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Can anyone help me out with a project
I have a program that gets the links of a search on youtube then searches those videos for and email. Then saves the email to a file but only problem is it isn't working any help
2 hours later…
@MisterMiyagi Appreciated, but I had said I wanted an int result. So I guess I would have to do int(someFloat // someInt). Or else implement numbers.Float and override __floordiv__(), which is more work.
2 hours later…
It is hard to say without seeing your code @TechySavage
@smci I don't understand. as mentioned, fractions.Fraction uses rational arithmetic. floor division does return an integer.
>>> type(fractions.Fraction(42, 10) // 3)
<class 'int'>
4.5678e-20 requests more than 15.7 decimal digits precision (as you requested) , and you used 20 digits right of the decimal point in your example, I think this example is not the best for your requirements — rusu_ro1 9 hours ago
The downside of adding bounties
cbg guys o/
@Arne Is it your blog link Arne ?
@Arne I didn't understand, making my app install-able? Just running this command pip install -e . would do? What this command does actually? Will it create any executable?
@MisterMiyagi Yes but I said I want to pass in an (arbitrary) float like 4.2 not fractions.Fraction(42, 10). Sure I could use classmethod .from_float(4.2). I guess can't beat int(4.2 // 3)
@Tim Understood; Thank you for detail info.
@AnttiHaapala in all your example the precision should be 16 not 20, also please remove 4.5678e-20 from your examples since your requested precision is bellow 16 — rusu_ro1 3 mins ago
@MisterMiyagi: you are correct that How to convert CRLF to LF on a Windows machine in Python was obsoleted way back by Universal Newline Support; I was merely citing some links to corroborate that CRLF was not the right newline character on Windows. Anyway the question was a train-wreck and was deleted.
@MisterMiyagi and neither of us is here to bicker.
TIL: Bicker
So for making the app installable, it needs setup.py file. Looks like I have to read the blog shared by Arne.
@MisterMiyagi: you misunderstood my comment: I said there was no one single universal character for newline across all OS platforms (which is true), viz. output and printing. I never said "Python does not have universal newline support". That's all.
setup.py ain't good when it's a web application?
relation "app_name" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count" FROM "chat_name"
how can I fix this error
when using django rest framework, django and postgres
why does conversion of B&W line drawing on transparent background from png to gif lose precision?
aren't these two using lossless compression?
black and white or greyscale?
as long as you stay under 256 colors, gif should be lossless
It looks B&W to me
how are you converting it?
I am using imagemagick
ah, maybe...
And my browser highlights a horizontal block of it. I call vector shenanigans
Ah, no, it's probably the transparency
Png can only contain raster, right?
I think so
The GIF is very bad
@ReblochonMasque missing anti-aliasing. Output is binary. Input was grayscale.
ok - do you know how to fix this?
keep the png?
Why do you need a gif?
(Google will help your problem)
I am trying to get a transparent object on a transparent widget in tkinter on OSX
I can get a GIF to behave properly, but not a PNG
Some tk limitations on the platform.
convert -type grayscale?
this gives me a black pic
Can't google too well from mobile
But imagemagick, grayscale, png to gif, transparency, aliasing should be good keywords
@ReblochonMasque sorry, the gif you have is the best you're going to get.
the PNG image has a proper alpha channel. the gif transparency is so that one of the 256 colors is 100%transparent.
I am happy with black on transparent @AnttiHaapala
Yes, I am looking this up @Andras
what you want to do is fix the png
convert rapporteur.png -colorspace Gray bw_rapporteur.png
produced a new bw png
so why is it that you want the background to be transparent? :D
just blend in with the correct background color
see 8 posts above
I am trying to get a transparent object on a transparent widget in tkinter on OSX
though that never answered my question :P
I asked "why is that you want the background to be transparent"
Yes - I want to be able to superimpose the tool over other objects, and take measurements.
then you've got 2 choices: either it looks like rubbish or you fix the png transparency.
Q: How do I make Tkinter support PNG transparency?

rectangletangleI put in a partially transparent PNG image in Tkinter and all I get is this alt text http://i26.tinypic.com/aelh82.jpg How do I make the dark triangle on the right clear? (like it's supposed to be) This is python 2.6 on Windows 7, btw.

