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i want to limit a number to 2 digits
at the end
i.e. 5.12
instead of 5.1122222222
In what context, formatting for display, or limiting precision?
eg "{0:.2f}".format(1.234)?
i did round
last question
how do you package a program it's tiny so nothing special
just so they can deploy and run
it's a console program
Have you asked a SO question? That would be a good question.
i figure that would be an easy question. i am new to python
pyformat.info You're welcome
If you type "how do I deploy a python program" in Google you should get some reasonable answers.
If you just want to share your program with people who have Python installed then it's easy.
you just give it to them.
@Kevin Or psychopath
Consider this code:
    elif(trainType=="Non AC"):
How many class do we need if I need to convert it into an object-oriented program?
I keep getting Incorrect string value: '\xEF\xBF\xBD
Anyone know how to remove it from a string so that python stops complaining?
i have a console program I wrote with argsparse
I want to add a contuation of the application when the user enters their first set of arguments
is that possible
i.e. you did option 1 and got a result now would you like to do option 2
is pyinstaller the best to use for packaging?
2 hours later…
I have one stackoverflow question with quite different layout
Why does this old question layout different? Ask active Viewed at top stackoverflow.com/questions/5136013/…
Greetings my lord!
It's been 5 years since pathlib was introduced and shutil still doesn't accept path-like objects as input...
@Tim please don't suggest people asking the unpteenth duplicate
@AlperAyna all of them are different..... chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/6?m=46862002#46862002
@AndrasDeak Kind of the point of this site is it not?
What exactly is the point of asking a question that's already been answered?
@Aran-Fey Haha lol
@Tim no.
Yeah i wanted to move to pathlib, but it was a headache figuring out where it worked and where it didn't, so im sticking to my os.path.join calls for now
@AndrasDeak But not all of them, some of them old and some of them new, I wonder why
Last project used pathlib for all paths, found it fine, on the odd occasion were pathlib wasn't supported by an api as_posix() or just str() solved that.
@Aran-Fey Because many new people to python don't know it's been answered. By asking they are at least directed to the correct answer.
@Tim only upto a certain point. 10 signposts are great. 1000 signposts will overrun the land you're trying to navigate through. Regardless, the bottom line concern is fragmentation of information.
Information won't stay relevant forever. What happens to those 1000 answered dupes when they become outdated?
You have to appreciate the flip side of the struggle. It's like trying to make a dictionary of words, except you are repeating the definition of every word here and there.
that is the real nightmare that can make the entire dictionary useless after a while. Forgive the on-the-spot analogy.
Only if the answer is repeated.
even if the answer is not being repeated, it is better to answer in one place and point to it, if the answer is applicable.
Sometimes many ways to ask a question (even though they are essentially the same) will help searches for more people
True, which is why in the short run just letting every version of a question being asked may seem like a good thing in the short run. And upto a point, it is good as well.
however, there's no end to the ways you can ask a question. you yourself concede that much. Let them grow ergonomically if need be, but don't specifically add to what can easily turn into "too much of a good thing" sort of thing.
I'm also assuming a lot of questions being answered in chat is also not helping, which was more where I was going with the hint.
There is a 48 hour rule after all
Oh, don't worry, we're more than happy to have questions asked and answered in chat every now and then, especially those that for sure exist in some form already on SO
The first instinct should be to encourage people to research, not ask a question. Since more often than not, it's not that their answer couldn't be found, it's that the attempt wasn't even made. Especially when new to programming, people tend to want to ask when stuck.
And here at chat, we've helped encourage that behaviour as well if we see an asker genuinely open to the idea of trying to seek solutions for their problems utilizing the amazing resources already available, such as SO. :)
I know, I've mentoring programmers for over a decade
Oh nice!
Curious, what language did you start with a decade ago?
Was it python even back then or have you switched languages since then
I started with python 15 years ago
That's pretty cool! It's tough for me to sometimes appreciate how far back python actually goes.
I've dabbled in lots of languages over the years, but was about 10 years ago I started mentoring others. Coming up 20 years doing commercial work.
@ChristianMatthew I do some python deployment, and haven't run into pyinstaller yet. If it works for you, then all is well. If it doesn't, I'd suggest looking into packaging, which is the official way to bundle and distribute python code. This tutorial focuses on packaging command line utilities, which seems to be what you're writing.
