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I'm have a list of images with some data like where they were found,name etc and I want the user to click an image to continue. Should I have a form per image or a form with multiple image buttons? But if I do the latter where should I keep track of the data?
It is inside of a flask application
I also don't know how many images I'll have each time as one search could return 3 where as another could return 80
1 hour later…
cbg folks
is there a faster or more elegant way of generating something like this: np.array([True,False,True,True,False,True,False]*6)
Is it possible to check if an array contains another smaller array? I know there's issubset but that doesn't seem to check if the elements are in the same order.
@ReblochonMasque yes, I'm still alive; just not active enough to come in here. What little free time I have is spent in moderation.
@cs95 Oh hello coldspeed long time no see
@cs95 Yeah i guess you're very much into moderation, you wanted to be a moderator last year, are you still planning to be one?
Q: Finding subsequence (nonconsecutive)

user4847061If I have string needle and I want to check if it exists contiguously as a substring in haystack, I can use: if needle in haystack: ... What can I use in the case of a non-continuous subsequence? Example: >>> haystack = "abcde12345" >>> needle1 = "ace13" >>> needle2 = "123abc" >>> is_subs...

@Aran-Fey Kind of. I have an array of lists: [[1,2], [1,2,3], [4,3,2]]. Since [1,2,3]already contains [1,2], the result after filtering should be [[1,2,3], [4,3,2]]
Well that's an entirely different problem - if you want to solve it efficiently
Actually, never mind. I'm not sure if that can be solved efficiently
@U10-Forward you'll find out eventually. Also, it's still 2019
1 hour later…
@cs95 oh yeah that's right, i'll vote for you
If you do want to be a mod
I couldn't understand what this statement means in the dict docs
If a key being added is already present, the value from the keyword argument replaces the value from the positional argument.
Does this mean we can mix positional and keyword arguments while defining a dict?
like this?
>>> d = dict({'a':1,'b':2},a=3,b=3)
>>> d
{'a': 3, 'b': 3}
I guess it also means:
d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
d['a'] = 3
{'a': 3, 'b': 2}
yes that's true, but this statement being in the definition of dict object means it might point to what I wrote as an example, or perhaps no
@DemCodeLines for future reference that looks like a list of lists, not array.
@DeveshKumarSingh yes
@U10-Forward no
@AndrasDeak Oh
That 1. goes without saying and 2. doesn't involve any explicit function calls so "positional" and "keyword arguments" are nonsense
Thanks @AndrasDeak I didn't know we could mix arguments like that, but I think we should do that in practice, since it looks unpythonic
The docs is clear. It's allowed. That remark is only there to remove the possibility of UB
But I agree you'd rarely do that
yes make sense, if you do this and question what happened, the docs will clear that for you
@piR would do {**d, 'a':3}
Jul 10 at 20:11, by piRSquared
Hi, my name is piR and I'm addicted to asterisks. The first step is admitting you have a problem.
I also found out that we can use classes and function names as keys
>>> d = {len:1, int: 2}
>>> d
{<built-in function len>: 1, <class 'int'>: 2}
So they are hashable
>>> hash(int)
>>> hash(len)
But on what? the name? the content of the function/class?
The hash is based on the id
Hey; erm.. What's the cv2 equivalent for python36-37? (and if there's no cv2 for 36+, What should I use to draw a square on screen (no window, no nothing, just a square))?
"No window", maybe not
yep, all examples I saw with pil referenced a window
Didn't know you could do that with cv2
then i found cv2, but i installed pythong3 because I'm a bleeding edge fanboy
and then noticed I cant use cv2 with python3 :D
well, in reallity: If i can make the window transparent and non interactive (as in.. not blocking whats behind it? im guessing thats impossible) that would also work
i just want to be able to make a square on screen and not lose the active window focus
@Aran-Fey okay, so we are computing the id of int and len, but what will the id of those represent?
full disclosure: Im playing a game with the suckiets minigame ever and my hands are hurting, i need something that automates it x)
@MoshMage you can, just maybe not newest python 3
I can't tell what it's compatible with when compiled from source docs.opencv.org/4.1.1/d2/de6/tutorial_py_setup_in_ubuntu.html
@DeveshKumarSingh An integer that won't change as long as the class exists and is unique (i.e. isn't shared with any other object).
"can't beat'em, join 'em" :D
Opencv is C++ thinly wrapped in python
its not like i had all coded and that was the missing part, so no biggies :)
now, just making sure python-2716 = python2, correct ?
No idea
lol. welp, i guess ill see in a bit
If you're on ubuntu then system python3 with system opencv package should work
And based on your description of your problem I'm certain opencv won't help you. Definitely XY problem.
"XY Problem" ?
Unless the game checks pixels on the screen you won't win by using a library to manipulate pixels on your screen
@Aran-Fey okay I guess the same applies to len too
Opencv might help you find where to click but something will have to click on your behalf
erm. I want to be able to draw some rectangles so I know _where_ the code is looking, the drawing has nothing to do with the game.
Here's what I thought: It would be impossible to read the whole screen, so I need a way of telling the code where to look, I'd make that by clicking - the program would spawn a "check this area" buffer and draw it (so I can see it acting)
then i'll have to check something inside that sqaure and act accordignly
i got to the buffer zone, but got stuck on the "drawing the buffer zone so i can see it"
welp, thanks anyway :)
> It would be impossible to read the whole screen
And how would all that help your hands?
And that's it for me for today on the main page :|
1 hour later…
I see that while all other set operations can take multiple sets
symmetric difference only takes one set
   In [30]: a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