you want to get ImageTk from Pillow perhaps
Yes, so far, on osx, I was only able to get the GIF transparent appear on a transparent window.
I will try again in a while. it is time to walk the dogs.
Thanks for the link @AnttiHaapala, and thanks @AndrasDeak too.
also check the colour mode, there's a deleted answer there that says that greyscale images might not work properly
@AnttiHaapala funnily OP clearly has a coloured image. Otherwise that review deletion would've been a mistake
When dynamically creating a format string template, is there a better way to escape { and } than template.replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}')?
basically I'm doing something like this
template2 = template1 + foo.replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}')
result = template2.format(bar)
oh well, thanks
DSM on the dupe: string.Template stackoverflow.com/questions/9161355/…
Not a bad suggestion, actually
I'll stick with my double replace, Template's kinda obscure and not as powerful as str.format
can't do ${foo[0]} or ${foo.bar} etc
@Aran-Fey do note that string.Template is precompiled (possibly)
you might consider compiling a f'string' and evaling it :P
or then not
@ReblochonMasque Older versions of Tkinter don't have native PNG support, but they can handle PNG via PIL (Pillow). But I don't know how well that works with transparency. Also, Tkinter transparency support varies between platforms. It's a little ironic that it tends to be better on Windows than *nix, considering that Tk/Tcl originated on *nix.
I wish Tk would die
Yes, this is what I want to find a way around @PM2Ring
I've used BitmapImage for layers with transparency. But of course you get no antialiasing with 1 bit images.
It is very hard to find a canvas as powerful as tk.Canvas @AnttiHaapala
BitmapImage works well for simple grids, but I bet it looks ugly with your radial pattern.
@ReblochonMasque Cairo is pretty good. ;) But that's not much use in Tkinter. I've used it a few times in GTK, but that was several years ago.
Yes, cairo is good
@AnttiHaapala I was kind of surprised that Tkinter got adopted into the stdlib. But I guess it's relatively easy to learn. And Idle uses it.
Is IDLE useful? It always seems like an orphaned child to me and whenever I face it it's because it's acting weird for someone else.
@ReblochonMasque In that Tkinter question that Antti linked earlier, there's a comment from Terry Jan Reedy. He knows what he's talking about: he's a Python core dev, and has been the principle IDLE dev for several years.
Yes, the comment re. PIL
@AndrasDeak I've never liked it, it seemed too flakey to me. OTOH, I've never been a big fan of IDEs. But a lot of newbies seem to use it, especially Windows users. Some even think you have to use IDLE to run Python. ;)
I used IDLE with Python 2.0
I don't mind a good IDE (don't personally need it for my pythoning). But IDLE doesn't look like one.
@AnttiHaapala I currently use idle with python 3
ok, I think I got it!
I created a transparent png with PIL, and I can display it on a transparent canvas.
@AndrasDeak IDLE was written by Guido himself. I get the feeling that he wasn't expecting it to still be in use 20+ years later.
@ReblochonMasque Yay!
@PM2Ring huh! I had no idea.
YAY! indeed!
@hiroprotagonist cbg
what is the standard way to sign-up / sign-in a user in django?
given the fact that I am also using Channels and the rest framework?
sorry to interrupt... i like the LPTHW complaints sopython.com/wiki/LPTHW_Complaints but i was wondering how many of them apply to the python 3 version of the book learnpythonthehardway.org . did anyone read that (well. after all that has gone wrong in the first edition probably nobody here had any interest in reading it).
@hiroprotagonist I don't have exact information but I doubt any of the regulars have picked up the newer book. The last time those were thoroughly discussed were when the author wrote a dubious pamphlet against python 3, claiming among other things (retconned to be "an obvious joke") that python 3 is not Turing-complete
the python 3 version came soon after, if I recall correctly
yup, i rember the discussion. the turing-complete argument was hilarious indeed!
Most of the objections to LPTHW are due to how the author structures their tutorial, so I would be surprised if the newer version had an "easier way" to learn python. But this is pure speculation, I never had it in me to open that book.
I can also draw on my transparent canvas - life is good!
Thanks @AndrasDeak, @AnttiHaapala & @PM2Ring for your kind help
glad it works
Yes, thanks, me too!
