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9 hours later…
It blows my mind how after years of programming I still grossly underestimate the complexity of some projects
Day 0: "How hard can it be to write a serializer?"
Day 298: *does victory dance because 50% of test cases pass*
I will take your word on it, and stay in my blessedly ignorant state of "pickle is basically repr"
Haha yeah, but then again serialization is really known to be hard^tm
how do I superscript something?
i changed my mind, what's so hard about serialization?
go for it :D
@Hakaishin can't
Test: this is a <sup>superscript</sup>
Worth a shot?
@Arne Correctly handling references between objects, handling reference cycles, and trying your best not to let an attacker exploit your deserializer for arbitrary code execution or other stuff
Stupid example:
class Hashable:
    def __init__(self, set):
        self.set = set

    def __hash__(self):
        return len(self.set)

s = set()
o = Hashable(s)
When you deserialize this thing, do you deserialize the set first or the object?
rethorical question, or actual one?
Somewhere in the middle :D
actual rhetorical question
I'd say the object
@thyriki chat formatting is different from the markdown on the site which is different from the markdown in comments which is different from markdown on other sites sigh
Could be a fun challenge: Create an object o so that o != pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(o))
is transient a thing in python?
@tripleee Jesus. How do you do italics?
@Arne transient what?
@thyriki introducing the sandbox knock yourself out.
oh, it seems it's specific to java. It's a keyword that tells seializators that certain fields or the object itself shouldn't be serialized
Awesome! Thanks.
Or rather, Melon.
@Aran-Fey an exceptions is closer to false than to true, right?
>>> o = []; o.append(o)
>>> o == o
>>> o == pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(o))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/code.py", line 91, in runcode
    exec(code, self.locals)
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison
funnily enough, the pickle part itself seems to work:
>>> pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(o))
Perhaps a cpython issue is in order :P
@Hakaishin You don't. :) But for that one, just use the Unicodeā„¢. If you're using Linux, that's easy, if you've enabled a Compose key.
@Arne Well, I was thinking of an object that is actually structurally different after dumping/loading - otherwise the challenge is easily solved by implementing (or not implementing) __eq__. So your infinitely nested list isn't a solution as intended
not that I expected any brownies for that thing, I was mainly curious how pickle handles outliers like infinite nestings
handing self-references is not harder than handling references to other objects, really
@Aran-Fey Does your serializer use __reduce__, __getstate__ & __setstate__ ? docs.python.org/3/library/pickle.html#pickling-class-instances
Yes, though my deserializer imposes some restrictions on the __reduce__ protocol (you can't use eval or exec as factory functions, for example)
@Aran-Fey That's reasonable.
Hmm, the pickle challenge might be impossible... seems like pickle tends to crash rather than return incorrect objects
Nvm, it's possible
Requires some questionable code though
1 hour later…
don't all puzzles? ;)
'spose so
1 hour later…
Why can't one print "..." in a python REPL?
>>> print('...')

>>> print(r'...')
Nothing is printed?
I can't repro
I'm in Pycharm, let me open a terminal and check
Yup Pycharm problem, weird
Google tells me nothing but that is enough to make a person feel a bit crazy
@Dodge whenever pycharm is being strange I remember this: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/45622219#45622219
@Arne Gee, Pycharm adds that much cruft, boo
@Dodge Are you using Git Bash? I've seen that before
@dodge I added alias python='winpty python.exe' to fix it
@jfleach I'm running Pycharm Pro on Ubuntu 19.04, It's quite strange:
>>> print('...#')
I can reproduce it. It just eats leading triple dots
>>> print('....................... something ...')
.. something ...
same with ipython on pycharm:
Python 3.7.1 (default, Dec 14 2018, 13:28:58)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.2.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
PyDev console: using IPython 7.2.0
Python 3.7.1 (default, Dec 14 2018, 13:28:58)
[Clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)] on darwin
@Arne so there is a limit to the number of dots Pycharm will eat? wow
no, it will eat all multiples of three xD
Ah ok
as to the why..
print(".......... .......... ..........")
. .......... ..........
9 dots eaten!
print("............ ............ ............")
 ............ ............