> Even after acquihiring Google, “Snek Semiconductors and Software, Incorporated” just can’t keep up with the increasing demand
made me chuckle.
Also greatly depends on your target audience. PyInstaller is good for non-technical users (although you will probably want to combine it with an installer of some kind if you need to package other dependencies) else as @Arne suggests.
My team used PyInstaller to distribute an application across multiple OS's along with QT etc with a NullSoft Install System installer on windows. If your application is complex there can be a lot of mucking about getting it all working, especially with C-Extensions.
@ParitoshSingh was writing a lot of C/C++ when I first started messing about with Python, didn't take long to quickly realise how much more productive I could be!
@AlperAyna old questions are old, new questions are new. Am I misunderstanding you?
@Tim lucky for me I haven't had to think about distributing to windows as of yet
my job would probably be a lot harder if that weren't the case
@Tim why not you point them to it, or if you can't be bothered just stay silent and let others do it? Pointing newbies with blatantly dupe questions to main is a disservice to all. The main page gathers ballast, the asker might get downvotes, everyone loses.
@Tim and the 48 hour rule only applies once they asked on main. Please do not try to police the room on our behalf. Or if you do, do it right.
@AndrasDeak I get your point, not policing anything just trying to be helpful.
@Arne If you ever have to deal with that nightmare, do keep pyinstaller in mind. It's really nice for creating standalone executables, especially useful as people aren't really willing to install python just to run a program/script that you send to them.
> [...] people aren't really willing to install python [...]
What is this strange dystopia you speak of
but yeah, I'm going to keep it in mind. Even if I hope that I'll always be able to set up my servers myself, and never gonna have to deal with actual users
haha, i call it, office. :P
Where they'll blindly trust an exe that i will send over, but the IT and the other teams cry if someone asks them to install python
funny how that works.
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ pyinstaller.exe
honestly, software as a service is hailed as something that "transformed the business" and "brought real-time value directly to users", but for me it mainly means that distributing code has become 90% easier since you have way more control over the target environments. A real blessing
In our case, we also had to get the application through three committees to get the software endorsed on the Accepted Technology Products list. One application is a lot easier to get approved than, Python and a script!
and each additional package would also require review... really painful. Unfortunately, as the application dealt with sensitive information that had to be processed in situ, a software-as-a-service model was not an option.
it wasn't an option to send that data to you over https? was it too big?
pyinstalller vs py2exe?
@Arne This was PII (Personally Identity Information) from customer databases in plain text.
@Aqua4 Depends on your use case. py2exe is windows only. Pretty good summary of their features here docs.python-guide.org/shipping/freezing
@AndrasDeak Yes. Questions like 5-6-8 years old ones seem like new, new questions seem like the old style. It is weird. Server keeping updating from old to new maybe
it should be possible if you can teach people how to use your endpoint. which, depending on the subject matter, might be harder than just shipping them the software.
for example, we had one SaaS that handled medical records, under new EU laws no less.
and it was fine. some clients wanted a VPN to us to comply with their guidelines, others were fine with exchanging crypt keys every x hours over an external service, and using those to secure the data. I was just glad that deploying my programs meant writing pip wheel --no-deps and i was done
@Arne no corporate security group would ever allow that, the project was between banks, I had to justify this to our internal security group, if I couldn't justify it to them, there was little chance I could convince other banks.
banks are worse than healthcare insurance firms?
damn, I work with banks now..
They are very conservative with security, we also have government regulators we had to comply with.
We also had no external access to the internet. We accepted data via an SFTP server in DMZ network segment and had dedicated risk and compliance managers. While it feels over the top, the cost of covering the fines when dealing with millions of PII records justify it!
that's really interesting to learn, the world I work in seems quite different in comparison. I see your point now about why SaaS didn't work
Yeah, compliance just gobbles up resources but is mandated. Having just been made redundant by a non-compliant transfer from an "investor" I can't guarantee rationality about the financial world. Let's just say two years in fintech was enough.
At least this role was all about data. Constantly getting offers from fintechs but just not interested.
Compliance roles made sense in this case, we held data from other banks and major corporations, and it was underwritten by the bank's balance sheet. While we are not directly impacted by GDPR (yet), it is very likely it will influence future law changes. The project is currently being wound down.
