhere else it's a dict. Use import builtins instead.
@Aran-Fey ohhhhhhh!!! That makes so much sense. Thank you
I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed of knowing this
I'm looking for an algorithm that finds the coordinates of every pixel that a circle of known center/radius passes through. Does such an algorithm exist already? Midpoint circle algorithm isn't quite what I want because it doesn't mark every pixel the curve passes through. For example, in the first illustration, the pixels left of and below the dot are not marked.
would line-width also be a parameter for this function? If I use a thicker pen to draw the circle, the circle goes through more pixels on screen...
Line width is zero.
cabbage rolls
Well, a big cabbage to you all.
@Kevin Isn't that what Breshenam's algo does?
@Aran-Fey Definitely esoteric knowledge, so proud would seem appropriate.
My understanding of Bresenham's algorithm is that it typically draws curves with lots of pixels that only connect at the diagonals. I want my circle to almost never have these.
Something like this
"Just take the output of Bresenham's algorithm and search for diagonal gaps, and fix them with black pixels" doesn't quite satisfy my requirements, since I don't know on which side of the gap I should put the pixels. For this MS-Paint illustration I put them all on the outside, but I don't know for sure that some shouldn't be on the inside.
So you only want EITHER side or corner adjacency, not both?
Nope, that's wrong. It's not an easy requirement to describe simply, which adds to its interest.
extra_kwargs = { 'password': { 'write_only': True }}
what's the purpose of this?
it defines a variable that stores a dict
and that, I think, is all we can say without more context
It makes password a write-only field
thank you guys
Q: DRF serializer do not return a value with extra_kwargs of write_only

Renato N_I'm practicaly copying the exemple code from the documentation, but the password field, with "extra_kwargs = {'password': {'write_only': True}}" is not returned as validated data. this is the code: class UserProfileSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = models.UserPro...

There is one time a diagonal gap is permissible, and that's when the line passes exactly over the point where four pixels meet.
they use it there for example and I am seeing it in many tutorials
@Kevin Define "exactly" ;-)
I wanna experiment with drawing circles but I don't know an easy way to draw pixels. Can tkinter do something like that?
When (k1+0.5)^2 + (k2+0.5)^2 = r^2 exactly, then the circle passes between the pixel at (k1, k2) and the pixel at (k0+1, k1+1) without marking either one of them
@Aran-Fey I seem to remember you can set and clear pixels on a pillows Image.
... I think. I'm deep in off-by-one territory here
@Kevin numpy array with boolean indexing :P
I guess using rectangular pixels for intersections makes this tricky
Compute distance of each pixel corner from center, if min < radius < max we have a match. On mobile so can't implement.
Here's an example. The circle has radius 9 * sqrt(2) / 2, and it passes exactly between (4,4) and (5,5)
Please ignore the fact that the circle slightly grazes (-4,-4). Paint won't let me draw circles with irrational radii for some reason.
Honestly I don't particularly care if one of the pixels it passes between gets marked, or even if both get marked. False positives are fine. It's false negatives that are bad.
@AndrasDeak Hmm, not a bad idea. I'd just need a way to find candidate pixels in O(circumference)ish time
"Draw a bresenham circle with a 5x5 brush" would probably work as a rough first pass
@Aran-Fey What holdenweb said. You can write to pixels in a PhotoImage, but for some reason it gets slower & slower the more pixels you set. We had a discussion about it here a couple of years ago. There are a few alternatives. 1: Do the drawing in PIL, as holdenweb said. 2. Do it in Numpy.
I use plotting directly in a PhotoImage in this orbit sim:
Aug 25 at 3:01, by PM 2Ring
@Kevin This Gist plots orbits using Tkinter. It uses synchronized Leapfrog integration, but it only does simple 2 body calculations. It illustrates that the period of a (2 body) orbit through a given point only depends on the speed of the body, not its direction.
You can draw simple shapes using tkinter's Canvas widget. rects and arcs and such. You won't find an out-of-the-box implementation that can produce something like the image I posted above, but you can certainly put one together with a bit of elbow grease
It's way more effort than I would ever ask anyone to put into my silly problems, but if the spirit moves you...
The slowdown isn't too bad in that program, since it doesn't fill the PhotoImage all that much, and there's a time delay to make the slowdown less obvious.
Oct 11 '18 at 14:58, by PM 2Ring
Here's a silly circle drawing program I put together a couple of hours ago. It's based on the old formula for generating Pythagorean triads: a=u²-v², b=2uv, c=u²+v². Also note that for complex z=u+iv, z² =a+ib, so if (u,v) is a point on the unit circle with angle θ from the +ve X axis, then (a,b) is also on the unit circle with angle 2θ.
I'm honestly spending more time installing and configuring stuff than working on the circle problem (I recently reinstalled Arch)
slowly making progress on a tkinter thingy though
just need to figure out how to install tkinter on arch...
Fun HNQ from Worldbuilding, about mining an antimatter asteroid: worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/154706/…
Hey all
my tkinter raster thing if anyone wants to use it
people who don't know anything about programming probably wouldn't believe me if I told them "I spent an hour writing code that draws a circle today"
"one hour??!?!!"
too much
@Aran-Fey BTW, BitmapImage is great for grids, especially if you want to be able to toggle the grid off & on.
I've spent over an hour just thinking about circles, so you're winning
I've wasted far too many hours coming up with weird & wonderful ways to plot circles. PostScript uses Bezier curves to draw circles, which sounds a bit weird, but it avoids square roots.
oh I know just the thing for you
in CHATLAB and Talktave, 12 hours ago, by flawr
but while we're at it, you need to read the comments to this one:)
How I wish I could enjoy these circle programs, but alas, the source control server has gained sentience and I have to crawl through the Jeffries Tubes and shut it down.
One fun way is to use backwards iteration of the Julia set for z=z^2+c, with c=0. That gives you a unit circle, but it does require lots of complex square roots.
@AndrasDeak I like the PostScript version by Thomas Fritsch.
May I present the CSS snippet you never knew you needed: This pre-allocates space for the "X new questions" button, so you'll never have the problem of trying to click a question only to have it jump out of way ever again
@-moz-document domain("stackoverflow.com") {
#questions {
    position: relative;
    padding-top: calc(1em + 24px);
.js-new-post-activity {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    top: 0;
Hey does anyone know why struct.pack('f', 1.00) doesn't return all 4 bytes?

