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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 22:00

Off-topic: I'm starting to regret getting into Undertale. It's so hard to tell where the boundary between canon and fanon is that reading up on the game lore is turning me into a conspiracy theorist
In Space.SE I had got suspended. From the mod message it was a minor infraction about my questions. I reads as a warning and instructs me to fix my errors but I got suspended for a year I believe on accident. Since it was my parent site it also suspended me on all the chat sites.
me: *sees article titled "narrator <spoiler> theory"*
me: "yeah, there's no way"
*10 minutes of reading later*
me: "it all makes sense!"
I have no where else to ask if this was a mistake. I tried to contact support multiple times but have never received a reply. Am i being muted by the system? Meta.SE is also unresponsive. Should I ask this in overflow's Meta? Other then starting a new account using Tor Browser which will be very last resort to getting help, what should I do?
I understand this is off topic but I believe it to be a flaw in the SE system.
making this more on topic then not?
Being suspended because of low-quality content certainly seems weird. As far as I know, that kind of stuff is handled by the system, not by mods
Unfortunately I'm not sure what you can do about it if nobody responds to your mails/meta posts
I think the system mutes suspended user as well. I would chat there about it.
Is this a coding problem or is it me entirely??
I have no idea
@Muze I saw a suspended user talk in chat a couple weeks ago.
In the main chat of the site they were suspended on
yes I have issues with the suspension programing of the system being a bit automatic and unforgiving.
I'm at a wall with it.
I don't care if I have to start over at this point because I have many questions that only SE can answer and that matters more to me than keeping my profile's integrity. Now that I have SE lengthy does and don't down.
HI guys I am new to this platform. I have a small question. Is it possible to check scrapped information with dictionary and print only key word that are specified in dictionary. Can you any one provide some example thanks
@BhatOvasQayoom The answer to "Is it possible...?" is almost always yes.
as for the rest, voted to close as too broad :P
If you are new to programming, I suggest that you read a tutorial on the language you have chosen, I assume python since you came to this room. Next, break the problem into smaller pieces. I often find it helps to write a step by step description in words of how I think I can solve the problem.
If you need further help, read the help section on the main site before posting a question. There are lots of tips there that will help you avoid common pitfalls.
I marked this as a dupe, any suggestions if the target is appropriate or not?
it's certainly an identical Q... not sure some of those answers really get down to the real issue though
yes, they don't, even I couldn't understand how is it happening, perhaps someone can add a good answer on the dupe target? so that I can read up and understand the behaviour :)
or do I reopen the original question?
I can't at the mo' but it'll be worthwhile someone adding a good answer that explains it :)
1 hour later…
Could somebody give me and advice please?
Currently I'm bulding an scraper
I want to have the scrapper and lets say... Send or store the URLS (Always same structure website URL) and then the scraper should start
For example, I want to send 1 or 200 amazon URL's products to some database, or some system, and the scraper should read those url's and start extracting information
I'm looking for tools that help me to do this like RabbitMQ or Redis, but I'm not sure of the functionality of this tools and how to make the connections so to speak.
look at scrapy for e.g. in order to scrape your data (one of the python modules for web scraping, there might be others) , then go one step at a time instead of doing a lot of things in parallel
You can also look at beautifulsoup
I get it, but that is not my problem. The scraper it's done.
What I really need is something like queues or something like that.
Or a good way to store the URL's to scrape
And then when some URL is stored there, the scraper should take it and start extracting info.
You have already identified some targets to solve the issue, have you looked for some tutorials to see what they do and whether they meet your needs?
For sure there will be pub-sub examples for both
I deliberately used the term to prompt some googling :)
Though really, it's probably more about being a consumer of the queue here
Consuming in a queue at the pub, as usual
Well, I also had to live up to that expectation :P
Pub-sub. I didn't knew that term.
I'm going to read more about that.
right now yes, I'm reading some articles, hoping for something in my mind can make the connection.
@RaphX which line of code removes the max number?
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