Was good exposure to this kind of work, and dealing with regular external code audits and penetration testing. was interesting balancing the need for cryptography with performance and still making the data useful. Also the Python cryptography package is excellent, but it's very slow at volume (creates a lot of objects)!
@AlperAyna all the questions I've seen, new or old, have the new style...
can you show an example?
Yesterday was like this, today all is new style
I checked all and you are right now
Morning all, I have a list of integers that I want to group together in sub groups if the corresponding integer to the right is an increment of 1. For example a = [1,2,5,6,7] would become a = [(1,2), (5,6,7)]. How would I go about this?
@AlperAyna ah, I see. Probably caching then, yes
@Sam I'd just use a straightforward loop keeping track of the last value
@Sam Is this an interview question? I only asked because I had that exact requirement a few days ago :-).
@holdenweb Nope it is not haha. @AndrasDeak fair enough, I'll do that, thanks
    def _days_for_hours(self, days, hours):
        "Group the days with the same hours in consecutive runs."
        day_runs = []
        cum_days = [days[0]]
        for day in days[1:]:
            if self.DAYVAL[day] == self.DAYVAL[cum_days[-1]]+1:
                cum_days = [day]
        # Return a comma-separated list of day runs and the hours
        day_runs = ", ".join(self._day_run_str(r) for r in day_runs)
@sam you should be able to get the gist from this, though obvs self and hours are redundant from your PoV.
solution with generators, because I like them:
>>> def group_neighbors(seq):
...     it = iter(seq)
...     ret = [next(it)]
...     for i in it:
...         if ret[-1]+1 == i:
...             ret.append(i)
...         else:
...             yield tuple(ret)
...             ret = [i]
...     yield tuple(ret)
>>> [*group_neighbors([1,2,5,6,7])]
[(1, 2), (5, 6, 7)]
the initialisation and closing are a little ugly, but I saw no way to get rid of them without making the checks a lot more complicated and annoying
@Arne very nice, thanks
The original version used the iterator, which I removed as a seperate commit as over-fussy. I agree it's more satisfactory from a pythonicity PoV though, and possible more efficient, though that depends highly on the specific data.
@holdenweb thanks for your code too, very useful
Fortunately it was still sitting in WingPro, so a copy-and-paste didn't cost much.
Hello everyone, I have 30 MB of text file (2M) lines and having 0.1M list records that i want to search in that text file. Is there efficient way anyone can suggest?
Is the search one-off, textural? Or are you looking for specific types like dates, numbers
its textural.
Will you search the data often, or just one-off search?
its frequent search
do the records you want to search for have anything in common? For example, are they always single words, or always complete sentences, etc?
You can imagine that as a English dictionary
then I'd split the input file into a set/dict of words
It will be better if you create a MCVE
@Aran-Fey This looks interesting
@anky_91 what is MCVE?
@Aran-Fey Sure. I will do that shortly. Thanks.
@Viraj I'd also have a good look around PyPI
@Tim didn't get your point @tim
PyPI is the Python Package Index (pypi.org) your description sounds like something that might have already been written, and a quick search of PyPI is a good place to look.
A search of the web for "python free text retrieval" would likely yield interesting results, though I personally have no direct knowledge of such systems.
First hit looks promising!
If speed is (or becomes) important, consider running with PyPy instead of the standard CPython.
You can worry about writing readable code and most optimal code in terms of speed. Apparently, it does not matter for people just looking for a solution :) stackoverflow.com/questions/57218603/…
@Erfan Those are annoying, I had something similar, the accepted answer had included a heap of exception handling and type checking of the result from input, all the question was asking was if there was any input.
Stack rewards the best answer anyway. @Erfan ;)
Ye I can imagine.
It's not about the 15 points, idc. It's just that the other answer was just wrong in ever sense. Two for loops with iterrows just hurts to see.
Is that so? What do you mean exactly @anky_91
I meant the better answers are anyways recognized by other users(the concept of upvotes)
Yes true that. But doesn't the accepted one stay on top?
Btw it's really cool to see how fast you improved with your answers and your pandas knowledge. Your miles ahead of me in 3 - 4 months @anky_91
@Erfan it does, does it matter though? a good reader reads all solutions. so it doesnt matter IMO. Best we can do is point why my answer is better by %%timeit , etc etc.