import struct
struct.pack('f', 1.00)
isn't the last byte b'?'?
>>> struct.pack('f', 1.00)
Returns: b'\x00\x00\x80?', instead of b'\x00\x00\x80\x3F
>>> struct.pack('f', 1.00)[-1] == ord(b'?')
>>> b'\x3f'
OH weird.. is it encoding it?
The printable representation of a bytes will use the ascii character for a byte, if that character is printable. 0x3f corresponds to the character "?", so that's what's printed
that's also why you can read bytestrings containing ASCII text
This makes much more sense. Thanks guys :)
Idk why I didn't think of that
no problem
if only humans had a twelfth sense that let them perceive the null byte
And I just found the "force endianness" parameter
It's an understandable problem, since most programmers are conditioned to think of "?" as a signal that something can't be rendered, or something went wrong, or a weird encoding is being used, or all of the above...
So the theory of "maybe everything worked perfectly and that '?' is supposed to be there" is pretty far down the list of possibilities
True, I guess I should have found the first hint when python was outputting the ';' character earlier instead of \x73
@Punchki you can also do something like binascii.hexlify(struct.pack('f', 1.00))... which may or may not be useful
so binascii.hexlify(b'abcdef') will give you: b'616263646566'
@Aran-Fey "Yeah, but any circle you like!"
unbelievable! :O
My circle needs to be invisible but green, and have seven sides that are parallel with one intersecting the rest
How hard could it possibly be (tm)
are you sure that's a circle? sounds more like a model of an early airplane
I think it's possible if you draw it with red ink
@Kevin is that a subtle reference to youtube.com/watch?v=BKorP55Aqvg ? :p
The circle must also be in the shape of a cat. You know, for the kids
not cat... kitten
@JonClements not so much intentionally subtle, more overt but with half the details misremembered
@JonClements ow
I'm getting awful tiled wall illusion vibes looking at that circle
When did they add the tooltips?
few days ago
Handy. One of the most useful is to search your own answers "user:me"
that has always been there, just sans tooltip
also user:me deleted:1 for 10k+
but I'm pretty sure that ^ page is also new-ish
does SO have a dark theme that I am unaware of?
@inspectorG4dget No, but this is still working for me: github.com/rlemon/se-chat-dark-theme
@AndrasDeak don't even need the user:me bit there.. if you're 10k+, it defaults to yourself anyway
He frequents this room from time-to-time
@JonClements good point
@idjaw sweet! I'll need to install this :)
> IE is smelly and will not get support.
A true champion of the people
@idjaw nonchalant lego drop
@inspectorG4dget he also has a night theme for chrome that Madara ported to firefox; I literally enabled it 5 minutes ago (I only use it some nights)
@AndrasDeak I use Fluid SSB, which I think is Webkit, so I'll have to check out which theme works best for me :)
@AndrasDeak yeah.. for instance... user:1252759 deleted:1 is:a - I think ignores the user field in that case, and will just show you yours?
it automatically replaced your ID with mine
Hmm, phishing warnings disable links in gmail. Nice.
I get that using the same query
show-off :P
function(room = room)
can I replace such a funciton call like that?
in javascript it's possible to do something similar for objects
when the parameter and the variable have the same name
if your function has a single parameter and it's not keyword-only then yes
def function(room):
there ^ room can also be passed as keyword
but not otherwise?
because it's not mine the funciton
you can edit/delete messages for 2 minutes in chat
positional arguments can be passed positionally
>>> def foo(bar, baz, quux=None, *, potato='42'):
...     print(bar, baz, quux, potato)