12 dots eaten!
they do something like this
re.sub(r'^(\.\.\.)*', '', cli_input)
print("\............ ............ ............")
\............ ............ ............
dots eaten after a new line
print("\n............ ............ ............")

 ............ ............
oops, deleted by mistake
here we go, backwards engineering pycharms strange output mangling decisions
I think the string, when printed gets converted into the no op Ellipsis type
>>> '...'
>>> print('...')

>>> ...
Oh well, life goes on :)
I might be interfering in ongoing discussion ^^; but why I am getting this error : "AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'keys'" ?
My JSON configuration file has something like this :
{"attributes": [
            {"Tags": "a"},
            {"id": "b"},

and This is how I am trying to get the attributes keys list:
loads = json.loads(open("cnfg.json", "r").read())
self.fields = loads["attributes"]
keys = self.fields.keys()
At the last line, it's throwing that error.
did you try opening it in the debugger and looking what objects you are dealing with?
that will help a lot
@Hakaishin Ah just checked in debugger it's a list
If I'm not mistaken it's because it's not a dict.
That data format looks bad. Why would you make a list filled with dicts that each have exactly 1 key?
{"Tags": "a", "id": "b"},

Was that what you were looking for? (ops, pressed enter)
Grrr..... I feel so dumb. Thanks Guys šŸ˜‚
Damn I wasted like 1 hour for this shitty thing you know. šŸ˜‚
Well, there's no better way to learn!
take away, learn to use the debugger
I feel like correctly using a debugger is very underappreciated and also not thaught enough
I am used to it when working with Android App development; however same is not the case now for python. adapting to it from now itself
yeah it also took me a while to switch the habit of oh let's add a few prints state.... to no stop it, just run it in the debugger
Yeah Thanks I'll make it a habit :D
I personally love just manually running portions of my code. Sort of like a poor man's debugging i suppose.
@ParitoshSingh I feel you. I love cleaning code under the premise of 'debugging', as well. #I'mTheTrashMan
@ParitoshSingh I really thought I was gonna lose my nerve and take a shortcut but I finally got to grips with how the proxy should be used in this case. finally :) Thanks for your input yesterday.
So, what was the secret sauce? I can't visually tell the change right now
The main thing was swapping between parent/child in the proxy (my example had more issues than just accessing the product details, it actually failed on some codes)
parents = association_proxy('parent_products', 'child_prods')
children = association_proxy('child_products', 'parent_prods')
Then, product attributes are accessed normally, and the association table attributes use the proxy
Which, in the grand scheme of things, all makes sense but I guess I wasn't seeing the wood for the trees
huh, wow such a little thing, such a massive difference.
Im going to spend some time reading on association proxy further, but if i can't grok it properly, may i harass you further on it later? :p
But all that later though, now, i gotta head home
Sure, but I'm not sure I will be able to elaborate too much :P rbrb Paritosh
re-cbg all, bugrit.
bugrit indeed
cbg @holdenweb, @JGreenwell; Good to see you ( : @holden's your tutorials were and are still of great much help, @JG we talked a lot about this book
@randomhopeful glad to hear it. One day (when I've retired?) I'll rewrite the materials from a more modern tutorial, but at present earning a crust takes priority.
oh, I have that author's Java book (used it in a class once) it was pretty good
For those kind enough to have expressed an interest I've now landed two consulting gigs that will suffice to keep body and soul together, and I still have time available.
Is it possible to display images with FileField instead of ImageField in Django?
@holdenweb That, I do understand ; ) Congratulations on your new endeavors
@holdenweb great to hear that
Something of a relief to soon have some money coming in after no wages this year and my last contract ceasing three weeks ago. Also one of the consulting gigs may involve recruitment, we shall see.
@holdenweb equilibrium, at last ( :
Of a sort, yes, thanks.
congrats Holden :)
Do you see problem with ageism in the tech industry?
@holdenweb congrats!
@wim no, but I keep the eyebrows and nose hair under control so people may not realise my age. Certainly the experience appears to be valued in places.
@PaulMcG Thanks!
I am surprised to see someone with so much experience have "no wages this year". Why there are not recruiters and employers banging down your door? Is Python that out of fashion now?