@Erfan Thank you, I think i would take a break soon :) planning to steady the numpy ship :/
Ah yeah, I feel the same. I know sci kit decent now. Thinking about TF or numpy.
But TF is also lot of knowledge by doing small project. So I think that would ask for more time on Kaggle for exampke
sounds good
Two questions back-to-back on the main site asking how to access variables dynamically. Do other languages have this problem?
Opinion based question: Is it ok to solve problems using Python since I am working with this language nowadays ? My whole experience is in Java though.
I'm not sure I understand the question. The one and only purpose of programming languages is to solve problems.
If it wasn't OK to solve problems with Python, nobody would use it for anything.
@TheLittleNaruto I was doing the same thing when I try to use Java (and I was new to java and I am c# based) it will be hard but It ll be very rewardful for you
friday cbg \o
@TheLittleNaruto I was solving problems in projecteuler + hackerrank
Or maybe you're saying "is it OK to solve homework assignments using Python? Specifically, homework assignments for classes not related to programming, such as mathematics?". I used programming to do my math homework at every possible opportunity, so I would be a hypocrite if I told you it was wrong.
@TheLittleNaruto you will get bottlenecked by lack of knowledge in some point then you ll be rage quit or you try to learn more thing :D
@AlperAyna Yeah idea is to increase my knowledge in python
@TheLittleNaruto I was rage quit at that time :)
@Kevin like @AlperAyna said, I'll use it for solving problems on the sites like hackerrank etc.
In leetcod weekend context, most of the top rankers are Python devs
Or maybe you're saying "is it ethical for me to learn one programming language if I already know another one? Or is it... Unfaithful?". A well-rounded programmer knows more than one language. It's good for you.
@TheLittleNaruto It is because python is very efficient to write and learn
@TheLittleNaruto That coders mostly c++ based pythoners
Or maybe you're saying "Does HackerRank allow code submissions in Python?". I'm pretty sure they do.
Am I getting close at all?
@TheLittleNaruto They can write c++ code better but it took some time so they use python to solve it very fast with using generations and etc
@Kevin There you got it :D
Some pals try to solve problems in functional programming and one line of code, you can see one liners too at there
@AlperAyna Yeah when I compare with my Java solution, their solution looks straight to the point and in very less code
@AlperAyna Right
With python in the next 5-10 years, the rise of the script era will begin, that would crush the soul of the oop into the oblivion, I have foreseen this thus I switch into python
you must be a realized soul!!
I had awakened recently
Here, our prophet: medium.com/codeiq/…
I have long way to go in Python since I started recently. That is why I thought of using it in solving problems as well. Hence, asked here.
@AlperAyna Would you mind explaining why you think script languages will crush oop?
read the link, that is explaining
lmao this joke: miro.medium.com/max/625/1*eSgw4TrT3_5kUU3QFFW4qA.jpeg
I'm skeptical. Python is a multi-paradigm language, and one of those paradigms is OOP. If Python crushes OOP, it will be stomping on its own face.
@AlperAyna Reading
I am using both oop and script, link make extremely very much sense to me
I'm skimming through the article and I basically see it saying "OOP is used for complicated projects. Complicated projects often collapse under the weight of their own complexity. Therefore, OOP is bad". But consider: maybe complicated projects collapse regardless of what paradigm you use.
The article seems to state that OOP is only used for code organization. I don't think that's the case (and personally, I dislike OOP and would love if it was used less)
Complicated projects collapse because they are not architected correctly.
I predict OOP will continue to be used forever, and here's why: you can't write Call of Duty using functional programming.
I'm sure I could find many articles of the same length stating that soon, there will only be OOP languages. I wouldn't trust an article just because it makes sense on surface level and seems appears professional. But I will read it, thank you for the link
@Kevin I am not sure about that but I dont have enough experience to determine for that
There's a hundred billion dollar industry that only operates if you can mutate the state of a ten gigabyte object every sixtieth of a second without making a complete copy of it every time
LOL - blog posts by people that dislike a technique, or are too lazy to study it!
I will say that the second half of the article does a better job at describing the specific faults of OOP.
@ReblochonMasque I dont get it
What exactly are you not getting?
Maybe the wording is confusing. To rephrase: "I laugh at articles that were obviously written by somebody that has irrational or uninformed opinions about the topic"
I dont think they are lazy to study, It makes no sense for me
@Kevin this make more sense now
I wouldn't say that the author is irrational or uninformed. I just don't think "[thing] is flawed" necessarily implies "the industry will and must stop using [thing]".