In [31]: b = {10, 2, 3, 4, 50}

In [32]: c = {1, 50, 100}

In [33]: a.symmetric_difference(b, c)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-33-48a331b9f676> in <module>
----> 1 a.symmetric_difference(b, c)

TypeError: symmetric_difference() takes exactly one argument (2 given)
but the operator version of it can take multiple sets
In [34]: a ^ b ^ c
Out[34]: {5, 10, 100}
why is there a discrepancy here? I couldn't wrap my head around it
That's two binary operations
which one? you mean a ^ b ^ c?
(a ^ b) ^ c or a ^ (b ^ c) based on definition
@DeveshKumarSingh yes
true, but the same holds for union and intersection also
we do have a | b | c and a.union(b, c) both supported
my question was why the latter was not supported in symmetric_difference
@DeveshKumarSingh Yes, and the former has nothing to do with the latter
is there some fundamentals of set at play here?
@DeveshKumarSingh then ask that, and leave the red herrings aside
@DeveshKumarSingh question is whether the symmetric diff generalizes unambiguously to multiple sets
(I don't know)
ohh okay, no problem
so if it would have generalized ambiguously, what would have been held true in terms of the language?
@DeveshKumarSingh hmm?
If the definition is ambiguous then they might not implement it
Sorry I mean that in terms of mathematics, what does some set operation being unambiguous means?
does it mean however you perform the operation, the result is a known value
no, I mean that there's only one reasonable/common definition
I don't think mathematics has a concept of "ambiguity", has it? Everything's well-defined there, no?
@Aran-Fey yup
Is it (A U B U C) \ (A ^ B ^ C) or (A U B U C) \ "any element that is present in any binary intersection"?
The wikipedia page says about n-ary symmetric difference: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
That it's well defined only for a certain cases, and not all of them
Both are generalizations of (A U B) \ (A ^ B)
@DeveshKumarSingh so that's a likely reason
@AndrasDeak so here \ is difference U is union and ^ is intersection?
@AndrasDeak yes seems like there is an ambiguity, but can't understand what, but guess that's not important
I don't have an upside-down U on mobile
no issues, but I think I got my answer
@DeveshKumarSingh I can draw a picture later
It says it's not well-defined if you try to take the symmetric difference of an infinite number of sets. As far as I can tell. Which really goes without saying.
1 hour later…
In the docs of set: docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#set-types-set-frozenset It says in the very end
Note, the elem argument to the __contains__(), remove(), and discard() methods may be a set.
does that signify when you are operating on a set of sets?
In [21]: s
Out[21]: {frozenset({'a', 'b', 'c'})}