Interesting twitter thread twitter.com/hynek/status/1155434973807218696 alleging the health of Python as a serious language is not looking great
> ...a loud group within the Python community actively undermines all attempts to keep Python relevant for production use
@wim I've been having longer & longer breaks in contractor jobs over the last 3 years (I have rave recommendation letters & am even friends with a lot of the people in the place I have worked so its not an issue of merit) - just a really hard market some places
that's with Java, Scala, & Python too
Though personally for me - I think a lot of it is due to an over saturation of supposed "data scientists" (when that became the buzzword many people flocked to this) causing a bad taste in peoples mouths about data people in general in this area
@wim Types are becoming too important I guess :/
i guess python brought in types at some point though... so my hypothesis might not be correct.
1 hour later…
@wim Simple: I continued to work for a company with no money!
I was wondering about that because I couldn't reconcile "being on a contract for most of the year" with "not having income for most of the year". I thought, "Man these remote jobs programming jobs sure are strange."
@holdenweb I've had mini rants about people telling me to just leave jobs rather than address what I think are systemic issues, but that's some serious dedication!
I need to transform a 3d geometry from an obj file with p vertices to one with n vertices in Python--anyone know of an extant resource that does this?
It was a weird one: an investor promised funds, and delivered £400,000 to our bank account to let us meet payroll. Those funds are still unavailable due to anti-money-laundering (AML) checks. The investor, the bank and the banking obudsman all stopped responding to inquiries about three months ago, leading me to suspect some kind of criminal investigation is in progress.
I did get paid for the three-month contract that I did from May through the end of June. But I'm still out three months salary.
Any takers on the 3d geometry front?
My plan is to recursively subdivide triangle faces until I hit n but if this is already vectorized somewhere I'm happy to use that...
wait so p < n?
@duhaime This provides a way to subdivide an existing mesh. It is an intersting question, wish I could be of more help.
That's pretty brutal. Aren't the ombudsmen supposed to be informing you of this? I kinda thought that was their responsibility
Im happy to hear you've got a couple consulting gigs lined up now holden!
OK, it makes more sense now. Is/was this a startup?
@holdenweb Well, that's frustrating :(
in line for the scraps when/if they fall? :P
I don't know what to suggest for the OP in that case. I kinda feel that taking the downvotes and then deleting might be worse on a new account than taking the downvotes and having it closed. Is there any source to help with a tie-break?
AFAIK deleting is fine
I delete my own questions all the time
for small values of all, of course
@WayneWerner for an account with no rep, either will weigh heavily on the likelihood of a question ban, so I was looking for the lesser of two evils. But now they've asked us to help by email and I'm less emotionally invested in it all now, anyway
mm. I'm guessing that a single question shouldn't get them banned - it's just if they keep asking terrible questions
or assume that SO is FHaaS - Free Homework as a Service
No, it won't, but it does severely restrict wiggle-room going forward if you misstep
It's probably for the best that I can't see some of my deleted questions. I remember when I started programming that I got warnings when trying to ask a question. I imagine if I read them now it would be like a car-crash unfolding in slow motion for me :P
@roganjosh deletion only matters for bans when there are answers
Does that imply that deletion is better than closure in this instance?
I don't think closure matters either, but not sure
unless someone answers it :D
I think the main effect is up/downvotes
@WayneWerner well, that specter is ever-present!
"Quick! Delete your question before some fool answers it!"
Side note: I'm really annoyed with spellcheck for making me confused about spectre/specter. I've been unwittingly pushed into American spelling
right click > add to dictionary
We just like erasing cultures here in the United States of America
it's what we do
What part of melting pot don't you understand?
we can't have you keeping your individualism ;)
Just have there, their and they're be all spelled as 3
Which is why I feel a certain amount of righteousness by defying the red squiggle. I just lost my resolve in that one case. It won't happen again.
Is there a variant of K means where centroids must always be extant vertex positions?