The article makes sense to me but they might a little more aggressive than they should be
Other things that are flawed: Windows, the Internet's physical layer, every cryptographic hash function except whatever the most recent one is, gifs, app stores, unicode...
Good job I'm not a rep chaser. I just answered a question, someone comes along seven minutes later, essentially repeats my answer and even references it and get smore upvotes. There ain't no justice! :-)
fixed @holdenweb
@holdenweb Justice for all!
Aaw, thanks!
My remorseless march towards Stackoverflow domination continues. If Martijn retired I could catch him up in about 384 years.
Hmm, on my monitor his answer's timestamp is six minutes before yours. He made an edit three minutes after your post, but it's not all that substantive.
Fair dos, then.
Interesting, on my monitor I'm "58 minutes ago" and he's "one hour ago, edited 57 minutes ago." No suggestion of anything other than coincidence.
I still like your answer better, in any case.
Me too, but I'm biased.
A code block plus a link to some docs is not quite a complete answer, in my eyes. Prose is the connective tissue that holds the skeleton together, and lets it play its sweet xylophone solo on its own ribcage. That metaphor got away from me at the end.
About your datetime mnemonic. I remember it was strPtime to convert PHROM a time, but what was the mnemonic for TO? :P
My mnemonic is sadly not a very good mnemonic because you still have to remember that it's "from datetime / pto datetime" and not "from string / pto string".
If a mnemonic requires you to remember a phrase and an additional bit of arbitrary information, then you're better off discarding the phrase and just memorizing the actual information
News: some software engineer in Siemens Germany plants some time bombs in the software so the company must recall him to fix it every couple years
He gets caught when a one-time bomb explodes while he is on vacation and someone else tries to fix it
Living the dream, that one.
Oh, he got caught. Temporarily lived the dream, then.
10 years of jail time and 250k dollar money to pay for a man whose age is 62
He must be a remote contractor
The company pays him to fix issues it seems
Meanwhile a legion of consultants spend every day recommending some flash-in-the-pan enterprisey claptrap, knowing full well that when the flavor of the month loses its shine they'll be brought back in to do it all over again. No fines for them, only fat bonuses
@ReblochonMasque It seems he wants to hire SO for his own algorithm
@AlperAyna Conflates OOP and Java. Mentions C# too, and you could include Python if you find things like IWidgetFactory in your Python-written-by-a-former-Java-programmer - you can write bad OOP code in any language.
I agree with this article completely IF you replace "OOP" with "Java" throughout. I've often felt that many of the OOP paradigms composed since the 90's were really workarounds for Java shortcomings.
I basically only use classes as structs with methods and I think they're very good for that purpose
I read a part of that article and stopped because all I was hearing was "poorly used OOP is bad"
"90% of OOP implementations are crap" is true, but only because 90% of everything is crap.
@Kevin Lmao that rule of %90 is so true
I'm trying to embrace the inherent shabbiness of all things because I think it will improve my craft tremendously if I can grok that my own output will be mostly bad and there's no reason to be discouraged by that
@Kevin In Reddit, we have been talking about some stuff of being alone, I said "People talks nonsense about %90" and someone mentioned me that rule, sturgeon's law
I keep intending to join a Game Jam community since those are pretty explicitly designed around creating and sharing buggy hastily-designed half-completed projects
That's basically my personal brand
I really don’t like where the SO team is heading with this: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/331349/… – The answer and lots of comments were deleted...
While we're on the topic of OOP, I've got a question: I often find myself writing a base class A that does one thing, and then when I need another class B which does a similar but slightly different thing, I let B inherit from A and then override a couple of methods. But I actually don't want B to be a subclass of A; most people using my code wouldn't expect isinstance(B(), A) to return True.
I should be using composition rather than inheritance, but that would require lots of boilerplate (implementing all the methods that already exist in A), so I don't. Anyone else have this problem?
My first instinct is to see if I can make A and B both inherit from an abstract base
"NOTE: This question is asking about reasons for implementing this the way it's implemented. Answers and comments should focus on that question, instead of discussing whether the change is liked or not. Discussion of the pro's and con's for changing this back or keeping it can go to the feature request linked above. – Tinkeringbell♦ 28 mins ago "
... Well, somewhat abstract. The base would actually contain all of the executable code that A and B have in common. But the user isn't expected to ever create a base instance themselves.