In [22]: s = {frozenset('a'), frozenset('b'), frozenset('c')}

In [23]: s.remove({'b'})

In [24]: s
Out[24]: {frozenset({'c'}), frozenset({'a'})}

In [25]: {'a'}  in s
Out[25]: True

In [26]: {'b'}  in s
Out[26]: False
something like this?
I believe so
cool, because using set as an argument only makes sense when we have a set of sets, for which we need frozensets
got it, thanks again Andras :)
But you are on a vacation right, and still frequenting room 6?
No, I was on a business trip and got home last evening
ohh nice, so back to the university
@AndrasDeak the minigame needs me to press a key when something is near you, i'd just have the python script read the color of the pixel on that spot and press the key when it changes
and since everything else is either static or doesn't matter, reading the whole screen would not be impossible, but it wouldn't be performant
Good to hear you made it home @AndrasDeak
btw, @AndrasDeak i built it: it works "too well" as in: I forgot to account with somethings. I abandoned the square thingy and just printed the information to the console (as that search was taking way too much time)
dpaste.com/3JHWYEA < here's the working theory (im sure there's alot wrong there, it's my first python script and i started learning this morning :D)
You are not using button and pressed attribute in define_action_space(x, y, button, pressed)
Also why so many globals? Why don't you pass them as an argument?
and why the infinite loop at the end?
@DeveshKumarSingh Have you heard of Advent of Code? I played last year and just discovered that the puzzles are open year round so I'm going to finish the ones I did not have time for. I only mention this because you seem to be interested in things that make one a better programmer.
Is there a way to take 2 variables from the same loop?
@Dodge Ohh I haven't but the website looks good, and that's an interesting observation? Why do you feel that, because of my questions lol
I checked on SO but the answers were focused on different ranges
@aadibajpai What does "take a variable from a loop" mean?
I was trying to write print(len(set(a**b for a in range(2, 101) for b in range(2, 101)))) more concisely if possible.
@Aran-Fey sorry, as in for x in range()
can't think of a way to make that shorter
Yes, you seem to be looking to learn more all the time and it shows. A good quality I think. Anyway, wim, wrote a package that allows one to download the data with an import. pip install aocd and some brief configuration is all you need to get the automatic data imports going. Just FYI
I was thinking since a and b are from the same range if that repetition could be avoided
@aadibajpai Use itertools
In [19]: len({a**b for a,b in itertools.product(range(2,101), repeat=2)})
Out[19]: 9183
itertools.product with a set comprehension to be exact
@DeveshKumarSingh ah, didn't know about the repeat argument!
thanks, the website look pretty retro tbh
Yeah it's that way to please the "true hackers" I think
@aadibajpai can't that just be reduced to pure maths?
@Dodge But yes, I am refreshing my python since I am looking for a new job, and the channel helps when I see something indecipherable in the docs
Yup, no doubt. I'm not a programmer per se but I'm hooked. Do a couple of lines everyday :)
I also found this: pythonchallenge.com
Only when you solve a challenge can you access the next one here
Nice! I'll save that for later. I got all I can handle with Advent of Code at the moment.
bro, can I ask, what's the purpose of CA?
@JonClements possibly, I just found brute forcing quicker
@SumantoDinar CA can mean a lot of things, Certificate Authority, California etc
the first one
AoC is okay but mostly cp problems with a christmas theme
@SumantoDinar It's an information security term, but you can find much more on google about it tbh
I'm having a difficulity in understanding it, how does the client check certificate to trusted CA ?
this channel is primarily aimed for Python, does your question relate to it?
well a little
I'm gonna ask how to setup a NS in python
and what is NS?
but first, if a hacker performs mitm, can't he also spoof both the certificate and the client connection to CA ? thus rendering CA useless?
sorry, I don't much about information security to be able to solve that, but if you problem solving an issue with python, I can try to help you
@SumantoDinar just curious - since they're fully blown, tried and tested NS' written in other things, why'd you want to do that in Python?
well since I want to write a custom one, and if there is one in python, why not ?
is it c?
I presume you've looked at isc.org/bind ?
nvm I'm gonna change questions then
thanks btw
@JonClements do you know the answer to this