I don't think I understand the situation
I mean the initial selection of centroids in K means usually involves selecting k extant points. Then each point is assigned to its closest centroid, then the centroid is moved to the geometric mean of all points assigned to it. I want to kind of quantize the possible positions of the centroids such that they're always == some extant vertex (as is the case in the initial centroid appointment)
Imagine if one could define some hyperplane or manifold along which all the centroids had to lie
Or one could define some arbitrary geometry that restrained the possible centroid positions
Instead of selecting the absolute geometric mean, they're be some kind of linear assignment problem that "snapped" each centroid to the nearest open spot on that manifold / geometry
Yep, I understand what you're trying to do. I could envision it in practice if you were trying to select from multiple potential sites for a distribution hub, for example
Sure, they're be lots of applications
Which makes me think that there must be some algorithm but I definitely don't know a name off the top of my head
I can't be the first to want this--it must exist, and likely exists in Python already
Yes sir, I believe that's the one!
Nice work!
No problem :)
ha, i was asked what is k memoid in an interview a while back. i just told him i had absolutely no clue such a thing even existed. :D
It's sometimes a bit unfortunate how interviews work. "I could envision it in practice if you were trying to select from multiple potential sites for a distribution hub" and "Imagine if one could define some hyperplane or manifold along which all the centroids had to lie" are statements about the same problem, yet the latter would just leave me with no idea what was going on without the previous comment, yet I found the answer.
Or, put another way, I would prefer "how do we select a particular site for xyz?" than "do you know k-medoids?". The interviewer's mental model can put you at a disadvantage just by stating it in their terms. It took 1 search to find what algorithm I wanted and the rest of the time was reading to make sure.
yeah, though fwiw the interviewer didn't dock me too hard on it, it went well overall. But i had never heard of it before, and they never shared what it was in the interview itself.
and it was more along the line of "how does k-memoid work". and you can cue the mind goes blank moment here.
k-medoid. At this point, we're both drawing blanks on k-memoid :P
see?! exactly! storytelling so good, you can instantly relate!
@WayneWerner I'll bear you in mind. Only just recognised the handle from Twitter!
this question has a perfectly good MCVE, it's the close-voters that are incorrect stackoverflow.com/q/57297921/674039
Side note: troll?
their comments seem to indicate as much honestly
got my reopen vote and my downvote
Why re-open in that case (genuinely curious)?
Because as wim said it has an MCVE. But I'm looking for a dupe target.
op's intention aside, the question itself is solid
I've cracked the SO code. essentially, just look at every question and forget the OP. then everything except the meta falls in place. :p
meta is where you go if you're having a good day and want it to end.
(they have some nice jokes in the comments though)
Sure, but not ignoring the OP's intentions won't change the fact that they have a perfectly valid answer in any case. What do we hope for from the re-open?
closure of a question doesn't depend on OP's intentions, nor on the number of available answers
It's answered in any case
i suppose it's just a question of what "signals" you're sending out.
closed questions had something "wrong" about them in terms of SO standards.
@ParitoshSingh except dupes
aye, touche, except dupes
This is typical HNQ material by the way. I hate it.
mm, I'm not so sure that sways me, though you're probably correct on opinions about closed questions. It's very obscure how this will help anyone on a search IMO
you can vote to close it as a typo/no repro
literally mistyped character, and indeed unlikely to help future readers
which is the current closure on the Q
It's already closed
I'm not able to mistype that.
And about to be re-opened
@ParitoshSingh oh poop
@wim I didn't double-check the close banner. Next time you're asking for a reopen of a typo, don't make it sound like a no-MCVE closure
Which potentially makes it all the worse for HNQ :P
those close banners really are like advertisments eh? really easy to mentally skip
wish I could retract reopen votes...
I'm not aware of a dupe, but you can use it as a dupe going forward. You can't really do that if it's closed.
can't find one either
@AndrasDeak OP is trolling, or OP was trolled?
OP trolling
@wim fix the question up and I'll vote to re-open. But it's completely unsearchable right now, surely?
Hmm, I don't get that impression
What needs fixing? Q looks fine to me.
It won't make a difference either way, it'll now be re-opened
Otherwise there'd be an "oh wow, this is amazing" or "oh wow, this is horrible". There's only a "Greek question mark woud be brutal" by OP
can we cv to a closed question?