@hiroprotagonist No idea. I vaguely remember that one of the room regulars was going to investigate it, but perhaps they couldn't summon sufficient motivation. ;) Maybe we can encourage roganjosh to do it, since he used the Python 2 version of LPTHW. I don't expect that Zed totally rewrote it, he probably just updated it to fix stuff like print, xrange, zip etc. He may have also added some features new to Python 3, eg yield from, although that stuff isn't necessary for a newbie tutorial.
> If someone tells you to stop at a specific exercise in this book or to skip certain ones, you should ignore that person.
Big oof
Jun 21 '17 at 7:17, by Rawing
I've started reading LPTHW to find out why everyone dislikes it, and so far it's a lot like uni. It brings up important topics that you should know about, but it doesn't actually teach you anything... "You'll notice I didn't explain what these operators do. Try to find out!"
@PM2Ring thanks! one might hope Zed had a look at the rant page and took is seriously... but just like you: i doubt it.
@Aran-Fey that is really in there! whoa! (sounds a bit like religion to me...)
@AndrasDeak Ah, right. I assume that was the Py2 version. @Aran-Fey Did you ever look at the Py3 version?
I can't remember what version that was, but I'm looking at the free sample of LPTHW3 right now
so far it seems quite familiar, so I think what I read was version 3
I'm pretty sure that was before the py3 pamphlet, so it had to have been the py2 version.
but I often misremember :P
@Aran-Fey Well, that's kind of valid. Later sections cover stuff that he skips over in earlier sections. Of course, it'd be better if his order of presentation was more logical...
Idk what university you've gone to :F
"just mash the keys until something syntactically valid comes out" :P
I have read only the Python 2 version.
IIRC, a couple of Antti's complaints are about the illogical order that Zed teaches some important things. So if you don't work through the whole book you miss out on those important things that ought to have been covered earlier.
Plus an utter sense of confusion in newbies, or so I've heard. Hard to build a good mental model with "just do this, trust me"
the problem is considering the history of the author I am not going to pay for his book to review it
@AnttiHaapala that is most likely the stance of everyone here. and very understandable! ...neither will i.
I did skim through the first few chapters that are available for where and they're not half as bad as the original LPTHW
The good thing about LPTHW is that it's very hands-on. Most other books I've looked at are far more text and dry theory. So while other books are technically better, they probably bore a lot of people to death
age of flashing videos and loud sounds...
Jan 23 '16 at 10:09, by PM 2Ring
@AnttiHaapala LPTHW should be called "Let's sabotage Python newbies `cause I love Ruby"
@AndrasDeak No, just "learning by doing"
LSPN(CILR) instead of LPTHW? ...has a ring to it!
@Aran-Fey Fair point. OTOH, I wouldn't mind a dollar for every SO question about that text adventure program that LPTHW readers work on...
I would still just read through the Python 3 tutorial first... instead of that book.
@Aran-Fey still, back in my day it wasn't beyond the average learner's attention span to sit down and actually read and learn
  url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework'))
what is this line that django rest framework adds by default?
@AndrasDeak Yes, but you still need to actually write code as well, to help the info sink in, and to make sure you've understood it correctly. But you can do that by writing tiny little "useless" programs. I'm skeptical of the value of tutorials that get you to type in a huge program over the course of the tutorial, where half the time you're just cargo-culting the author's code.
here they say that
class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    API endpoint that allows users to be viewed or edited.
    queryset = User.objects.all().order_by('-date_joined')
    serializer_class = UserSerializer
it's an endpoint that allows users to be viewed or edited.
why if I don't want users to be viewed or edited but just created?
@TheLittleNaruto it's not my blog, i wish it were. Libraries need to be installable, apps may be, it usually doesn't hurt and makes them more testable. Try to understand what "installing a package" really means and does, it's imo essential if yoi want to write software. The blog entry should be able to help with that.
@PM2Ring well yeah, it should be a tutorial, otherwise we could just point newbies to the language reference
@Aran-Fey I would go to LIBRARY and get me a book on programming and read it without actually even being by the computer. Of course I might be more on the spectrum than your usual n00b... and I was in my early teens if not even pre- so :P
well, to each their own
I learned quite a bit of programming, in several languages, with no or only limited access to machines. But I still wrote code. :)
honestly there has to be a generation gap chasm between us and people who find youtube programming tutorials useful
I can't imagine looking at one
hello, are there any different between formData and body when I use Flask to receive it?