@DeveshKumarSingh honestly? felt easier to have globals while i figure python out - other than that, you're absolutely correct
@SumantoDinar browsers ship with known and trusted CA keys by the vendor...
So for instance, you might remember that a while back, Google decided to remove the trust from a certain CA so it made it very awkward for a lot of people accessing sites awkward
so the root one is shipped ?
not the root one, but something like that... I'm not up to date with all that kind of stuff, it's been years since I've had to read up on this stuff, so you'll have to do your own research for further info. I'm afraid
thanks for the help
@MoshMage I would say that jumping to programming games using pillow and pynput when you just started learning python is a bit far-fetched but that just me
btw, do you guys like the 3.8 walrus and reverse walrus ? seems very unpythonic though
I would say go through the tutorials, writing simpler programs to learn more of it's syntax and then go for more complex projects
@SumantoDinar 3.8 and that's a pretty debatable topic for this room
@DeveshKumarSingh lol, im not programming a game - im automating something i do when i play a game :) pynput is just so i can send the keypress/release more easily
uh oh a typo
@MoshMage aah okay, sorry I haven't used those much but my suggestion still stands
While programming I sometimes think about the cases where walrus would be useful to me when I write something that could be simplified by it
@holdenweb yes. maybe they are hacked?
Ah, right. It certainyl looks like it.
@SumantoDinar Reverse walrus? It sounds like a yoga pose.
yeah maybe with time I'll get familiar, but python seems to take a very strange direction these days.
it's from the f string
and the one with * and / in function, what do you guys think ?
They're both great ideas, but in actual fact the reverse walrus is a formatting operator (=), indicating tagging of the value) followed by a format signifier (:, indicating that what follows is a format string).
The = alone will tag a default-valued str, and the colon alone formats the preceding expression.
Or at least that's what it says on p241 of the Nutshell.
sorry, could you elaborate = tagging? any links or example? This is my first time hearing about an = inside f-strings.
oh. it's new too. got it
New in 3.8. Inside an f-string {expr=} formats to "expr=<value_of_expr>", which is a very useful shortcut.
nice, that seems pretty useful actually
Yup. Nifty for debugging and one-off applications.
Actually, what I wrote was that the colon precedes a format-specifier. The documentation was a bit haphazard, so I had to make my own terminology up some of the time. So in {expr=:format} the colon introduces the format-specifier for <value_of_expr>.
So the rules are:
{x=} -> "x="+repr(x)
{x=:.2f} -> "x="+format(x, ".2f")
{x=:} -> "x="+format(x, "")
{x=:!s:20} -> "x="+format(str(x), "20")
{x=:!r:20} -> "x="+format(repr(x), "20")
@MoshMage I see
@ReblochonMasque thank you
@DeveshKumarSingh erm.. i just got what you were saying: how am i supposed to break out of a while VAR: pass loop? xD
being that making that var "False" did not stop the program :x
if event.name == 'q':
found it :)
nope :|
why is there a while var: pass loop in the first place? what was the aim?
then I'd issue CONTINUE = not CONTINUE
you wrote the code, yes?
"yes", i searched "how to keep program alive" and found "while true: pass"
switched "True" with "CONTINUE" and never tested the quit function :D
(because ctrl+c)
Unless CONTINUE becomes false, the loop will go on. And if there's a pass inside the loop, there's nothing inside the code influencing the CONTINUE variable.
is the pass statement the only line of logic inside the while loop?
@ParitoshSingh dpaste.com/23XBMCB easier if you see the code :)
the while continue is the last statement on the file
yeah, once you reach that last statement, that's an infinite loop.
you almost certainly don't need the last loop.
as you go along with this exercise, make sure you can reason out portions of the code that work strangely.
Are you comfortable with why exactly that loop will never end?
no I am not, it's what I'm trying to figure out now - i would love to quit "gracefully"
If not, try to do a "dry run" of the code. essentially, point your finger to where you think the code is running from, and go through it 1 line at a time.
see what happens inside that particular while loop.
huzzah, i dont think that While statement ever gets "read" because of the with statement
nah, that was wrong. I should have tested before speaking :D
nah, incorrect.
feel free to test and run the code as you go along, but before each run of code force yourself to think through the "code flow" in a dry run as well
see if your understanding matches what's happening or not
If it still is not clear, one very useful trick is adding print statements in places where you want to see your code "Reached" or not.
@ParitoshSingh Tbf, event listeners make it a bit harder than usual to reason about programs...
I'd actually replace the pass with a print, that would help see what's going on better.
yeah, it just hit me that that "keyboard.on" is a listener on itself
@Dair aye, fair. But i still think the exercise itself is useful
@MoshMage haha, i wasn't gonna say it, but exactly :P you were solving a problem that didn't need solving
Yeah, the tl;dr is that the listener will prevent the program from ending unless *you* specify otherwise. From pynput the way to stop the listener is:

> Call pynput.mouse.Listener.stop from anywhere, raise StopException or return False from a callback to stop the listener.
yeah, i was going to switch to pynput.keybaord because of that line on the documentation that i only read ... now
That's a quote from the docs, but I've never used the framework so, untested.
What should I look at to convert a list which looks like l=[[3, 4, 5], [8, 9], [12, 13]] to a dict which looks like d={3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 8: 1, 9: 1, 12: 2, 13: 2}
enumerate, go from there
background: i want to assign the consecutive elements of a list a factor
s=[3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13]
from here I did
import more_itertools as mit
l=[list(i) for i in mit.consecutive_groups(s)]
@AndrasDeak trying :)
>>> {val:k for k,vals in enumerate(mit.consecutive_groups(s)) for val in vals}
{3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 8: 1, 9: 1, 12: 2, 13: 2}
there might be something more elegant
thats good, i was going XY here, trying it on the l
thanks @AndrasDeak
no problem
thought may be its easier sublisting them :P
umm... how'd that work if running it on [[3, 4, 5], [3, 8, 9], [8, 9, 10]]...
@JonClements interesting, you suggest , itertools.groupby() and something like cumcount() ?
I'm not suggesting anything... :)
It's the output format that's at stake
I'd just be curious as to what the heck something like I said should possibly even output...
:D ok
@roganjosh meaning?
@anky_91 Jon's example would have duplicate keys in the output dict
got it
You could always fix it with a defaultdict and append all the sublist indices that a value appears in, but then I think it's out of the realm of 1-liners if you want it to be comprehensible. Or you just accept that you always get the highest sublist index for values that appear multiple times.
Or, run the comprehension backwards through the list :)
for my case, there aren't any dupes inside the sublist. AD's solution works fine. :)
It's taking me ages to adjust to question metadata being listed under the question title. I hope the space to the right has been cleared for something important :)
yeah, they are making room for meta bulletins
Yey, corporate-curated meta content :P
@AndrasDeak i was trying to dict(zip()) it with the range of the list :/
before posting this
Yeah I was being dumb and starting a loop inside the keyboard event capture :D
One of the best web spiders that I've ever made...
I... don't understand what I'm supposed to take from that screenshot
Numbers of links aren't impressive lol?
The connection between webform and the spider...
The backend code (Spider) is more than 300 lines...
@X4748-IR Which part of the scraper is in python?
@DeveshKumarSingh Nope. Pure py, urllib
@AndrasDeak Queues and other parts...
I'm using supervisor to make a queue system.
so it's not all PHP this time?
good for you then, scrapy or even requests have some things built in, scrapy even has middleware to support some of these things
@AndrasDeak Both :D Both are possible.
In this project, I can use multiple languages because of supervisor and in memory dbs like Redis
I actually want to make a search engine like Google!
I know supervisor to the point of it just re-launching processes that might fail. What aspect are you using here that is so supportive of your approach?
@roganjosh I've made a system to control jobs, Supervisor helps me to use PHP like a multi-threading language, so I get links to put in a queue. and then using Redis other languages can access to the targets...
@X4748-IR I guess that's still an improvement compared to your usual style