OP I'm confused as to why this seeming obvious code breaks. ANSWERER It is because of this gotcha many new programmers are unaware of.
i'd guess on a hunch, no.
Seems a completely reasonable Q&A paradigm
@AndrasDeak huh? how do you mistype an obscure cyrillic character?
@wim hence trolling
@wim I don't know, tbh. But something that can be useful in a Google search. It's gonna get hyped in the short term and become pointless in the long-term. There has to be some way forward
@AndrasDeak that's exactly what it is.
What is what?
it was an (incorrect) no-MCVE closure
"This question was caused by a problem that can no longer be reproduced or a simple typographical error."
that ^
huh? it is neither of those.
the problem is reproducible and it's not a "simple" typographical error.
> While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a manner unlikely to help future readers.
nobody needing this info will find this question
I'm just angry I got duped into casting a reopen vote
I beg to differ and intend to use it as a dupe-target going forward.
He didn't dupe you
either way I'm angry at myself
I read @wim's post and voted to reopen as well. In addition, I think it is a fine question. It could use an edit to attract more google searches but I wouldn't know what to add to the post to do so. Being a dup target should help though.
@wim closed posts can be used as dupe targets
On balance, I'll vote to re-open. It's a corner case.
oh this should be duped to that prank post then, no?
prank post?
that one is definitely off-topic
and would probably get deleted if it were posted to meta
@wim it's re-opened
typo/no repro, take it or leave it stackoverflow.com/questions/57297921/… ^
@roganjosh thx
@ParitoshSingh yeah, not a dupe of that
Im ambivalent on the question as a whole. the only practical scenario that i can personally think of is when you copy lines of code from somewhere online. when that goes wrong, which it does very rarely, it's not really an issue of having english alphabets written the wrong way, but often some line carriage or strange hidden characters carried over from copying. (dang you skype, im looking at you)
I've seen a few variants of the question where search was not finding expected results
Let it hit HNQ. I'll just remember the OP's name if they farm in the rep and I'm at peace with wim getting upvotes cos he does enough for the site and I believe he really will use as a dupe. There, I can walk away now and not stress about it all.
it's not necessarily a troll, it can happen easily when data is coming in from a scraped webpage or something
So, ideally i'd love the version that showcased that issue instead of this.
@wim I'd expect a different framing and reactions then
usually the solution is to normalize the text before performing a search with e.g. unidecode and/or unicodedata.normalize
not that OP's intentions really matter
But regardless, i can see some usefulness. for my take, i'd also like if the answer can also recommend a comment from the "prank" question, that being that if you're copying code over, and have an issue in a line, sometimes it's just easier to delete the whole line and type from scratch.
How many times must a junior dev be reading old cold and trying to figure out what it does? Maybe a disgruntled ex-employee left some easter eggs in their code and the junior dev has to figure it out. They come across something similar to the post we're discussing... and their problem is solved.
good luck to the junior dev landing on that question with that title. :P
So what the consequence of it hitting hnq, if it does? More people will become aware of unicode identifier names in Python 3 and not fall for underhanded tricks and/or be more street smart about potential hacks / vulnerabilities from this type of tricky source code.
it's an upvote gimmick metagamed into a practical question which frankly would never actually crop up in just about everyone's lifetime
@wim no, a lot of laypeople will see it and give spurious upvotes on a kind of annoying interview trick question
Now, i don't hate them myself, but i can easily understand someone who does. (hi AD)
@wim I'd link that one to the post you just reopened. @ParitoshSingh if you can think of a different title or extra text to put in the post to help search engines, you should edit accordingly.
@ParitoshSingh Maybe. It also got downvoted 4 times.
I dislike it purely from an SO dynamics point of view
good thing upvotes are about 5 times as powerful as downvotes then for the OP eh?
Hey all, quick question. So I've developed this internal web app for my company. It's pretty basic -- all it does is import data from a JSON file into a form -- the user can alter the data and hit submit and the data is written to the JSON file. I'm considering writing tests for it but I am on the fence. Are tests really necessary?
@earlyriser01 what would you be testing?
random musing: tests are never necessary and always important. you only regret the lack of tests when you regret them though.