So it's not abstract in the classical sense of "defines the signature of every method and all the bodies just throw NotImplemented"
This is, I think, what I would do to @Kevin
so I wrote my program and I am trying to package it but I am having the worst time
@Kevin Hmm, well, that's an option, but in reality this chain continues - I also have C inheriting from B and D inheriting from C, etc
it's a cli program meant to use in the console
Hmm, can't say I know much about packaging. I've only done it once and that was under the direct supervision of someone that actually knew what they were doing.
I recently created a class Vector and a class Point that basically have the same methods, except essentially the type they return for subtraction - I had them both inherit from an abstract class @Aran-Fey
so should i just zip it up and send it
is that how python is distributed
No, not really. Most packages I see are .whl files. Or they're hosted on pypi and the concept of file extension is completely hidden from me.
That said, if you're just trying to get your program to your friend's computer, and they already have Python installed, zipping your source files works fine.
that is what i will do
i tried pyinstaller and it just breaks
last question
is there a way to when running an app through the terminal to make it not end when finished but to start over again
Sure. Put the entire thing in a while True: block.
will that start the args over again?
As in, "can I run argparse on my command line arguments more than once and get the same results every time?"? I'm pretty sure you can.
can i show you my code
Or maybe you're asking "what if the user wants to change the arguments he sent via command line? Once the program returns to the start, will the user be prompted to enter new values?"? No, it will just keep using the values he entered the first time.
If you want to prompt the user for input every time, use input()
ok so the arguments in the beginning will choose which choice to go to for information
pastebin.com/0ULRZGgd here, I while-true-ified it for ya.
perhaps it would have been better with a while loop
I guess everything before response = requests.get("http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json") doesn't actually need to be in the loop, but meh
ooo that's bad
lol it runs the request over and over again
but what's cool about it is that you can see the space station move in real time
lol i am just packing this and shipping it I think i did good enough
'morning cabbage
@Aran-Fey I wonder if the Decorator pattern would be useful?
I came up with a path to a solution for wim's riddle (22) but I cannot get the implementation to give the results I expect. Maybe someone could take a look and nudge me across the finish line, or simply explain that this logic will not work.
You still need to define every method in the decorator base class, but they all just boil down to "call this same method on the thing I'm decorating and return the result unmodified" so it's not especially hard
The riddle is here if anyone is interested.
Then your class hierarchy is like:
       Abstract base
   |                    |
class A      Abstract decorator base
       |               |               |
     Class B         Class C         Class D
Now B C and D are all on the same level of the hierarchy, even though in practice D decorates C and C decorates B
I suppose this is only practical if it theoretically makes sense for the decoration to happen in some other order. If it would be nonsensical for B to decorate D, for instance, then this gives the user too much freedom to compose things.
@Aran-Fey I definitely agree here. If you have behavior that is common between B and C, but you wouldn't expect C to be a B, that suggests that either C and B should be an A, or that B should be a C
Or alternatively, if you do really want composition there's probably nothing wrong with doing something like this....
class B:
    def __init__(self, A):
        self.do_this = A.do_this
        self.do_that = A.do_that
Or def do_this(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.A.do_this(*args, **kwargs)
I mean, I probably wouldn't
but it all depends on the fundamental differences
@Kevin I'm honestly struggling understanding these design pattern thingies. It's possible that it'd help me, but I can't figure out how
@Dodge You have roughly the same approach I had in mind before I gave up. I thought the return statements at github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/datetime.py#L2039 meant that comparison would always fail for times that occur twice due to DST, but your a == c returns True, so I guess I'm wrong about that?
Looking at the python example, those "decorator" classes just look like regular classes to me. How is that a design pattern?
I'm trying to dig a little deeper by putting print statements in datetime.__eq__, but they're not executing and I don't know why
It can't be "Python 3.7\lib\datetime.py is not actually being executed and the class is being constructed by a .pyc file hiding somewhere" or anything like that, because if I delete the contents of datetime.py entirely, then I can't import it any more.
print statements I put inside datetime.__new__ are visible... Hmm
@Kevin - I've been doing more with mixin classes lately for something similar, even dynamically mixin'ing things using type() - perhaps that is a mechanism that might be more suitable
@WayneWerner I wouldn't want either (B or C) to inherit from the other - they should be siblings in the class hierarchy. Making them both inherit from A works, but gets tedious if you have more classes (B2 "inheriting" from B, C2 "inheriting" from C, etc).