My first language was Basic, pretty close to the original Dartmouth dialect. Our maths teacher taught it to us, one period per week. We had no access to a machine, so he had to check our coding homework by hand. It was almost a decade later that I first had access to a machine that ran Basic. In the mean time, I'd also learned PL/I, IBM 360 mainframe assembler, APL, Fortran & C. The idea of writing code while sitting in front of the machine was like something out of science fiction. :)
I'd find Youtube tutorials useful if I could ctrl-F through them and find exactly what I'm interested in.
There's definitely some kind of disconnect going on when we say "how come youngsters can't just buckle down and read the documentation?" and meanwhile they're watching e-celebs peck out programs for ninety minutes. Patience is not what is lacking, it seems
(I'm charitably assuming that they're not scrolling through facebook while the tutorial plays in the background)
Coding in the same room as the IBM 360 was less than ideal. It was just too noisy. The 2 air conditioners were the base level, then there was the noise of the disk drive, and the punch card reader. But the main culprit was the line printer: 120 print heads hammering away can't help being noisy.
@PM2Ring we wrote C mid-terms on paper at university. Can't say I was particularly fond of the concept ;)
in the computer engineering course we were using the "basic computer" assembler ...
which does not even have a real-world counterpart :D
this one
or pretty close
it didn't have a stack :D
immune to stack overflow then
@AnttiHaapala That makes it tricky if you want subroutines. ;)
Just declare by fiat that memory addresses 0xwhatever through 0xwhatever+0xFFFF is your de facto stack, and push things onto it using whatever memory writing opcodes you do have
Sure, that works when you want to do stack-oriented algorithms on your data. But we also want a stack so we can push return addresses and function args onto it. And a CPU that knows what to do with that stuff.
@Arne I have bookmarked the link. Will definitely give a read and implement. Thanks again for sharing.
If you're saying "it's nice to have CALL and RET natively in the instruction set because the CPU can execute them in one cycle, which is impossible if you cobble your own equivalent together using JMP, LD, etc", I agree. If you're saying "there's something that native CALL and RET are capable of doing that's impossible to replicate using homegrown equivalents", I don't know what that something might be
The last time I played around with subleq, I made macros that emulated call and ret, and they seemed to do everything I expected from subroutines... Not that I tested them super thoroughly.
There is a humor section in python official doc site: python.org/doc/humor
@Kevin Fair enough. You don't need JSR / GOSUB, all you really need is JMP / GOTO. But that way lies spaghetti-code madness.
It seems that even in assembly there is value in making code that's readable to humans. As above, so below.
> I suggested holding a "Python Object Oriented Programming Seminar", but the acronym was unpopular.
I keep meaning to learn some flavor of assembly, but I've bounced off the topic like three times now. I think I've been spoiled by high-level languages where I can write entire functional programs in one line of code.
I'm not used to "99 bottles of beer" requiring so many instructions
if you just haven't learned any assembler out of fear of it being useful - learn the Golang assembler
@Kevin True, it can be a bit tedious, but it's not as bad as say, brainf*. And with assembler you get the rewarding feeling of knowing the CPU is doing exactly what you tell it to do.
I would never dare tell my CPU what to do. I just want a yamming Fourier transform.
how can I have such a view using the ViewSets?
instead of the generic ones?
Setting up python3 (3.7.3-1) ...
running python rtupdate hooks for python3.7...
this dist-upgrade is starting too look interesting
here's hoping my remaining 400 MB on the root partition will suffice D:
One of my three runs at assembly fizzled out when I said, "OK, now to accomplish this task I'll need a list of dynamic size... Ah, forget it"
Neither of my options were enticing: Declare ahead of time a reasonable maximum list length, say 256, and allocate that many bytes of data at compile time; or write a linked list implementation, which would require a malloc implementation, which would require an entire memory management engine, which would require ten other things that I don't know how to do...
interesting... while looking for references on a question (stackoverflow.com/questions/57854621/…) I've only found a language definition for evaluation order of expressions. But not of statements. Does anyone know if such a thing exists?
dist-upgrade done with 319 MB to spare \o/
time to reboot and see what's broken
"Lines of code are executed one after the other" is such a typical design among programming languages that I'd be unsurprised if the Python specification didn't bother to mention it. But I also wouldn't be surprised if it did mention it. I think I'll poke around the docs...