> you only regret the lack of tests when you regret them though.
deep ;)
@roganjosh I guess just the navigation links. I suppose I could write a test to verify that input is being written to a JSON file.
Necessary for what? It depends on how robust you want it. How long lived is this app going to be. Do you intend for someone to take it over? Or will it only be around for a week.
It should be around for at least a few years I think.
@ParitoshSingh heh. yes. I already rep-capped today so no dog in the game if it hits HNQ.
@ParitoshSingh The Sun Tzu of Room 6
@earlyriser01 then test it. two tests. The only thing difficult about it will be learning how to test.
@piRSquared okay, thanks. It's in Django. I needed a new challenge anyways.
@wim Oh, you're fine wim, i have no issues the answers to this question. And frankly, you write good answers, so i don't really see why you'd want to repgame anyways. Im just trying to hypothesize the OP's intentions here.
fwiw OP is member for 2 years, 11 months and question history does not show any evidence of being a troll. I think more likely they got trolled by a smart-arse colleague or something.
^ And I think that is a valid reason to keep that question open. How many prankster devs do you guys know? Better question: what is the ratio of prankster devs to devs among devs you know.
Which i suppose brings us to the more important question then. if this question stays up, is there some way to improve on the title?
@piRSquared red herring
I cba with this anyway. HNQ issues are only a small proportion of issues on the site. There's crap being posted/upvoted everywhere, it doesn't stop me finding the results I want
Hmm, honestly i've never met prankster devs till date*. My sample size is small.
It's just noise and, if the OP is disingenuous, they'll get caught out when they ask a real question that matters to them
oh gosh, roganjosh.. imagine if those variablenames for associative proxies were written in this manner.
tired of keyword, Keyword, keywords and Keywords as variable names? just try keyword for all of them, except with different unicode chars!
@AndrasDeak Main question has MCVE, is answerable, not opinion. Does it stack up to SO standards? I'd say yes. As far as long lived usefulness and value add to the site (my supposed red herring) I only argue this as further support as I believe the first argument has been argued. So not a red herring in the sense that I'm attempting to distract but rather add color.
"oh gosh, roganjosh". I need it on a T-shirt. That's all I took from that :P
It's like osh-kosh, or whatever that US brand was called. It wouldn't work on me, I only cargo-cult JS and CSS
@piRSquared intentions of OP is the red herring
That is mistaking the person for the claim. What is the value of the question?
it shouldn't matter who asks it or what their intention is
my point exactly
7 mins ago, by piRSquared
^ And I think that is a valid reason to keep that question open. How many prankster devs do you guys know? Better question: what is the ratio of prankster devs to devs among devs you know.
"^" being
10 mins ago, by wim
fwiw OP is member for 2 years, 11 months and question history does not show any evidence of being a troll. I think more likely they got trolled by a smart-arse colleague or something.
I'm not guessing at what may or may not have happened to OP but rather what may happen to many others in which this question and answer would be useful.
@ParitoshSingh my ratio is ~1. I'd never trust an open laptop around any developer friend.
huh, OP was using 3.7.4. reminds me to upgrade from 3.7.3.
Heh, but i mean, that's not really a dev's fault. That's pure temptation right there, that would sway even the strongest of people. :p
Unless the open laptop was left open intentionally by a Dvorak user...
I'm reading through example code for a new "toy" I have and I see list(['a', 'b', 'c']) and I begin to wonder about the quality of my new "toy".
I once worked at a place where if you left your screen unlocked a colleague would set your desktop wallpaper to gay porn
Speak of a Dvorak user and they shall type.
How are you guys doing?
Well, reasonable, but nothing to write home about :) you?
I'm okay thx
Who prefers Python 3 from Python 2 here?
Those who don't prefer 3 get ostracised
Yeah, idk y some people prefer Python 2
I prefer Python 2... in the garbage
@TheOneMusic Because they fear change.
They fear they'll run out of parentheses while printing
@AndrasDeak funny thing is, as I was standing over the shoulder of a colleague today, I had to correct their lack of parentheses 4 times. I got the unmistakable /eyeroll of someone converting from Legacy Python to Python.
rbrb all

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