My current day job is all around test automation, and I recently got a task to test various permutations of user scenarios. Each scenario has steps A, B, and C, but with variations of what can be done at each step. So I wrote variants A_1 thru A_5, B_1 thru B_3, and C1-C2 as mixins, all inheriting from a base test case. Writing 10 explicit classes, each isolating a specific user interaction and so easily writeable/testable, I can generate 5*3*2=30 complex test cases.
duplicating all the methods also feels annoying and pointlessly WET. I suppose I could write a base Wrapper class that takes care of forwarding all of those method calls, but still... isn't there a solution with less boilerplate and duplicate code?
@Aran-Fey That Python example is kind of weird, since nothing is inheriting from anything else. I think it becomes more obviously useful if there's a base class that has multiple methods. Then instead of implementing those methods in every decorator, you only need to implement them once in the decorator base class and once in any class that wants to override them.
I'm starting to think that "private inheritance" should be a thing. C should have access to all the stuff implemented in B, but nobody should be able to tell that C is a B.
Having an example where there's only one method to override, and every decorator wants to override it, doesn't demonstrate that savings
class Wrapper:
    def __init__(self, wrapped):
        self._wrapped = wrapped

    def meth1(self):
        return self._wrapped.meth1()

    def meth2(self):
        return self._wrapped.meth2()

class C(Wrapper):
    def __init__(self):
^ like that?
Hi. Any idea why in this code, the else: is aligned with for? It doesn't quite make sense to me
What does that kind of indentation mean?
T = input()
for test in range(T):
    n = input()
    l = map(int, raw_input().split())
    for i,x in enumerate(l):
        if x-(i+1) > 2:
            print "Too chaotic"
        counter = 0
        while 1:
            flag = True
            for i in range(len(l)-1):
                if l[i] > l[i+1]:
                    l[i],l[i+1] = l[i+1],l[i]
                    counter += 1
                    flag = False
            if flag:
        print counter
@blue for-else is a syntactically valid but somewhat rare technique. The else block executes if the for loop ended without ever encountering a break statement.
@Kevin Interesting...thanks!
See the third paragraph at docs.python.org/3/reference/… for a formal description
@Kevin Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to have to revisit this later, Rhubarb.
@Blue think of for-else as no-break
There is also while-else
@Kevin The problem I have with that is that it's WET - A's interface is completely duplicated in Wrapper. It just isn't a clean solution, so realistically, I'd just go with the easier dirty solution (inheritance) instead
It's true that A and Wrapper will have the same interface, so you'll have to write the signatures out twice. On its face this is less concise than making D inherit from C etc. It's a valid judgment that it's not worth having a flatter hierarchy if it requires more code. I think that ought to be decided on a case-by-case basis: if you had a dozen classes, maybe a little WETness is worth it.
To be fair, in most cases the WETness can be avoided with __getattr__. (Doesn't work for magic methods though)
If I was a metaprogramming wizard I'd be tempted to write a solution that automatically generates a wrapper class for whatever concrete class you pass it.
Hmm, considering how often I have this problem, implementing something like that might actually be a good idea...
This kinda does it...
def wrap(cls):
    metacls = type(cls)
    name = cls.__name__ + 'Wrapper'
    bases = cls.__bases__
    attrs = dict(vars(cls))
    return metacls(name, bases, attrs)

class B(wrap(A)):
Here's a horribly janky implementation: pastebin.com/tmbwknUj. I'm not proud of this, mostly because you can't directly access attributes of the concrete class, not even with properties.
Nor do I appreciate the Javaism that is "classes with 'Factory' in the name"
Hi everyone
I am stuck in a CP problem regarding the approach I should follow
Can anybody give me a hint(without solving it and without giving away too much) on how to approach it?
@RaphX hint: postfix notation - tree traversal
infix, postfix, prefix tree traversal
Thanks @ReblochonMasque
RPN rocks - good luck with it.
Thanks :D, seems I will be taking some time solving this one!
Just out of curiosity, what is its practical implementation if you might know?
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