Nothing obvious in "2.1. Line structure" or "4. Execution model" or "7. Simple statements" or "8. Compound statements" or "9.2. File input"... If the requirement is anywhere, I'd expect it to be in one of those
yeah, I thought so too but didn't find anything
I'm slightly rustled at the first comment to that question, which says "[Python] works with a repl - read, evaluate, print, loop, means, as long as you are not using a multi-threaded code a() will happen before b()". Which is rather like saying "A implies B. A, therefore C"
Python sometimes sets up a REPL, but even when it doesn't, a() still happens before b().
Perhaps the commenter is under the impression that "REPL" is synonymous with "an execution model that incrementally reads each line of code in turn, evaluates it, writes to stdout if necessary, and then continues until the end of the file"
the physicist in me feels it is appropriate to document the Correct Order of Eventsâ„¢ but the lack of reliable sources is awkward
Which is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike what Python actually does
a lot of people share that misconception
@MisterMiyagi causality reigns supreme
When humanity constructs a Dyson sphere that runs on Python, it will have to account for the fact that some instructions will execute seemingly simultaneously several light-seconds away from one another, and so whether one event precedes the other will depend on the observer
there are some nice papers on how distributed applications give rise to relativistic effects...
The final enemy we must vanquish before becoming a type 2 Kardashev civilization is the Global Interpreter Lock
we're doomed
Guido never thought that global might mean "as in the universe"
trying to work out what this one is really asking... umm
Better known as the Galactic Interpreter Lock, since we will have long since fled the globe
@JonClements bet it's python 2 after all
they've made a reasonable effort, but it's clearly based on lack of basic knowledge and not sure what they're trying to achieve
> Now the question is if the input is int instead of string it will not calculate the length
@AndrasDeak could well be...
Clear as mud, closing it
I wager 0.25 quatloos that the question is going to turn out to be "how do I determine whether a string looks like a float? Just checking for the presence of a period doesn't work because then I get false positives when I enter 'Hello, world.'"
@Kevin now I'm wondering... if we could exchange data via the fact that a lock is held, the GIL might allow super luminous communication. In other words time travelling.
Weeeell I wouldn't call it time travel
@Kevin yup... and that whole bool(str.find(...)) is off as well - the answer there is also errr... "interesting"
or would that make it possible to message your own past if the other end messages back?
@MisterMiyagi Reminds me of the old chestnut that lots of armchair physicists come up with, that goes: "quantum entanglement ensures that two halves of a particle have the same state. So we just have to figure out how to collapse the waveform into a state of our choosing, and we can transmit a bit of information faster than light"
@Kevin that's precisely it
just with a non-quantumian GIL
We just have to figure out how to collapse waveforms non-randomly, and how to check to see if a particle's waveform has collapsed without actually observing it, since that would collapse its waveform
unless we acquire the QIL some day...
Maybe if we kind of... Look at it sideways, from behind a corner...
Set up the double slit experiment. Over the left slit, affix the sign "NO ENTRY". Over the right slit, affix the sign "PHOTON SNACKS THIS WAY ->". Then the waveform will surely collapse with the photon traveling through the right slit.
No photon can resist a delicious photon snack
what do you call someone who's acquired the QUIL from multiple interpreter instances?
I don't know, what do you call someone who's acquired the QUIL from multiple interpreter instances?
a porcupine
[kazoos play, my bowtie spins]
What's QUIL?
From context, I suspect it's "QUantum Interpreter Lock", a hypothetical system that will be invented in the distant future
Ahh ok, the U got me
we're already at some 50 QBits, that's surely enough to start porting CPython...
I now see that QUIL is currently referring to Quantum Instruction Language in the context of libraries like PyQuil
how can I find out which attributes I can use on a given object?
class Abc
could have some attributes that I am not aware of
do you mean attributes, or also methods or even special attributes?
how can I discover
as much as it's possible but
at least attributes
like variables
I second the dir() suggestion. You won't be able to tell attributes apart from methods, and attributes defined via @property won't be visible, but it's still fairly useful.