>>> foo(1, 2, 3)
1 2 3 42

>>> foo(1, 2, 3, 4)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-105-e0e0ba627b2e> in <module>
----> 1 foo(1, 2, 3, 4)

TypeError: foo() takes from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 4 were given
Args are both positional and keyword unless specified otherwise. Having default values for arguments only makes them optional, but you can still pass them positionally or as keyword. Having things like *args will, however, force whatever comes after to be keyword-only arguments.
But you should embrace keyword arguments for functions with more than a couple of arguments. It's too easy to forget their order.
so basically anything that comes before an asterisk in the def can be passed as positional, I believe
but note that if you do
bar = 3
baz = 4
quux = 42
foo(quux, baz, bar)
then that won't magically be equivalent to foo(quux=quux, baz=baz, bar=bar). Instead it will be equivalent to foo(bar=quux, baz=baz, quux=bar).
okay thank you
how about
foo({ bar, baz })
in javascript that would create
foo({ bar: 3, baz: 4})
I don't think you can spare the keywords in python, assuming I even understand what you're asking
Is it really equivalent?
also, sounds like yuck.
The fact that you can access variables with those names in the scope of a function doesn't necessarily mean that they were defined as default arguments to the function,it just means the name is globally accessible
Is there a problem you're trying to solve, @Aurelius?
We don't like it when implementation of a function interacts with the names of objects in the caller namespace, which is why you'll have to be explicit and if you want a variable by the name room to be passed as the keyword room you have to be explicit (or as I said, use a positional argument).
I was just wondering if there was a way to reduce redundancy in code and have shorter lines
otherwise you're basically trying to use global variables, which don't get defined and passed as arguments
thank you for your very nice explanation
authenticate(request=None, credentials)
for example here how would pass positionally, username and password?
you'd have to show us the definition of the function
that can't be a valid signature, because non-optional arguments must come before optional arguments I think
>>> def authenticate(request=None, credentials): pass
  File "<ipython-input-106-9a292364e6ee>", line 1
    def authenticate(request=None, credentials): pass
SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument
def authenticate(request=None, **credentials):
    If the given credentials are valid, return a User object.
    for backend, backend_path in _get_backends(return_tuples=True):
            inspect.getcallargs(backend.authenticate, request, **credentials)
        except TypeError:
            # This backend doesn't accept these credentials as arguments. Try the next one.
            user = backend.authenticate(request, **credentials)
the ** in **credentials makes all the difference
that makes credentials a bucket of keyword arguments
you cannot pass username positionally, because the function doesn't have a parameter named username
that function has one optional positional argument (request) and possibly infinitely many keyword arguments
bucket means dictionary?
yes (not jargon)
they are traditionally called **kwargs which you can google, e.g. stackoverflow.com/questions/36901/…
>>> def authenticate(request=None, **credentials):
...     pass

>>> authenticate()

>>> authenticate(1)

>>> authenticate(1, 2)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-110-39ee0003f319> in <module>
----> 1 authenticate(1, 2)

TypeError: authenticate() takes from 0 to 1 positional arguments but 2 were given
1 hour later…
@piRSquared That's good.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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