@X4748-IR would now be a bad time to point out the SE APIs instead of scraping?...
In the beginning, links are being extracted and are getting in the queue from user's posts
@JonClements Hmmm, I don't know about SE APIs!
I'm confused about how this all works, though. You're using Supervisor to stop/start different processes?
hi, has anyone played around with gpt-2?
Yes, forget about the supervisor! It helps PHP to do things in the background process.
I told you, data are stored in Redis whenever any script wants to start crawling it can get the data to start.
Ok, thanks
I don't know why I like crawlers so much! I have many projects on Microsoft's git about crawling.
But I just wrote the crawlers, usually, I use free modules/libraries/packages... It's easier to use.
This crawler really wasted my time. I took 2 days to be without errors.
Some links weren't absolute, some others were pages ....
how can i import using from including a dir? e.g. from src from load_data import load_data
where src is a dir
before it was just from load_data import load_data but i need to add in the directory src
i am trying from src.load_data import load_data and i think this is working
src is a terrible name for a package
something about your project layout is off
yes this is a real pain trying to get these imports working :(
Hey guys. Anybody that could give me a hand with some easy python/linux problem im having
list.append( obj.get('string') )
object is not subscriptable
How can I fix this error?
@Sundios If you tell us about your problem, maybe. If you don't, no.
@X4748-IR I don't think that's the full story
@X4748-IR there must be some more code behind that error. Needs a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example
L = []
for index, p in enumerate(parse_html.findAll('p')):
parse_html = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
See a difference between list.append( obj.get('string') ) and L.append(p.get['class'])?
@Aran-Fey You mean [ ) ?
p.get['class'] is incorrect syntax
@X4748-IR yep
@X4748-IR Your code's telling python to find an index class in a sequence get; sequence[index]
@roganjosh You're right, I mixed it up with something else... sry. thanks.
@X4748-IR you should use .find_all as .findAll has been deprecated for a long time... you can also access the attributes of a tag directly, and you probably want to safe guard for matching tags that don't have a class attribute, so something like: L = [el['class'] for el in soup.find_all('p', class_=True)]
@JonClements I wasn't aware of that! Thanks.
Hey guys, I'm trying to do something basic but I can't seem to figure it ha. I wanna make a flat list with a dynamic number of items sit in between a static first and last item.. I can do it with a nested list but wondered if there was a better way than for me to just flatten out my current approach: ['word', ['feature_{}'.format(x) for x in range(768)], 'tag']
What do we do with this? A very new OP asks which correlation-based distance metric to use in clustering, gets a good answer, then asks a near-self-duplicate (although they don't seem to be aware of sklearn) essentially asking how to implement that clustering. I left them some comments explaining that and recommendng they read sklearn doc & try out some code.
@Sam if you're using Python 3.x - you can amend it to be: ['word', *['feature_{}'.format(x) for x in range(768)], 'tag'] (notice the * unpacking there...)
@JonClements Ah great, that's much nicer
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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