@Kevin sounds like vars(some_object) would be more useful in this case...
class Abc:
    def __init__(self):
        self.w = 1
        self.x = 2
    def y(self):
        self.z = 2
x = Abc()
#[<a bunch of stuff we don't care about>, 'w', 'x', 'y']
class T:
    def f(self):
        return 3

if you are working interactively in ipython or a jupyter notebook, you can use tab-completion to discover attributes
mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__',
              'f': <property at 0x7f983c983458>,
              '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'T' objects>,
              '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'T' objects>,
              '__doc__': None})
Here we see that attributes w and x are visible. But oh no, z isn't there, because it doesn't exist yet. And method y is there, which you might not want
thank you very much
I wanted to find out in a request and self objects where is the path url used as a query
but still can't find it
Lazy riddle: How can you create an object obj so that 'x' in dir(obj) is true, but obj.x throws an attribute error, without hacking __getattr__, __getattribute__ or __dir__
and without defining a property/descriptor that throws an attribute error inside
...well, technically that's what the intended solution does
I'm thinking view spoiler
@Aurelius you might want to look at the docs of the given object
I don't actually know why that works
Wonder why it's called dir() and not show_namespace() or something?
Unix-style naming?
@Kevin CPython creates a descriptor with the name x which throws an AttributeError. x shows up in dir(obj) because it exists in the class
@shad0w_wa1k3r Is that so? A Unix thing? That might explain it... my mind just thinks directory.
@Aurelius If the library is well-written, all classes and functions have useful docstrings. And you can get that info using the help() function.
@Aran-Fey Sounds sensible, although I do not grok it in my bones. As usual the wisdom of the object model design eludes me.
@shad0w_wa1k3r DOS?
I want to say "dir has a short name because it's used mostly for diagnostic purposes and it's nice to be able to debug as fast as possible at the expense of a little readability", but this begs the question of why breakpoint() isn't, like, brpt()
@Kevin Wait, so you think it is short for directory? I mean, yeah, that's the obvious reference but that does not make sense to me, classes aren't directories.
Obviously they should have named it break(), which is currently a syntax error and therefore ripe for making into an actual command
@PM2Ring thanks
    "count": 3,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
a query set returns this serialized json
but I am only interested in the results array
how can I get only that one?
if I do .results on the query set I get an error
How hard could it possibly be to extend the parser to have a context-aware understanding of identifiers that might be a keyword or variable depending on later tokens? [thunder rumbles ominously in the distance]
@Aurelius do you really have a dict? Or a string?
@Dodge Yes, I do think it's short for "directory". No, I don't think it makes a lot of sense. I try not to worry too much about it :>
@Dodge You get a directory listing if you want to see what occupants are in a building
Or, what members are part of a class instance
dir is allowed to be conceptually fuzzy because it shouldn't be in production quality code anyway
or if you want to, you can think that it adopts the Unix philosophy of everything being a file, so you're just dir-ing the class like you ls a directory
which is probably more confusing and wrong than my first explanation
@WayneWerner I can live with that, you've put my mind at ease, thanks ;)
Glad to help :)
@Aurelius Keep in mind that Python doesn't have a "JSON" type. It's all just dicts and lists and strings. So you access the value of the "results" key the same way you always access values in a dict: x = my_json_data["results"]. Of course, as Andras points out, this only works if my_json_data is actually a dict.
If it's a string that looks like a dict, then json.loads will help you there
and if you want a dict to turn into some JSON then json.dumps will help you there
OK, so my dist-upgrade worked like a charm, and only my entire gnome broke
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed
Initial quick solve with frozen env failed.  Unfreezing env and trying again.
Solving environment: \
this is the second time I am getting this error
what is wrong?? package in question us PRAW
conda install -c conda-forge praw
@AndrasDeak Ouch, how are you still here?
I've been here from mobile, and eventually I figured out that one or more of my old gnome extensions were killing gnome. Took me quite a few hoops to jump through, though.
fortunately the missus lent me her laptop so googling wasn't a huge pain
fortunately not there yet
Sprinkle a circle of salt around the laptop and phone to keep The Taint from infecting them
my only remaining woe is that my desktops are laid out as [ | | ] and yet when I move from one to the other the animation acts as if they were under one another :'(
should only take me an hour at most to track down the corresponding setting
Remember that viruses can jump across airgaps via speaker, so sing loudly to disrupt the signal
unfortunately that would also disrupt the missus
Sing at 18kHz to 24kHz so that it's not consciously audible to the missus
that would disrupt the dog :'(
A-ha! Found the third-party extension that disables the animation for good. Why does this sound too much like javascript?
The dog may already be compromised. It can't be used as a direct attack vector, but it may act in conjunction with the cat. The dog asks for walkies, and while you're out of the room the cat walks across the keyboard, typing out rm -rf * <Enter>
good thing i use windows. You know, so that i can throw the cat out of it before i walk away.
A decoy keyboard is recommended as a first line of defense
the only cat I have eats files
@Aurelius If that's coming from the requests library, you should use the .json() method. See 2.python-requests.org/en/master/user/quickstart/…
@PM2Ring @Kevin thank you very much
Thought you said "the only cat I have eats flies" and I thought "yes, that's a relatively typical behavior of cats, but how is that relevant?" and it took me more than one re-read to understand
it was coming from django database query
but I have solved it
by removing the pagination option
now I can't figure out how to do a login with django rest framework
@Kevin I had read his message correctly the first time around, but then i read your sentence, and now it took me more than one re-read of his sentence to finally be able to read it correctly once again.
I can do a sign-up but not a sign-in
I've got a weirdly specific visual processing thing where I can't easily parse tightly packed parallel line segments, so I'm blaming this on that
and finally my vim is new enough to be able to support safe modelines \o/
woo woo(?)
@Kevin same here
What distinguishes a safe modeline from an unsafe modeline?
I like my modelines, because they let me use appropriate syntax highlighting on files with weird extensions, such as foo.f_orig or bar.py_old
what I don't like is being pwned by merely opening files with an editor
Yeah, that's unpleasant
ed FTW
Knowing nothing about modelines other than "this lets you set some vim settings on a per-file basis", it seems silly to me that arbitrary code execution was ever possible
"poc.txt" 1L, 75C
Error detected while processing modelines:
line    1:
E992: Not allowed in a modeline when 'modelineexpr' is off: fde=assert_fails("source\!\ \%")
That's like finding an attack vector in CSS
@Kevin indeed
here's the PoC if you're interested and haven't seen it before github.com/numirias/security/blob/master/doc/…
Proofs of concept are fun. All too often I see vulnerability reports that basically say "take my word for it that this could be used for Bad Stuff", which is unexciting. I'm here to watch the train wreck, show me some 'sploits please
This one has the full text for a reverse shell attack, and an animated gif of the grisly result. I award full points.
I wanted to ask if there is a better way than encapsulating try except in python when I want to try multiple things when the first one fails and the next one and so on.
for example when I want to load a file and want try multiple save directories
I'm thinking something like:
directories_to_try = ["c:/users/kevin/desktop", "/usr/bin", ...]
for candidate_directory in directories_to_try:
    filename = os.path.join(candidate_directory, "myfile.dat")
        with open(filename, "w") as file:
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("oops, directory doesn't exist")
else: #this executes if the loop completes without ever encountering a `break`
    print("Could not find acceptable directory!")
ah iterating over a list. thank you very much I am gonna try it.
In the specific case of searching for a valid directory, a LBYL approach is also possible
directories_to_try = ["c:/users/kevin/desktop", "/usr/bin", ...]
for candidate_directory in directories_to_try:
    if os.path.isdir(candidate_directory):
        filename = os.path.join(candidate_directory, "myfile.dat")
        with open(filename, "w") as file:
        print("oops, directory doesn't exist")
    print("Could not find acceptable directory!")
Or perhaps
directories_to_try = ["c:/users/kevin/desktop", "/usr/bin", ...]
existing_directories = [d for d in directories_to_try if os.path.isdir(d)]
if existing_directories:
    filename = os.path.join(existing_directories[0], "myfile.dat")
    with open(filename, "w") as file:
    print("Could not find acceptable directory!")
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